348,066 research outputs found

    Niche divergence and limits to expansion in the high polyploid Dianthus broteri complex

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    Niche evolution in plant polyploids remains controversial and evidence for alternative patterns has been reported. Using the autopolyploid Dianthus broteri complex (2×, 4×, 6× and 12×) as a model, we aimed to integrate three scenarios – competitive exclusion, recurrent origins of cytotypes and niche filling – into a single framework of polyploid niche evolution. We hypothesized that high polyploids would tend to evolve towards extreme niches when low ploidy cytotypes have nearly filled the niche space. We used several ecoinformatics and phylogenetic comparative analyses to quantify differences in the ecological niche of each cytotype and to evaluate alternative models of niche evolution. Each cytotype in this complex occupied a distinct ecological niche. The distributions were mainly constrained by soil characteristics, temperature and drought stress imposed by the Mediterranean climate. Tetraploids had the highest niche breadth and overlap due to their multiple origins, whereas the higher ploidy cytotypes were found in different, restricted, nonoverlapping niches. Niche evolution analyses suggested a scenario with one niche optimum for each ploidy, including the two independent tetraploid lineages.Our results suggest that the fate of nascent polyploids could not be predicted without accounting for phylogenetic relatedness, recurrent origins or the niche occupied by ancestors.Aridos La Melera S.L. (FIUS project 2234/0724

    Models suggesting field experiments to test two hypotheses explaining successional diversity

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    A simple mathematical model of competition is developed that includes two alternative mechanisms promoting successional diversity. The first underpins the competition-colonization hypothesis in which early successional species are able to persist because they colonize disturbed habitats before the arrival of late successional dominant competitors. The second underpins the niche hypothesis, in which early successional species are able to persist, even with unlimited colonization by late successional dominants, because they specialize on the resource-rich conditions typical of recently disturbed sites. We modify the widely studied competition-colonization model so that it also includes the mechanism behind the niche hypothesis. Analysis of this model suggests simple experiments that determine whether the successional diversity of a field system is maintained primarily by the competition-colonization mechanism, primarily by the niche mechanism, by neither, or by both. We develop quantitative metrics of the relative importance of the two mechanisms. We also discuss the implications for the management of biodiversity in communities structured by the two mechanisms

    Strong and weak competitors can coexist in the same niche

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    The competitive exclusion principle postulates that two trophically identical but fitness different species can not stably coexist in the same niche. However, this principle contradicts the observed nature's species richness. This fact is known as the biodiversity paradox. Here, using a simple cellular automaton model, we mechanistically show how two trophically identical, but fitness different species may stably coexist in the same niche. As environment is stable and any trade-offs are absent in this model, it strongly violates the competitive exclusion principle

    Population Dynamics on Complex Food Webs

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    In this work we analyse the topological and dynamical properties of a simple model of complex food webs, namely the niche model. In order to underline competition among species, we introduce "prey" and "predators" weighted overlap graphs derived from the niche model and compare synthetic food webs with real data. Doing so, we find new tests for the goodness of synthetic food web models and indicate a possible direction of improvement for existing ones. We then exploit the weighted overlap graphs to define a competition kernel for Lotka-Volterra population dynamics and find that for such a model the stability of food webs decreases with its ecological complexity.Comment: 11 Pages, 5 Figures, styles enclosed in the submissio

    What Influences the Diffusion of Grassroots Innovations for Sustainability? Investigating Community Currency Niches

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    Community action for sustainability is a promising site of socio-technical innovation. Here we test the applicability of co-evolutionary niche theories of innovation diffusion (Strategic Niche Management, SNM) to the context of ‘grassroots innovations’. We present new empirical findings from an international study of 12 community currency niches (such as LETS, time banks, local currencies). These are parallel systems of exchange, designed to operate alongside mainstream money, meeting additional sustainability needs. Our findings confirm SNM predictions that niche-level activity correlates with diffusion success, but we highlight additional or confounding factors, and how niche theories might be adapted to better fit civil-society innovations. In so doing, we develop a model of grassroots innovation niche diffusion which builds on existing work and tailors it to this specific context. The paper concludes with a series of theoretically-informed recommendations for practitioners and policymakers to support the development and potential of grassroots innovations

    The evolution of carrying capacity in constrained and expanding tumour cell populations

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    Cancer cells are known to modify their micro-environment such that it can sustain a larger population, or, in ecological terms, they construct a niche which increases the carrying capacity of the population. It has however been argued that niche construction, which benefits all cells in the tumour, would be selected against since cheaters could reap the benefits without paying the cost. We have investigated the impact of niche specificity on tumour evolution using an individual based model of breast tumour growth, in which the carrying capacity of each cell consists of two components: an intrinsic, subclone-specific part and a contribution from all neighbouring cells. Analysis of the model shows that the ability of a mutant to invade a resident population depends strongly on the specificity. When specificity is low selection is mostly on growth rate, while high specificity shifts selection towards increased carrying capacity. Further, we show that the long-term evolution of the system can be predicted using adaptive dynamics. By comparing the results from a spatially structured vs.\ well-mixed population we show that spatial structure restores selection for carrying capacity even at zero specificity, which a poses solution to the niche construction dilemma. Lastly, we show that an expanding population exhibits spatially variable selection pressure, where cells at the leading edge exhibit higher growth rate and lower carrying capacity than those at the centre of the tumour.Comment: Major revisions compared to previous version. The paper is now aimed at tumour modelling. We now start out with an agent-based model for which we derive a mean-field ODE-model. The ODE-model is further analysed using the theory of adaptive dynamic

    Formation of iron sulfide at faecal pellets and other microniches within suboxic surface sediment.

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    Faecal pellet deposition and bioturbation may lead to heterogeneously distributed particles of localized highly reactive organic matter (microniches) being present below the oxygen penetration depth. Where O2, NO3-, and Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides become depleted within these microniches or where they exist in zones of sulfate reduction, significant localized peaks in sulfide concentration can occur. These discrete zones of sulfide evolution can cause formation of iron sulfides that would not be predicted by analysis of the ‘bulk’ sediment. Using a reaction-transport model developed specifically for investigating spherical microniches, and incorporating 3D diffusion, we investigated how the rate constants of organic matter (OM) degradation, particle porosity and niche lifetime, affect dissolved sulfide and iron concentrations, and formation of iron sulfide at such niches. For all of the modelled scenarios the saturation index for iron sulfide is positive, indicating favourable conditions for FeS precipitation in all niches. Those simulations within the microniche lifetime range of 2.5 to 5 days gave comparable concentration ratios of sulfide to iron in solution within the niche to experimentally observed values. Our model results provide insight into the mechanisms of preservation of OM, including soft tissue, in the paleo record, by predicting the conditions that result in preferential deposition of precipitates at the edge of microniches. Decreases in porosity, shorter niche lifetimes and increases in OM degradation rate constants, all tend to increase the likelihood that FeS precipitation will preferentially occur at the edges of a niche, rather than uniformly throughout the niche volume

    Habitat width along a latitudinal gradient

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    We use the Chowdhury ecosystem model, one of the most complex agent-based ecological models, to test the latitude-niche breadth hypothesis, with regard to habitat width, i.e., whether tropical species generally have narrower habitats than high latitude ones. Application of the model has given realistic results in previous studies on latitudinal gradients in species diversity and Rapoport's rule. Here we show that tropical species with sufficient vagility and time to spread into adjacent habitats, tend to have wider habitats than high latitude ones, contradicting the latitude-niche breadth hypothesis.Comment: 13 pages including all figures, draft for a biology journa

    A unified mechanistic model of niche, neutrality and violation of the competitive exclusion principle

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    The origin of species richness is one of the most widely discussed questions in ecology. The absence of unified mechanistic model of competition makes difficult our deep understanding of this subject. Here we show such a two-species competition model that unifies (i) a mechanistic niche model, (ii) a mechanistic neutral (null) model and (iii) a mechanistic violation of the competitive exclusion principle. Our model is an individual-based cellular automaton. We demonstrate how two trophically identical and aggressively propagating species can stably coexist in one stable homogeneous habitat without any trade-offs in spite of their 10% difference in fitness. Competitive exclusion occurs if the fitness difference is significant (approximately more than 30%). If the species have one and the same fitness they stably coexist and have similar numbers. We conclude that this model shows diffusion-like and half-soliton-like mechanisms of interactions of colliding population waves. The revealed mechanisms eliminate the existing contradictions between ideas of niche, neutrality and cases of violation of the competitive exclusion principle