927 research outputs found


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    Most people spend a significant part of their day at the workplace doing their job, so it is very important that no side-effects hinder the successful and efficient performance of their duties and the employee feels comfortable. In order to prevent mobbing situations at an early stage or not to be formed at all, adults need to critically evaluate the smallest changes in pupils' relationships, and moreover want to notice them in order to see the root in the development of mobing. The theoretical basis of this research consists of the findings of authors such as D.Olweus,   H. Leymann, Sperry L., G.P. Elliot and other. Provided insight into the definition of mobing, the causes of the mobing and the most common features, as well as the possible consequences of prolonged mobing. An empirical study is being carried out to find out if there are signs of mobility in the institution and how the management and educators of the institution respond to them, as well as the development of proposals for early detection and prevention of mobbing in its early stages. Within the framework of the research, an interview with the head of the institution was carried out, the teachers participated in the questionnaire and the focus group interview, but the students participated in two surveys. During the empirical research it confirmed that there are signs of mobbing in the institution among the pupils, but the teachers' actions in solving these situations are not always effective because of the lack of necessary knowledge about mobing as a complex problem in the education system. Suggestions for improving the situation are provided.

    Fonem Anak: Desain Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama (Studi Kasus Tentang Pemerolehan Fonem Anak pada Periode Praoperasional)

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    This study aims to determine the phoneme acquisition period preoperational child at the age of 3­4 years. The subjects were children of a family that was in Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung. The collection of data obtained with longitudinal observations in 2012. The data were analyzed using content analysis (content analysis). The study concluded: 1) Children aged 3 years and 2 months (ages 3­4 years) has mastered all vowel phonemes Indonesian. Variations allophonic also been heard. Phonemes which has been controlled children aged two to three years in terms of phonology show some interesting things. It was found that children aged two to three years are already familiar with the vowel [a], [i] , [u], [e], [o]. 2) Likewise with consonant phonemes, children aged 3­4 years has been able to say almost all consonant phonemes; like the phoneme / b /, / c /, / d /, / f /, / g /, / h /, / j /, / k /, / l /, / m /, / n /, / p /, / q /, / r /, / s /, / t /, / w /, / y / has sounded clearly in the child\u27s speech. Of the consonant phonemes that have been heard in the speech of children, there are two phonemes that sound is not too obvious, namely the phoneme / d / and / r /; for the phoneme / r / in so many words actually changed the sound into / l /. 3) There are only three consonant phonemes that do not appear in the speech of children (as in speech context 1­6 above) that is / v /, / x /, and / z /. Of course, lack the pop three consonant phonemes in the speech of children can not be automatically declared that children of this age can not say, because by chance in a speech that was taped there is no word which contains all three elements of the consonant phonemes. 4) In the speech of children aged 3­ars there is a process monoftongisasi, alteration or replacement of consonant phonemes, enforced disappearances even phoneme syllables. 5) the double consonant phonemes or clusters yet sounds like words / flood / mbah intention, and word / tub / ya mean

    Influence of mental disorders on working ability assessment

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    Background/Aim. There is an increasing need for evaluation of working ability due to lower level of social protection of workers and growing number of patients with mental diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The aim of this study was to establish the influence of mental diseases on the occurrence of disability of I and III categories in B&H during the period from January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2006. Methods. This study involved 1 792 examinees with the complete loss of working ability (I disability category) (n = 921). Disability category III consisted of persons with limited working ability (n = 871). The instruments of research in this multricentric and retrospective study were the forms P-6 and D-2 for the years of service in B&H, and the form IN for persons with years of service abroad and personal features questionnaire (EPQ). Results. The study included 1 494 men (78.5%) and 298 women (21.5%). Univariant analysis represented very high statistical significance (p = 0.001) concerning: age (χ2 = 65.428), years of service (χ2=28.438), drinking (χ2 = 33.234), smoking (χ2=70.880), father’s education (χ2 = 58.124), migrations (χ2 = 14.874), sick leave (χ2 = 29.190), medical treatment (χ2 = 95.073) and rehabilitation (χ2 = 29.453). Multivariant analysis represented the influence on disability category I by parameters such as: years of service, sick leave, psychoticism and depression (p = 0.001). Hospital treatment and fatigation had influence on disability in both groups. Mental diseases are the leading cause in disability category I in 14.98% and in disability category III in 9.3% persons. Leading diseases in both disability categories were depression and schizophrenia followed by alcoholism, anxiety, brain organ psychosyndrome (BOPS) and other diseases. Conclusion. The following parameters have highest influence on the disability category: the years of service, sick leave, psychoticism, depression, and long-lasting disease, medical treatments and fatigation on the disability category III

    Mobbing in contemporary organizations

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    Mobing je široko rasprostranjena pojava koja se javlja u brojnim organizacijama kao rezultat lošega upravljanja, a uključuje neodgovarajuće radne uvjete, nesavjesnost, nestručnost i nekompetentnost uprave, usmjerenost organizacije na ostvarivanje financijske dobiti, zapostavljanje zaposlenika i ostale čimbenike koji utječu na stvaranje nezdrave radne sredine. Razvoju mobinga svakako pridonosi i teško ekonomsko i gospodarsko stanje u državi gdje vlada nezaposlenost te velika konkurencija na tržištu rada, stoga poslodavci često znaju iskorištavati takvu situaciju. Zbog straha od gubitka radnog statusa, zbog preopterećenosti poslom te zbog očekivanja poslodavaca i smanjene kvalitete međuljudskih odnosa dolazi do pojave stresa, a psihička maltretiranja postaju uočljivija nego ikada prije. U takvoj radnoj sredini mnogi zaposlenici svakodnevno trpe zlostavljanja i maltretiranja da ne bi dodatno pogoršali postojeću situaciju. Mobizirajuće aktivnosti uključuju vrijeđanja, omalovažavanja, ismijavanja, ignoriranja, uznemiravanja te ostale oblike zlostavljanja i maltretiranja. Takvo ponašanje rezultira fizičkim i psihosomatskim traumama kod žrtava zbog čega dolazi do čestih izbivanja s posla, a pritom se stvaraju i dodatni troškovi u organizaciji te negativnu percepciju u javnosti. Osim za samu radnu organizaciju, zbog bolovanja i prijevremenih odlazaka u mirovinu stvara se dodatni trošak i cjelokupnoj društvenoj zajednici. Upravo je zbog svih tih razloga nužno preventivno djelovati protiv mobinga, a navedeno uključuje informiranost na svim mogućim razinama, od radnika i poslodavaca do profesionalnih osoba koje se bave žrtvama mobinga. Ako i dođe do razvoja mobinga, organizacije trebaju žrtvama moći pružiti odgovarajuću zaštitu. Međutim, za razliku od pojedinih zemalja u Europskoj Uniji, u Republici Hrvatskoj još uvijek ne postoji zakonska regulativa kojom se društvo štiti od mobizirajućih aktivnosti. Ipak, postoji nekoliko sudskih presuda koje su izazvale velik medijski odjek i interes javnosti, a presuđene su u korist žrtve mobinga. Mobing je izuzetno složen problem s kojim bi javnost trebala biti bolje upoznata da bi se moglo utjecati na sprječavanje stvaranja uvjeta koji pogoduju njegovu razvoju

    Utjecaj mobinga na zaposlenike i uspješnost poslovanja organizacije

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    Problem istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja mobing na radnom mjestu. Sukladno problemu, definiran je i predmet istraživanja ovog rada, a to je povezanost mobinga sa stresom i općim nezadovoljstvom u privatnom životu zaposlenika, što uzrokuje demotiviranost u obavljanju radnih zadatka u organizaciji. Kako bi dokazali postavljene hipoteze, autori su koristili primarne izvore podataka. Istraživački dio rada temelji se na odgovorima ispitanika, koje je koautorica ovog rada prikupila metodom ankete za potrebe izrade završnog rada. Ispitanici su u anketi, uz općenita pitanja o mobingu, odgovorili i na pitanja o utjecaju mobinga na njihov privatni životu te o utjecaju mobinga na uspješnost poslovanja organizacije. Uz primarne podatke iz ankete, autori rada koristili su i sekundarne izvore podataka kako bi produbili teorijske spoznaje o vrstama, fazama i posljedicama mobinga. Cilj ovog rada je dokazati da mobing na radnom mjestu uzrokuje nezadovoljstvo i stres u privatnim životima zaposlenika, što u konačnici može rezultirati niskom uspješnošću poslovanja organizacije


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    The article outlines the determination of international system of pedagogical concepts in modern scientific society. The definitions of the major international terms have been explored. The purpose of the research is to define is to outline international concept system as a strategic way of modern science development. It was researched that international conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogical science is not only a thesaurus of concepts covering all the terms with their scientific interpretations used in the study, but also a set of interrelated concepts, which reflect the key content and functional aspects of the offered theory. The most frequently used international concepts of pedagogical science have been explained and determined in the article. Original definitions of international concepts have been offered by the authors in a summary table. The system level of scientific concepts that reflects the development degree of its theory and reveals the relationship of objects and the diversity of cognitive situations which arise during the study, education of person and allows the participant clearly outline the subject of research and build its consistent concept have been investigated during the study. It has been summed up that the operation of international concepts is a prerequisite for the study and construction of theoretical models, as well as for the study of educational processes in dynamics and prospects. It has been concluded that strict understandable system of concepts creates a conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogical science.

    "Mobbing of health workers at workplace"

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    U suvremenom svijetu ljudi su izloženi velikim pritiscima na radnom mjestu- preopterećenosti poslom, neadekvatnim uvjetima rada, jakom konkurencijom, strahom od gubitka posla, lošom organizacijskom strukturom i kulturom, nedovoljnom i nestručnom edukacijom zaposlenika, nedostatkom timskog rada, što sve vodi povećanju stresa, pogoršanim međuljudskim odnosima u radnoj okolini te vrlo često do mobinga. Mnogi zaposlenici svakodnevno trpe raznorazna zlostavljanja i maltretiranja od svojih nadređenih i radnih kolega što uključuje vrijeđanje, ignoriranje, ogovaranje, oponašanje. Problem i predmet mog istraživanja u ovom završnom radu je svjesnost svakog pojedinca u zdravstvenoj ustanovi Opće bolnice Dubrovnik o postojanosti mobinga na radnom mjestu, koji oblici mobinga postoje, načini na koji se pojedinci nose sa njim i koje štetne posljedice ima za njihovo zdravlje. Cilj mog istraživanja je potaknuti svakog zaposlenika preopoznati mobing te moguće akcije u njegovu sprječavanju. Pri izradi ovog završnog rada koristit ću metodu istraživanja zvanu anketa, uzela sam uzorak od 100 ljudi koji se sastoji od doktora, medicinskih sestara, administratora i čistačica, 50 sa internističkih odjela i 50 sa kirurških odjela. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su djelatnici u zdravstvu značajno izloženi nekoj vrsti nasilja koji se smatra mobingom na radnom mjestu, da je nasilje više izraženo kod žena, najčešća relacija sukoba su žena nadređeni – žena podređeni, te na kraju najveći broj ispitanika je sve to povjerilo obitelji i tražilo tajnost. Mnogi zaposlenici svakodnevno trpe raznorazna zlostavljanja i maltretiranja od svojih nadređenih i radnih kolega što uključuje vrijeđanje, ignoriranje, ogovaranje, oponašanje. Mobing se manifestira u različitim oblicima, a predstavlja ozbiljan problem društva jer stvara velike fizičke, socijalne, mentalne i psihosomatske traume. Iako je mobing sve učestaliji problem, još uvijek mu se nedovoljna pažnja posvećuje kad je riječ o njegovu rješavanju. Iz svega zaključujem da mobing nije samo problem pojedinca već je i problem organizacije i društva u cjelini i da je potrebno javnost bolje upoznati s tim pojmom i pokušati intervenirati u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri.In the modern world people are exposed to a lot of pressures in the workplace- overloaded with work, inadequate conditions on the job, strong competition, fear of job loss, weak organizational structure and culture, insufficient and unprofessional education and training of workers, lack of teamwork, which all leads to heightened stress and the worsening of relations between employees resulting often in abuse. Many workers face all sorts of abuse and harassment on a daily basis from their superiors and colleagues, including insulting actions or words, ignoring, gossiping and mocking. The issue and subject of my research for my graduate thesis is the awareness for every individual in the healthcare institution of Dubrovnik General hospital about the existence of abuse in the workplace, which forms of abuse exist, ways that individuals can deal with abuse and how harmful consequences can impact one's health. The objective of my research is to encourage all workers to recognize abuse and be able to take action to prevent it. In preparation for my final thesis, I will use the research method of surveying; I conducted a survey sample of 100 people made up of doctors, nurses, administrators and cleaners, 50 from internal departments and 50 from surgical departments. The results of my research have shown that healthcare workers are significantly exposed to violence which is perceived as abuse in the workplace, women are more often exposed to abuse, most commonly conflicts arise between female superiors and female subordinates, in the end most respondents trusted family and asked for confidentiality. A lot of workers suffer daily abuse and harassment from their superiors and colleagues including offensive behaviour, ignoring, gossiping, and mocking. Abuse manifests itself in many different forms, but presents a very serious societal issue as it causes significant physical, social, mental and psychological traumas. Although abuse is an increasingly common problem, it still does not receive sufficient attention when it comes to solving it. In conclusion, abuse is not just one individual's issue but rather it is an issue belonging to the organization and society as a whole and it is necessary to educate the public about this topic so they can help intervene as much as possible and to the greatest of their ability