1,407 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses an interested party who wishes to influence the behavior of agents in a game (multi-agent interaction), which is not under his control. The interested party cannot design a new game, cannot enforce agents' behavior, cannot enforce payments by the agents, and cannot prohibit strategies available to the agents. However, he can influence the outcome of the game by committing to non-negative monetary transfers for the different strategy profiles that may be selected by the agents. The interested party assumes that agents are rational in the commonly agreed sense that they do not use dominated strategies. Hence, a certain subset of outcomes is implemented in a given game if by adding non-negative payments, rational players will necessarily produce an outcome in this subset. Obviously, by making sufficiently big payments one can implement any desirable outcome. The question is what is the cost of implementation? In this paper we introduce the notion of k-implementation of a desired set of strategy profiles, where k stands for the amount of payment that need to be actually made in order to implement desirable outcomes. A major point in k-implementation is that monetary offers need not necessarily materialize when following desired behaviors. We define and study k-implementation in the contexts of games with complete and incomplete information. In the latter case we mainly focus on the VCG games. Our setting is later extended to deal with mixed strategies using correlation devices. Together, the paper introduces and studies the implementation of desirable outcomes by a reliable party who cannot modify game rules (i.e. provide protocols), complementing previous work in mechanism design, while making it more applicable to many realistic CS settings

    The Debye-Waller factor of stabilized delta-Pu

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    The Debye-Waller factor has been calculated for stabilized delta-phase plutonium with 5% aluminum. A quasi-harmonic Born-von Karman force model with temperature dependent phonon frequencies was used to calculate the mean-square thermal atomic displacement from absolute zero to 800 K. Implementation of the observed anomalous softening of the long wavelength phonons with increasing temperature cannot account for the softening of the measured thermal parameter at high temperatures nor for its rather high value at low temperatures. The implications for diffraction measurements on delta-phase stabilized plutonium alloys are discussed.Comment: Presented at the conference Plutonium Futures - The Science 200

    Mechanism design with level-k types: theory and an application to bilateral trade

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    This paper studies mechanism design under the level-k solution concept. The first result gives a general necessary condition for a social choice rule to be level-k implementable. In some environments, this necessary condition is equivalent to Bayesian incentive compatibility, making level-k implementation more restrictive than Bayesian implementation. The second result shows that this is not a general implication. In the bilateral trade environment ex post efficient trade is always possible under level-k implementation. Further, ex post efficient trade is possible in a mechanism that is robust to different specifications of beliefs about the levels of reasoning of others and to any specification of beliefs about payoffs

    Expression-based aliasing for OO-languages

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    Alias analysis has been an interesting research topic in verification and optimization of programs. The undecidability of determining whether two expressions in a program may reference to the same object is the main source of the challenges raised in alias analysis. In this paper we propose an extension of a previously introduced alias calculus based on program expressions, to the setting of unbounded program executions s.a. infinite loops and recursive calls. Moreover, we devise a corresponding executable specification in the K-framework. An important property of our extension is that, in a non-concurrent setting, the corresponding alias expressions can be over-approximated in terms of a notion of regular expressions. This further enables us to show that the associated K-machinery implements an algorithm that always stops and provides a sound over-approximation of the "may aliasing" information, where soundness stands for the lack of false negatives. As a case study, we analyze the integration and further applications of the alias calculus in SCOOP. The latter is an object-oriented programming model for concurrency, recently formalized in Maude; K-definitions can be compiled into Maude for execution

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa-kewirausahaan oleh Community Development And Outreaching Bidikmisi Fkip Untan

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    This study aims to determine the success of PKM-K. Descriptive research method with the form of case studies. Source of research data is Chief Coordinator PKM-K and 5 students. The results of the study stage Estimated PKM-K: PKM-K helpful provide capital to entrepreneurship; 1,026 students Bidikmisi 2014 only 124 groups submitted proposals. Program Planning Phase: the committee held an entrepreneurship seminar; proposing the proposal PKM-K 1 month 4-5 people per group; disbursement of funds less suitable guidelines PKM-K. Program Implementation Phase: pelaksanakan PKM-K has a resistance of students and organizers; even PKM-K includes an appearance results of operations; system implementation according to the guidelines PKM-K; implementation of PKM-K 3 months; not all groups used venture capital funds; monitoring and evaluation within the guidelines of PKM-K; product introductions in the campus and the surrounding environment. Phase Results and Impact: business students do not get to the stage PIMNAS; hampered efforts bustle college; achieved business success and make a profit; PKM-K fostering the entrepreneurial spirit; there is a positive impact on the activities of PKM-K

    Two-dimensional Tissue Image Reconstruction Based on Magnetic Field Data

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    This paper introduces new possibilities within two-dimensional reconstruction of internal conductivity distribution. In addition to the electric field inside the given object, the injected current causes a magnetic field which can be measured either outside the object by means of a Hall probe or inside the object through magnetic resonance imaging. The Magnetic Resonance method, together with Electrical impedance tomography (MREIT), is well known as a bio-imaging modality providing cross-sectional conductivity images with a good spatial resolution from the measurements of internal magnetic flux density produced by externally injected currents. A new algorithm for the conductivity reconstruction, which utilizes the internal current information with respect to corresponding boundary conditions and the external magnetic field, was developed. A series of computer simulations has been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed algorithm within the process of estimating electrical conductivity changes in the lungs, heart, and brain tissues captured in two-dimensional piecewise homogeneous chest and head models. The reconstructed conductivity distribution using the proposed method is compared with that using a conventional method based on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). The acquired experience is discussed and the direction of further research is proposed

    Risk Minimizing Evacuation Strategies under Uncertainty

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    This paper presents results on the simulation of the evacuation of the city of Padang with approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants. The model used is MATSim (www.matsim.org). Three different strategies were applied: shortest path solution, user optimum, system optimum, together with a constraint that moves should reduce risk whenever possible. The introduction of the risk minimization increases the overall required safe egress time (RSET). The differences between the RSET for the three risk minimizing strategies are small. Further quantities used for the assessment of the evacuation are the formation of congestion and the individual RSETs (in comparison with the available SET).BMBF, 03G0666E, Verbundprojekt FW: Last-mile Evacuation; Vorhaben: Evakuierungsanalyse und Verkehrsoptimierung, Evakuierungsplan einer Stadt - Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIENBMBF, 03NAPAI4, Transport und Verkehr: Verbundprojekt ADVEST: Adaptive Verkehrssteuerung; Teilprojekt Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrssteuerung in Megacitie