1,113 research outputs found

    Konstruktivismus und Erziehungswissenschaft

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    Konstruktivizam kao teorija o znanju i učenju predmet je mnogih teorijskih i empirijskih istraživanja u socijalnim znanstvenim disciplinama iz različitih perspektiva: od zagovaranja do opovrgavanja. Na primjeru radikalnog i socijalnog konstruktivizma u radu su predstavljena različita ā€žlicaā€ konstruktivizma, epistemologija konstruktivizma, dosezi i kontradikcije u njegovu tumačenju te pedagoÅ”ke implikacije. Konstruktivizam se razmatra u kontekstu pedagogije, cjeloživotnog učenja, aktualnih obrazovnih politika i održivog razvoja uz upozoravanje na nužnost njegova znanstvenog promiÅ”ljanja i kritičkog propitivanja. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je na učenje i poučavanje u svjetlu konstruktivizma te na konceptā€žkonstruktivističke pedagogijeā€.Constructivism, as a theory of knowledge and learning, has been the subject of much theoretical and empirical research in social scientific disciplines and, as such, it has been treated differently: some have advocated it, some have rejected it. Using the example of radical social constructivism, the paper focuses on various aspects of constructivism, its epistemology, achievements, contradictory interpretations and pedagogical implications. Constructivism is viewed in the context of pedagogy, lifelong learning, contemporary educational policies and sustainable development. The paper also stresses that constructivism should be explored scientifically and questioned critically. Special attention is given to learning and teaching in the light of constructivism and to the concept of constructivist pedagogy.Der Konstruktivismus als eine Wissens-und Lerntheorie ist Gegenstand vieler theoretischer und empirischer Forschungen in den geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die ihn aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachten: von der BefĆ¼rwortung bis zur Widerlegung. Am Beispiel des radikalen sozialen Konstruktivismus werden in der Arbeit verschiedene ā€žGesichterā€ des Konstruktivismus, konstruktivistische Epistemologie sowie Errungenschaften und WidersprĆ¼che in seiner Deutung und seine pƤdagogischen Implikationen dargelegt. Der Konstruktivismus wird im Kontext der Erziehungswissenschaft sowie des lebenslangen Lernens, aktueller Bildungspolitik und erhaltbarer Entwicklung erƶrtert mit dem Hinweis auf die Notwendigkeit seiner wissenschaftlichen Reflexion und kritischen Hinterfragung. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dem Lernen und Lehren im Lichte des Konstruktivismus sowie dem Konzept einer Ā«konstruktivistischen PƤdagogikĀ» gewidmet

    "Inventing Hysteria" An Investigation on How Social Constructivism Uses Technology to Define Reality

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    In my paper I want to focus on the social constructivists and their approach of using technology to define (constructed) reality. Based on this, constructivists argue that technology can be a means to define social roles. Furthermore, I want to analyze this theory on the practical example of the photographs of women in different phases of hysteria, based on Georges Didi-Hubermanā€™s book Invention of Hysteria (1982


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    Autor iznosi glavna obilježja konstruktivističke moralne koncepcije u njezinoj kantovskoj varijanti. Pokazuje da je takva moralna koncepcija bila nepravedno zanemarena u odnosu na tradicionalne moralne koncepcije poput utilitarizma, intuicionizma i perfekcionizma. Glavna ideja kantovskog konstruktivizma je povezivanje određene koncepcije osobe i načela pravednosti koja procedurom konstrukcije trebaju regulirati osnovne druÅ”tvene institucije. Autor polazi od koncepcije moralnih osoba kao slobodnih i jednakih. On tvrdi da se primjerena veza između tako shvaćenih osoba i prvih načela pravednosti uspostavlja tako Å”to se prva načela biraju pod razumnim uvjetima u kojima osobe posjeduju samo ta svojstva. Razumni se uvjeti sastoje od simetrične situiranosti ā€œbiračaā€, vela neznanja (koji zaklanja moralno irelevantna svojstva osoba) i od uvjeta javnosti. Autorov je cilj doći do primjerenoga glediÅ”ta na osnovi kojega će građani procjenjivati svoje osnovne druÅ”tvene institucije i na taj način postići suglasnost o potrebi i smjeru njihove reforme.The author outlines the chief features of the constructivist moral conception in its Kantian variant and argues that such a moral conception had been unjustifiably looked over in relation to the traditional moral conceptions such as utilitariarism, intuitionism and perfectionism. The central idea of Kantian constructivism is linking certain notions of the person and principles of justice that should regulate basic social institutions by means of the constructivist procedure. The authorā€™s starting point is the conception of moral persons as free and equal. He claims that an appropriate connection among thus perceived persons and the first principles of justice is established in such a way that the first principles are chosen under reasonable conditions in which individuals possess solely such qualities. The reasonable conditions consist of the symmetrical situatedness of the ā€œchoosersā€, the veil of ignorance (which obscures the morally irrelevant features of personsā€™ attributes) and the publicity condition. The authorā€™s goal is to reach a proper viewpoint on the basis of which citizens are to judge their fundamental social institutions and in that way achieve consensus on the need for and the direction of their reform

    "Inventing Hysteria" An Investigation on How Social Constructivism Uses Technology to Define Reality

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    In my paper I want to focus on the social constructivists and their approach of using technology to define (constructed) reality. Based on this, constructivists argue that technology can be a means to define social roles. Furthermore, I want to analyze this theory on the practical example of the photographs of women in different phases of hysteria, based on Georges Didi-Hubermanā€™s book Invention of Hysteria (1982

    Denotative and connotative meanings of paintings

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje veze između procena denotativnog i konotativnog značenja slika. Denotativni domen definisan je preko kategorija motiva i poruke, a konotativni domen kao subjektivni doživljaj, odnosno, afektivna i metaforička impresija koju slika ostavlja na posmatrača. U preliminarnom istraživanju empirijski je definisana lista od 39 osnovnih motiva. Iz ranijih istraživanja preuzeti su instrumenti DZN-8 (Marković, 2006) za četiri bazične dimenzije poruke i SDS-16 (Radonjić i Marković, 2005) za četiri bazične dimenzije subjektivnog doživljaja slika. U prvom eksperimentu ispitanici su asocirali 39 motiva sa 18 slika. U drugom eksperimentu ispitanici su procenjivali poruke koje su sadržane u 24 figuralnih i apstraktnih slika. Korelacione analize pokazale su da su dimenzije SDS-16 značajno povezane sa svega pet od 39 motiva. Korelacione analize procena na faktorima SDS-16 i DZN-8 pokazuju da su Subjektivizam i Konstruktivizam u značajnim negativnim korelacijama sa RegularnoŔću, a pozitivnim sa PobuđenoŔću. Sa druge strane, Dekoracija je u negativnoj korelaciji sa PobuđenoŔću, a pozitivnom sa AtraktivnoŔću i SmirenoŔću.In this study the relationships between judgments of paintings denotative and connotative meanings was investigated. Denotative domain was defined as motif (represented object, e.g. portrait, landscape etc.) and message (information carried by paintings, e.g. celebration of patriotism). Connotative domain was defined as subjective experience, i.e. affective or metaphoric impression produced by painting (e.g. feeling of pleasure, impression of dynamics, and so on). In preliminary study the list of 39 motifs was specified empirically. The four dimensions of pictorial message were taken from the previous study (Marković, 2006): Subjectivism, Ideology, Decoration and Constructivism vs. Realism. The four dimensions of paintings subjective experience were taken from the previous study as well (Radonjić and Marković, 2005): Regularity, Attraction, Arousal and Relaxation. In Experiment 1 subjects were asked to associate 39 motifs with 18 paintings. In Experiment 2 subjects were asked to judge 24 paintings on four dimensions of pictorial message. Results form Experiment 1 have shown that dimensions of paintings subjective experience were significantly correlated with only five motifs (e.g. everyday life was negatively correlated with Arousal, battle was negatively correlated with Relaxation, and so on). Results from Experiment 2 have shown that Subjectivism and Constructivism are negatively correlated with Regularity, and positively correlated with Arousal. Decoration is negatively correlated with Arousal and positively with Attraction and Relaxation

    Constructivist concept of the world: Presentation of a paradigm

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    Konstruktivistički pogled na svet u poslednjih dvadesetak godina uobličio se u uticajnu i rasprostranjenu paradigmu čiji pogled na svet predstavlja znamenitu alternativu tradicionalnim, pozitivističkim shvatanjima. U radu je izložen pregled definicija konstruktivizma u različitim oblastima izučavanja, a zatim je status ovog pravca razmotren u kontekstu teorija saznavanja Ć¹ sa posebnim osvrtom na korigovanje predmeta naučnog saznavanja, statusa naučnog istraživanja i granica između ontologije i epistemologije. Potom su predstavljena osnovna načela konstruktivizma u psihologiji i dat je pregled različitih pravaca koji obrazuju konstruktivističku metateoriju u psihologiji. Pored toga, izloženi su i brojni kriteriujumi za razvrstavanje različitih konstruktivističkih pravaca. Najzad, izložene su i ukratko predstavljene četiri 'tačke oslonca', konstruktivističke metateorije Ć¹ kao didaktički pokuÅ”aj da se izdvoje srodna shvatanja kojima se omeđuje konstruktivistička paradigma u psihologiji.In the last twenty years, the constructivist concept of the world has been developed into an influential and widespread paradigm, where the concept of the world represents an important alternative to traditional positivistic beliefs. The paper presents a review of definitions of constructivism in different fields of study. Thereafter, the status of the line has been evaluated in the context of cognitive theory Ć¹ underlining the correction of the object of scientific learning, status of research and boundaries between ontology and epistemolegy. Subsequently, the basic principles of constructivism in psychology have been presented and a review of different schools that account for constructivist meta-theory in psychology elaborated. Besides, numerous criteria for classification of different schools of constructivism have been proposed. Finally, four 'basic points', of constructivist meta-theory are presented as a didactic attempt to select related attitudes that define the constructivist paradigm in psychology

    Europska integracija u konstruktivističkoj prizmi: konstrukcija nadnacionalne zajednice i preobrazba (nad)nacionalnih identiteta

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    U radu koristi se konstruktivistička teorija međunarodnih odnosa kako bi se pojasnili glavni aspekti razvitka Europske unije, odnosno proces europske integracije. Također, s pomoću europske integracije nastoji se pojasniti relevantnost i važnost koriÅ”tenja konstruktivizmom kao teorijsko-konceptualnim okvirom za razumijevanje političkih i politoloÅ”kih pojmova, Å”to je, uz nekoliko iznimaka, joÅ” uvijek rijetkost u hrvatskoj politologiji. Koristeći se konceptima i pojmovima nastalima na razmeđi sociologije i politologije, ovaj rad ukazuje na važnost izučavanja koncepata poput identiteta, jezika, socijalizacije i normi, kako bi se do kraja shvatio razvitak složenog političkoga sustava kakav je Europska unija. Na samom se kraju nude općeniti zaključci o važnosti koriÅ”tenja različitim Å”kolama miÅ”ljenja, uključujući i konstruktivizam, ako želimo u potpunosti shvatiti razvitak nekog političkog fenomena, ali se ukazuje i na pojedine slabosti i kritike, o kojima valja voditi računa prilikom koriÅ”tenja konstruktivizmom kao prizmom kroz koju se nastoji opisati i pojasniti specifi čna politička pojava

    Does the Truth Matter? Constructivism in Public Policy and the Concept of Truth in Michel Foucault

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    Svrha je rada povezati konstruktivistički pristup javnim politikama s pojmovima znanja, moći i istine kod Michela Foucaulta te iz spomenute poveznice sintetizirati korisne uvide za istraživanje javnih politika. Najprije se razrađuju osobine konstruktivističkog pristupa, daje se osvrt na podjelu na "stroži" i "mekÅ”i" konstruktivizam te se nude odgovori na određene kritike konstruktivizma. Potom se podrobno razrađuje pojam istine kod Foucaulta kao i ostali važni pojmovi u Foucaultovu pojmovnom aparatu poput znanja, moći i diskursa, te se naposljetku iznosi poveznica između Foucaultova rada i konstruktivizma. Pitanje koje nadsvođuje rad jest pitanje mogućnosti utvrđivanja objektivne istine u području druÅ”tvenih znanosti te relevantnosti objektivne istine za javne politike i polje političkoga općenito.The goal of this paper is to bring together the constructivist approach to public policy and Michel Foucault\u27s concepts of knowledge, power, and truth, and to synthetize useful insights for public policy research from that connection. First, the characteristics of the constructivist approach are elaborated, and commentary is provided on the distinction between "rigid" and "soft" constructivism, and the answers to certain criticisms of constructivism are provided. Then, Foucault\u27s concept of truth is elaborated in detail, as well as other important concepts in Foucault\u27s conceptual apparatus such as knowledge, power and discourse. Finally, the connection between Foucault\u27s work and constructivism is presented. The overarching question of the paper is the question of the possibility of establishing objective truth in the area of social sciences, and the relevance of objective truth for public policy and the political field in general

    Semiotic Worldmaking: Cassirer ā€“ Goodman

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    Članak razmatra konstruktivističke pozicije Ernsta Cassirera i Nelsona Goodmana, prema kojima svijet nikad nije naprosto dan, već je uvijek stvoren semiotičkom, simboličkom djelatnoŔću duha, uzimajući ponajprije u obzir Cassirerovo djelo Filozofija simboličkih oblika te Goodmanovo Ways of Worldmaking. Prvotni impetus takvog glediÅ”ta Kantovo je naglaÅ”avanje spontaniteta miÅ”ljenja, gdje zatim Cassirerova razrada takve koncepcije u okviru opće teorije simbola utječe na Goodmana. Članak analizira utjecaje, sličnosti i razlike među koncepcijama ovih autora, uključujući također u raspravu glediÅ”ta francuskog semiotičara Greimasa te suvremenog njemačkog filozofa G. Abela, te ukazuje na teÅ”koće na koje konstruktivizam nailazi, kako one koje proizlaze iz sukoba sa suprotstavljenom pozicijom, realizmom, tako i one koje su imanentne samoj konstruktivističkoj koncepciji.The paper discusses the constructivist positions of Ernst Cassirer and Nelson Goodman, according to which the world is never simply given, rather, it is made by the semiotic, symbolic activity of the mind, taking primarily into consideration Cassirerā€™s work Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and Goodmanā€™s Ways of Worldmaking. The initial impetus for such a view is Kantā€™s accent on the spontaneity of thinking, developed by Cassirer in the framework of a general theory of symbols, which then influenced Goodman. The paper analyses the influences, similarities and differences in the approaches of these authors, takes also into account the views of the French semiotician Greimas and the contemporary German philosopher G. Abel, and it points to the difficulties that constructivism faces, both those that arise from the conflict with the opposing view, namely realism, as well as those that are immanent to the constructivist conception itself

    Identification of disabilities at preschool period

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    Identifikacija razvojnih odstupanja u ranom djetinjstvu preduvjet je uspjeÅ”ne rehabilitacije djece. Kako bi se objedinila identifikacija i rehabilitacija, unazad 10 godina u Republici Hrvatskoj jača koncept rane intervencije. Ona je proces poticanja ranog djetetovog razvoja, te uključuje poticanje roditelja u njihovim roditeljskim kompetencijama te poticanje interakcije djeteta i njegove neposredne okoline, ponajprije dječjih vrtića. Iznimno je bitno da se sa intervencijom krene Å”to ranije, u čemu doprinosi rana identifikacija razvojnih odstupanja, koja treba biti pouzdana, valjana, sveobuhvatna, materijalno isplativa i vremenski učinkovita. U ovom istraživanju za identifikaciju se koristio ASQ-3, odnosno, Ages and Stages Questionnaire ā€“Third Edition anketni upitnik (Squires i sur., 2009) koji je provjeravao razvoj djece u 5 kategorija: gruba i fina motorika, komunikacija, osobnodruÅ”tveno i rjeÅ”avanje problema. Istraživanje je provedeno u sklopu istraživačkog projekta INGI 2015-29 u SveučiliÅ”tu J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku ā€žPromjena paradigme poučavanja u ranom djetinjstvu: konstruktivizam i razvojni pristup vs. biheviorističke strategijeā€œ tijekom 2016. i 2017. godine. Pokazalo se da su dječaci čeŔće pokazali razvojna odstupanja od djevojčica iste dobi u većini dobnih kategorija, i da su u mlađoj dobi zastupljenija odstupanja u komunikaciji i motorici, dok su u kasnijoj dobi zastupljenija odstupanja u rjeÅ”avanju problema i osobno- druÅ”tvenim sposobnostima.Early identification of developmental delays is necessary for successful rehabilitation of young children. In an attempt to unite identification and rehabilitation, in the last 10 years, the concept of early intervention is strengthening in the Republic of Croatia. It is a process of encouraging early childhood development, and includes encouraging parents in their competences and encouraging children to interact with their surroundings, especially kindergarten. It is extremely important that the intervention starts as early as possible, which is why early identification is so important. Identification must be reliable, valid, allencompassing, inexpensive and time efficient. In this research ASQ-3 (Ages and Stages Questionnaire ā€“Third Edition) (Squires et al., 2009) was used to screen for developmental delays in 5 categories: gross and fine motor skills, communication, socio-personal and problem solving.This research was carried out withing the INGI 2015-29 research project at J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek ā€žChanging the paradigm of teaching in early childhood: constructivism and developmental approaches vs Behavioral Strategiesā€œ in 2016 and 2017. Male children have shown more developmental delays than their female counterparts within the same age group, also delays in communication and motor skills were more prevalent in younger children, while in the older age categories delays in problem solving and sociopersonal skills were more prevalent
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