20,621 research outputs found

    Local Economies, Trade, and Global Sustainability

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    Bioregional and "ecological economics" theory describes the growth of local economic linkages as vital to move post-industrial economies in the direction of sustainability. This involves expanding local stewardship over environmental and economic resources, so that progressively more production for local needs can be done within the community. Far from existing solely in the realm of theory, this is a pattern which is becoming more and more familiar in many parts of North America and Europe. The blossoming initiatives to create local, community-centred economies can be understood in light of the long history of environmental challenges faced by people living in the industrialized North, and the double economic blows of recession and trade liberalization/globalization exemplified by the passage of GATT and NAFTA and the development of the EC in the 1990s.This paper discusses the dynamic relationship between globalization and local economic development in the North from both theoretical and practical viewpoints. It provides examples from Toronto, Canada of the synergy among environmental awareness, community organizing and "alternative" employment creation (e.g. in environmental remediation and energy conservation activities) which can accompany recession or trade-induced worker layoffs. The resulting local economic patterns tend to be "greener" and more socially sustainable than the globally-tied economic linkages they replace.This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canad

    Leveraging Environment and Climate Change Initiatives for Corporate Excellence

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    This paper reviews selected initiatives taken by Asian countries to comply with emerging global sustainability standards, reporting, and management systems, and tracks the response of Asian businesses to global environmental concerns, examines market based innovations including new regulations that augmented corporate excellence, and identifies future directions for business that lead low carbon society. It recommends governments and business to join forces in supporting low carbon initiatives, drawing upon market mechanisms through reconfiguring national environmental policies and strategies.climate change initiatives; global sustainability standards; low carbon initiatives; environmental policies

    Global Sustainability Report 2020

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    Global Sustainability Report 2020, es un informe auspiciado por el bufete de abogados Baker McKenzie’s cuya misión es apoyar y servir a las comunidades en todo el mundo, dado el impacto que reconocen tiene su trabajo en las personas, en el medio ambiente, las comunidades y la sociedad en general, por ende, tienen el deber no solo de responder, sino de tener un impacto positivo. Bajo ese ideal, en el 2018, realizan una evaluación para identificar y priorizar los problemas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG, siglas en ingles) que impactaron e impactan en la empresa, utilizan el resultado de la evaluación para alinearse con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y ver donde pueden hacer la diferencia positiva más significante. Los ODS con los que se han alineado (5,7,8,10,12,13, 16, 17) reflejan su compromiso y el de sus clientes con la inclusión y la diversidad, la acción climática, la anticorrupción y la ética, así como su compromiso de colaborar con empresas y organizaciones de ideas afines en todo el mundo. La alineación con estos ODS no solo les brinda un marco integral para avanzar en sus esfuerzos de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, sino que también les brindan la oportunidad de asociarse con personas, clientes, gobiernos, organizaciones multilaterales y la sociedad civil, para trabajar juntos en la creación de un mundo sostenible. A lo largo del informe, resaltan que los ODS son importantes porque a) permiten asesorar a los clientes sobre los problemas de sostenibilidad en le horizonte para sus industrias, en riesgos y oportunidades. Se deben tomar medidas sobre el cambio climático, con practicas en energías renovables, clima y finanzas trabajando en conjunto y combinando la experiencia para abordar los desafíos y oportunidades multifacéticas de cual es el mayor problema a largo plazo que enfrenta la humanidad; b) son vitales para la forma en que se atrae y retiene talento, las generaciones como los millennials constituyen una proporción cada vez mas grande de la fuerza laboral y cada vez mas quieren trabajar para fines determinados

    Corporate social responsibility and global standardization: sustainable environmental management in the chemical industry

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    Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development are issues that been in the forefront of corporate strategy for several decades. The increase in the power of environmental groups, the ease of cross border information flow, and the rising concern of the public with regards to global impact of environmental issues are motivating factors resulting in the establishment of environmental management systems. Many multinational chemical companies, threatened with the possibility of the establishment of new, stricter, environmental laws, are actively working to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility while operating in a global market with regards to developing and implementing voluntary programs to handle the increasingly important issues surrounding environmental responsibility and global sustainability. The integration of the environmental management system into the corporate vision, mission and strategic plan is demonstrated with the ultimate goal of changing corporate culture in the companies which have the power to affect international environmental policies.chemical industry, corporate social responsibility, environmental management system, global sustainability.

    Challenges of Teaching Science to Address Global Sustainability

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    For a liveable condition in this post- industrial era, it would depend on our ability to understand and use the science and technology advancement in a responsible manner. Water pollution and global warming phenomena are outcomes of scientific and technological advancement that has been mismanaged. One way to achieve global sustainability is through science education and the development of a scientific literate citizen. This paper, based on the literature and research work in science education in Malaysia, outlines how scientific literate citizen can address global sustainability, assess the level of scientific literate of Malaysian students and discuss the challenges in teaching science to develop scientific literacy and hence global sustainability

    Private Sector Investment and Sustainable Development: The Current and Potential Role of Institutional Investors, Companies, Banks and Foundations in Sustainable Development

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    This paper seeks to provide the Financing for Development process with a perspective on the role institutional investors, companies, and foundations can play in the design and implementation of a financing strategy for global sustainability. This will help bridge the terminology and investment approaches of institutional investors, companies, foundations, and governments. The paper highlights ongoing efforts among private investors to increase the impact of their investments. It concludes with a set of key actions facing investors, companies and foundations in their transition towards investment practices that contribute to sustainable development

    A Strategy for the Commons: Business-driven Networks for Collective Action and Policy Dialogue. The Example of Global Compact Local Networks

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    The current challenges involved with ensuring global sustainability are daunting. Climate change is increasing the incidence of severe weather events, natural resources are undergoing rapid depletion, labor conditions in global supply chains are often inhumane and degrading, and corruption around the globe is undermining competition and destroying wealth. These and other global challenges pose serious problems not only to mankind in general, but also to the sustainability of companies. Indeed, companies rely on enabling environments, local and global alike, for long-term success. Companies depend on a reliable legal framework conducive to investment and competition, a healthy and viable natural environment, and a secure social environment that facilitates the wellbeing of its inhabitants. However, given the overexploitation of shared resources, also known as the “tragedy of the commons,” companies often find it difficult to address global sustainability challenges and invest in enabling environments. All sustainability challenges face this tragedy: Although each societal actor ought to have an interest in creating or ensuring the viability of these common goods, the incentive to “free ride” on the efforts of others and let them bear the costs is exceedingly high. As a result, short-term profit maximization often damages the longterm growth prospects of companies. Since governments lack the capacity to address the complexity and global scope of sustainability challenges alone, a “strategy for the commons” is needed that allows companies, governments and other actors to overcome the free rider dilemma and invest in sustainable development

    Challenges of Teaching Science to Address Global Sustainability

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    For a liveable condition in this post- industrial era, it would depend on our ability to understand and use the science and technology advancement in a responsible manner. Water pollution and global warming phenomena are outcomes of scientific and technological advancement that has been mismanaged. One way to achieve global sustainability is through science education and the development of a scientific literate citizen. This paper, based on the literature and research work in science education in Malaysia, outlines how scientific literate citizen can address global sustainability, assess the level of scientific literate of Malaysian students and discuss the challenges in teaching science to develop scientific literacy and hence global sustainability