40,176 research outputs found

    School use of learning platforms and associated technologies - case study: primary school 1

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    Study of benefits and effective use of learning platforms in schools based on 12 case studie

    ICT in education Excellence Group. Final report

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    Slashdot, open news and informated media: exploring the intersection of imagined futures and web publishing technology

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    "In this essay, my interest is in how imagined media futures are implicated in the work of producing novel web publishing technology. I explore the issue through an account of the emergence of Slashdot, the tech news and discussion site that by 1999 had implemented a number of recommendation features now associated with social media and web 2.0 platforms. Specifically, I aim to understand the connection between the development of Slashdot’s influential content-management system (CMS) - an elaborate publishing infrastructure called “Slash” that allowed editors to choose reader submissions for publication and automatically distributed the work of moderating the comments sections among trusted users - and two distinct visions of a web-enabled transformation of media production.

    Using Narrative Fictions to Describe Nurses’ Experiences of Computing

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    Nurses, it is claimed, do not engage with articles about Information Technology, although the evidence is that they have poor knowledge of many of the issues involved in the use of information and technology in practice, and poor computer skills. Three pieces of research into nurses and computers have been used to create fictional narratives of nurses’ engagement with computers. They are presented in this way to encourage nurses to read the accounts, to reflect on their own attitudes and practice, and to aid the exploration of alternative possibilities. The basis of this approach is explored, along with the process of producing the narrative fictions

    E-methods in literary production: integrating e-learning in creative writing

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    This paper discusses the integration of e-learning in creative writing. The online approach to the teaching of creative writing takes into account today’s Malaysian youth and their fascination with computer technology. It is this appeal of innovation in electronics and knowledge that leads an educator to design an on-line approach to a creative writing course. The theoretical construct used to support the discussion is Anderson’s theory that on-line learning is knowledge-, community-, assessment-, and learner-centered. The writer, who is also the course developer, analyses a poetry-writing activity, which students undertake, and the e-portfolio used in the course. To analyze the processes involved in this creative writing exercise Macherey’s (1978) Theory of Literary Production is adapted and utilized. This theory, which regards literary production as a process imitating that of a production line, provides the methodology and conceptual framework for analyzing the raw materials collected by the students and their transformation during the writing process. This paper thus addresses the benefits of e-learning in a creative writing context


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    This paper presents an approach combining concepts of virtual storytelling with cooperative processes. We will describe why storytelling is relevant in cooperation support applications. We will outline how storytelling concepts provide a new quality for groupware applications. Different prototypes illustrate a combination of a groupware application with various storytelling components in a Theatre of Work

    Keeping Up To Date with IP News Services and Blogs: Drowning in a Sea Of Sameness?

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    It seems like so many IP related Websites you visit invite you to join their free email list to keep you up to date. Sources span a wide spectrum including governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, consulting services, law firms, commercial publishers and more. These sources span the spectrum from free, to low fee to premium pricing. With all of this information overload and choices, how do you differentiate and choose news sources? The goals of this article are twofold. Goal one is to present a survey of types and categories of IP news tools available to IP researchers. Since these tools change with time, goal two is to present strategies and approaches to consider when assembling your portfolio of news sources. I use the term researcher to include anyone looking for news, including lawyers, paraprofessionals, academics, students, corporate searchers and more. Some of this material may be yesterday\u27s news for some and breaking news for others. My hope is that you will find value added in some tools and strategies. Before I present the survey of tools, I want to propose some initial general strategies that might be helpful to apply as the detail of the tools unfold

    Software Engineering for the Mobile Application Market

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    One of the goals of the current United States government is to lower healthcare costs. One of the solutions is to alter the behavior of the population to be more physically active and to eat healthier. This project will focus on the latter solution by writing applications for the Android and iOS mobile platforms that will allow a user to monitor their dietary intake to see and correct patterns in their eating behavior

    What do people want from their lifelogs?

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    The practice of lifelogging potentially consists of automatically capturing and storing a digital record of every piece of information that a person (lifelogger) encounters in their daily experiences. Lifelogging has become an increasingly popular area of research in recent years. Most current lifeloggiing research focuses on techniques for data capture or processing. Current applications of lifelogging technology are usually driven by new technology inventions, creative ideas of researchers, or the special needs of a particular user group, e.g. individuals with memory impairment. To the best of our knowledge, little work has explored potential lifelogs applications from the perspective of the desires of the general public. One of the difficulties of carrying out such a study is the balancing of the information given to the subject regarding lifelog technology to enable them to generate realistic ideas without limiting or directing their imaginations by providing too much specific information. We report a study in which we take a progressive approach where we introduce lifelogging in three stages, and collect the ideas and opinions of a volunteer group of general public participants on techniques for lifelog capture, and applications and functionality
