884 research outputs found

    General nutrition knowledge among professional soccer players

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    Među sportaÅ”ima je vjerojatno veće znanje o principima sportske prehrane i to specifičnima za sport u kojem jesu, međutim, opće znanje o prehrani je moguće manjkavo. S obzirom na relativno rano umirovljenje, opće prehrambene navike među sportaÅ”ima su vrlo važne kao čimbenik rizika za razvoj kroničnih bolesti budući da se obrasci prehrane formirani u mlađoj odrasloj dobi nastavljaju i tijekom kasnijih faza života. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja o općem znanju o prehrani među sportaÅ”ima su malobrojna i pokazuju da je njihovo znanje o pravilnoj prehrani slabo. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je izmjeriti znanje profesionalnih hrvatskih nogometaÅ”a o pravilnoj prehrani (n=50, 18-27 godina) te njihovo znanje usporediti sa skupinom nesportaÅ”a iste dobi, spola i stupnja obrazovanja. Obje skupine ispitanika ispunile su Upitnik o općem znanju o prehrani (GNKQ), koji procjenjuje znanje četiri dijela općeg znanja o prehrani: 1) prehrambene preporuke, 2) izvore nutrijenata, 3) svakodnevni izbor hrane i 4) utjecaj prehrane na zdravlje. Obje su skupine ispitanika pokazale ukupno loÅ”e opće znanje o prehrani te između nogometaÅ”a i kontrolne skupine ne-sportaÅ”a nije bilo značajne razlike u ukupnom znanju, niti u pojedinim segmentima općeg znanja o prehrani. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da mladi hrvatski nogometaÅ”i, unatoč važnosti sportske prehrane za njihovu profesiju, pokazuju manjkavo znanje o pravilnoj prehrani. U cilju dugoročne prevencije kroničnih bolesti među ovom populacijom, rezultati ovog istraživanja se mogu upotrijebiti za kreiranje specifične edukacije o pravilnoj prehrani među nogometaÅ”ima na temelju uočenih manjkavosti u općem znanju o prehrani.Greater sports nutrition knowledge is expected among professional athletes, i.e. sport specific nutrition knowledge, however, general nutrition knowledge can be flawed. Giving the relatively early retirement, general eating habits among athletes are very important as a risk factor for developing chronic diseases as the eating patterns formed in young adulthood track during the later stages of life. The number of studies about general nutrition knowledge among athletes is limited and they show poor general nutrition knowledge. The aim of the present study was to investigate and benchmark the level of general nutrition knowledge in professional Croatian soccer players (n=50, 18 ā€“ 27 years) against non-athlete peers. Both soccer players and controls completed the General nutrition knowledge Questionnaire (GNKQ), which assesses four domains of general nutrition knowledge: 1) dietary guidelines, 2) dietary sources of nutrients, 3) daily food choices and 4) diet-disease relationship. Overall nutrition knowledge was poor in both groups and there was no significant difference between soccer players and the controls in overall or sub-section score. This study shows lack of general nutrition knowledge among young Croatian soccer players, despite the importance of sports nutrition for their profession. In order of long-term prevention of chronic diseases in this population, results of this study can be used to create tailored general nutrition education focused on observed general nutrition knowledge gaps


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    U radu su promatrane danas dvije najčeŔće koriÅ”tene tehnike rekonstrukcije koje za transplantat koriste polutetivasti ili vitki miÅ”ić (m. gracillis i m. semitendinosus) ili srediÅ”nju trećinu patelarne tetive. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li kvalitativne neuromuskularne promjene i odstupanja od zdravog obrasca pokreta izražene u povrÅ”inskom elektromiografskom signalu te u kojoj se mjeri one razlikuju ovisno o koriÅ”tenoj operativnoj tehnici jednu godine nakon rekonstrukcijeACL-a. Ispitanici su bili raspoređeni u tri homogene skupine. Prvu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a patelarnim transplantatom (PAT). Drugu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a tetivnim transplantatom miÅ”ića gracillisa i semitendinosusa (STG). Treću, kontrolnu skupinu činili su potpuno zdravi nogometaÅ”i (MODEL). Prag miÅ”ićne aktivacije određen je kao 30% maksimalne amplitude srednje anvelope elektromiografskog signala pojedinog miÅ”ića u kontrolnoj skupini. Rezultati godinu dana nakon rekonstrukcije pokazuju statistički značajno kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u fazi leta grupe PAT(.0249, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model, kasniji kraj aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus medialis grupe STG u fazi odraza (.0179, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model te kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u prvoj fazi doskoka grupe PAT (.0132, p=.05 i .015873, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na grupu STG. Rezultati pokazuju neuromuskularne promjene kod eksperimentalnih skupina nakon rekonstrukcija i potpune rehabilitacije. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja nismo u mogućnost ustvrditi koja je od prezentiranih tehnika rekonstrukcije ACL-a primjerenija.This study aimed at comparing two most commonly used ACL reconstruction techniques in Croatia. Subjects were chosen amongst patients who were all active soccer players operated on by the same physician and rehabilitated in the same clinic, by the same therapist. They were divided into two groups according to ACL reconstruction technique used: PAT group (n = 5) was treated byACL reconstruction using patellar tendon graft and STG group (n = 5) was treated byACLreconstruction technique using gracillis and semitendinosus tendon graft. Control group (MODEL) comprised of completely healthy active soccer players. One year after the reconstruction our subjects performed one legged vertical jump using their injured leg and surface electromyographic signals of muscles rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were recorded.Vertical jump cycle was divided into five phases based on vertical force platform measurements. Muscle activity threshold was defined at 30% of maximum amplitude of mean envelope of individual muscles in MODEL group and several variables describing muscle activity were defined. Nonparametric statistical methods (KruskalWallis test and consecutive Mann Whitney tests with Bonferroni correction) showed some statistically significant differences: shorter activity period of the muscle vastus lateralis in the flight phase for the PAT group (.0249, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction), delayed end of vastus medialis muscle activity in the take off phase for the STG group (.0179, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) when compared to MODEL group and longer activity of the muscle vastus lateralis in the STG group (.0132, p=.05 and .015873, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) with respect to the PATgroup in the landing1 phase. Based on this we are unable to conclude which of these two surgery techniques should be preferred

    Functional Changes of P300 Values among Young Football Players as a Measure of a Cognitive Function

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    Numerous studies have shown that evaluation of evoked potentials (EP) is an excellent estimation tool for a cognitive function. During daily practices footballers are exposed to headers that can leave mild head traumas. In this study, young footballers were examined, while the control group included their coevals who donā€™t practice contact sports. Results of the study have shown that footballers have longer latency value of the P300 wave when target stimulus is presented on N1, N2 and P3, but not on P2. Also, they have longer latency values when non-target stimulus is presented. Amplitude values of target stimulus are not different, but footballers have lower amplitudes of non-target stimulus. This study suggests that EP evaluation method can be used to detect first and mild changes of the brain function

    Functional Changes of P300 Values among Young Football Players as a Measure of a Cognitive Function

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    Numerous studies have shown that evaluation of evoked potentials (EP) is an excellent estimation tool for a cognitive function. During daily practices footballers are exposed to headers that can leave mild head traumas. In this study, young footballers were examined, while the control group included their coevals who donā€™t practice contact sports. Results of the study have shown that footballers have longer latency value of the P300 wave when target stimulus is presented on N1, N2 and P3, but not on P2. Also, they have longer latency values when non-target stimulus is presented. Amplitude values of target stimulus are not different, but footballers have lower amplitudes of non-target stimulus. This study suggests that EP evaluation method can be used to detect first and mild changes of the brain function

    The differences between fifth and sixth graders footballers, handballers and pupils who do not do sports

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    Na uzorku ispitanika od 70 učenika petih i Å”estih razreda osnovne Å”kole provedeno je ispitivanje putem osam testova. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine po dvadeset i pet učenika. Prvu skupinu čine učenici koji treniraju nogomet, drugu skupinu učenici koji treniraju rukomet, a treću skupinu učenici koji se ne bave sportom. Ispitivanje se odnosi na osam testova od kojih su četiri testa morfoloÅ”kih obilježja, tri testa se odnose na motoričke sposobnosti, a jedan test na funkcionalne sposobnosti. Dobivene razlike iskoriÅ”tene su kako bi se provela usporedba između tri prethodno navedene skupine.A sample of seventy fifth- and sixth-grade examinees participated in a survey conducted throughout 8 tests. The examinees were devided into three groups of twenty-five pupils. The first group form pupils who practise football, the second group form pupils who practise handball and the third group form pupils who do not do sports.The assessment contains eight tests among which four of them refer to morphological characteristics, three of them refer to motor abilities and one test refers to functional abilities. The measurement results are used to provide a comparison of the previously mentioned groups

    Funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaŔa različitih dobnih skupina : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaÅ”a pionirskog, kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 66 nogometaÅ”a koji se natječu u Prvoj hrvatskoj nogometnoj ligi. Ispitanici su podijel jeni u tri dobne skupine: U-15; pioniri (N=22), U-17; kadeti (N=22) i U-19; juniori (N=22). NogometaÅ”i pojedine dobne skupine podijeljeni su na tri subuzorka: obrambeni igrači, vezni igrači i napadači, te po kvaliteti na 1. ekipu i 2. ekipu. Na svim ispitanicima je primijenjena skupina od 3 testa za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih obilježja, 15 testova za procjenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti, te 6 testova za procjenu ventilacijskih karakteristika. Kako bi se ispunili postavljeni ciljevi i testirale hipoteze koriÅ”tene su sljedeće metode obrade podataka: deskriptivna statistika, faktorska analiza varijance s Fischer LSD post-hoc testom, kao i faktorska analiza varijance s Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc testom. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata moguće je konstatirati slijedeće: o Nogometnim treningom moguće je unaprijediti rad srčano-žilnog i diÅ”nog sustava, te tako povećati specifični radni kapacitet, odnosno radnu sposobnost (izdržljivost) sportaÅ”a. Dobivene razlike u parametrima za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika, spiroergometrijskih te spirometrijskih parametara između nogometaÅ”a različitih uzrasnih kategorija mogu se pored nogometnog treninga, također pripisati i rastu i sazrijevanju; o Razlike unutar svake od navedenih skupina nogometaÅ”a po igračkim pozicijama (obrana, vezni red, napad), prvenstveno su uvjetovane pozicijskim specifičnostima; o Od početka igranja nogometa do ulaska u pubertet, djeca imaju uravnotežen rast i razvoj. U pubertetu dolazi do ubrzanog fizičkog rasta i razvoja, stoga su bioloÅ”ki starija djeca fizički superiornija od ostalih vrÅ”njaka i imaju bitno veće Å”anse da budu odabrani u ekipu. Ključne riječi:The main aim of this research was to establish the functional characteristics of young soccer players: pioneers, cadets and juniors. The study included 66 first-league football players from Croatia. The participants were divided in three age groups: U-15; pioneers (N=22), U-17; cadets (N=22) and U-19; juniors (N=22). Further, every age group was divided in three subsamples: defense players, midfielders and attack players, and by quality in first and second team. All participants were subdued to following tests: 3 tests for anthropometric characteristics assessment, 15 tests for functional characteristics assessment and 6 tests for assessment of ventilatory characteristics. For fulfilling the goals of the study and testing the hypothesis, the following statistical analysis were used: basic statistics, factorial analysis of variance with Fischer LSD post-hoc test and factorial analysis of variance with Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc test. According to the obtained results it is possible to conclude: o It is possible to improve the cardio-respiratory and pulmonary system by football training and to increase specific work capacity ā€“ playerā€™s endurance, respectively. Besides the training, differences in anthropometric, functional and ventilative parameters between age groups can be assigned to growth and maturation. o The differences among every age group in player's positions (defense, midfield, attack) are primarily caused by positions specificities. o By the time children reach puberty they have well-balanced growth and development. Reaching puberty rapid physical growth occurs, so biologically older children are physically superior to their peers and have higher chances to be picked for the team

    The differences between fifth and sixth graders footballers, handballers and pupils who do not do sports

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    Na uzorku ispitanika od 70 učenika petih i Å”estih razreda osnovne Å”kole provedeno je ispitivanje putem osam testova. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine po dvadeset i pet učenika. Prvu skupinu čine učenici koji treniraju nogomet, drugu skupinu učenici koji treniraju rukomet, a treću skupinu učenici koji se ne bave sportom. Ispitivanje se odnosi na osam testova od kojih su četiri testa morfoloÅ”kih obilježja, tri testa se odnose na motoričke sposobnosti, a jedan test na funkcionalne sposobnosti. Dobivene razlike iskoriÅ”tene su kako bi se provela usporedba između tri prethodno navedene skupine.A sample of seventy fifth- and sixth-grade examinees participated in a survey conducted throughout 8 tests. The examinees were devided into three groups of twenty-five pupils. The first group form pupils who practise football, the second group form pupils who practise handball and the third group form pupils who do not do sports.The assessment contains eight tests among which four of them refer to morphological characteristics, three of them refer to motor abilities and one test refers to functional abilities. The measurement results are used to provide a comparison of the previously mentioned groups

    Funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaŔa različitih dobnih skupina : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaÅ”a pionirskog, kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 66 nogometaÅ”a koji se natječu u Prvoj hrvatskoj nogometnoj ligi. Ispitanici su podijel jeni u tri dobne skupine: U-15; pioniri (N=22), U-17; kadeti (N=22) i U-19; juniori (N=22). NogometaÅ”i pojedine dobne skupine podijeljeni su na tri subuzorka: obrambeni igrači, vezni igrači i napadači, te po kvaliteti na 1. ekipu i 2. ekipu. Na svim ispitanicima je primijenjena skupina od 3 testa za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih obilježja, 15 testova za procjenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti, te 6 testova za procjenu ventilacijskih karakteristika. Kako bi se ispunili postavljeni ciljevi i testirale hipoteze koriÅ”tene su sljedeće metode obrade podataka: deskriptivna statistika, faktorska analiza varijance s Fischer LSD post-hoc testom, kao i faktorska analiza varijance s Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc testom. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata moguće je konstatirati slijedeće: o Nogometnim treningom moguće je unaprijediti rad srčano-žilnog i diÅ”nog sustava, te tako povećati specifični radni kapacitet, odnosno radnu sposobnost (izdržljivost) sportaÅ”a. Dobivene razlike u parametrima za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika, spiroergometrijskih te spirometrijskih parametara između nogometaÅ”a različitih uzrasnih kategorija mogu se pored nogometnog treninga, također pripisati i rastu i sazrijevanju; o Razlike unutar svake od navedenih skupina nogometaÅ”a po igračkim pozicijama (obrana, vezni red, napad), prvenstveno su uvjetovane pozicijskim specifičnostima; o Od početka igranja nogometa do ulaska u pubertet, djeca imaju uravnotežen rast i razvoj. U pubertetu dolazi do ubrzanog fizičkog rasta i razvoja, stoga su bioloÅ”ki starija djeca fizički superiornija od ostalih vrÅ”njaka i imaju bitno veće Å”anse da budu odabrani u ekipu. Ključne riječi:The main aim of this research was to establish the functional characteristics of young soccer players: pioneers, cadets and juniors. The study included 66 first-league football players from Croatia. The participants were divided in three age groups: U-15; pioneers (N=22), U-17; cadets (N=22) and U-19; juniors (N=22). Further, every age group was divided in three subsamples: defense players, midfielders and attack players, and by quality in first and second team. All participants were subdued to following tests: 3 tests for anthropometric characteristics assessment, 15 tests for functional characteristics assessment and 6 tests for assessment of ventilatory characteristics. For fulfilling the goals of the study and testing the hypothesis, the following statistical analysis were used: basic statistics, factorial analysis of variance with Fischer LSD post-hoc test and factorial analysis of variance with Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc test. According to the obtained results it is possible to conclude: o It is possible to improve the cardio-respiratory and pulmonary system by football training and to increase specific work capacity ā€“ playerā€™s endurance, respectively. Besides the training, differences in anthropometric, functional and ventilative parameters between age groups can be assigned to growth and maturation. o The differences among every age group in player's positions (defense, midfield, attack) are primarily caused by positions specificities. o By the time children reach puberty they have well-balanced growth and development. Reaching puberty rapid physical growth occurs, so biologically older children are physically superior to their peers and have higher chances to be picked for the team

    Funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaŔa različitih dobnih skupina : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi funkcionalne osobitosti nogometaÅ”a pionirskog, kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 66 nogometaÅ”a koji se natječu u Prvoj hrvatskoj nogometnoj ligi. Ispitanici su podijel jeni u tri dobne skupine: U-15; pioniri (N=22), U-17; kadeti (N=22) i U-19; juniori (N=22). NogometaÅ”i pojedine dobne skupine podijeljeni su na tri subuzorka: obrambeni igrači, vezni igrači i napadači, te po kvaliteti na 1. ekipu i 2. ekipu. Na svim ispitanicima je primijenjena skupina od 3 testa za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih obilježja, 15 testova za procjenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti, te 6 testova za procjenu ventilacijskih karakteristika. Kako bi se ispunili postavljeni ciljevi i testirale hipoteze koriÅ”tene su sljedeće metode obrade podataka: deskriptivna statistika, faktorska analiza varijance s Fischer LSD post-hoc testom, kao i faktorska analiza varijance s Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc testom. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata moguće je konstatirati slijedeće: o Nogometnim treningom moguće je unaprijediti rad srčano-žilnog i diÅ”nog sustava, te tako povećati specifični radni kapacitet, odnosno radnu sposobnost (izdržljivost) sportaÅ”a. Dobivene razlike u parametrima za procjenu morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika, spiroergometrijskih te spirometrijskih parametara između nogometaÅ”a različitih uzrasnih kategorija mogu se pored nogometnog treninga, također pripisati i rastu i sazrijevanju; o Razlike unutar svake od navedenih skupina nogometaÅ”a po igračkim pozicijama (obrana, vezni red, napad), prvenstveno su uvjetovane pozicijskim specifičnostima; o Od početka igranja nogometa do ulaska u pubertet, djeca imaju uravnotežen rast i razvoj. U pubertetu dolazi do ubrzanog fizičkog rasta i razvoja, stoga su bioloÅ”ki starija djeca fizički superiornija od ostalih vrÅ”njaka i imaju bitno veće Å”anse da budu odabrani u ekipu. Ključne riječi:The main aim of this research was to establish the functional characteristics of young soccer players: pioneers, cadets and juniors. The study included 66 first-league football players from Croatia. The participants were divided in three age groups: U-15; pioneers (N=22), U-17; cadets (N=22) and U-19; juniors (N=22). Further, every age group was divided in three subsamples: defense players, midfielders and attack players, and by quality in first and second team. All participants were subdued to following tests: 3 tests for anthropometric characteristics assessment, 15 tests for functional characteristics assessment and 6 tests for assessment of ventilatory characteristics. For fulfilling the goals of the study and testing the hypothesis, the following statistical analysis were used: basic statistics, factorial analysis of variance with Fischer LSD post-hoc test and factorial analysis of variance with Tukey-Kramer Unequal N HSD post-hoc test. According to the obtained results it is possible to conclude: o It is possible to improve the cardio-respiratory and pulmonary system by football training and to increase specific work capacity ā€“ playerā€™s endurance, respectively. Besides the training, differences in anthropometric, functional and ventilative parameters between age groups can be assigned to growth and maturation. o The differences among every age group in player's positions (defense, midfield, attack) are primarily caused by positions specificities. o By the time children reach puberty they have well-balanced growth and development. Reaching puberty rapid physical growth occurs, so biologically older children are physically superior to their peers and have higher chances to be picked for the team
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