13 research outputs found


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    This research was conducte to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cu proteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerev s ae in the ration on internal quality of the broiler.The experiment use 125 broiler day ol chicken with a Completely Randomize Design.The ration treatments were R0 (control),R1 (99%R0 +1%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R2 (98%R0 +2%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R3 (97%R0 +3%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)and R4 (96%R0 +4%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)where each treatment was repeate five times and each replication consiste of five broiler chicks.Variable analysis were body cut weight,carcass percentage,liver relative weight,and the content of cholesterol broiler meat.Conclusion of the research showe that by using 3%of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internal quality of broiler,increase body cut weight,carcass percentage,otherwise liver relative weight and the content of cholesterol broiler meat were normal. Keywords :Zn and Cu prote nat supplement,rat ons ,bro ler nternal qual t

    Utilising Zn and Cu Product in the Corn Meal Substrate at Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bioprocess and Its Implementation on Internal Quality of Broiler

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    This research was conducted to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cuproteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the ration on internalquality of the broiler. The experiment used 125 broiler day old chicken with a Completely RandomizedDesign. The ration treatments were R0 (control), R1 (99% R0 + 1% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R2(98% R0 + 2% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R3 (97% R0 + 3% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) andR4 (96% R0 + 4% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) where each treatment was repeated five times andeach replication consisted of five broiler chicks. Variable analysis were body cut weight, carcasspercentage, liver relative weight, and the content of cholesterol broiler meat. Conclusion of the researchshowed that by using 3% of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internalquality of broiler, increased body cut weight, carcass percentage, otherwise liver relative weight and thecontent of cholesterol broiler meat were normal

    Innovative Pharmacological/Therapeutic Approaches against Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

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    Pharmacological Preconditioning by Adenosine A2a Receptor Stimulation: Features of the Protected Liver Cell Phenotype

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    Ischemic preconditioning (IP) of the liver by a brief interruption of the blood flow protects the damage induced by a subsequent ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) preventing parenchymal and nonparenchymal liver cell damage. The discovery of IP has shown the existence of intrinsic systems of cytoprotection whose activation can stave off the progression of irreversible tissue damage. Deciphering the molecular mediators that underlie the cytoprotective effects of preconditioning can pave the way to important therapeutic possibilities. Pharmacological activation of critical mediators of IP would be expected to emulate or even to intensify its salubrious effects. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the role of the adenosine A2a receptor (A2aR) as a trigger of liver IP. This review will provide insight into the phenotypic changes that underline the resistance to death of liver cells preconditioned by pharmacological activation of A2aR and their implications to develop innovative strategies against liver IR damage

    A Review of the Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Phyllanthus urinaria L.

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    The genus Phyllanthus (L.) is one of the most important groups of plants belonging to the Phyllantaceae family. Phyllanthus urinaria (L.) is an annual perennial herbal species found in tropical Asia, America, China, and the Indian Ocean islands. P. urinaria is used in folk medicine as a cure to treat jaundice, diabetes, malaria, and liver diseases. This review provides traditional knowledge, phytochemistry, and biological activities of P. urinaria. The literature reviewed for this article was obtained from the Web of Science, SciFinder, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar journal papers published prior to December 2017. Phytochemical investigations reveal that the plant is a rich source of lignans, tannins, flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids, and other secondary metabolites. Pharmacological activities include anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, and cardioprotective effects. Thus, this present review summarizes the phytochemical constituents and their biological activities including biological studies on various crude extracts and fractions both in vitro and in vivo, and on clinical trial information about P. urinaria. This review compiles 93 naturally occurring compounds from P. urinaria along with their structures and pharmacological activities. The review is expected to stimulate further research on P. urinaria, and its pharmacological potential to yield novel therapeutic agents

    Effekte einer Selen- und Vitamin E-Supplementierung auf den peripartalen antioxidativen Stoffwechsel und die Morbidität bei Milchkühen

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    Zielstellung dieser Studie war es zu überprüfen, ob durch Fütterung einer mit Vitamin E und Selen angereicherten Mineralstoffmischung in der Transitphase eine Beeinflussung des antioxidativen Status mit Reaktionen GPX [Glutathionperoxidase], SOD [Superoxiddismutase], TEAC [Trolox equivalent antioxidative capacity] und ACW [nichtenzymatische wasserlösliche Antioxidantien] sowie des Stoffwechsels erreicht werden kann und ob damit die Häufigkeit der in der Frühlaktation typischen Erkrankungen sinkt. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung wurden in einem Milchviehbestand mit 1400 Kühen und Färsen zwei Gruppen von je 26 Tieren zu Beginn der Transitfütterung zusammengestellt. Die Versuchsgruppe erhielt drei Wochen ante partum bis drei Wochen post partum eine Mineralstoffmischung mit einem Vitamin E- Gehalt von 300 mg/kg TM (= 447 IU /kg TM) und einem Selengehalt von 0,5 mg/ kg TM, die Kontrollgruppe die stallübliche Mineralstoffmischung mit 0,3 mg Selen/kg TM ohne zusätzliche Vitamin E Ergänzung. Jedem Tier wurde drei Wochen ante partum, 2 bis 4 Tage post partum und 3 Wochen post partum zur klinisch- chemischen Kontrolle Blut entnommen.Zur Bestimmung des antioxidativen Status wurden die GPX, SOD, TEAC und ACW untersucht. Zur Bewertung des peripartalen Stoffwechsels wurden die Parameter des Energie-, Fett- und Leberstoffwechsels (BHB [ß-0H-Butyrat], Cholesterol, AST [Aspartat-Amino-Transferase], GLDH [Glutamat- Dehydrogenase]), des Eiweißstoffwechsels (Albumin, TP [Gesamt-Eiweiß]), sowie des Mineralstoffwechsels (Ca [Calcium], Pi [anorganisches Phosphat] und der CK [Creatinkinase] bestimmt und mit den Kühen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Im Blutbild wurden die Erythrozytenzahl, die Leukozytenzahl, die Erythrozytenindices (MCH, MCHC, MCV), Hämatokrit, Hämoglobin und Thrombozytenzahlen verglichen. Die Häufigkeit des Auftretens der klinischen Krankheitsbilder Mastitis, Gebärparese, Retentio secundinarum, Klauenerkrankungen und puerperale Septikämie und die Produktionsdaten Milchleistung nach 100 Tagen, Milchleistung nach 305 Tagen und Zwischenkalbezeit wurden nach Ende der Untersuchungen statistisch ausgewertet. Eine direkte Beeinflussung des SOD und der GPX ist möglich. Durch die Gabe der mit Vitamin E und Selen angereicherten Mineralstoffmischung konnte in der Versuchsgruppe ein Anstieg der GPX-Aktivität und eine Plateaubildung erreicht werden. Die SOD-Aktivitäten lagen in der Versuchsgruppe drei Wochen post partum signifikant höher als in der Kontrollgruppe. Eine bessere Adaptation an den oxidativen Stress im peripartalen Zeitraum kann durch eine mit Vitamin E und Selen angereicherte Mineralstoffmischung erreicht werden. Die Inzidenz der Mastitiserkrankungen in der Frühlaktation wurde signifikant gesenkt.Die Inzidenz der Mastitiserkrankungen in der Frühlaktation wurde signifikant gesenkt. Signifikante Unterschiede ergaben sich auch in der Aktivität der GLDH. In der Versuchsgruppe wurden 3 Wochen post partum deutlich niedrigere GLDH- Aktivität gemessen als in der Kontrollgruppe, woraus auf einen besseren Leberzellschutz in der kritischen biologischen Phase der Milchkuh zu schließen ist. Hinsichtlich der Häufigkeit des Auftretens weiterer klinischer Erkrankungen im peripartalen Zeitraum konnte jedoch keine Verbesserung erzielt werden. Ebenso haben sich die Produktionsparameter Milchleistung und Zwischenkalbezeit nicht verbessert

    Stem cell therapy in liver disease

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    Liver cirrhosis is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide and the definitive treatment for liver cirrhosis is liver transplantation although there are limitations such as organ availability and surgical risks. Therefore, alternative therapies have been studied extensively and stem cell therapies have shown some promising results although most studies are small and not randomised. The aim of this thesis was to explore the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in patients with chronic liver disease as well as explore the mechanism behind fibrosis resolution achieved with cell therapy. There were three parts to the thesis: firstly, I examined the mechanistic actions behind fibrosis reduction by the infusion of bone marrow derived haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in mice chronic fibrosis liver injury model. I worked on both immune-histochemical staining and qPCR to measure the effect oval cell response, matrix metalloproteinases and macrophage subsets within the liver with HSC therapies. Secondly, I recruited patients with chronic liver diseases for a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness of either subcutaneous granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) or GCSF with repeated HSC infusions. The co-primary outcomes were improvement in severity of liver disease measured by model for end stage live disease (MELD) at 3 months and the trend of MELD change over time. The results showed that neither of the treatments improved the clinical outcomes. Lastly, I performed a systematic review of current published studies of stem cells therapies in liver diseases. The results showed that stem cells improved patients’ clinical parameters in the short term (<6 months) but had no benefit on long term outcomes. In conclusion, bone marrow derived stem cell therapy did not seem to be effective in liver cirrhosis

    Bio-chemical studies on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Eclipta Alba and Piper Longum

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    Hepatoprotective efficacy of BHE on CCl4 intoxicated rats was performed to propose a new insight to the pharmacological action of BHE, which is a combined biherbal ethanolic extract made up of equal quantities of leaves of Eclipta alba and the seeds of Piper longum. Since polyherbal formulations are generally considered to be more effective due to the synergistic activity than a single herbal drug,the study has been undertaken to evaluate the protective effect of biherbal extract in comparison with its individual plants Eclipta alba and Piper longum. The present investigation has been divided into two parts. In one part of the investigation the plants have been processed, screened for the phytochemicals and tested for free radical scavenging activities by using standard models in vitro. THE PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PLANTS REVEALED THE FOLLOWING RESULTS: In the present investigation, preliminary phytochemical screening of EAE, PLE and BHE showed the presence of constituents like alkaloid, carbohydrates, phytosterol, tannins, phenol, flavonoids, glycosides, terpene, saponins and lignin. In all these extracts proteins, gums and mucilage were found to be absent. The presence of phytochemicals was confirmed by HPTLC finger printing of individual preparations of different extracts of Eclipta alba and piper longum. The estimation of the macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and micronutrients present in the leaves of Eclipta alba and seeds of the piper longum showed the nutritive value of the plants. The BHE showed a concentration dependent scavenging activities of the free radicals such as DPPH, super oxide, hydroxyl, nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and acted as an efficient chelator of ferric and ferrous ions. It was also found to be effective in reducing the formation of protein carbonyl groups.BHE contained considerable amount of the flavonoid and phenolic compounds which could be accounted for the free radical scavenging activities. The inhibitory action of the BHE on DNA fragmentation induced by fenton reactants in the hepatic tissue was studied. In the CCl4 intoxicated animals the extent of DNA damage was detected by the increased mobility of the DNA molecule due to the decrease in the molecular weight. On the other hand the BHE at the concentration of 20μg/ml and 40μg/ml protected the DNA from damage was evidenced by the decreased mobility of the DNA molecule suggested that these extracts have compounds which may combat against free radical-mediated degradation to the deoxyribose sugar moiety of DNA. The second part of the investigation comprises of the evaluation of non-toxic dosage by acute and chronic toxicity on mice and albino Wistar strain rat models according to the guidelines of OECD. After assessing the dosage by acute and chronic toxicity studies efficacy of the single and the biherbal drugs have been ascertained by using CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity model in rats. The hepatoprotective nature of the drugs has been assessed by various biochemical estimations and histological observations. Rats treated with standard drug silymarin have also been utilised in this study to compare the hepatoprotective efficacy of the test drugs. In the acute toxicity studies death was recorded during the treatment period in the experimental rats which received 500mg/kg body weight of Biherbal extract orally. So from this the ED50 dose of 50 mg/kg was selected for the hepatoprotective efficacy studies. The three month daily oral application of BHE to rats yielded no signs of toxicity. The dosage range and study duration applied in this study are relevant for long-term human use. Male albino rats were pre-treated with 50 mg/kg of BHE intubation for 14 days and intoxicated with CCl4 on days 7 to 14. Normal rats were maintained with the BHE to assess the drug toxicity. Standard drug silymarin was used as positive control for comparison. BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BLOOD AND SERUM REVEALED SOME IMPORTANT RESULTS AS FOLLOWS: In the present investigation a significant reduction in the liver weight, serum urea and bilirubin levels were seen in the BHE pre-treated animals when compared to that of rats intoxicated with CCl4. Decreased level of blood glucose in CCl4 induced rats were found to be normalized on BHE supplementation. The total protein and albumin levels in serum were increased in BHE pretreated, CCl4 insulted animals showing the regeneration of hepatic cells. This increase in the protein level are more pronounced in BHE treated animals, when compared with the group IV and V, which received its individual preparations EAE and PLE. The serum levels of the liver marker enzymes like AST ALT, ALP, ACP, γGT 5'-NT, ICD and LDH were significantly increased in CCl4 intoxicated animals. BHE treatment reverted the increased levels of these enzymes to near normalcy, which was comparable to that of silymarin a standard drug in the present study. The parallel decrease in the concentration of serum lipids and lipoproteins along with the increase of these parameters in liver tissues of CCl4 insulted rats were normalized on BHE treatment .The increased serum phospholipids were also brought back to normal levels. The decrease in liver total protein and glycogen in the rats treated with CCl4 were normalized on BHE supplementation. The BHE was effective in reducing the levels of in vivo lipid peroxidation products like MDA, CD, iron, nitric oxides and LOOH in the tissues of CCl4 rats. The in vitro nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation induced by the presence ascorbate, Fe2+/Fe3+ and H2O2 were also significantly reduced by BHE treatment. Pretreatment with BHE to CCl4 treated rats increased the activities of SOD, CAT, GPX, GST and GR indicates the enhanced antilipid peroxidative nature of the BHE. Elevated levels of non-enzymic antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin A, thiols, uric acid, and cereloplasmin in BHE treated animals offer protection against the oxidative injury caused by the free radicals produced by CCl4 in the present study. The decreased level of membrane bound enzymes such Na+/K+- ATPase, Mg2+- ATP ase and Ca2+- ATP ase in the liver tissues of CCl4 intoxicated rats may be because of the alteration of membrane lipid composition due to the release of free radicals. The rats which received BHE, EAE, and PLE restored the enzyme levels to near normal levels, which could be due to the ability of plant extracts to protect the membranes from oxidative damage through inhibition of lipid peroxidation. The activity of gluconeogenic enzymes and glycolytic enzymes in liver were found to be significantly decreased in CCl4 intoxicated rats. These decreased enzymes levels were restored to normal levels in BHE pretreated rats indicating that the BHE has got protective action on the mitochondria from damage enabling them to secreate the enzymes and keeping the blood glucose in normal levels. A significant decrease in the levels of Glycoprotein was observed in CCl4 treated animals due to the increased load of the toxic metabolites. The increase in glycoprotein content of BHE treated animals suggested the cytoprotective nature of the formulation. The histopathological observations which showed a faster regeneration of the hepatic cells in rats pretreated with BHE seems to suggest the possibility of BHE being able to condition the hepatic cells towards accelerated regeneration