20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of performance of introduced yam bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) in Rwanda.

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    Root and tubers crops are key staple crops for both rural and urban populations in Rwanda and supporting more than nine million people living in densely populated areas and sustained on agriculture with diverse range of cultivated species. Yam bean (Pachyrizhus spp) was introduced for both its immediate utilization as a high-yielding root crop with high sugar, considerable micronutrient concentrations and protein content for subtropical regions compared to common grown tropical root and tuber crops (cassava, potato, sweetpotato and yam).The yields of these species are up to 100 tons fresh weight per hectare, with dry matter contents of up to 25%. Recent introduction of different yam bean accessions in different agro-ecological zones of Rwanda produced high yield storage roots. Higher storage roots yield with strict pruning was produced by Erosus genotype 209018 (111.33 t/ha) and genotype 209019 (108.00 t/ha) followed by Ahipa genotype 209029 with 76.33 t/ha respectively. Dry matter was relatively low with a range of 20.84-19.14 % for all introduced genotypes. As a root crop with capacity of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and which does not require good-quality soil and resists pests and diseases which can fix yields abundantly and produces well even in area with scanty rain, it might be well indicated for Rwand

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Buah Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus (L.) Urb.) sebagai Pengawet Alami Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum L)

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    Red Chili is one of the food susceptible to decay. It caused by its high water content and so it causes to keep power of red Chili abbreviated. Jicama (pachyrizuserosus (L.) Urb.) can act as a natural preservative for red Chili due to the saponin compounds contained there in. This study aimed to prove the use of jicama extract as a natural preservative for red Chili and to determine the most effective concentration of jicama extract as a natural preservative. The methods used in this study were a maceration to prepare the extract of jicama, and an iodimetric titration to determine the levels of vitamin C before and after curing. The results showed that jicama extract can be used as a natural preservative for red Chili. The most effective concentration of jicama extract in preserving the red Chili was 4% with preservation durability of red Chili for 14 days in which the smallest level of vitamin C decreased among other concentrations, i.e. from 84.47 mg/100 g to 75.13 mg/100 g of material


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    Mycorrhizal fungi are a form of mutualistic symbiosis between fungi and plant roots, including mangrove api-api that grows on mangrove area. This study aims to determine the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi on mangrove api-api (Avicennia officinalis L.) This study used a combination of wet filtering and centrifugation techniques for spore isolation. The results showed that the types of mycorrhizal fungi found in mangrove area were Scutellospora, Gigaspora, Acaulospora Glomus sp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3 and Glomus sp4.  The diversity of mycorrhizal fungi in Peniti area was 0,07105 and Sungai Purun was 0,47280. the distribution of species is uneven, there are species that dominate and conditions are unstable. Spore density of 103 spores /100 gr soil and level of root infection percentage with low class (class 1) was 0,24% in Peniti dan 0,18 % in Purun River

    Keragaman Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula di rhizosfer tanaman bengkuang pada berbagai tipe rotasi pertanaman

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    Laporan akhir penelitian bengkuang

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    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Buah Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.) Sebagai Pengawet Alami Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L)

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    Red chili is one of the food susceptible to decay. It caused by its high water content and so it causes to keep power of red chili abbreviated. Jicama (pachyrizuserosus (L.) Urb.) can act as a natural preservative for red chili due to the saponin compounds contained there in. This study aimed to prove the use of jicama extract as a natural preservative for red chili and to determine the most effective concentration of jicama extract as a natural preservative. The methods used in this study were a maceration to prepare the extract of jicama, and an iodimetric titration to determine the levels of vitamin C before and after curing. The results showed that jicama extract can be used as a natural preservative for red chili. The most effective concentration of jicama extract in preserving the red chili was 4% with preservation durability of red chili for 14 days in which the smallest level of vitamin C decreased among other concentrations, i.e. from 84.47 mg/100 g to 75.13 mg/100 g of material


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    Bengkuang roots (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.)  empirically have been used as cosmetics materials, primarily as sun screen and whitening agent. Bengkuang roots posses 6 compound which have tyrosinase inhibitory activities. Commercially, bengkuang roots available as whitening cream and lotion but those dosage forms are not suitable for oily skin. In this study the gel was formulated with varying methylcellulose (4% and 5%) as gelling agent. The evaluation included stability, organoleptic, pH, homogeneity, and spreading test. Formula A (4% methylcellulose) meets all physical requirements of gel. The result of acceptability (hedonic test. showed the most acceptance formula was formula A (4% methylcellulose)

    Daftar Isi Prosiding BKS PTN Jambi

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