161,766 research outputs found

    Hubungan Life Style dengan Kejadian Hipertensi pada Usia Dewasa (20-44 Tahun) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Puuwatu Kota Kendari Tahun 2017

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    Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) merupakan penyebab utama kematian di dunia, yang bertanggung jawab atas68% dari 56 juta kematian yang terjadi pada tahun 2012 (WHO, 2014). Hiper tensi merupakan yang menjadi salahsatu masalah kesehatan penting di seluruh dunia karena prevalensinya yang tinggi dan terus meningkat. Sertamengakibatkan kematian dengan jumlah 9,4 juta setiap tahunnya. Hipertensi bertanggung jawab sekitar 45%kematian akibat penyakit jantung iskemik dan 51% akibat stroke. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiHubungan Life Style Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Usia Dewasa (20-44 Tahun) Di Wilayah Kerja PuskesmasPuuwatu Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional.Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan simple random sampling. Uji statistikmenggunakan chi square dengan menggunakan SPSS. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 58 responden.Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan tekanan darah terhadap responden untukmengidentifikasi kejadian penyakit hipertensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor yang berhubungandengan kejadian hipertensi adalah kebiasaan minum kopi (p=0,012), Sedangkan faktor yang tidakberhubungan adalah kebiasaan merokok (p=0,666), pola makan (p=0,509), kualitas tidur (p=1,000) dan aktifitasfisik (p=0,293).Kata Kunci Life Style, Hipertensi, Usia Dewasa

    Sustainable Life Style Masyarakat Perkotaan (Studi Tentang Gaya Hidup Berkelanjutan Masyarakat Perkotaan di Riau)

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di beberapa kota di Provinsi Riau. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 bentuk gaya hidup berkelanjutan masyarakat perkotaan di Riau yaitu: gaya hidup berkelanjutan yang sudah ada secara turun-temurun, gaya hidup yang berubah seiring dengan anjuran pemerintah, dan gaya hidup yang merupakan hasil Perubahan personal yang berupa dorongan diri sendiri akibat menyimak fenomena lingkungan yang terjadi. Gaya hidup yang demikian pada dasarnya merupakan sintesis dari pemahaman budaya dan keterpaan informasi

    A hybrid property pricing model : the case of apartment residents in Jakarta Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research initiates a property pricing model that involves various perspectives and consumer considerations in selecting properties, including aspects of sales comparison, investment, hedonic life style, brand equity, and digital life style. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study investigates 222 residents of middle class apartments in Jabotadebek (Great Jakarta). The study employs Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to test the research hypotheses. Findings: The research found that the price of apartments in the region is strongly influenced by a combination of multi aspects of sales comparison, investment, hedonic life style, brand equity, and digital life style. Practical Implications: The research has implications for investment shows the weakest contribution to the apartment price. Originality/Value: This study found that the price of apartments in the region is strongly influenced by a combination of multi aspects of sales comparison, investment, hedonic life style, brand equity, and digital life style.peer-reviewe

    Changes in life-style after liver transplantation

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    Sixty-five pediatric patients who received liver transplants between May 1981 and May 1984 were observed for as many as 5 years and examined for changes in life-style. Children were less frequently hospitalized, spent less time hospitalized, required fewer medications, and generally had excellent liver and renal function after hepatic transplantation as compared with their pretransplantation status. Most children were in age-appropriate and standard school classes or were only 1 year behind. Cognitive abilities remained unchanged. Children improved in gross motor function and patients' behavior significantly improved according to parents' perceptions. Enuresis was more prevalent, however, than in the population of children who had not received liver transplants. Parental divorce rates were no greater than those reported for other families with chronically ill children. Overall, objective changes in life-style as well as parents' perceptions of behavior of children appear to be improved after liver transplantation

    Life Style Factors Influencing Serum Pepsinogen Levels in Healthy Japanese: a Prospective Study

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    Background: Gastric cancer mass screening using serum pepsinogen has been recognized and several advantages of this methods over photofluorography have been shown by previous study. Aims: To determine the factors influence the serum pepsinogen levels in healthy subjects. Subjects & Methods: One thousand and one hundred fourteen subjects who were screened for gastric cancer as part of a periodic health check. Blood samples were taken after fasting and stored below –20 ° C, until pepsinogen levels were assayed. Results: The subjects consist of 338 males (mean age 52.6+14.0) and 776 females (mean age 49.0+11.9). Age ranges from 19 to 81 years. The overall prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritis using a criterion PG I £ 70 hg/ml and PG I/II ratio £ 3.0 was 21.99 % in 1996 and 23.97 % in 2000. Bivariate analysis revealed a significant association between age, more salt consumption, fish favorable over meat and less than three time meal intake covariates with the lowering of PG I/II ratio. Smoking, drinking, BMI, weight and gender did not affect the changes of PG I/II ratio. Conclusion: Age and more salt consumption covariates have a strongest association with the decreased of PG I/II by multivariate analysis

    In Search for an Authentic Christian Life Style

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    Cultural consumption and the myth of ‘life-style’

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    The concept of ‘life-style’ seems to have been thoroughly naturalised, both academically and in common parlance.There is little critical interrogation of what ‘life-style’ involves, beyond its connection to cultural and aesthetic aspects of consumption. What are the implications of accepting this culturalised description of consumption and its shorthand designation, ‘lifestyle’? This polemical paper interrogates both the linguistic and conceptual challenges associated with the term, and argues that it acts to efface and erase important social differences of wealth, opportunity, class, gender and ethnicity, as well as obscuring global and historical inequalities

    The Life Style Amongst Nomadic Tribes of Ivan Kalhor, Iran

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    Cooperation is one of the main factors amongst nomadic tribes that caused of their unity and growth; also, it has been determined their life style. Furthermore, the goal of the current literature review was to explain the role of cooperation amongst people of tribes in Ivan Kalhor, Iran; also, illustrated the importance of this humanity factor in views of various famous scientists in the world that determined based on qualitative method. Lack of consideration to some factors such as cooperation in this kind of societies creates the different type of problems, and it can be harmful to nomadic tribes; additionally, it can decrease this population. In another word, the existence of cooperation as one of the principle human needs can advance and support activity and relation of people in tribes and conduct their activity in the correct way. Overall, this literature review that organized by qualitative method (observation and interview) considered to the vital role of cooperation at nomadic tribes in Iran especially in Ivan Kalhor area, and likewise, described its effectiveness on people relationships

    Review: Life-Style Evangelism

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