86,109 research outputs found

    Use of Indicators to Evaluate Sustainability of Animal Production Systems

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    SUMMARY – Few indicators for sustainability are used in studying animal production systems. Sustainability of these systems should be evaluated in a dynamic and multidisciplinary manner, and those indicators used should allow for detecting the systems' most relevant properties, as well as the tendency of those systems to change. Indicators proposed by FAO provide information regarding all attributes of sustainability, although in a manner which is overly focused on technical and economic indicators at the expense of social and environmental factors. In order to use these indicators to evaluate sustainability, it is necessary to: (i) integrate and reduce the number of indicators, balancing them for all sustainability attributes; (ii) generate indicators which show system sustainability in relation to the economic, environmental and social context; and (iii) design indicators which show system evolution and the influence of this process on that system’s sustainability.RESUME – "Utilisation d'indicateurs pour évaluer la durabilité des systèmes de production animale". Les indicateurs permettant de caractériser la durabilité des systèmes de production animale sont peu développés. L'évaluation de la durabilité de ces systèmes doit être dynamique et multidisciplinaire et les indicateurs utilisés doivent permettre de détecter les caractéristiques les plus importantes des systèmes et leur évolution. Les indicateurs proposés par la FAO servent à informer sur tous les attributs liés à la durabilité, mais d’une façon non équilibrée et trop centrée sur le système de production. Pour rendre possible l’utilisation des indicateurs FAO en tant qu'évaluateurs de la durabilité des systèmes, il conviendra de: (i) réduire le nombre d'indicateurs obtenus à partir des données de l’exploitation, en cherchant un équilibre entre le nombre d’indicateurs qui correspondent à chaque attribut de la durabilité ; (ii) générer des indicateurs représentatifs de la durabilité des systèmes liés à l'environnement, aussi bien physique, économique que social ; et (iii) créer des indicateurs qui renseignent sur l’évolution du système et de sa durabilité

    Quatre indicateurs d'inflation sous-jacente: application et interpretation.

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    Dans ce papier, nous comparons quatre indicateurs de l'inflation sous-jacente: l'approche par exclusion de postes, les estimateurs "a influence limitee" comme l'inflation mediane, les mesures issues d'un VAR structurel et une mesure tiree d'un modele a composantes inobservables. Ces indicateurs sont discutes du point de vue de leur interpretation et de leur utilisation a des fins conjoncturelles.Econometrie ; Inflation ; Instruments de mesure

    The forester\u27s dilemma : paradoxes in the criteria and indicators for sustainable forestry

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    Since sustainable forestry is a complex endeavor, paradoxes naturally exist in the certification criteria and indicators. There are different ways to establish the sustainability horizon and alternative harvest profiles that, although sustainable, may not meet specific criteria. The application of historic range of variation data and criteria must confront issues of time and spatial scales as well as how much human disturbance is natural. Defining “local” in the bioregional context is important for addressing socioeconomic criteria. The forester’s ability to deal with the self-contradictions in the criteria and indicators of sustainable forestry will improve with experience in the certification process

    The Glacier Complexes of the Mountain Massifs of the North-West of Inner Asia and their Dynamics

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    The subject of this paper is the glaciation of the mountain massifs Mongun-Taiga, Tavan-Boghd-Ola, Turgeni- Nuru, and Harhira-Nuru. The glaciation is represented mostly by small forms that sometimes form a single complex of domeshaped peaks. According to the authors, the modern glaciated area of the mountain massifs is 21.2 km2 (Tavan-Boghd-Ola), 20.3 km2 (Mongun-Taiga), 42 km2 (Turgeni- Nuru), and 33.1 km2 (Harhira-Nuru). The area of the glaciers has been shrinking since the mid 1960’s. In 1995–2008, the rate of reduction of the glaciers’ area has grown considerably: valley glaciers were rapidly degrading and splitting; accumulation of morainic material in the lower parts of the glaciers accelerated. Small glaciers transformed into snowfields and rock glaciers. There has been also a degradation of the highest parts of the glaciers and the collapse of the glacial complexes with a single zone of accumulation into isolated from each other glaciers. Reduced snow cover area has led to a rise in the firn line and the disintegration of a common accumulation area of the glacial complex. In the of the Mongun-Taiga massif, in 1995– 2008, the firn line rose by 200–300 m. The reduction of the glaciers significantly lagged behind the change in the position of the accumulation area boundary. In the past two years, there has been a significant recovery of the glaciers that could eventually lead to their slower degradation or stabilization of the glaciers in the study area

    Programme D'appui Aux Réformes du Secteur de L'énergie et à la Gouvernance Financière

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    The report presents the aid give by BAD to reform industrial sector in Comoros

    Developing ecosystem service indicators: experiences and lessons learned from sub-global assessments and other initiatives

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    People depend upon ecosystems to supply a range of services necessary for their survival and well-being. Ecosystem service indicators are critical for knowing whether or not these essential services are being maintained and used in a sustainable manner, thus enabling policy makers to identify the policies and other interventions needed to better manage them. As a result, ecosystem service indicators are of increasing interest and importance to governmental and inter-governmental processes, including amongst others the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Aichi Targets contained within its strategic plan for 2011-2020, as well as the emerging Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Despite this growing demand, assessing ecosystem service status and trends and developing robust indicators is o!en hindered by a lack of information and data, resulting in few available indicators. In response, the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), together with a wide range of international partners and supported by the Swedish International Biodiversity Programme (SwedBio)*, undertook a project to take stock of the key lessons that have been learnt in developing and using ecosystem service indicators in a range of assessment contexts. The project examined the methodologies, metrics and data sources employed in delivering ecosystem service indicators, so as to inform future indicator development. This report presents the principal results of this project

    Programme cantonal diabète dans le canton de Vaud indicateurs pour le suivi et le baromètre : rapport final

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    Le Programme cantonal Diabète souhaite collecter des indicateurs afin d'objectiver son suivi et produire un Baromètre Diabète Vaud qui serait publié et distribué périodiquement à un public large. Ce rapport présente les indicateurs suggérés par l'IUMSP, mandaté afin d'établir une liste raisonnée d'indicateurs sur le diabète pour le canton de Vaud. La sélection d'indicateurs s'est faite d'après plusieurs critères, parmi lesquels la disponibilité des indicateurs actuelle et à long terme, ainsi que leur pertinence avérée par la littérature. Ce rapport décrit les résultats pour les indicateurs sélectionnés, ainsi que les informations nécessaires à leur compréhension : source, fréquence de mise à disposition, méthode de calcul, limites, références éventuelles. Parmi les indicateurs décrits dans ce rapport, certains sont proposés comme spécialement pertinents à inclure dans le futur Baromètre Diabète Vaud. Aussi, une suggestion de présentation de ces indicateurs (fiches descriptives) est articulée pour ce dernier