12,934 research outputs found

    On local structures of cubicity 2 graphs

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    A 2-stab unit interval graph (2SUIG) is an axes-parallel unit square intersection graph where the unit squares intersect either of the two fixed lines parallel to the XX-axis, distance 1+ϵ1 + \epsilon (0<ϵ<10 < \epsilon < 1) apart. This family of graphs allow us to study local structures of unit square intersection graphs, that is, graphs with cubicity 2. The complexity of determining whether a tree has cubicity 2 is unknown while the graph recognition problem for unit square intersection graph is known to be NP-hard. We present a polynomial time algorithm for recognizing trees that admit a 2SUIG representation

    Spanners for Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    Efficient algorithms are presented for constructing spanners in geometric intersection graphs. For a unit ball graph in R^k, a (1+\epsilon)-spanner is obtained using efficient partitioning of the space into hypercubes and solving bichromatic closest pair problems. The spanner construction has almost equivalent complexity to the construction of Euclidean minimum spanning trees. The results are extended to arbitrary ball graphs with a sub-quadratic running time. For unit ball graphs, the spanners have a small separator decomposition which can be used to obtain efficient algorithms for approximating proximity problems like diameter and distance queries. The results on compressed quadtrees, geometric graph separators, and diameter approximation might be of independent interest.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Late

    Shortest Paths in Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    This thesis studies shortest paths in geometric intersection graphs, which can model, among others, ad-hoc communication and transportation networks. First, we consider two classical problems in the field of algorithms, namely Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) and All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP). In SSSP we want to compute the shortest paths from one vertex of a graph to all other vertices, while in APSP we aim to find the shortest path between every pair of vertices. Although there is a vast literature for these problems in many graph classes, the case of geometric intersection graphs has been only partially addressed. In unweighted unit-disk graphs, we show that we can solve SSSP in linear time, after presorting the disk centers with respect to their coordinates. Furthermore, we give the first (slightly) subquadratic-time APSP algorithm by using our new SSSP result, bit tricks, and a shifted-grid-based decomposition technique. In unweighted, undirected geometric intersection graphs, we present a simple and general technique that reduces APSP to static, offline intersection detection. Consequently, we give fast APSP algorithms for intersection graphs of arbitrary disks, axis-aligned line segments, arbitrary line segments, d-dimensional axis-aligned boxes, and d-dimensional axis-aligned unit hypercubes. We also provide a near-linear-time SSSP algorithm for intersection graphs of axis-aligned line segments by a reduction to dynamic orthogonal point location. Then, we study two problems that have received considerable attention lately. The first is that of computing the diameter of a graph, i.e., the longest shortest-path distance between any two vertices. In the second, we want to preprocess a graph into a data structure, called distance oracle, such that the shortest path (or its length) between any two query vertices can be found quickly. Since these problems are often too costly to solve exactly, we study their approximate versions. Following a long line of research, we employ Voronoi diagrams to compute a (1+epsilon)-approximation of the diameter of an undirected, non-negatively-weighted planar graph in time near linear in the input size and polynomial in 1/epsilon. The previously best solution had exponential dependency on the latter. Using similar techniques, we can also construct the first (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with similar preprocessing time and space and only O(log(1/\epsilon)) query time. In weighted unit-disk graphs, we present the first near-linear-time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the diameter and for other related problems, such as the radius and the bichromatic closest pair. To do so, we combine techniques from computational geometry and planar graphs, namely well-separated pair decompositions and shortest-path separators. We also show how to extend our approach to obtain O(1)-query-time (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with near linear preprocessing time and space. Then, we apply these oracles, along with additional ideas, to build a data structure for the (1+epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Bounded-Leg Shortest Paths (apBLSP) problem in truly subcubic time

    The robot routing problem for collecting aggregate stochastic rewards

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    We propose a new model for formalizing reward collection problems on graphs with dynamically generated rewards which may appear and disappear based on a stochastic model. The robot routing problem is modeled as a graph whose nodes are stochastic processes generating potential rewards over discrete time. The rewards are generated according to the stochastic process, but at each step, an existing reward disappears with a given probability. The edges in the graph encode the (unit-distance) paths between the rewards' locations. On visiting a node, the robot collects the accumulated reward at the node at that time, but traveling between the nodes takes time. The optimization question asks to compute an optimal (or epsilon-optimal) path that maximizes the expected collected rewards. We consider the finite and infinite-horizon robot routing problems. For finite-horizon, the goal is to maximize the total expected reward, while for infinite horizon we consider limit-average objectives. We study the computational and strategy complexity of these problems, establish NP-lower bounds and show that optimal strategies require memory in general. We also provide an algorithm for computing epsilon-optimal infinite paths for arbitrary epsilon > 0

    Blowfish Privacy: Tuning Privacy-Utility Trade-offs using Policies

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    Privacy definitions provide ways for trading-off the privacy of individuals in a statistical database for the utility of downstream analysis of the data. In this paper, we present Blowfish, a class of privacy definitions inspired by the Pufferfish framework, that provides a rich interface for this trade-off. In particular, we allow data publishers to extend differential privacy using a policy, which specifies (a) secrets, or information that must be kept secret, and (b) constraints that may be known about the data. While the secret specification allows increased utility by lessening protection for certain individual properties, the constraint specification provides added protection against an adversary who knows correlations in the data (arising from constraints). We formalize policies and present novel algorithms that can handle general specifications of sensitive information and certain count constraints. We show that there are reasonable policies under which our privacy mechanisms for k-means clustering, histograms and range queries introduce significantly lesser noise than their differentially private counterparts. We quantify the privacy-utility trade-offs for various policies analytically and empirically on real datasets.Comment: Full version of the paper at SIGMOD'14 Snowbird, Utah US
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