26,425 research outputs found

    NCR-days 2008 : 10 years NCR: November 20-21

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    De verschillende subthema’s van de NCR-dagen 2008, (i) Stroomgebied en Overstromingsrisico management (ii) Hydrologie en (iii) Geomorfodynamica en Morfologie, dekken een groot gedeelte van het hedendaagse onderzoek dat in Nederland op rivierkundig gebied wordt uitgevoerd

    Getting acquainted with their landscape: research by design as a tool to understand people's perception of current and future landscapes

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    In the current policy setting in Western European society, spatial planning tends to emphasise the achievement of policy intentions through the realisation of actual spatial interventions and the growing importance of citizens as spatial actors. The place-based planning approach refers to the fact that the design of integrated interventions must be tailored to places, since it largely depends on the knowledge and preference of people living in it. This paper unpacks the planning practice in Flanders by analysing and describing two landscape cases, as the actual arenas where different social activities compete, many key-actors are gathered and spatial planning processes and interventions take place. The key concepts “governance”, landscape quality” and “research by design” are defined. We investigate if research by design can be used as a tool to explore people's perception of current and future landscapes. The case studies disclose a deliberative process, which makes use of a research by design methodology, is not only able to gain knowledge on people's perception of current and future landscapes but can also improve the mutual understanding of the appreciation of landscapes by various spatial actors. Both cases illustrate the current struggle of authorities with the growing importance and knowledge of citizens and the difficulties the policy makers experience introducing these actors and knowledge in planning processes. The designs and masterplan developed within the cases refer to the place-based approach, as it is proposed by the European authorities

    Forestry in the MAGNET model

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    Forestry data have been included in the global general equilibrium MAGNET model at LEI Wageningen UR. This provides the opportunity to analyse substitution between forestry, natural forests and agriculture with the model, which is essential to analyse biodiversity and greenhouse gas effects of different policies options with respect to feed, food and fuel. The report discusses the background of the GTAP land use database used for the implementation, the way it has been implemented and some first simulation results. The report investigates the weaknesses of the implementation determining a research agenda for further improvements of modeling forestry into the MAGNET model

    Farmers' behavior and the provision of public goods: towards an analytical framework

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    The new CAP reform aims to stimulate the role of agriculture as provider of public goods. An analytical framework is developed to model farmers’ decision making and to gain insight into farmers’ behavior in response to a number of policy instruments. The framework integrates characteristics of farm, farmer, market, as well as the policy instruments. Theoretical analysis suggests that attitudes, off-farm employment opportunities, non-pecuniary benefits and expectations of future developments can play important roles in farmer’s decision making regarding the provision of public goods. Empirical research is needed to test the hypothesis

    Narratives of loss and order and imaging the Belgian landscape 1900-1945

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    In their article "Narratives of Loss and Order and Imaging the Belgian Landscape 1900-1945" Bruno Notteboom and David Peleman analyze a number of publications on landscape, focusing on narratives constructed by means of landscape images published in Belgium. With the work of Jean Massart and Emile Vanderwelde as a point of departure, Notteboom and Peleman discuss popularizing publications in the fields of botany, agricultural education, and tourism, as well as an urban planning. They address the three realms of landscape narratives defined by Matthew Potteiger and Jamie Purinton as story, context/intertext, and discourse. Notteboom and Peleman distinguish three recurrent operations or narrative techniques: framing, sequencing, and juxtaposing whereby their main argument is that in spite of their ideological differences the publications they discuss seek a way of dealing with processes of modernization and with the loss of a traditional way of living defined by a direct relation with the land

    Hittestress in Rotterdam : eindrapport

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    Rotterdam heeft de ambitie in 2025 100% klimaatbestendig te zijn. Daarom is in het kader van het Kennis voor Klimaat onderzoeksprogramma (1e tranche) het project “Hittestress in Rotterdam” uitgevoerd. Ten gevolge van klimaatverandering kan Nederland te maken krijgen met meer en langere periodes van zomerse en tropische temperaturen. Met name in een grote stad als Rotterdam kan dit problematisch worden. Door het typisch stedelijk land- en materiaalgebruik (veel wegen en gebouwen, minder groen en water) blijft de warmte er namelijk langer hangen en blijft de temperatuur hoger dan in het omringende landelijke gebied: het zogenaamde stedelijk hitte-eiland effect. Dit effect wordt versterkt door de voortdurende verdichting van de stad en leidt er naar verwachting toe dat stedelingen in toenemende mate hinder ondervinden van overmatige warmte (hittestress)

    Nauwkeurig lezen, precies manipuleren, als middel om gelegenheden te grijpen

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    Het artikel bespreekt het jonge oeuvre van Tom Thys Architecten en besteed een bijzondere aandacht voor de ontwerpmethodiek
