1,385 research outputs found

    Ossian and James Macpherson

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    Discussion of the Ossianic poetry translated by James Macpherson

    "Rude Bard of the North": James Macpherson and the Folklore of Democracy

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    Barking Dogs and Deaf Ears: The Mysterious Unheeded Scottish Origin of Tennyson\u27s In Memoriam

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    This paper records two specific sources for Tennyson\u27s poems Tears, idle tears and In Memoriam, both in James Macpherson\u27s Ossian, identifies the edition of Ossian that Tennyson used, and discusses the significance of Ossian for Tennyson in late 1833 in the immediate aftermath of Arthur Hallam\u27s death. The discussion of Tennyson is framed to fit the theme, The Mysteries at Our Own Doors, at the 43rd Victorians Institute, Charlotte, NC, October 24, 2014

    „Már akár igazi akár ál”: Az Osszián és a naiv eposz problémái

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    A tanulmány Arany János Naiv eposzunk című írásának kapcsolatát vizsgálja az ossziáni hagyománnyal. James Macpherson művét a kortárs skót historiográfia és irodalomértés, majd a modern fordításelmélet kontextusába helyezve mutatja be. Ezután a magyar hatástörténet Aranyra vonatkozó részleteit tárgyalja alaposabban

    Principle and Imagination in Judging: A Conversation with Mr. Justice James MacPherson

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    In the fall of 2005, Mr. Justice James MacPherson of the Ontario Court of Appeal began his visiting term at the Dalhousie University Faculty of Law. During his visit, Justice MacPherson spoke with two students about several issues that have engaged him during his career as a lawyer, academic and judge. The conversation raised a number of questions about Canada’s changing legal landscape, and how the judiciary has attempted to balance the role of legal principle and judicial imagination in law-making. How, for example, has the public’s sceptical perception of our evolving justice system subjected judges to a higher degree of scrutiny? The result has often been an apparent trade-off between principle and perception. What are the new dilemmas in our administration of justice? More than ever before, an applicant’s right to a principled and fair hearing has been compromised by systemic problems preventing access to the courts. Consequently, courts are being pressed to be more imaginative. To what extent, then, should judges articulate the intuitive (and sometimes personal) premise that often lies at the heart of their judgement? The weight of all these issues has placed judges in a position to re-consider their role in the justice system, and how they can balance principle and imagination to better adapt to the needs of society. Justice MacPherson brings his unique perspective to these issues from his vast experience in the legal system. He was counsel for the Government of Saskatchewan in many early landmark constitutional decisions, he served as an officer in the Dickson Court, and was later involved as a judge in several high profile decisions, such as the recent Ontario same-sex marriage appeal, Halpern. v. Canada. A graduate of Dalhousie Law School in 1976, Justice MacPherson has had a remarkable legal career. He began as a law professor at the University of Victoria, spent time as Director of the Constitutional Branch of Saskatchewan, and later was Executive Legal Officer of the Supreme Court of Canada. He was the Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School until his appointment as a judge of the Ontario Superior Court, and later the Ontario Court of Appeal

    Sir Walter Scott's The Antiquary and the Ossian controversy

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    A study of the influence of the controversy about Macpherson's Ossian poems on Scott's novel The Antiquary

    Tradition and Identity in Scotland and Canada: James Macpherson, Stan Rogers, Garnet Rogers

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    Zak Morgan nous expose divers moyens par lesquels les processus de Ia tradition orale parviennent a far;onner l 'identite nationale culturelle. M Morgan compare de recentes interpre-tations, par l 'Ecossais James Macpherson, de publications "Ossiennes" du 18' siecle qui pretent a controverse, avec des chansons que le regrette Stan Rogers ancrait deliberement dans l 'histoire du Canada, et surtout en Nouvelle-Ecosse, et dont le point de vue persiste dans le travail recent de Garnet Rogers, .frere et proche collaborateur de Stan. M Morgan, qui a rassemb/e des sources et commentaires tels que critiques litter aires, etudes sur l 'historiographie et le folklore, publire portages et autres textes publicitaires, et allant de Ia litterature pre-romantique aux enregi-strements so no reset video contemporains, fait ici un expose sur la valeur ideologique des pratiques orales que Ia plupart des historiens et philologues ant juge avec scepticisme pendant plus de deux siecles