2,117 research outputs found

    Energieffektivisering av dricksvattendistribution

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    This project investigates the efficiency of the water distribution system from GörvÀln's pumping station to Norrvatten's central consumption zone. The goal is to propose actions that lead to enhanced energy efficiency. The project evaluates the operation of the pumps that transport the drinking water, and simulates the distribution with a focus on Tunberget's high reservoir. The analysis is done using a dense dataset of measurement from pressure, flow and level sensors in the system. First, the pumps have been analyzed individually as far as possible. Further, all possible combinations of the six pumps used are also analyzed. The modeling of the system is done in MatLab Simulink and adjusted to the empirical conditions that apply to the real system. The project also investigates the possibilities of create consumption forecasts with machine learning algorithms and using these to improve the distribution system. The results shows that there exists a potential for energy efficiency. The greatest potential is found in the pump operation and in the choice of favorable pump combinations. The implementation of consumption forecasts increases delivery security but also reduce energy consumption to a certain extent. The total energy efficiency improvement is estimated at 257 MWh annually, corresponding to 2.4 % of the water pumps' total energy consumption in 2019

    Pilotprosjekt i REBO. Arilds gate 6

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    ForskningsrapportREBO er et kortnavn for Husbankens fireĂ„rige strategiske forskningsprogram ”God boligkvalitet for alle – utfordringer og lĂžsninger for etterkrigstidens boligblokker” 2008–2012. Denne rapporten presenterer pilotprosjektet Arilds gate 6, en verneverdig bygĂ„rd i Trondheim kommune

    KravnivÄer för energihushÄllning - Konsekvenser av skÀrpning av krav för energihushÄllning i revidering av byggregler

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    Miljö- och samhĂ€llsbyggnadsdepartementet har uppdragit Ă„t Chalmers EnergiCentrum (CEC) att analysera konsekvenserna av en eventuell skĂ€rpning av kravnivĂ„erna avseende energihushĂ„llning i avsnitt 9 om EnergihushĂ„llning i Boverkets förslag till reviderade byggregler. Uppdraget skall belysa dessa frĂ„gor: ‱ Hur energieffektivt byggs det idag uppdelat i smĂ„hus, flerbostadshus och lokaler? ‱ Vad Ă€r tekniskt möjligt och vilka tekniska lösningar krĂ€vs det för att komma ner till en viss nivĂ„ i kWh/m2? ‱ Hur pĂ„verkar en skĂ€rpning av kravnivĂ„erna elbehovet? ‱ Vilka samhĂ€llsekonomiska konsekvenser för en eventuell skĂ€rpning av kravnivĂ„erna med sig? En sammanvĂ€gd analys skall göras av vilka krav pĂ„ energihushĂ„llning som Ă€r rimliga att stĂ€lla vid nybyggnad utifrĂ„n tekniska och samhĂ€llsekonomiska aspekter, och om kraven bör formuleras olika för olika byggnadskategorier. I uppdraget ingĂ„r ocksĂ„ en analys av i Ds 2005:51 föreslaget mĂ„l om energieffektivisering i bebyggelsen utifrĂ„n potentialbedömningen i Chalmers rapport ÅtgĂ€rder för ökad energieffektivisering i bebyggelsen. Uppdraget har utförts under tiden frĂ„n mitten av december 2005 till 2006-01-10. Uppdragets begrĂ€nsade tid och omfattning innebĂ€r att de aktuella frĂ„gorna inte kunnat belysas i detalj, utan de behandlas mer översiktligt och baserat pĂ„ den kunskap som finns tillgĂ€nglig

    Energiplan - tre trinn for tre epoker : Systematisk energioppgradering av smÄhus - SEOPP

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    ForskningsrapportDenne rapporten omhandler trinnvis oppgradering av eneboliger fra seksti-, sytti- og Ättitallet til dagens forskriftsnivÄ eller bedre. Med en trinnvis plan kan flere boligeiere se seg rÄd til oppgradering, og boligmassen blir mer energivennlig. Utgangspunktet er typisk arkitektur, byggemÄte, materialbruk og rehabiliteringsstatus for smÄhus fra de tre tiÄrene. PÄ denne bakgrunnen beskrives et oppgraderingsforlÞp bestÄende av ytterveggstrinnet, kjellertrinnet og taktrinnet. For hvert trinn gjennomgÄs anbefalte tiltak og hvilken effekt de har

    Energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries - an evaluation of the Swedish voluntary agreement PFE

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    In this paper we evaluate the Swedish Programme for improving energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries (PFE). Since 2005, some 100 energy-intensive companies have entered this five year voluntary agreement (VA) and been exempted from the EU minimum tax on electricity. In return, each company is required to: conduct an energy audit and analysis; identify and invest in profitable electricity saving measures; implement and certify an energy management system; introduce routines for energy efficient procurement and project planning. For most participants the first programme period was completed in 2009 and available data enables this PFE ex-post evaluation. An impact evaluation compiles and analyse data that the companies have reported to the administrating agency, the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA). This assessment of quantifiable results is complemented by a process-oriented approach that combines studies of policy documents, previous evaluations and personal communication with administrators as well as companies. The bottom-up calculation method distinguishes between gross and net impact. While the SEA estimates a gross impact of 1450 GWh/year the net impact consists of an interval between 689 and 1015 GWh of net annual electricity savings. PFE has effectively and to a low cost exceeded the estimated impact of a minimum tax and can thus be judged as successful. A comprehensive evaluation plan could facilitate relevant data gathering in PFE and similar VAs and could, in doing so, improve accuracy and possibly reduce evaluation cost. Such a plan should give weight also to the organisational changes, with potential long-lasting effects, that these programmes are capable of promoting

    Energitjenester:- vejledninger og kontrakter

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