34,820 research outputs found

    Usable Data for Economic Policymaking and Research? The Case of Lao PDR's Trade Statistics

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    This report assesses the quality of Lao PDR’s trade statistics by comparing Lao PDR’s export/import data with its trade partners’ import/export data (mirror data). While the mirror technique is constrained by the fact that partners’ data also can have some problems, it is a useful method to obtain a snapshot of the quality of trade data.Lao PDR trade statistics, export/import data, trade partner

    Online Export-Import Management System (OEIMS)

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    Nowadays business looks to expand internationally to get more profit. This paper will discuss about Online Export-Import Management System (OEIMS) is the new arena of international business which can able to overcome present barriers such as it can make the tax procedure transparent, no money laundering, reduce the paper based work which makes OEIMS faster. The paper will analyze what are the current processes of the Export-Import Management System and the requirements of an Online Export-Import Management System (OEIMS). It aims to design a requirement model of an Online Export-Import Management System and evaluate the prototype based on its compliance OEIMS system

    Introduction: The Export-Import Bank

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    During the process of economic development, different economic policies are adopted in accordance with particular circumstances. Therefore, conventional methods of time-series analysis may give misleading results if the problems associated with regime switches are not considered. The relationship between export growth and output growth is explored using a multivariate threshold model with regimes defined by the export-import ratio. In the cases of five countries that are recognized as being outward-oriented, we find that, except for Hong Kong, the relationship whereby exports lead output prevails in at least one regime for each of four of the countries being studied. The regime-based threshold autoregressive model thus appears to possess certain advantages over the more conventional linear autoregressive model.Multivariate Threshold Autoregressive Model, Export Growth, Output Growth, Export-import Ratio

    An Evaluation of the Trade Relations of Bangladesh with ASEAN: Justification of Being a Future Member

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    The government of Bangladesh wants to reduce the dependency of export from West by creating new market to East and South East Asian countries. The paper aims to evaluate the present trade performance of Bangladesh with ASEAN countries and to provide the strategies to develop this trade relationship. The data of export and import of Bangladesh with ASEAN countries has been analysed for the period 1999-2010 in this study. The study has used financial ratio, percentage, mean, growth, covariance, and hypothesis test etc. for analysis of data and drawing inferences. Our results indicate that the growth rates of export are fluctuating but increasing positively and the average growth rate of export is 16%. The average import from ASEAN is 16%, while the average export to ASEAN is only 1.6%. The growth rates of trade deficit are positive with increasing trend and the average growth rate of trade deficit to ASEAN is 18%. The export-import ratio of Bangladesh with ASEAN countries is steady with fluctuating trend and the average export-import ratio to ASEAN countries is 0.06 but the total export–import ratio of Bangladesh is 0.57, which is much higher. To improve the country’s overall trade balance, especially trade balance with ASEAN countries some policy recommendations are offered in this paper. Keywords: ASEAN, Export, Import, Export-Import Ratio, Trade Deficit

    Determinants of net trade flows in the OECD: new evidende with special emphasis on the case of the former communist members

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    This study explores - by estimating an econometric panel data model – the capacity of some of the hypotheses formulated in the recent dynamic models of trade and economic growth to explain the bilateral trade of OECD countries. In this respect, special emphasis is placed on the former communist members in order to assess whether their case differs from that of the OECD on the whole. Amongst other findings, our study suggests that the larger a country’s endowment of capital, both tangible and intangible (human and technological capital), in relation to that of its trade partners, the better the export/import ratio of its bilateral trade. It also shows that direct investment enhances the export/import ratio with the host country. The results obtained for the former communist countries reflect only a few minor differences in relation to the others.trade flows, Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs)

    Analisis Implementasi Pengawasan Ekspor Impor Barang Pada Kppbc Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda

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    Indonesia one of the countries do export, import activities. In exporting / importing goods activity required controling. Institution that possesses of this is KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda. The kind of research is descriptive qualitative approach. The result of this research shows implementation of controls export import of goods on KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda are compliance with laws and customs regulations. Factors inhibiting the implementation of export controls of imported goods is an imbalance in the workload to be borne by the officer carrying out surveillance in the field, Factors inhibiting the implementation of controls export import of goods coming from service users (exporters,importers, PPJK) is if there are exporters or PPJK are still new and do not understand about customs procedures and is the uncertainty regarding the specifications listed in the customs documents. Factors supporting the implementation of export controls of imported goods originating from KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda is conducive working environment, adequate infrastructure, and this agreement by KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda while factors supporting the implementation of export import goods control from community is the lack of information related to indications of violations of customs of society

    China-Malaysia’s long run trading and exchange rate: complementary or conflicting?

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    This paper examines the long run dynamics of exchange rate and bilateral export-import flows between China and Malaysia. Our analysis contributed in using high frequency monthly data for the recent period from January 1990 to January 2008, based on the Autoregressive Distributed Lag bound testing procedure, the fully modified OLS, dynamic OLS and rolling estimations, as well as the generalised impulse response (IRF) and variance decomposition (VDC) analyses. Our empirical findings reveal that the Marshall-Lerner condition holds in the long run but the export-import demands do not adhere to the J-curve pattern. And, expansionary effect is of greater evidence for Malaysia due to real exchange shocks but inconclusive for China. More important, the VDC results imply that China-Malaysia trade is along the sustainable path. In brief, the study supports for the complementary role of China instead of conflicting (competing) features in the China-Malaysia bilateral tradingExchange rates, J-curve, Marshall-Lerner Condition, ARDL Bound Test, Rolling, FMOLS, DOLS

    Structural adjustment of Serbian commodity exports to the EU demand for imports

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    In this paper we have calculated indexes of export-import similarity (Serbian exports and EU imports) by using certain statistical methods. A considerable increase in indexes of export-import similarity, after the approval of the EU preferential, shows that Serbian exports used to be adjusted to the EU market. After suddenly increasing, indexes of export-import similarity then decreased followed by a fall in the share of manufactured products in total exports, although the total exports and exports to the EU recorded a further increase. This fact clearly shows that a growth in exports was achieved mainly by primary products, which widened a gap between the Serbian export structure and that of the EU import structure. Therefore, a growth in Serbian exports can not be sustained without radical restructuring of the Serbian export sector

    Japan – Creation of the new financial universe in Japan through Big Bang

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    Hiroshi Naka (Resident Director, research Institute for international Investment and Development, The Export-Import Bank of Japan) looking at changes in financial services law in Japan following the East Asian currency crisis. Published in the Letter from … section of Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London
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