1,946,126 research outputs found

    Global Microscope on the Microfinance Business Environment 2010: An Index and Study by the Economist Intelligence Unit

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    This report outlines the findings of the Economist Intelligence Unit¿s in-depth analysis of the microfi nance business environment in 54 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be compared across three broad categories: regulatory framework, institutional development and investment climate. The study uses a methodology which was originally developed for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2007 and was employed for the fi rst time on a global basis in 2009. Most of the research for this report was conducted prior to May 2010, although some later developments (up to July) were included where they were particularly signifi cant.Microbusinesses & Microfinance

    Effect of Intellectual Intelligence , Emotional Intelligence , Intelligence and Spiritual Organization Commitment to the Performance of Provincial Auditor BPK Riau

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of intellectual, emotional intelligence , spiritualintelligence and organizational commitment to performance BPK auditors Riau province .The research method used is a research method deskriktif the survey approach . The collected data obtained through questionnaires , with 54 auditors . Processing and analyzing the data using the classical assumption test after test validity and reliability , then drawn a conclusion by using multiple regression statistical test . with the aid of a computer program that SPSS version 17.00.The results of hypothesis testing one and five received . This illustrates that the intellectual, emotional intelligence , spiritual intelligence and organizational commitment and a significant positive effect on the Performance Auditor . With significant values of 0.003 , 0.007 , 0.022 and 0.01 . Coefficient of determination for themselves by 30.7 % , which means that the variable intellectual, emotional intelligence , spiritual intelligence and organizational commitment to performance auditor may explain the variable performance BPK auditors at 30.7 % and the remaining 69.3 % is influenced by factors others are not examined in this research .Keywords : Intellectual Intelligence , Emotional Intelligence , Spiritual Intelligence , Organizational Commitment , Performance Auditor BPK Riau Province

    Social Intelligence Design in Ambient Intelligence

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    This Special Issue of AI and Society contains a selection of papers presented at the 6th Social Intelligence Design Workshop held at ITC-irst, Povo (Trento, Italy) in July 2007. Being the 6th in a series means that there now is a well-established and also a growing research area. The interest in this research area is growing because, among other things, current computing technology allows other than the traditional efficiency-oriented applications associated with computer science and interface technology. For example, in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) applications we look at sensor-equipped environments and devices (robots, smart furniture, virtual humans and pets) that support their human inhabitants during their everyday activities. These everyday activities also include computer-mediated communication, collaboration and community activities

    Secrecy and Intelligence: Introduction

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    The catalyst for this special issue of Secrecy and Society stems from a workshop titled “Secrecy and Intelligence: Opening the Black Box” at North Carolina State University, April, 2016. This workshop brought together interested scholars, intelligence practitioners, and civil society members from the United States and Europe to discuss how different facets of secrecy and other practices shape the production of knowledge in intelligence work. This dialogue aimed to be reflective on how the closed social worlds of intelligence shape what intelligence actors and intelligence analysts, who include those within the intelligence establishment and those on the outside, know about security threats and the practice of intelligence. The papers in this special issue reflect conversations that occurred during and after the workshop

    Intelligences about things and intelligences about people

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    Human intelligence is redefined in light of new evidence that, in addition to general intelligence, broad mental abilities exist such as quantitative, spatial, and verbal-comprehension intelligences. Many of these broad intelligences pertain to circumscribed topics; that is, to reasoning within a broad content-area. For example, quantitative intelligence is concerned with mathematical reasoning, and spatial intelligence with reasoning about objects and their shapes and movements. Some among the broad intelligences are focused on reasoning about people: People-focused intelligences include personal intelligence (an intelligence about personality), social intelligence, and emotional intelligence. I argue for an understanding of each broad intelligence as involving a group of abilities necessary to reason about a specific subject area. To help organize the broad intelligences, a rationale is provided for categorizing them according to whether they focus mostly on things or on people

    Boîte à outils du travailleur du Web 2012 (La)

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    Ce document rassemble et commente brièvement une série d\u27outils très pratiques susceptibles de faciliter la production de contenus sur le web

    Cultural Explorations of Human Intelligence Around the World

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    The goal of this article is to review cultural explorations of human intelligence around the globe. The article opens in the first part with a consideration of cultural studies that suggest that there is more to intelligence than IQ. It continues with the suggestion for what that more might be, namely, successful intelligence. The second part of the article thus describes the theory of successful intelligence, as well as data from various cultures that support the theory. The third part of the article considers cultural conceptions, of implicit theories of intelligence. It is concluded that cultural studies suggest that conventional notions of intelligence are narrow and limited