8 research outputs found

    Proses dan Hasil Penerjemahan Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Translation Theory and Practice Di STAIN Pamekasan)

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    Research focus consists of: What method students use in process translating text from native language (BSu) to target language (BSa) and what process of mistake occasionally occurs in translating observed from the result of text translation BSu to BSa. This research employs qualitative approach by descriptive analysis paradigm. This data collecting procedure includes documentation, interview, and observation. Data validity by: data analysis through systematic arrangement and trace, interview transcript, field note, conclusion and verification, triangulation method. The result of research found: 1. Method which collage students use in translating process is placed in two categories, those are translation method pressed on BSu (NL): word by word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, and semantic translation, BSa (TL): press on: adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative translation. 2. Translation technique in this alternative step answers problem formulated on research problem, concerning translation procedure of religion text which is done by college students Translation Practice Semester VI from English to Indonesian, namely borrowing, loan translation (claque), literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. 3 language mistake analyses in translation presented in this paper is study which analyze one paragraph from text 1 until text 4 above. Furthermore, comprehending about definition of translation error is language error. Language error can happen in every linguistic level because language produced by word, sentence and meaning, error which needs to analyze covered phonology, morphology, syntactic and semantic.Based on the result, it can be concluded that translating process done by college students is good wholly. Technique 1: using literal translation method. Technique 2: free translation method. Technique 3: adaptation method. Technique 4: unacceptable by the reader, from translation technique in the research is found from the text which college students translate, error in table 1, there are 3 errors, in table 2 there are six language errors, in table 3 there are six errors. In table 4 there are seven errors.However, researcher finds inadequacy which is caused by mastering vocabulary, phrase, idiom, and students’ inadequacy in using grammatical Principal from BSu (NL). Besides that, it is possible that time allocation is not enough, 100 minutes in 2 sks translation theory and 100 minutes in 2 sks translation practic

    The Consequences of Methoxychlor Exposure on Thyroid Hormone Response Element DR4 Regulated Gene Expression

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    Neural development is initiated by several signaling molecules including BMP-4, noggin, and chordin. These molecules induce the formation of neural plate, which later folds to become the spinal cord and part of the primitive brain. Because these signaling axes are sensitive to external factors, the process of neural development is subjected to an intense level of vulnerability. An environmental toxin, such as methoxychlor, can disrupt the molecular signaling axis during development An insecticide used as a replacement for DDT, methoxychlor was removed from the market due to its ability to contaminate drinking water, resulting in reproductive problems. Methoxychlor’s endocrine disrupting properties have warranted a closer look at its role, if any, in disrupting normal neural development. Studies on transcription factors such as Sox2, which is responsible for maintaining neural stem cells in their pleuripotent state, have suggested that thyroid hormone has a significant role in the progression of neural development. A closer examination of genes containing thyroid hormone response elements can be utilized to gain an understanding of thyroid regulated gene expression. We built a construct containing two DR4 thyroid response elements linked to a minimal SV40 promoter. This regulatory region drives luciferase expression, which we are able to measure in a laboratory reporter assay. The aim of this project is to determine, via a luciferase assay, the effect of methoxychlor exposure in thyroid hormone’s control of transcriptional activity during neural development

    Computational Design of Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Recycling

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    La utilització del diòxid de carboni com a substrat s'ha convertit en una estratègia popular des d'una perspectiva ambiental i econòmica per mitigar les emissions de CO2 a l'atmosfera i, al mateix temps, reduir la dependència del petroli per proporcionar substrats amb carboni. L'activació del diòxid de carboni és un procés complicat a causa de la seva estabilitat. El disseny de nous catalitzadors és una tasca complexa que requereix la combinació de tècniques experimentals i teòriques. Una d'aquestes és la modelització molecular, que permet descriure detalladament el sistema i comprendre com es comporta, o com té lloc un mecanisme de reacció. La combinació de dos factors, com l'augment de la potència computacional i la millora de l'eficiència dels algoritmes, ens permet estudiar grans sistemes amb un nivell raonable de precisió, imitar les condicions experimentals i, en conseqüència, obtenir informació crucial. En aquesta Tesi estudiem computacionalment diverses reaccions on es fa servir diòxid de carboni com a substrat. Descrivim detalladament el mecanisme de reacció tenint en compte els resultats experimentals proporcionats pels nostres col·laboradors. Els nostres resultats contribueixen a entendre millor com funcionen les reaccions de fixació de CO2 i, en conseqüència, pot ajudar al disseny racional de nous i més actius catalitzadors per a reaccions que involucren CO2 o substrats similars.La utilización del dióxido de carbono como sustrato se ha convertido en una popular estrategia desde una perspectiva ambiental y económica para mitigar las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera y, al mismo tiempo, reducir la dependencia del petróleo para proporcionar sustratos con carbono. La activación del dióxido de carbono es un proceso complicado debido a su estabilidad. El diseño de nuevos catalizadores es una tarea compleja que requiere la combinación de técnicas experimentales y teóricas. Una de estas es la modelización molecular, que permite describir detalladamente el sistema y comprender cómo se comporta, o cómo tiene lugar un mecanismo de reacción. La combinación de dos factores, como el aumento de la potencia computacional y la mejora de la eficiencia de los algoritmos, nos permite estudiar grandes sistemas con un nivel razonable de precisión, imitar las condiciones experimentales y, en consecuencia, obtener información crucial. En esta Tesis estudiamos computacionalmente varias reacciones en las que se usa dióxido de carbono como sustrato. Describimos detalladamente el mecanismo de reacción teniendo en cuenta los resultados experimentales proporcionados por nuestros colaboradores. Nuestros resultados contribuyen a comprender mejor cómo funcionan las reacciones de fijación de CO2 y, en consecuencia, puede ayudar en el diseño racional de nuevos y más activos catalizadores para reacciones que involucran CO2 o sustratos similares.The utilization of carbon dioxide as chemical substrate has become a popular strategy from an environmental and economic perspective to mitigate CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and, at the same time, reduce the petroleum dependency to provide carbon based substrates. The activation of carbon dioxide is not a straightforward process. The design of new catalysts is a complex task that requires the combination of several experimental and theoretical techniques. One of the most relevant is molecular modelling, which allow to describe the system in detail and to understand how the system behaves or how a reaction mechanism takes place. Nowadays, the combination of two factors, being the increase of the computational power and the improved efficiency of the theoretical algorithms, enable computational chemists to study large systems at a reasonable level of accuracy, to mimic the experimental conditions, and consequently, obtain crucial information on the studied system. In this Thesis we studied computationally several reactions where carbon dioxide was used as substrate. We described in detail the reaction mechanism for all cases, taking into consideration the experimental results provided by our collaborators. The results collected in this Thesis contribute to understand better how important CO2 fixation reactions work and consequently, these results may help in the rational design of new and more active catalysts for this type of reactions involving CO2 or substrates of similar properties

    II-Indonesian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy

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    II-Indonesian Conference on Clinical PharmacyOrganized byDepartment of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran ( http://farmasi.unpad.ac.id ).Supported by Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Udayana and School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung.Generalinformation: www.iccp-ofki.com.Keywords-Conference on Clinical Pharmac

    Identification and metabolism studies of fluorometabolites from different Streptomyces

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    To date, only five fluorinated natural products have been identified. These were isolated from both plants and bacteria. The bacterium Streptomyces cattleya has the ability to biosynthesise fluoroacetate and 4-fluoro-L-threonine. The first enzyme discovered to be capable of catalysing a C-F bond from fluoride ion, the fluorinase, was identified from S. cattleya in 2002 and is involved in the first step in the biosynthesis of fluorometabolites. The complete metabolic pathway of fluoroacetate and 4-fluoro-L-threonine in S. cattleya was elucidated utilising a variety of different techniques. Recently, genome studies revealed the presence of four new fluorinase enzymes from different bacterial species. Cultures of one of these species, named Streptomyces sp. MA37, showed the production of new unidentified fluorometabolites. Over-expression of the FdrC gene from Streptomyces sp. MA37 was performed, and enzymatic assays of the FdrC enzyme allowed the conversion of 5-fluoro-5-deoxy-ribose to (2R,3S,4S)-5-fluoro-2,3,4- trihydroxypentanoic acid. Identification of (2R,3S,4S)-5-fluoro-2,3,4-trihydroxypentanoic acid as a new fluorometabolite was then confirmed by synthetic synthesis. Nucleocidin, an antibiotic containing fluorine, was isolated in 1957 from the soil bacterium, Streptomyces calvus. Since its isolation, attempts at re-establishing nucleocidin producing cultures have proven unsuccessful. The biosynthesis of nucleocidin involves a C-F bond- forming enzyme unique to Streptomyces calvus. Production of a commercial strain from Pfizer was established and isotopic labelling studies with different labelled glycerols were completed. Pulse feeding experiments with (2R)-[1- ²H₂]-glycerol, (2S)-[1- ²H₂]-glycerol, glycerol-1,1,2,3,3-d₅ and [2-¹³ C]-glycerol proved to be successful. Concomitantly, synthesis of highly pure putative substrates for the fluorinating enzyme was carried out. Unfortunately, cell-free extract experiments were achieved, but results from these were not conclusive

    Glosarium Kimia

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    386 p.; 24 cm

    Glosarium Biologi

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    601 p.; 24 cm

    Generation of Binary COOx/SiO2 Nanoparticles from Organocompound Precursors

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    In recent years cobalt and cobalt oxide nanoparticles have attracted substantial research effort because of their potential applications such as protective materials, catalysts, magnetic data recorders, batteries and gas sensors (Jang et al., 2004). To improve their functionality and biocompatibility nanoparticles are frequently coated with SiO2 (Teleki et al., 2008). In this work, we studied CoOx-SiO2 binary nanoparticles synthesis by metal organics chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using organo-compound precursors cobalt acetylacetonate (CoAA) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS)