7,192 research outputs found

    InTouch Usability Evaluation

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    The main purpose of this test was to asses the performance of an actual customer with little or no previous InTouch experience. The usability test measured the total time needed to accomplish information entry and output, and record user critical incidents. Tasks included routine operations, print operations, and import/export of data. Each test session consisted of a performance test where the user performed a series of tasks, and a post-test interview where the user filled out a brief user preference questionnaire about the functionality and usability of InTouch and was given the opportunity to make comments or ask questions about InTouch. Evaluation measures included: observations and comments for each critical incident; classification of errors associated with critical incidents including severity, scope, and source of error; the time necessary to complete each task; the percentage of participants who successfully complete each task; and user rankings of the functionality and usability of InTouch. All participants did fulfill InTouch developer goals of having users succeed in entering information into InTouch within the first 5-10 minutes of use and outputting information from InTouch within the first half hour of use. Although, many participants did have major problems. User likes included the InTouch documentation, the exclusion option in sort, the option of creating a new group from the group search dialog box, the choice of sounds for reminders, and the repeat option for reminders. User dislikes included having to search the giant InTouch menu, the difficulty figuring out the function of the different panes in the main window, the lack of on-line help, and the lack of access to group functions from the main window. Users also disliked InTouch not behaving like other Macintosh applications: its files could not be opened by double-clicking, and no one liked having to select InTouch from the menu to start-up the program. Most users also had problems with the print and layout dialog boxes. Problems were rated in terms of severity and scope, and whenever possible, the source of the problems and potential solutions were indicated. The solutions presented in this report are just recommendations. Re-design efforts should consider alternative solutions with both the problems and potential solutions evaluated in light of the total system

    Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and diffusion: A case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger

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    There is a paucity of theory for the effective management of knowledge transfer within large organisations. Practitioners continue to rely upon ‘experimental’ approaches to address the problem. This research attempts to reduce the gap between theory and application, thereby improving conceptual clarity for the transfer of knowledge. The paper, through an in-depth case analysis conducted within Schlumberger, studies the adoption of an intranet-based knowledge management (KM) system (called InTouch) to support, strategically align and transfer knowledge resources. The investigation was undertaken through the adoption of a robust methodological approach (abductive strategy) incorporating the role of technology as an enabler of knowledge management application. Consequently, the study addressed the important question of translating theoretical benefits of KM into practical reality. The research formulates a set of theoretical propositions which are seen as key to the development of an effective knowledge based infrastructure. The findings identify 30 generic attributes that are essential to the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of organisational knowledge. The research makes a significant contribution to identifying a theoretical and empirically based agenda for successful intranet-based KM which will be of benefit to both the academic and practitioner communities. The paper also highlights and proposes important areas for further research

    Communicating with feeling

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    Communication between users in shared editors takes place in a deprived environment - distributed users find it difficult to communicate. While many solutions to the problems this causes have been suggested this paper presents a novel one. It describes one possible use of haptics as a channel for communication between users. User's telepointers are considered as haptic avatars and interactions such as haptically pushing and pulling each other are afforded. The use of homing forces to locate other users is also discussed, as is a proximity sensation based on viscosity. Evaluation of this system is currently underway

    Women surviving violence: cultural competence in critical services

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    Executive Summary: This paper highlights that, while there is no evidence that family violence is more endemic, or profound in CALD communities, when it does occur, the Australian justice and protection services are not adequately accounting for the additional complexity that can be embedded within CALD women’s experiences of violence. These service gaps have led to lower rates of reporting and disadvantage in access.Responding to this disadvantage will require investment in strategies to expand the options available to CALD women.Strategies highlighted in the paper include:Developing cultural competence within critical services;Supporting community owned prevention programs, acknowledging the expertise of CALD women;Strengthening the capacity of services run through community and migrant resource centres, as a means of ensuring a diversity of services; andInvesting in engagement programs to enhance familiarity between State service providers and CALD communities.For these strategies to succeed, CALD communities will need enhanced support and resources. That is an ideal and sustainable way to expand the options available to women leaving violence, to prevent future violence and to combat disadvantage in access to support servcies


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    Simulator sistem SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) adalah perangkat lunak berbasis HMI yang mampu memvisualisasikan proses plant. Makalah ini memaparkan simulator sistem SCADA yang digunakan untuk sistem pembangkitan di PLTU Suralaya. Sistem pembangkitan ini terdiri dari 3 proses utama, yaitu proses bahan bakar berupa batubara, proses air sebagai pengisi boiler dan air sebagai pendingin yang diambil dari air laut. Simulator ini menggunakan data teknis yang di ambil dari PLTU Suralaya dan dikembangkan dengan software Wonderware Intouch 10. Software ini dilengkapi dengan gambar komponen, animasi, tampilan kontrol, sistem alarm, real-time trend, historical trend, dan sistem keamanan. Simulator ini menggambarkan aliran energi yang terjadi pada PLTU. Simulator ini dapat digunakan sebagai pelatihan operator sebelum mengoperasikan plant yang sebenarnya. Kata kunci: SCADA, HMI, Human Machine Interface, PLTU, Suralaya, Wonderware Intouch. SCADA system simulator (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a software-based HMI that can visualize the process plant. This paper describes the simulator of SCADA systems used for the generation system in Suralaya. This generation system consists of three main processes, the processes of fuel, the process water as filler boiler and cooling water were taken from seawater. This simulator uses technical data obtained from Suralaya steam power plant and developed with Wonderware Intouch 10. This software comes with the component images, animation, display control, alarm systems, real-time trends, historical trends, and security systems. This simulator illustrates the flow of energy that occurs in the plant. This simulator can be used as operator training before operating the real plant. Keyword: SCADA, HMI, Human Machine Interface, Steam Power Plant, Suralaya, Wonderware Intouch

    Application of InTouch system for control of portal crane

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením SW pro ovládání a vizualizaci (SCADA) laboratorního modelu portálového jeřábu pomocí systému InTouch. Dále připojení modelu jeřábu na PLC a vytvoření funkčního programu v jazyku STEP7. Cílem je vytvoření objektů a oken pro vizualizaci a ovládání automatické funkce jeřábu. V práci je uveden a popsán program vytvořený v jazyku STEP 7 a program pro samotnou vizualizaci a ovládání modelu portálového jeřábu v systému InTouch.Bachelor thesis deals with creating software for control and visualization (SCADA) laboratory model gantry crane system using InTouch. Furthermore, the connection to the PLC model crane and a functional language program in STEP7. The aim is to create objects and windows for visualizacion and cotrol automatic functions crane. The work is shown and described a program created in STEP 7 language and program for the actual visualization and control model of the portal crane system in InTouch.


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    Sistem Virtual SCADA merupakan software berbasis Human Machine Interface yang mampu memvisualisasikan proses sebuah plant. Skripsi ini menjelaskan hasil dari perancangan sistem Virtual SCADA yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui prinsip kerja Pusat Listrik Tenaga Nuklir jenis Pressurized Water Reactor. Simulasi ini menggunakan data teknis Pusat Listrik Tenaga Nuklir Olkiluoto Unit 3 di Finlandia. Perangkat ini dikembangkan menggunakan Wonderware Intouch 10 yang dilengkapi dengan manual book untuk tiap komponen, animation links, alarm system, real-time dan historical trending, dan security system. Hasil yang diperlihatkan secara umum perangkat ini dapat mendemonstrasikan secara baik prinsip dari aliran energi dan proses konversi energi pada reaktor PWR. Simulasi sistem Virtual SCADA dapat digunakan sebagai media instruktusional untuk mengetahui prinsip kerja dari reaktor PWR. Kata kunci: Simulasi sistem Virtual SCADA, Pressurized Water Reactor, Human Machine Interface, Wonderware Intouch. The Virtual SCADA system is a software-based Human Machine Interface that is able to visualize the process of a plant. This paper described the results of the virtual SCADA system design that aims to recognize the principle of the Nuclear Power Plant type Pressurized Water Reactor. This simulation uses technical data of the Nuclear Power Plant Unit Olkiluoto 3 in Finland. This device was developed using Wonderware Intouch 10 which is equipped with manual book for each component, animation links, alarm systems, real time and historical trending, and security system. The results showed that in general this device can demonstrate clearly the principles of energy flow and energy conversion processes in PWR reactors. This virtual SCADA simulation system can be used as instructional media to recognize the principle of PWR reactor. Keywords: Virtual SCADA simulation system, Pressurized Water Reactor, Human Machine Interface, Wonderware Intouch

    InTouch May 23, 2022

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    Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Celebrates the Unveiling of the Phillip Capozzi, M.D., Library NYMC Set for 163rd Commencement Ceremonies Center for Disaster Medicine Hosts Lifesaving Trainings for Students and Staff NYMC and TU Host 19th COVID-19 Symposium Taylor Gerber, M.P.H. Candidate, Completes Highly Competitive Emergency Management Fellowship Aviva C. Berkowitz, M.D., Focuses on Humanism in Oncologyhttps://touroscholar.touro.edu/in_touch/1022/thumbnail.jp

    InTouch September 6, 2022

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    Industry Leaders to Present at Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference Set for September 15 Esther L. Sabban, Ph.D., is Named the Sidney E. Frank Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Purchasing Office Helps Close Links in Supply Chain Race for Rehab Set for October 2 NYMC and TU Host 21st COVID-19 Symposium The Center for Disaster Medicine is an Essential Resource for Emergency Response Education Donate Life Club Has Near Record Turnout in First Blood Drive of 2022-2023 Academic Yearhttps://touroscholar.touro.edu/in_touch/1035/thumbnail.jp

    InTouch April 3, 2023

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    School of Medicine Faculty Honored During Third Annual Dean’s Faculty Awards Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D., Assists Ukrainians Through Virtual Mind-Body Trauma Relief Program Days of Giving Raises $480,000 for Student Scholarships Unique and Innovative Career Paths for Physicians Subject of Annual NYMedTalks Conference NYMC and TU Hosts Webinar Series: “Ninety Minutes: The Medical Magazine of the Web” Bench-to-Bedside Seminar Series Focuses on Oral Microbial Communities in Health and Disease CDM Presents Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Course NYMC, TU and OU Kosher Host Webinar “Medicine Meets Passover” Alumni Resume Local Gatheringshttps://touroscholar.touro.edu/in_touch/1055/thumbnail.jp