15 research outputs found

    Near-wall rheotaxis of the ciliate Tetrahymena induced by the kinesthetic sensing of cilia

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    泳ぐ微生物が海まで流されない理由 --SDGsに欠かせない小さな生物たちの振る舞いを解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-21.To survive in harsh environments, single-celled microorganisms autonomously respond to external stimuli, such as light, heat, and flow. Here, we elucidate the flow response of Tetrahymena, a well-known single-celled freshwater microorganism. Tetrahymena moves upstream against an external flow via a behavior called rheotaxis. While micrometer-sized particles are swept away downstream in a viscous flow, what dynamics underlie the rheotaxis of the ciliate? Our experiments reveal that Tetrahymena slides along walls during upstream movement, which indicates that the cells receive rotational torque from shear flow to control cell orientation. To evaluate the effects of the shear torque and propelling speed, we perform a numerical simulation with a hydrodynamic model swimmer adopting cilia dynamics in a shear flow. The swimmer orientations converge to an upstream alignment, and the swimmer slides upstream along a boundary wall. The results suggest that Tetrahymena automatically responds to shear flow by performing rheotaxis using cilia-stalling mechanics

    Stability of dancing Volvox

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    Biflagellate algal cells of the genus Volvox form spherical colonies that propel themselves, vertically upwards in still fluid, by the coordinated beating of thousands of flagella, that also cause the colonies to rotate about their vertical axes. When they are swimming in a chamber of finite depth, pairs (or more) of Volvox carteri colonies were observed by Drescher et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 168101 (2009)] to exhibit hydrodynamic bound states when they are close to a rigid horizontal boundary. When the boundary is above, the colonies are attracted to each other and orbit around each other in a `waltz'; when the boundary is below they perform more complex `minuet' motions. These dances are simulated in the present paper, using a novel `spherical squirmer' model of a colony in which, instead of a time-independent but θ\theta-dependent tangential velocity being imposed on the spherical surface (radius aa; θ\theta is the polar angle), a time-independent and uniform tangential shear stress is applied to the fluid on a sphere of radius (1+ϵ)a,ϵ1(1+\epsilon)a, \epsilon \ll 1, where ϵa\epsilon a represents the length of the flagella. The fluid must satisfy the no-slip condition on the sphere at radius aa. In addition to the shear stress, the motions depend on two dimensionless parameters that describe the effect of gravity on a colony: FgF_g, proportional to the ratio of the sedimentation speed of a non-swimming colony to its swimming speed, and GbhG_{bh}, that represents the fact that colonies are bottom-heavy..

    Squirmer hydrodynamics near a periodic surface topography

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    The behaviour of microscopic swimmers has previously been explored near large-scale confining geometries and in the presence of very small-scale surface roughness. Here, we consider an intermediate case of how a simple microswimmer, the tangential spherical squirmer, behaves adjacent to singly and doubly periodic sinusoidal surface topographies that spatially oscillate with an amplitude that is an order of magnitude less than the swimmer size and wavelengths that are also within an order of magnitude of this scale. The nearest neighbour regularised Stokeslet method is used for numerical explorations after validating its accuracy for a spherical tangential squirmer that swims stably near a flat surface. The same squirmer is then introduced to different surface topographies. The key governing factor in the resulting swimming behaviour is the size of the squirmer relative to the surface topography wavelength. For instance, directional guidance is not observed when the squirmer is much larger, or much smaller, than the surface topography wavelength. In contrast, once the squirmer size is on the scale of the topography wavelength, limited guidance is possible, often with local capture in the topography troughs. However, complex dynamics can also emerge, especially when the initial configuration is not close to alignment along topography troughs or above topography crests. In contrast to sensitivity in alignment and topography wavelength, reductions in the amplitude of the surface topography or variations in the shape of the periodic surface topography do not have extensive impacts on the squirmer behaviour. Our findings more generally highlight that the numerical framework provides an essential basis to elucidate how swimmers may be guided by surface topography

    Origins of eukaryotic excitability

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordAll living cells interact dynamically with a constantly changing world. Eukaryotes in particular, evolved radically new ways to sense and react to their environment. These advances enabled new and more complex forms of cellular behavior in eukaryotes, including directional movement, active feeding, mating, or responses to predation. But what are the key events and innovations during eukaryogenesis that made all of this possible? Here we describe the ancestral repertoire of eukaryotic excitability and discuss five major cellular innovations that enabled its evolutionary origin. The innovations include a vastly expanded repertoire of ion channels, the emergence of cilia and pseudopodia, endomembranes as intracellular capacitors, a flexible plasma membrane, and the relocation of chemiosmotic ATP synthesis to mitochondria that liberated the plasma membrane for more complex electrical signaling involved in sensing and reacting. We conjecture that together with an increase in cell size, these new forms of excitability greatly amplified the degrees of freedom associated with cellular responses, allowing eukaryotes to vastly outperform prokaryotes in terms of both speed and accuracy. This comprehensive new perspective on the evolution of excitability enriches our view of eukaryogenesis and emphasizes behaviour and sensing as major contributors to the success of eukaryotes.European Commissio