283 research outputs found

    The connection between digital applications for physical exercise and the level of kinesiological activity of adolescents

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    Sažetak doktorskoga rada; Summary of doctoral these

    The Effects of Kinesiological Activity on Motor and Intellectual Functioning of Children in Relation to Their Physical Constitution at Birth

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    At birth, all children are characterized by different values of body weight and body length, caused by both genetic factors and the conditions and characteristics of their prenatal development. It is important to investigate whether these differences expressed at birth, particularly those values that are below average, can be improved by implementing a six-month period of kinesiological activity during childhood. With this purpose, a research was conducted using a sample of 214 children, aged 6,13 ±1,04 decimal years (experimental group of 93 boys and 29 girls, control group of 43 boys and 49 girls), which was divided into two subsamples by using K-mean cluster analysis based on body weight and length of children at birth. The formed subsamples were defined by the average values of the applied variables as groups of children that were below average and above average, according to their development at birth. Motor status of children was assessed by using a battery of 7 standard motor tests, and intellectual status by applying Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices. Quantitative effects of the applied kinesiological treatment were analyzed based on the initial and final status of young participants in the examined variables by using multivariate analysis of variance and covariance. Qualitative differences were defined by results of factor analyses. It was established that there were no statistically significant differences in the variable space between boys and girls in the initial measurement, in relation to the experimental and the control group, so the sample was further treated as the overall sample of children. The effects of the experimental treatment have shown significant improvement of motor and intellectual functioning of children in the experimental group of children with below average and above average development at birth

    Djeca rane dobi: uključenost s obzirom na različite vrste motoričkih sadržaja i multimedije tijekom njihove realizacije

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    The aim of the study is to determine whether children of an early age take equal part in all offered types of motor contents and various types of realisation accompanied by multimedia. The sample of examinees comprised 63 children who were on average 2.3 years old and who attended the regular integrated programme in Kindergarten Rijeka. The variables are formed by types of motor content which can be performed during kinesiological activities: biotic motor knowledge, kinesiological games, preparatory games, motor content accompanied by multimedia. The activities were recorded by a video camera; the observation method and the chi-square test were applied. Results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the children’s involvement regarding the types of motor contents and the application of multimedia. The highest involvement was present in the following contents: mastering obstacles, handling objects, individual kinesiological games, general preparatory exercises in place, while regarding the multimedia, during the realisation of motor contents children mostly preferred music. The lowest involvement was in the following contents: mastering resistance and team kinesiological games. When planning kinesiological activities with children of an early age, it is necessary to respect their interest which will then increase motivation and efficacy in organised physical exercising.Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi sudjeluju li djeca rane dobi podjednako u svim ponuđenim vrstama motoričkih sadržaja i različitim vrstama njihove realizacije koje omogućuje i multimedija. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 63 djece prosječne dobi od 2,3 godine koja su pohađala redoviti integrirani program u Dječjem vrtiću Rijeka. Varijable su formirane tipovima motoričkih sadržaja koji se mogu izvoditi tijekom kinezioloških aktivnosti: biotičko motoričko znanje, kineziološke igre, pripremne igre, motorički sadržaj uz multimediju. Aktivnosti su snimljene videokamerom, a primijenjene su metode uključivale promatranje i hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u uključenosti djece u pogledu tipova motoričkih sadržaja i primjene multimedije. Najveća uključenost zabilježena je u sljedećim sadržajima: svladavanje prepreka, rukovanje objektima, individualne kineziološke igre te opće pripremne vježbe na mjestu, dok u kontekstu multimedije tijekom realizacije motoričkih sadržaja djeca uglavnom preferiraju glazbu. Najmanja uključenost zabilježena je u sljedećim sadržajima: svladavanje otpora i timske kineziološke igre. Kod planiranja kinezioloških aktivnosti u djece rane dobi potrebno je poštivati njihov interes, što će povećati motivaciju i učinkovitost pri organiziranoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti


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    Kineziologija je znanost koja proučava procese upravljanog tjelesnog vježbanja i posljedice djelovanja tih procesa na ljudski organizam. Ciljevi kinezioloških aktivnosti mogu biti unaprjeĎenje zdravlja, prevencija kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti, razvoj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti te postizanja optimalnog odnosa promjenjivih morfoloških karakteristika. U ponudi kinezioloških aktivnosti u fitness centrima često možemo naići na sustav vježbanja pod nazivom joga. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je analizom doktrine, povijesnih značajki, oblika i stupnjeva joge prezentirati stvarnu narav i osnovni cilj joge, koji se ne podudara s osnovnim ciljem kinezioloških aktivnosti. TakoĎer, prezentirat će se dio vježbi koje se uobičajeno koriste u standardnim kineziološkim aktivnostima, a podudaraju se s vježbama u hatha jogi. Prikazane vježbe primjer su kako, ako se odbaci duhovni aspekt joge, ostaje konvencionalni oblik vježbanja, kojeg onda ne treba niti nazivati joga.Kinesiology is a science that studies processes of physical activity and consequences of those processes on the human body. The main goals of kinesiological activities are improving health, prevention of cronical non contagious diseases, development of motor skills, functional abilities and achieving optimal balance of changable motorical characteristics. There are many activities in fitness centres where exercise system by the name of yoga is offered. The aim of this graduate thesis is to present real characteristics and the main goals of yoga. It will be done by analizing its doctrine, historical features, and various shapes and degrees of yoga which contribute to a goal that is different from the main goal of kinesiological activities. Also, some of the activities which are usually used in standard kinesiological activities and whitch match with activities in hatha yoga, will be presented. Shown excercises are an example that demonstrate how, without the spiritual aspect of yoga, the conventional aspect remains and it should not be referred to as yoga

    Overweight and kinesiological aerobic activity for women

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    Overweight as a result of the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the body is determined, in addition to its hereditary characteristics , mainly by dietary habits and level of physical activity. Based on the current knowledge that one of the main causes of obesity is inadequate physical activity as the main regulator of energy in the human body, and the purpose of this research is based. The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of planned kinesiological activity ( Kangoo Jumps ) on the reduction of overweight in favor of subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction in females. The population sampled for this research was defined as female populations Mean age = 1995, SD = 4.66. The sample consisted 20 women who for the first time expressed a desire to practice at the “Gettfit Center” fitness center in Pristina. The following anthropometric variables were used to measure body mass and body volume : body weight (ABOWE), circumference of the upper arm (A CIUA) , circumference of the chest (ACICH) , circumference of the upper leg (ACIUL) , circumference of the lower leg (ACILL) and s ubcutaneous fat tissue : upper arm skinfold (AUASK) , subscapular skinfold (ASUSK), abdominal skinfold (AABSK ), upper leg skinfold (AULSK) and lower leg skinfold (ALLSK). The research was conducted during May and June of 2019, meaning it lasted 8 weeks to 3 days a week with one hour of scheduled Kangoo Jumps exercises . For estimating the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetic averages, paired t-test (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied . We can emphasize that any well-planned physical activity in terms of intensity and extension leads to certain positive changes in the body . The results show that Kangoo Jumps with 128 - 135 bpm high-intensity music 3 times a week for one hour is one of the most effective fitness programs in reducing overweight in favor of reducing subcutaneous body fat mass. Also the results obtained show that t raining aerobic with Kangoo Jumps fitness program has not had the same effect on changes in adipose tissue by r body egjioneve in population gender female hours, this training aerobic shows on a larger effect on reducing subcutaneous adipose tissue in the abdominal region


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    Kineziologija je znanost koja proučava procese upravljanog tjelesnog vježbanja i posljedice djelovanja tih procesa na ljudski organizam. Ciljevi kinezioloških aktivnosti mogu biti unaprjeĎenje zdravlja, prevencija kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti, razvoj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti te postizanja optimalnog odnosa promjenjivih morfoloških karakteristika. U ponudi kinezioloških aktivnosti u fitness centrima često možemo naići na sustav vježbanja pod nazivom joga. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je analizom doktrine, povijesnih značajki, oblika i stupnjeva joge prezentirati stvarnu narav i osnovni cilj joge, koji se ne podudara s osnovnim ciljem kinezioloških aktivnosti. TakoĎer, prezentirat će se dio vježbi koje se uobičajeno koriste u standardnim kineziološkim aktivnostima, a podudaraju se s vježbama u hatha jogi. Prikazane vježbe primjer su kako, ako se odbaci duhovni aspekt joge, ostaje konvencionalni oblik vježbanja, kojeg onda ne treba niti nazivati joga.Kinesiology is a science that studies processes of physical activity and consequences of those processes on the human body. The main goals of kinesiological activities are improving health, prevention of cronical non contagious diseases, development of motor skills, functional abilities and achieving optimal balance of changable motorical characteristics. There are many activities in fitness centres where exercise system by the name of yoga is offered. The aim of this graduate thesis is to present real characteristics and the main goals of yoga. It will be done by analizing its doctrine, historical features, and various shapes and degrees of yoga which contribute to a goal that is different from the main goal of kinesiological activities. Also, some of the activities which are usually used in standard kinesiological activities and whitch match with activities in hatha yoga, will be presented. Shown excercises are an example that demonstrate how, without the spiritual aspect of yoga, the conventional aspect remains and it should not be referred to as yoga


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    Kineziologija je znanost koja proučava procese upravljanog tjelesnog vježbanja i posljedice djelovanja tih procesa na ljudski organizam. Ciljevi kinezioloških aktivnosti mogu biti unaprjeĎenje zdravlja, prevencija kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti, razvoj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti te postizanja optimalnog odnosa promjenjivih morfoloških karakteristika. U ponudi kinezioloških aktivnosti u fitness centrima često možemo naići na sustav vježbanja pod nazivom joga. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je analizom doktrine, povijesnih značajki, oblika i stupnjeva joge prezentirati stvarnu narav i osnovni cilj joge, koji se ne podudara s osnovnim ciljem kinezioloških aktivnosti. TakoĎer, prezentirat će se dio vježbi koje se uobičajeno koriste u standardnim kineziološkim aktivnostima, a podudaraju se s vježbama u hatha jogi. Prikazane vježbe primjer su kako, ako se odbaci duhovni aspekt joge, ostaje konvencionalni oblik vježbanja, kojeg onda ne treba niti nazivati joga.Kinesiology is a science that studies processes of physical activity and consequences of those processes on the human body. The main goals of kinesiological activities are improving health, prevention of cronical non contagious diseases, development of motor skills, functional abilities and achieving optimal balance of changable motorical characteristics. There are many activities in fitness centres where exercise system by the name of yoga is offered. The aim of this graduate thesis is to present real characteristics and the main goals of yoga. It will be done by analizing its doctrine, historical features, and various shapes and degrees of yoga which contribute to a goal that is different from the main goal of kinesiological activities. Also, some of the activities which are usually used in standard kinesiological activities and whitch match with activities in hatha yoga, will be presented. Shown excercises are an example that demonstrate how, without the spiritual aspect of yoga, the conventional aspect remains and it should not be referred to as yoga

    Igra i kineziološka aktivnost djeteta – preduvjet stvaranja navike svakodnevnog vježbanja

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    Research was conducted among 628 primary school pupils from the first to the fourth grade (7-10 years of age) in order to determine preferences for play and kinesiological leisure activities among early school-age children, i.e. children at the age subsequent to preschool age where play is a primary means of impact on a person\u27s overall anthropological status. The obtained results point to a possible conclusion that the tendency of preference for play, kinesiological activities and both play and kinesiological activities is partly associated with children\u27s chronological age, although this regularity is somewhat disrupted. Additionally, belonging to a class or a group significantly affects the formation of common preferences. If these results are considered as a consequence of the attitudes towards leisure time formed already at preschool age, and we can agree that the impacts in this period are fairly varied, in addition to a relatively small percentage of children who are included in the organized educational system, it can be concluded that primary education is the time when grouping of attitudes takes place. On the other hand, this does not diminish the influences that take place at preschool age. The present study did not confirm gender differences in preferences for leisure time activities, although some previous experiences did indicate this possibility. Apparently, the differences resulted from belonging to certain groups that have had a more significant effect on determining these preferences. The responsibility of preschool institutions and schools in cooperation with parents primarily refers to preparing children for life in the society and civilization as it is, i.e. society characterized by a significantly reduced need for movement. Forming the habit of daily exercise - movement can significantly impact the reduction of negative effect of sedentary lifestyle, and due to a general feeling of well-being, play is the most appropriate means to achieve this goal in the youngest age group.Istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 628 učenica i učenika od 1. do 4. razreda (od 7- 10 godina starosti) s ciljem utvrđivanja preferencije prema igri, ali i kineziološkoj aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu djece mlađe školske dobi, dobi koja slijedi nakon predškolske dobi u kojoj je igra osnovno sredstvo utjecaja na ukupan antropološki status osobe. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na mogući zaključak kako je tendencija preferencije prema igri, kineziološkoj aktivnosti i naglašeno igri i kineziološkoj aktivnosti povezana dijelom s kronološkom dobi, premda je ta pravilnost donekle narušena. Osim toga, pripadnosti nekom razredu - skupini značajno utječe na oblikovanje zajedničkih preferencija. Ako promatramo te rezultate kao posljedicu oblikovanja stava prema slobodnom vremenu još iz predškolske dobi, a možemo se složiti kako su utjecaji u tom razdoblju raznovrsni, te kako je relativno malen postotak djece uključen u organizirani odgojno-obrazovni sustav, može se zaključiti kako do grupiranja stavova dolazi upravo u primarnoj edukaciji, ne umanjujući utjecaje u predškolskoj dobi. Istraživanjem nisu utvrđene razlike u preferenciji sadržaja slobodnog vremena s obzirom na pripadnost spolu iako su neka dosadašnja iskustva na to upućivala. Očigledno su razlike uzrokovane pripadnošću određenim skupinama koje su znatnije utjecale na determiniranje te preferencije.Odgovornost predškolskih ustanova i škole u suradnji s roditeljima je prije svega u tome da pripreme dijete za život u društvu i civilizaciji kakva jest, za koju je karakteristično da postoji značajno smanjena potreba za kretanjem. Stvaranjem navike svakodnevnog vježbanja - kretanja, a igra je zahvaljujući općem osjećaju ugode najprimjerenije sredstvo za ostvarenje tog cilja u najmlađim kategorijama, može se značajno djelovati na smanjenje negativnih doprinosa sedentarnog načina života