1,057 research outputs found

    Teacher's Literary Didactic Competence and Internal Differentiation in the Literature Classroom

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    The article presents a pedagogical experiment and its findings. It was carried out as the second part of the research Differentiation and Individualisation in the Literature Classroom in the Third Cycle of Basic School. In the first phase of the research we used quantitative methods, which involved 274 Slovene language teachers and 667 students in order to find out how teachers implemented differentiation and individualisation principles in the literature classroom in smaller (mixed-ability) groups in the third cycle. It turned out that most teachers did not understand the basic principles of differentiation and individualisation and had poor awareness of both studentsā€™ reception ability as well as of their horizon of expectations. Due to the fact that the pedagogic syllabus for teacher training does not involve the above mentioned field, the second phase of the research concentrated on the pedagogical experiment, where 30 teachers developed a new literary-didactic competence which later enabled them to perceive/recognize the studentsā€™ horizon of expectations related to the studentsā€™ literary reception metacognition development. Data were gathered by observation in the classroom, lesson plan analysis, and teachersā€™ self-evaluation. The basic findings show that teachers should develop this competence and need further training. Without training even additional material (didactic manual) would not yield the desired influence on instruction regarding differentiation and individualisation. In other words, only expert and guided in-service teacher training can lead to modern and learner centred instruction

    Use of the individual educational plan by teachers in Slovenian primary schools

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    Teachers play a key role in the optimal development of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) by providing an inclusive learning environment. Strategies used for the education of pupils with SEN are typically based on an individual educational plan (IEP). Based on extant literature, we aimed to understand (1) whether primary school teachers were involved in the preparation of the IEP, (2) the extent to which they were familiar with the adjustments written in the IEP, and (3) the significance of the role played by the IEP in a teacherā€™s daily work. Eighty-nine primary school teachers from different schools in north-east Slovenia participated in this questionnaire-based research. The results show that fewer than half of the teachers were always involved in the preparation of the IEP for the pupils with SEN they teach. A few reported that they had not taken part in the preparation of pupilsā€™ IEP at all. Furthermore, just over half of participants were familiar with all the adjustments recorded in the IEP. There were also differences in the responses to the research based on the professional title and experience of the teachers. The differences were in favour of teachers with more experience and teachers with more senior professional titles. We also found that most teachers believed that an IEP plays an important role when working with pupils with SEN and writing a regular lesson plan. Our findings represent the starting point for the preparation of education for pupils with SEN and act as a basis for the self-evaluation of a teacherā€™s pedagogical work

    Human Rights from Within

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    Prava čovjeka obično sebi predstavljamo kao krÅ”enje osnovnih sloboda. KrÅ”itelje u pravilu predstavljaju represivne vlasti. No prava čovjeka obuhvaćaju mnogo viÅ”e od samog krÅ”itelja i nemoćne žrtve. Ma kako okrutno zvučalo krÅ”enje prava čovjeka od strane represivnih vlasti predstavljaju refleksnu sliku krÅ”enja prava i sloboda za koje je odgovoran svaki pojedinac. Zalaganja za ostvarivanjem prava čovjeka stoga, paralelno sa garantiranjem osiguranja prava čovjeka od krÅ”enja od strane druÅ”tva i države, zahtijevaju i poticanje aktivnog ostvarivanja prava svakog pojedinca. U tekstu koji slijedi bavim se prvenstveno aktivnim pristupom pravima čovjeka koji priznaje holističku prirodu ljudskog bića, njegovu slobodnu volju i osobnu odgovornost da upoznaje i ostvaruje svoja prava, da za početak upozna i smjesti (individualizira) samoga sebe, da se izliječi od vlastitih nesloboda i kao slobodan i autonoman pojedinac nastupa spram ostalih bića. Tekst je zamiÅ”ljen kao poticaj da postanemo svjesni svojih prava i da ih bezuvjetno i nesebično ostvarujemo.Usually we visualize human rights as the infringement of fundamental freedoms. The violators are, as a rule, the repressive authorities. But, human rights include much more than the mere violators and the helpless victims. No matter how cruel it sounds, the infringement of human rights performed by the repressive authorities represents the reflection of rights \u27and freedomsā€™ violations for which each individual is responsible. Therefore, pleading for the realization of human rights, and simultaneously guaranteeing the implentation of human rights violated by the society and state, also requires the enhancement of the active realization of the rights of each individual. In the text that follows, I am first of all dealing with the active approach to human rights, which acknowledges the wholistic character of human nature, its free will and personal responsibility to get acquainted with and to realize its rights, to initially learn more about oneself and to place (individualize) oneself, to be cured of oneā€™s own non-freedoms and to freely and independently advance towards other beings. The text is conceived as an incentive for becoming conscious of our rights and for unreservedly and unselfishly realizing them

    Prikazi ljubavi u Andrićevu romanu Na Drini ćuprija

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    Starting with Erich Frommā€™s thesis on love from his seminal work The Art of Loving (1956), the paper tries to show the way in which Frommā€™s psycho-biological concept of love is represented differently in different historical formations in Andrićā€™s historical novel The Bridge on the Drina (1945). A brief analysis of the three love relations from Andrićā€™s novel reveals the process of the appearance of the concept of modern love, the moment in which love ceases to be a social instancje and becomes an individual act.Starting with Erich Frommā€™s thesis on love from his seminal work The Art of Loving (1956), the paper tries to show the way in which Frommā€™s psycho-biological concept of love is represented differently in different historical formations in Andrićā€™s historical novel The Bridge on the Drina (1945). A brief analysis of the three love relations from Andrićā€™s novel reveals the process of the appearance of the concept of modern love, the moment in which love ceases to be a social instancje and becomes an individual act

    Management of patients with adrenal incidentaloma ā€“ 2019 update

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    Zadnjih desetak godina doŔlo je do značajnih promjena u zdravstvenom zbrinjavanju bolesnika s incidentalomima nadbubrežne žlijezde koje su rezultirale novim preporukama za dijagnostiku i liječenje ovih bolesnika napravljenim u suradnji Europskoga endokrinoloŔkog druŔtva i Europske mreže za istraživanje tumora nadbubrežne žlijezde. Na temelju navedenih preporuka i viŔegodiŔnjega vlastitog iskustva Referentni centar Ministarstva zdravstva Republike Hrvatske za bolesti nadbubrežne žlijezde predlaže izmjene i dopune preporuka za dijagnostiku i liječenje ovih bolesnika objavljenih u Liječničkom vjesniku 2010. godine.In the last decade, the clinical care of patients with adrenal incidentaloma has been significantly changed which prompted the European Society of Endocrinology and European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors to develop an updated clinical practice guideline for the management of these patients. In accordance with the aforementioned recommendations and based on its own experience, the Croatian Referral Center for adrenal gland disorders provides an update of the previous guideline for the clinical management of patients with adrenal incidentaloma published in Liječnički vjesnik in 2010

    Challenges of the Forensic and Criminal Investigation Terminology Project in Defining Terms from Identification Domain

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    Sažetak Od travnja 2018. do listopada 2019. godine odvija se projekt Forenzično-kriminalističko nazivlje (FuNK) u sklopu programa Izgradnja hrvatskoga strukovnog nazivlja (Struna) Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (HRZZ). Projektom je predviđeno definiranje 3000 pojmova iz područja istraživanja mjesta događaja, suvremenih kriminalističkih teorija i izvrÅ”noga upravljanja, forenzične obrade bioloÅ”kih, kemijskih i fizikalnih tragova, forenzične balistike i mehanoskopije, daktiloskopije, forenzične analize spornih dokumenata i novca te masovnih katastrofa i masovnih grobnica. Tijekom rada na projektu suradnici su se susreli s brojnim izazovima u usklađivanju i osuvremenjivanju nazivlja terminologije; te će u ovome radu predložiti rjeÅ”enja za definiranje pojmova identifikacije, klasifikacije i individualizacije, koji se često rabe u forenzičnoj praksi, no počesto u pogreÅ”nome i neodgovarajućemu kontekstu.Croatian vocational terminology project (Struna), under the name of Forensic-Criminalistic Terminology is an ongoing project by the Croatian Science Foundation that started in April 2018 and is planned to end in October 2019. The project envisages the definition of 3000 terms from the areas such as crime scene investigation (CSI), contemporary criminal theories and executive management, forensic processing of biological, chemical and physical traces, forensic ballistics and toolmark examination, dactyloscopy, forensic analysis of disputed documents and money, and mass disasters and mass graves. During the project, the authors met with numerous challenges in aligning and modernizing the terminology, and in this paper they will propose solutions to define the concepts of identification, classification and individualization, which are often used in forensic practice, but in a misleading and inappropriate context
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