37,103 research outputs found

    Replacement of the Catalytic Nucleophile Aspartyl Residue of Dextran Glucosidase by Cysteine Sulfinate Enhances Transglycosylation Activity

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    Dextran glucosidase from Streptococcus mutans (SmDG) catalyzes the hydrolysis of an α-1,6-glucosidic linkage at the nonreducing end of isomaltooligosaccharides and dextran. This enzyme has an Asp-194 catalytic nucleophile and two catalytically unrelated Cys residues, Cys-129 and Cys-532. Cys-free SmDG was constructed by replacement with Ser (C129S/C532S (2CS), the activity of which was the same as that of the wild type, SmDG). The nucleophile mutant of 2CS was generated by substitution of Asp-194 with Cys (D194C-2CS). The hydrolytic activity of D194C-2CS was 8.1 × 10⁻⁴ % of 2CS. KI-associated oxidation of D194C-2CS increased the activity up to 0.27% of 2CS, which was 330 times higher than D194C-2CS. Peptide-mapping mass analysis of the oxidized D194C-2CS (Ox-D194C-2CS) revealed that Cys-194 was converted into cysteine sulfinate. Ox-D194C-2CS and 2CS shared the same properties (optimum pH, pI, and substrate specificity), whereas Ox-D194C-2CS had much higher transglucosylation activity than 2CS. This is the first study indicating that a more acidic nucleophile (-SOO−) enhances transglycosylation. The introduction of cysteine sulfinate as a catalytic nucleophile could be a novel approach to enhance transglycosylation

    Trapping and Characterization of the Reaction Intermediate in Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase by Use of Activated Substrates and a Mutant Enzyme

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    Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferases (CGTases) catalyze the degradation of starch into linear or cyclic oligosaccharides via a glycosyl transfer reaction occurring with retention of anomeric configuration. They are also shown to catalyze the coupling of maltooligosaccharyl fluorides. Reaction is thought to proceed via a double-displacement mechanism involving a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. This intermediate can be trapped by use of 4-deoxymaltotriosyl α-fluoride (4DG3αF). This substrate contains a good leaving group, fluoride, thus facilitating formation of the intermediate, but cannot undergo the transglycosylation step since the nucleophilic hydroxyl group at the 4-position is missing. When 4DG3αF was reacted with wild-type CGTase (Bacillus circulans 251), it was found to be a slow substrate (kcat = 2 s-1) compared with the parent glycosyl fluoride, maltotriosyl R-fluoride (kcat = 275 s-1). Unfortunately, a competing hydrolysis reaction reduces the lifetime of the intermediate precluding its trapping and identification. However, when 4DG3αF was used in the presence of the presumed acid/base catalyst mutant Glu257Gln, the intermediate could be trapped and analyzed because the first step remained fast while the second step was further slowed (kcat = 0.6 s-1). Two glycosylated peptides were identified in a proteolytic digest of the inhibited enzyme by means of neutral loss tandem mass spectrometry. Edman sequencing of these labeled peptides allowed identification of Asp229 as the catalytic nucleophile and provided evidence for a covalent intermediate in CGTase. Asp229 is found to be conserved in all members of the family 13 glycosyl transferases.

    The maison europeenne des procedes innovants (MEPI),an example of piloting and industrial demonstration facility for the green process engineering

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    Abstract. Economical, energy savings and environmental challenges require an actual technological breakthrough in process engineering, aiming with productivity, product quality, safety and reliability objectives. This explains the present growth of interest in innovative technologies (intensified devices for reaction, mixing and separation) and methods (multifunctionality, hybrid separation, batch to continuous methodology, new media …), the whole being recognized as Process Intensification. Up to now, a few of innovations has been successfully industrialized, probably due to the lack of experience and retrofitting in front of a breakthrough that always represents a technical and financial risk. There is now clearly a need for industrial demonstrations of successful PI experiments avoiding the questions of confidentiality. Consequently, a piloting and demonstration facility has been created in Toulouse in order to accelerate the implementation of PI technology in industry and the development of the Green Process Engineering. The idea is to build a data bank of success stories. The principle of this industrial technical platform lies on the association of 3 types of partners: university, equipment providers and industrial end-users

    Understanding thio-effects in simple phosphoryl systems : role of solvent effects and nucleophile charge.

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    Recent experimental work (J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 5829) demonstrated pronounced differences in measured thio-effects for the hydrolysis of (thio)phosphodichloridates by water and hydroxide nucleophiles. In the present work, we have performed detailed quantum chemical calculations of these reactions, with the aim of rationalizing the molecular bases for this discrimination. The calculations highlight the interplay between nucleophile charge and transition state solvation in SN2(P) mechanisms as the basis of these differences, rather than a change in mechanism

    Organocatalytic stereodivergent synthesis of β,β-disubstituted-α-aminoacids

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    In this work, we present an organocatalytic stereodivergent synthesis of β,β-disubstituted-α-aminoacids using arylidene azlactones as starting materials. The developed two step synthesis involves a sequential catalysis approach, in which two different catalysts act sequentially to control the absolute configuration of two different stereocenters. With an accurate selection of the catalysts absolute configuration it is possible to obtain all the stereoisomers of the product. The first synthetic step is a catalytic asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of the azlactone C=C double bond. A Jacobsen type thiourea and a Hantzsch ester were chosen as chiral catalyst and hydride donor, respectively. Different azlactones, Hantzsch esters and thioureas were synthetized and tested in the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation to achieve the best stereoselectivity. The second step involves a dynamic kinetic resolution on the reduced azlactone, through a nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl moiety promoted by a bifunctional chiral catalyst. A wide range of nucleophiles and organocatalysts were tested; the best results were reached with alcohols as nucleophiles and squaramide-based cinchona alkaloids as a chiral catalysts. With the optimized conditions two stereodivergent syntheses were then performed, enabling the selective obtainment of both diastereoisomeric product with high enantioselectivities

    Mechanistic Study of Gold(I)-Catalyzed Intermolecular Hydroamination of Allenes

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    The intermolecular hydroamination of allenes occurs readily with hydrazide nucleophiles, in the presence of 3-12% Ph_3PAuNTf_2. Mechanistic studies have been conducted to establish the resting state of the gold catalyst, the kinetic order of the reaction, the effect of ligand electronics on the overall rate, and the reversibility of the last steps in the catalytic cycle. We have found the overall reaction to be first order in gold and allene and zero order in nucleophile. Our studies suggest that the rate-limiting transition state for the reaction does not involve the nucleophile and that the active catalyst is monomeric in gold(I). Computational studies support an “outersphere” mechanism and predict that a two-step, no intermediate mechanism may be operative. In accord with this mechanistic proposal, the reaction can be accelerated with the use of more electron-deficient phosphine ligands on the gold(I) catalyst

    Peptide synthesis by recombinant Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L1

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    Synthesis of the tripeptide Z-Phe-Arg-SerNH2 has been accomplished by a recombinant cysteine protease, cathepsin L1 from liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), using Z-Phe-Arg-OMe as acyl acceptor and SerNH2 as nucleophile in 0.1 M ammonium acetate pH 9.0–12.5% v/v acetonitrile at 37 °C. LC–MS detection indicated tripeptide formation after 10 min, continuing up to 5.5 h. The ester Z-Phe-Arg-OMe was detected throughout the experiment but the hydrolysis product Z-Phe-Arg-OH appeared early and in quite large amounts. We believe that this is the first application of a parasite protease in enzymatic peptide synthesis

    Experimental Evidence for a Metallohydrolase Mechanism in Which the Nucleophile Is Not Delivered by a Metal Ion: EPR Spectrokinetic and Structural Studies of Aminopeptidase from \u3cem\u3eVibrio proteolyticus\u3c/em\u3e

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    Metallohydrolases catalyse some of the most important reactions in biology and are targets for numerous chemotherapeutic agents designed to combat bacterial infectivity, antibiotic resistance, HIV infectivity, tumour growth, angiogenesis and immune disorders. Rational design of inhibitors of these enzymes with chemotherapeutic potential relies on detailed knowledge of the catalytic mechanism. The roles of the catalytic transition ions in these enzymes have long been assumed to include the activation and delivery of a nucleophilic hydroxy moiety. In the present study, catalytic intermediates in the hydrolysis of L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine by Vibrio proteolyticus aminopeptidase were characterized in spectrokinetic and structural studies. Rapid-freeze-quench EPR studies of reaction products of L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine and Co(II)-substituted aminopeptidase, and comparison of the EPR data with those from structurally characterized complexes of aminopeptidase with inhibitors, indicated the formation of a catalytically competent post-Michaelis pre-transition state intermediate with a structure analogous to that of the inhibited complex with bestatin. The X-ray crystal structure of an aminopeptidase–L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine complex was also analogous to that of the bestatin complex. In these structures, no water/hydroxy group was observed bound to the essential metal ion. However, a water/hydroxy group was clearly identified that was bound to the metal-ligating oxygen atom of Glu152. This water/hydroxy group is proposed as a candidate for the active nucleophile in a novel metallohydrolase mechanism that shares features of the catalytic mechanisms of aspartic proteases and of B2 metallo-b-lactamases. Preliminary studies on site-directed variants are consistent with the proposal. Other features of the structure suggest roles for the dinuclear centre in geometrically and electrophilically activating the substrate