71,282 research outputs found

    Jihad re-examined: Islamic law and international law

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    The Arabic term jihad, which means striving, endeavouring, and struggling, has widely been conceptualised to include ‘armed struggle’ as one of the forms of jihad. Jihad has been used by political leaders in some Islamic States or increasingly by non-State actors either to justify the use of force (e.g. Al-Qaeda’s 1996 ‘Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places’, and the 1998 World Islamic Front pronouncement signed by Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, among others, declared ‘jihad against Jews and Crusaders’) or to condemn the use of force as unlawful. Jihad has inspired many recent armed conflicts including that of the resistance to the US war against Afghanistan in 2001, the US-UK invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, the struggle for self-determination in Kashmir since 1947, the Palestinian struggle for reclaiming land from Israel since 1948 and the on-going armed conflict in Somalia. In recent times, the application of jihad to justify the use of force or its condemnation has raised questions regarding the compatibility of the jihad concept as conceptualised in Islamic law or by leaders of some Muslim groups with modern norms of international law as enunciated in the United Nations Charter. This article seeks to examine the evolving concept of jihad in Islamic law, its contemporary application and its compatibility with international law, in particular the relationship between jihad, freedom of religion/belief, and the prohibition on the use of force

    Interpretation of Jihad in the Qur`an

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    There are a lot of meanings given by the experts about jihad. In board outline,jihad means the war against the enemies, the exertion of every capability andevery power as well as the upholding of the truth. In the contemporary context,jihad means an intensive effort of one or a group for the public purpose that couldimprove a certain realm in a certain region, such as the elimination of terrorismand the abolition of poverty in Indonesia. The context of jihad in the Qur`anverses even one verse does not point deliberately to the war with the exception ofa country is colonized or it is under attack. It neither points to the violence nor theterrorism. The research of this article is intended to strengthen the meaning ofjihad due to various sorts of terrorism that happen in Indonesia, as a result of theinquiry and the case trial in court conducted to the perpetrators, they areoccasionally influenced with jihad doctrine and revenge versus forgiveness. Inanother part, the psychological indications such as frustration, disappointment,injustice, anger versus empathy are the factors that lead to their violent acts too.Unfortunately, the terrorism is propagated in various regions that are made asthe basic training camps. The research of this article depicts the meaning of Jihadbased on the Qur`an. The data for completing this work is based on the classicmanuscripts and the contemporary viewpoints. The research of this work is alsointended to stress on the denial of terrorism in the Qur`an. In academic value, theresearch of this work is expected to be useful to develop the contemporaryperspectives of jihad

    Model Pendidikan Jihad Pondok Pesantren Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta dan Pondok Pesantren Darusy Syahadah Boyolali 2015-2016

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    Surely Islam can not be separated from jihad. In late word jihad has been very attached to terrorism, especially after the events of September 11, 2001 and other events that is labeled jihad. Ulama differ in meaning in jihad it self, most interpret jihad specifically that war and others interpret jihad in general, which includes any attempt to elevate Islam. The purpose of this study was to know jihad meaning of Ta'mirul Islam boarding school leader and Darusy Shahadah boarding school leader, the model and the differences and similarities of education are applied at jihad in Ta'mirul Islam Boarding School and Darusy Syahadah boarding school 2015-2016. Type of research is a field research with qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources, that obtained from informants in Ta'mirul Islam Boarding School and Darusy Syahadah boarding school, this data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used inductive method. These results indicate that: Ta'mirul Islam boarding school leader said that meaning of jihad in accordance with the theory of Yusuf Qordowi as seriusly form of doing things, as the meaning of jihad which is derived from the word "jahada-yajhadu" that means seriously. As for that Ta'mirul Islam boarding school avoids the sense of narrowing the meaning of jihad as war. Darusy Syahadah boarding school recognizes both the meaning of jihad, either in a general sense that is jihad in upholding the religion of God with various kinds appropriate to the circumstances of the times, and still looks jihad with war that must be planted in deep inside a Muslim. Jihad educational model those are applied in Ta'mirul Islam boarding school namely: Jaulah, mujahādah, education, social Jihad, economics Jihad, education organization, said the right words to despotic leaders, the devotion of one year after graduation. Darusy Syahadah applied namely: physical Jihad, passions jihad, faith jihad, social jihad, propaganda jihad, education jihad, media jihad. Similarities of jihad education model between both boarding are namely: propaganda jihad, second: passions and devils jihad, third: amar ma‘rūf nahī munkar, fourth: education jihad. The difference between them are Ta'mirul Islam boarding school used of economic jihad jihad and said the right words to despotic leader, while Darusy Syahadah did not. Darusy Syahadah boarding school implemented physical education model while Ta'mirul Islam boarding school did not apply that model, even it avoided understanding of jihad educational model that means as war

    Jihad dalam Perspektif Muhammad Fethullah Gulen

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    Abstract: According to Fethullah Gulen, Jihad in a muslim spiritual life is a process to know closer one’s God. There are two kinds of jihad in his opinion; major jihad which is a jihad for oneself and minor jihad, which is directed toward others. Jihad toward oneself is considered a major jihad because it is directed to fight against one’s destructive ego as well as negative thought. Such things could deny a muslim to attain the ultimate perfection. By subduing oneself negative aspects, he or she will discover his/her true identity and finally discover and love his/her God.by doing so, he or she will get spiritual happiness. In contrast, minor jihad is an active fulfilment of a Muslim toward his or her religion. Major jihad influences dearly to minor jihad. Both jihads should work hand in hand. While major jihad has spiritual nature, minor jihad is physical. A good muslim will always perform jihad so that he or will have a balance of spiritual and physical life. Key words: Jihad, Muhammad Fethullah Gulen. Abstrak: Jihad dalam pandangan Fethullah Gulen merupakan sebuah proses dalam kehidupan seorang muslim agar lebih dekat dan mengenal Allah. Menurutnya, ada dua kategori jihad, yakni jihad besar yang merupakan jihad terhadap diri sendiri dan jihad kecil yang merupakan jihad terhadap orang lain. Jihad terhadap diri sendiri masuk dalam kategori jihad besar karena memerangi ego, emosi dan pikiran yang negatif dalam diri manusia sebagai upaya mengatasi hambatan antara diri sendiri dan jati dirinya, mengenali jiwa, dan akhirnya mengenali Tuhan, mencintai Tuhan, dan berbahagia secara spiritual. Sedangkan jihad kecil merupakan pemenuhan aktif seseorang terhadap perintah dan tugas dalam Islam, proses untuk membuat orang lain bisa mencapai jati dirinya didasarkan pada mengatasi hambatan antara manusia dan keimanan sehingga mereka dapat memilih secara bebas untuk beriman atau tidak beriman. Jihad yang pertama kali harus dilakukan adalah jihad besar, karena ia memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan bagi jihad kecil. Jihad dalam Islam yang menekankan pada harmonisasi antara jihad besar yang bersifat batiniah dan jihad kecil yang bersifat lahiriah, maka orang beriman yang selalu berjihad, baik jihad kecil maupun besar, akan memiliki keseimbangan fisik dan spiritual yang sangat bagus. Kata Kunci: Jihad, jihad besar, jihad kecil, Muhammad Fethullah Gulen

    Konsep jihad dalam film Sang Martir

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    Jihad dalam Islam mempunyai kedudukan yang sangat tinggi. Rasulullah Saw menganggap jihad sebagai puncak amalan, dikarenakan keutamaan jihad yang banyak tertera dalam al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah. Kemuliaan jihad juga bisa dilihat dari menyatunya berbagai macam bentuk ibadah di dalam jihad. Begitu besar arti penting jihad dalam Islam, kalimat ini masih menimbulkan interpretasi negatif di kalangan Barat.merupakan sebuah ajaran Islam yang isunya sangat mendunia, terutama saat sebagian pihak mencoba mengkait-kaitkannya dengan isu terorisme. Banyak pihak, khususnya barat yang menganggap terorisme sama dengan jihad. Bagi sebagian pihak yang lain, khususnya masyarakat muslim dunia, justru tudingan itu dianggap menyudutkan, sebab Islam sendiri memiliki kriteria yang sangat ketat untuk diperbolehkannya menjalankan jihad.. Berangkat dari konsep-konsep tersebut tentu dapat dipahami bahwa adanya terorisme dengan mengatasnamakan jihad adalah ulah dari sebagian oknum umat Islam, bukan mewakili apa yang diajarkan dalam Islam. Di Indonesia sendiri sebagai negara dengan jumlah umat muslim terbesar di dunia yang pernah mengalami peristiwa terorisme berkedok jihad beberapa kali juga mengeluarkan pendapat serupa dari mayoritas kaum muslimnya. Sikap tersebut bukan hanya muncul dari kalangan ulama saja, melainkan dari para sineas yang xi mencoba menggambarkan kegelisahan mereka atas terorisme berkedok jihad itu melalui karya film. Sang Martir adalah salah satu film karya Helfi Kardit. Martir sendiri merupakan istilah bagi kaum eskstrimis yang meninggal dalam jihad. Dalam bahasa Arab dan bahasa muslim lainnya disebut syahid salah satu film besutan sutradara Helfi Kardit yang mencoba memberikan pemahaman tentang jihad yang sesungguhnya dengan balutan drama yang bersifat entertain agar bisa diterima oleh khalayak luas. Maka dari itu penelitian ini mencoba menggali berbagai konsep jihad yang terkandung secara tersirat dalam film Sang Martir smenggunakan teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Analisis isi adalah suatu teknik sistematik untuk menganalisis isi pesan dan mengolah pesan, atau suatu alat untuk mengobservasi dan menganalisis isi perilaku komunikasi yang terbuka dari komunikator yang dipilih atas objek kajian untuk menangkap pesan yang bersifat tersirat. Selanjutnya pada bagian pembahasan akan dijelaskan secara utuh perihal konsep jihad yang terkandung dalam film Sang Martir sebagai sebuah cara pandang lain terhadap jihad yang seringkali disalahpahami oleh sebagian pihak. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah bahwa konsep jihad yang terdapat dalam film tersebut merupakan jihad defensive, sehingga berbagai tindakan kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan jihad sangat bertentangan dengan jihad yang dimaksud dalam film ini

    Hakikat Jihad

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    Tema jihad dalam Islam merupakan salah satu tema besar yang sangat penting dan memiliki pengaruh kuat dalam menjaga sendi-sendi ajaran Islam. Jihad merupakan puncak tataran Islam dan para pelakunya akan menempati tingkatan yang paling tinggi di surga. Tanpa jihad, keagungan risalah Islam hanya akan mengalami gerhana; sinarnya ada namun tidak pernah sampai kebumi. Akan tetapi, ternyata masih banyak orang yang keliru dalam memahami perkara jihad ini, dan mendudukannya bukan pada tempat yang semestinya.Makna jihad menjadi tereduksi sedemikian sempit, seolah-olah jihad hanya soal perang dan invasi militer. Padahal, meski kedudukan qital dalam jihad teramat agung, namun jihad tidak hanya tentang qital (berperang)


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    Abstract;The arrival of allies in post-independence Indonesia raised concerns among the founding fathers and kiai of re-colonization. One of the responses to the arrival of the allied troops came from Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which is known for its jihad fatwas and resolusi jihad. The resolusi jihad became NU's national ijtihad in order to prevent re-colonization in Indonesia (defensive jihad). This call calls on the official government of Indonesia to carry out an armed struggle, as well as calling on all people to jihad fi sabilillah. The resolusi jihad is an anti-colonial nationalism that was born out of a burst of love for an independent Indonesia, the arrival of allies, and the Orange Hotel incident. The spirit of nationalism coupled with the precarious condition of the nation gave birth to the jihad fi sabilillah movement. The principle of love for the motherland and jihad to defend an independent country is fardhu ain, obligatory for every Muslim. This spirit of jihad and nationalism swelled among students and fighters for peace against allies, colonialists, for the sake of upholding the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.Keywords: Resolusi Jihad, nationalisme of jihad, anti-colonialismAbstrak; Kedatangan sekutu di indonesia pasca kemerdekaan memunculkan kekhawatiran di kalangan pendiri bangsa dan kiai akan terjadinya penjajahan kembali. Respon atas kedatangan tentara sekutu salah satunya hadir dari Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), yang dikenal dengan fatwa jihad dan resolusi jihad. Resolusi jihad menjadi ijtihad kebangsaan NU demi menghalau terjadinya penjajahan kembali di Indonesia (jihad defensive). Seruan ini menghimbau pemerintah resmi Indonesia untuk melakukan perjuangan bersenjata, sekaligus menghimbau seluruh rakyat untuk jihad fi sabilillah. Resolusi jihad merupakan nasioanlisme anticolonial yang lahir dari letupan kecintaan terhadap Indonesia merdeka, kedatangan sekutu, dan insinden hotel oranje. Semangat nasionalisme yang dibarengi dengan kondisi bangsa yang genting melahirkan gerakan jijhad fi sabilillah. Prinsip cinta tanah air dan jihad membela negara merdeka menjadi fardhu ain, wajib bagi setiap muslim. Semangat jihad dan nasionalisme ini menggelembung di kalangan santri dan pejuang untuk berperangan melawan sekutu, pejajah, demi tegaknya kedaulatan negara republik Indonesia.Keywords: Resolusi Jihad, Jiihad Nasionalisme, anti-kolonialism

    Model Pendidikan Jihad Pondok Pesantren Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta 2014-2015

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    ABSTRACT EDUCATION MODEL COTTAGE BOARDING TA'MIRUL ISLAMIC JIHAD SURAKARTA 2014-2015 M Nur Rochim infallible, G000130176, Department of Islamic Education (MT) Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of jihad according to Ta'mirul Islamic boarding school and education models applied jihad Ta'mirul Surakarta Islamic Boarding School from 2014 to 2015. This type of research is a field research with qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources, ie data taken directly from the resources Ta'mirul Islamic boarding school leadership, care staff Ta'mirul Islamic Boarding School and Boarding School Ta'mirul Islam, this data collection technique using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used is the deductive method, which is a way of thinking which is still a research tool since choosing, finding the problem of constructing a hypothesis, and conduct field observations to test the data. These results indicate that: 1) Boarding Ta'mirul interpret Islam in jihad in accordance with the theory of Joseph Qordowi as a form of earnestness in doing something, as the meaning of the language of jihad which is derived from the word "jahada-yajhadu" truly meaningful besungguh , The Islamic Boarding School Ta'mirul avoid the sense of narrowing the meaning of jihad is the jihad which means war, and Islamic Boarding School Ta'mirul split into three namely jihad: jihad with power, with the spirit of jihad (the heart) and the jihad with the mind. Educational model applied jihad Islamic Boarding School Ta'mirul namely: 1. Jaulah 2. mujahadah 3. Education 4. 5. Jihad economic social Jihad 6. Education organization. Keywords: Ta'mirul Islam, education jihad, meaning, models