2,997 research outputs found

    Građanska, krivična i disciplinska odgovornost sudija ā€“ međunarodni dokumenti i pravo Srbije

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    One of the most improtant elements of the rule of law is judicial independence ā€“ both institutional and persona. This issue is e q u a l l z important for transition countires, where new legal and political order is built on the heritage of authoritarian past, and for developed democracies. The author examines the rules regarding civil, criminal and disciplinary liability of judges as prescribed in relevant international documents and compares the recommendations included therein with the valid Serbian legislation. Due attention is also given to the reform proposals of judicial legislation, currently only in the form of the working version.Jedan od najvažnijih elemenata vladavine prava jeste nezavisnost sudstva, kako institucionalna, tako i personalna. Ovo pitanje je podjednako značajno za zemlje u tranziciji, u kojima se novi pravni i politički poredak izgrađuje na nasleđu autoritarne proÅ”losti, ali i za razvijene demokratske države. Autorka ispituje pravila kojima se reguliÅ”e pitanje građanske, krivične i disciplinske odgovornosti sudija propisana relevatnim međunarodnim dokumentima i poredi preporuke u njima sadržane sa važećim propisima u Srbiji. U radu se takođe ispituju i reÅ”enja predviđena predlozima za reformu seta pravosudnih zakona, koja su za sada sadržana u radnim verzijama zakona

    Pripravci ljekovitih biljaka u liječenju prehlade i gripe

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    Influenza viruses represent a permanent global health threat with approximately one billion people infected each year. Although influenza is usually self-limited infection, there are specific populations in which complications are common and sometimes fatal. Therefore, antiviral therapy with neuraminidase inhibitors and less often with adamantanes is becoming preferable course of action. Nevertheless, herbal plants, reviewed in this article, and plant preparations are still a widespread option for influenza and other viral diseases both in developed and developing countries


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    Svjedoci smo ekspanzije raznoraznih zaraza, kao Å”to su razne vrste gripe i ostale virusne bolesti. Ovi izrazito opasni virusi postaju velika opasnost za moderno druÅ”tvo. Znanstvenici sa svih strana svijeta i iz mnogih područja sve viÅ”e surađuju, te pristupaju ovom problemu na razne načine ne bi li uspjeli otkriti na koji se način zaraza Å”iri, te kako ju spriječiti. Influenca je akutna, lako prenosiva, po toku teÅ”ka i kratkotrajna infektivna bolest koju uzrokuju virusi influence. Praćena je prije svega općim simptomima, osobito vrućicom, malaksaloŔću, glavoboljom, bolima u miÅ”ićima te drugim znakovima teÅ”ke toksemije. Respiratorni simptomi u početku bolesti nisu izraženi, obično se javljaju tek u dijelu bolesti kad već popuÅ”taju opći simptomi, unatoč činjenici da su respiratorni organi osnovno i glavno mjesto infekcije[1]. Gripu karakterizira nagli početak, neÅ”to sporiji oporavak i mogućnost razvoja brojnih komplikacija. Na vrstu, težinu bolesti i komplikacija utječe dob oboljelog, cjelokupno zdravstveno stanje i poglavito kronične bolesti od kojih je osoba bolovala prije gripe. Pojava komplikacija određuje konačni ishod razbolijevanja od gripe: nekomplicirana bolest izaziva kratkotrajni prolazni opći zdravstveni poremećaj, a komplikacije mogu rezultirati i smrtnim ishodom. Gripa je zarazna bolest koja se vrlo lako prenosi s čovjeka na čovjeka, a od nedavno i sa životinja na čovjeka, kapljičnim putem. To znači da se svatko može zaraziti ako boravi u prostoru u kojem je i oboljela osoba. Nije važno kaÅ”lje li oboljela osoba ili ne. Tijekom epidemije mogućnost zaraze virusom gripe je izrazito velika, pa se samo stroga izolacija može smatrati dostatnom mjerom sprječavanja zaraze virusom. Provjetravanje prostorije ima nesiguran učinak kao i noÅ”enje zaÅ”titne maske. Naravno, i imunitet ovdje ima svoju ulogu. Redovite higijenske mjere i zdrava ishrana, koji utječu na opći imunitet, mogu se smatrati korisnim mjerama u sprječavanju obolijevanja[2].We are witnessing the expansion of various diseases, such as various types of influenza and other viral diseases. These extremely dangerous viruses have become a big threat to modern society. Scientists from all over the world and from many areas are increasingly working together and addressing this problem in various ways in order to manage to discover the way the disease spreads and how to prevent it. Influenza is an acute, highly portable, heavy-current and short-term infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. Accompanied primarily general symptoms, especially fever, malaise, headache, pains in muscles and other signs of severe toxemia. Respiratory symptoms in the beginning of the disease are not expressed, usually occur only in the area where the disease is already weakening general symptoms, despite the fact that the respiratory organs primary and principal place of infection. Influenza is characterized by sudden onset, slower recovery and the possibility of developing a number of complications. The type, severity of illness and complications affecting patient age, health, and especially chronic diseases of which the person had before the flu. Complications are determined by the final outcome of get sick from the flu: uncomplicated disease causes short-lasting temporary general medical condition, and complications can result in death. Influenza is a contagious disease that is easily transmitted from person to person, and most recently from animals to humans, via droplets. This means that anybody can get it if you stay in a place where the sick person. It doesn't matter if an infected person coughs or not. During the epidemic of influenza virus infection possibility is very big, and the only confinement can be considered a sufficient measure of preventing infection. Ventilation of the room has uncertain effect as wearing protective masks. Of course, the immune system plays a role here. Regular hygienic and healthy diet, which affect the general immunity, can be regarded as useful measures to prevent contracting the disease


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    In this article the author shows the conditions that determines the position of the Constitutional Courtā€™s judge. These conditions include the appointment of judge, his status and his financial independence and they are analyzed both from a theoretical point of view, as well from a comparative point of view. Under the election or appointment of judges means the way in which he was elected or appointed by the competent authority, and all the qualifications he had to have in order to meet the requirements for the selection of a function of the Constitutional judge. Status of judges includes several elements that are analyzed in this paper as follows: a period in which the judges are elected in the function, or term of office, a possible re-election, termination of judgeā€™s term of office, incompatibility of judicial office, and immunity of a judge of the Constitutional Court. His financial autonomy and material position of the constitutional judge itself is one of the guarantor of judicial independence.Autor u ovom radu prikazuje uslove kojim se određuje položaj sudije ustavnog suda. U te uslove spadaju izbor sudije, njegov status i njegova fnansijska nezavisnost i oni se analiziraju kako sa teorijskog aspekta, tako i sa uporednopravnog stanoviÅ”ta. Pod izborom, odnosno imenovanjem sudije se podrazumeva način na koji je on izabran ili imenovan od strane nadležnog organa, kao i koje sve kvalifkacije je morao da ima da bi ispunio uslove za izbor na funciju sudije ustavnog suda. Status sudije obuhvata viÅ”e elemenata koji se u radu analiziraju i to: period na koji je sudija izabran na funkciju, odnosno mandat, eventualni reizbor, prestanak mandata sudije, inkompatibilnost sudijske funkcije, kao i imunitet koji uživa kao sudija ustavnog suda. Nјegova fnansijska autonomija i sam materijalni položaj sudije su jedan od garanta sudske nezavisnosti

    Immunization of pupils population against infections diseases

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    Imunizacija je preventivna mjera zaÅ”tite stanovniÅ”tva od zaraznih bolesti. Njezin osnovni cilj je sprečavanje, suzbijanje i iskorjenjivanje zaraznih bolesti. Iako imunizacija ima dugu povijest, ona svoj procvat doživljava početkom 20. stoljeća. Najopasnije bolesti koje se Å”tite imunizacijom su dječja paraliza, difterija, tetanus, tuberkuloza, hripavac, ospice, zauÅ”njaci, hepatitis B, bolesti uzrokovane Haemophilusom influenzae tipa B, rubeola. Prije pronalaska cjepiva te bolesti bile su smrtonosne. Cijepljenje djece ima veliki značaj, budući da su zarazne bolesti česte i osobito opasne u dječjoj dobi. Svaka država ima svoj program obveznog cijepljenja i bitno je pridržavati ga se. Danas, brojni roditelji strahuju za imunoloÅ”ki sustav svog djeteta nakon cijepljenja te o Å”tetnim nuspojavama koje cjepiva uzrokuju. Zbog nepouzdanih informacija koje dobivaju putem interneta i medija, roditelji se tako odlučuju za necijepljenje svoje djece. Najtočnije informacije i odgovore na pitanja roditelji mogu dobiti od liječnika, medicinskog osoblja te putem edukacija od strane osoba koje su za to kompetentne. Službeni stav medicine je da cjepiva imaju nuspojave, ali da su one uglavnom blage i da prolaze spontano bez ikakvih posljedica, a da vrlo rijetko mogu biti ozbiljne i ostaviti trajne posljedice te da korist od primjene cjepiva u postojećem programu, sa svim svojim nesavrÅ”enostima i ograničenjima joÅ” uvijek uvelike nadmaÅ”uje potencijalne rizike. Time se sprečavaju vrlo ozbiljne bolesti koje mogu ostaviti trajne, teÅ”ke posljedice i biti smrtonosne. Uskraćivanje cijepljenja povećava rizik od obolijevanja djeteta ako se jednog dana izloži zarazi, a povećava i rizik za cijelu populaciju.Immunization is a preventive measure of the population protection from the infectious diseases. Its main goal is the prevention, suppression and eradication of infectious diseases. Although immunization has a long history, it reached its highest peak at the beginning of the 20th century. The most dangerous diseases which are prevented with immunization are infantile paralysis, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough, smallpox, mumps, hepatitis B, diseases caused by Haemophilusom influenzae type B and measles. Before the vaccination was invented, these diseases were deadly. Child immunization is of great importance because infectious diseases are often and particularly dangerous at the age of childhood. Every country has its own compulsory immunization program and it is important to adhere to it. Today, many parents are afraid for their children's immune system after the vaccination and they are afraid of the side effects caused by the vaccines. Based on the unreliable information they get on the Internet or through the media, parents decide not to vaccinate their children. The most accurate information and answers parents can get from the doctors, the medical staff and through the education from the professional staff. The official attitude of the medicine is that the vaccines have side effects which are mild and they usually wear off spontaneously without any consequences, and only in rare cases they can be serious and leave permanent consequences; and the benefit of the vaccine application in the existing program, with all its imperfections and limitations, still surpasses the potential risks. Immunization prevents very serious diseases that can leave permanent severe consequences and can even be deadly. Vaccine denial increases the risk of child infection in case of exposure to the disease, but it also increases the risk for the whole population

    Deterministički modeli u epidemiologiji

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati primjenu naučenog matematičkog znanja u stvarnom svijetu, kako povezati teoriju sa praksom. Razrađena su tri osnovna modela u epidemiologiji. Prvi u kojem se populacija sastoji od pojedinaca koju su podložni zarazi i onih koji su zaraženi. Taj jednostavan model zavrÅ”ava, tj. epidemija zavrÅ”ava, kada svi pojedinci populacije budu zaraženi. Drugi model koji sadrži, uz već navedene dvije skupine pojedinaca u populaciji, joÅ” i treću skupinu, izdvojene. Oni se, nakon zaraze, izdvajaju od ostatka populacije izolacijom, smrću ili razvijanjem imuniteta. U trećem modelu uveli smo joÅ” jednu vrstu zaraženih pojedinaca, prenosioci. Oni u praksi predstavljaju velik problem, teÅ”ko ih je identificirati kao zaražene jer ne pokazuju nikakve simptome zaraze i za razliku od prijaÅ”njih modela gdje zaraženog možemo izdvojiti iz populacije kod prenosioca je to puno teže izvesti pa dulje mogu Å”iriti zarazu.The point of this thesis is to present application of mathematical knowledge in real world problems, how to connect theory with practice. We presented three different models in epidemiology. In the first one population is divided into two groups; susceptibles and infected. That simple model ends when all susceptibles become infected. Second model, that contains first two groups of population, introduces another group; removals. They, after being infected, are removed from population via isolation, death or immunization. Third model introduces jet another group; carriers. In practice they represent major complication, it is hard to identify them as infected because they do not have to show any signs of infection and can appear to be healthy and, opposite to infected subjects, it is harder to isolate them from population, so they spread infection longer


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    Taking into consideration the continuous complaints for corruption, organised crime and ā€žthe existence of the state not based on lawā€œ the EU Commission required additional reforms of judiciary (transparency, openness, rendering of an accounting). Therefore, Sofa ā€“ being concerned that Brussels could stipulate the Bulgarian accession to EU by applying the so-called protection clauses ā€“ rapidly took on to carry out the Constitution reform. Actually, for twelve years the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria had remained ā€œuntouchableā€ for the fear that it could provoke serious reactions due to different positions on the reform. However, after the European Commission had criticised ā€œthe state of the Bulgarian judiciaryā€ and since the accession to NATO was soon to come, there was no other choice. Therefore, it adopted amendments in the following sequence: the first amendment ā€“ on 23 February 2003, the second amendment ā€“ on 25 February 2005 and the third amendment ā€“ on 30 March 2006. The immediate cause for the adoption of the fourth constitutional amendment was, among other things, the Article 129, paragraph 4, which had been introduced by the third reform of 30 March 2006. The European Commission realised that the division of power was jeopardised, what also affected the independence of the judiciary. This was because the President of the state was authorised by the parliament to dismiss three supreme magistrates (the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the President of the Supreme Constitutional Court as well as the General State Prosecutor) in the case related to the Article 128 paragraph 4 point 5. As early as on 2 February 2007 the Assembly adopted the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria with 129 votes for, 28 against (with 6 abstentions), thus fulfilling some requests of the European Commission. As during the consultations on the new Law on Constitutional Court the parliament requested to make amendments that would ā€œadditionally change the Constitutionā€ the fifth amendment is likely be adopted afterwards.Bugarska, kao zemlja koja pretenduje da bude članica EU, mora da zadovolji dva osnovna kriterijuma iz Mastrihta: demokratski sistem vlasti i poÅ”tovanje ljudskih prava. U tom sklopu, i specifčne kriterijume, precizirane na Evropskom savetu u Kopenhagenu 1993. godine, između ostalih: stabilnost institucija kojima se garantuju demokratija, pravna država, ljudska prava i poÅ”tovanje i zaÅ”tita manjina.1 Uprkos izmeni bugarskog Ustava od 24. septembra 2003. godine, Bugarskoj stižu nova upozorenja od Evropske komisije. Rukovodilac pregovaračke ekipe EU sa Bugarskom Bridžet Černota ističe da ā€œBugarska previÅ”e kasni u reformi sudstva, promenama u zakonodavstvu: davno su istekli rokovi kada je parlament te zemlje trebalo da donese zakone o zaÅ”titi potroÅ”ača i konkurencije, o onemogućavanju diskriminacije građana iz Evropske unije koji počinju biznis u Bugarskoj i neke drugeā€. Otuda, EU ā€“ predočila je Černota ā€“ iz tih. razloga, može da primeni zaÅ”titne klauzule i odloži prijem Bugarske u EU, predviđen za 1. januar 2007. godine

    The adjective ā€œimmuneā€ and its derivatives

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    U biomedicinskoj publicistici i znanstveno-popularnim tekstovima u značenju mehanizama koje tijelo upotrebljava kao zaÅ”titu od stranih tvari susrećemo dvije varijante naziva, imunost i imunitet. Obje su imenice tvorene od pridjeva imun, čiji korijen nalazimo i u pridjevima imunosni i imunoloÅ”ki. Upotreba ovih triju pridjeva kao sinonima navodi na zaključak da nema razlike među njihovim značenjima. U ovom se radu analiziraju tvorenice od pridjeva imun i odgovara na pitanje jesu li imenice imunost i imunitet te pridjevi imun, imunosni i imunoloÅ”ki sinonimi ili različiti tvorbeni nastavci označuju i razliku u njihovu značenju. Primjere smo potražili i u udžbenicima veterinarske imunologije.In biomedical and popular scientific texts about the importance of the mechanisms used by the body as protection from foreign substances, we come across two variants of the term ā€œimmunityā€ in the Croatian language (imunost and imunitet) Both nouns are derived from the adjective ā€œimmuneā€ whose roots are found in the adjectuves ā€œimmuneā€ and ā€œimmunologicalā€ (imunosni, imunoloÅ”ki). The use of all these three adjectives as synonyms leads us to the conclusion that there is no difference in their meaning. This study analyses derivatives from the adjective ā€œimunā€ and answers the question whether the nouns ā€œimunostā€ and ā€œimunitetā€ and the adjectives ā€œimunā€ and ā€œimunitetā€ are synonyms, or if the different suffixes or prefixes indicate differences in meaning. We looked for examples in veterinary immunology textbooks

    Matematičko modeliranje bioloŔkih sustava

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    U ovom radu predstavljeni su matematički modeli za tri bioloÅ”ka sustava. Proučavanjem evolucije populacije, stanične dinamike i razvoja epidemijskih bolesti dolazimo do zaključka da navedene bioloÅ”ke sustave dobro opisuju sustavi običnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi. U analizi modela populacijske genetike dolazimo do zaključka da nasumično parenje uz ostale pretpostavke osnovnog modela nasumičnog parenja vode do očuvanja genetičke raznolikosti unutar populacije. Kada neka od pretpostavki modela nije ispunjena smatramo da dolazi do evolucije genetičke strukture populacije. S obzirom na globalno zatopljenje i sve većeg straha od cijepljenja postoji izrazita potreba za preciznim modelima razvoja epidemijskih bolesti. S time na umu, pokazali smo na koji način za svaku bolest za koju postoji cjepivo možemo izračunati potrebnu procijepljenost za efikasno sprječavanje epidemije. Zadnje poglavlje daje vrlo važnu informaciju za efikasna istraživanja na području stanične dinamike. Kako bi se smanjili troÅ”kovi eksperimentalnih mjerenja za potrebe istraživanja stanične dinamike, kvantitativni model metaboličkih sustava određuje minimalan broj unutarstaničnih bioreakcija koji opisuju sve značajne bioreakcije te stanice.This thesis presents mathematical models for three biological systems. The analysis of biological systems in population genetics, epidemiology and cellular dynamics has led us to the conclusion that they can be well described by ordinary differential equations. Population genetic model analysis showed that random pairing with other assumptions of the basic model of random mating leads to the preservation of genetic diversity within the population. When some of the assumptions of the model are not fulfilled, we consider the evolution of the genetic structure of the population. The aim of the second chapter is to give an elementary introduction to mathematical models that are used to explain epidemiologic phenomena and to assess vaccination strategies. Given the present trends in global warming, there is a need to predict the dynamics and transmission of mosquito-borne diseases with greater accuracy and over longer periods of time, both in constant and growing populations. In metabolic flux analysis an important issue concerns the number of distinct bioreactions that are generated when computing the EFMs. It may become very large because it combinatorially increases with the size of the underlying metabolic network. Therefore, there is clearly a need for reducing the model size as much as possible and trying to determine a minimal subset of bioreactions that are able to fully describe the available experimental data
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