265,169 research outputs found

    Coping and Emotional Intelligence in Women with a History of Eating Disordered Behavior

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    Eating disorders pose a serious problem in our society. Studies have found that there is a negative correlation between eating disorders and emotional coping mechanisms, a factor of emotional intelligence (EI). This study was designed to discover if women who have a history of eating disorders resemble women who report no current or past history of eating disorders and women with current eating problems. Participants included 157 college females. It was found that women who reported a history of eating problems resembled the control group on most measures

    The Link Between Dissociation, Eating Disorders, and Self-Harm

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    Many researchers and psychological professionals believe that there is a link between eating disorders and self-harm, though this has been less widely researched than other correlations such as that between eating disorders and substance abuse. Various studies have also indicated a relationship between these two variables and dissociation independently; however, there does not seem to be a comprehensive study covering the correlations between all three variables. The researcher for this study aimed to test the correlation between eating disorders and self-harm and collect new information on the link between all three to further the available data on this topic. Data were also collected and analyzed in order to determine if certain eating disorders are more highly associated with self-harm and dissociation. A correlation was found between all three variables, and anorexia and bulimia were more closely associated with self-harm than binge eating or healthy eating. The data also indicated that those with anorexia and bulimia were more likely to have dissociative experiences than those without eating disorders. It is hoped that the correlation found between dissociative experiences and eating disorders and self-injury will serve as an impetus for future experimental research to determine if this link is causal or merely correlational

    The role of family relationships in eating disorders in adolescents: a narrative review

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    Abstract: Background: Adolescents’eatingdisordershavebeenexploredthroughvariousconceptual andempiricalmodels. Onlyrecently,scientiïŹcliteratureinthisareahasmorespeciïŹcallyinvestigated theroleofrelationships,withparticularattentiontofamilyfunctioning. Objective: Thispaperreviews family relationships aspects of eating disorders in adolescence. Methods: A narrative literature review of relational issues in adolescents’ eating disorders was performed. Results: Empirical evidence of family relationships in adolescents’ eating disorders conïŹrms the relevance of relational aspects in the development and maintenance of the pathology. In particular, the contribution of the relational-systemic approach is wide, suggesting the need to refer to the family context for a better understanding of adolescents’ suïŹ€erance. Additionally, the empirical contributions from the conceptual model of Developmental Psychopathology, highlighting the importance of risk and protection factors in family relationships, provides knowledge about the phenomenon of adolescents’ eating disorders in terms of complexity. Conclusions: An integrated relational model aimed to explore adolescents’ eating disorders is worthy of investigation to accomplish speciïŹc program of intervention

    Self-reported interoceptive deficits in eating disorders: A meta-analysis of studies using the eating disorder inventory

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Paul M. Jenkinson, Lauren Taylor, Keith R. Laws, ‘Self-reported interoceptive deficits in eating disorders: A meta-analysis of studies using the eating disorder inventory’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 110: 38-45, July 2018, under embargo until 19 April 2019. The Version of Record is available online at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2018.04.005Objective: An impairment of the ability to sense the physiological condition of the body – interoception – has long been proposed as central to the onset and maintenance of eating disorders. More recent attention to this topic has generally indicated the presence of interoceptive deficits in individuals with an eating disorder diagnosis; however, possible links with specific diagnosis, BMI, age, illness duration, depression, and alexithymia remain unclear from individual studies. This meta-analysis aimed to provide a necessary quantitative overview of self-reported interoceptive deficits in eating disorder populations, and the relationship between these deficits and the previously mentioned factors. Methods: Using a random effects model, our meta-analysis assessed the magnitude of differences in interoceptive abilities as measured using the Eating Disorder Inventory in 41 samples comparing people with eating disorders (n=4308) and healthy controls (n=3459). Follow-up and moderator analysis was conducted, using group comparisons and meta-regressions. Results: We report a large pooled effect size of 1.62 for eating disorders with some variation between diagnostic groups. Further moderator analysis showed that BMI, age and alexithymia were significant predictors of overall effect size. Conclusion: This meta-analysis is the first to confirm that large interoceptive deficits occur in a variety of eating disorders and crucially, in those who have recovered. These deficits may be useful in identifying and distinguishing eating disorders. Future research needs to consider both objective and subjective measures of interoception across different types of eating disorders and may fruitfully examine interoception as a possible endophenotype and target for treatment.Peer reviewe

    On Eating Disorders

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    Disordered Eating Habits and Theory of Mind in Undergraduate Students

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    Theory of mind, the ability to ascribe mental states to oneself and others, has intimate connections with mental disorders like autism and schizophrenia. Recent research has suggested a connection between eating disorders and theory of mind ability, but these findings have been mixed. The idea that disorders lie along a continuum (Johns & van Os, 2001) leads to the hypothesis that people with disordered eating habits will have a lesser theory of mind ability than those without. Data was collected on 25 undergraduate students at Butler University. Results showed a positive correlation between theory of mind and negative eating attitudes. Although the sample size was small, the present results suggest that individuals with more negative eating attitudes are better at understanding others’ mental states

    The Influence of the Media on the Epidemic of Eating Disorders in the United States

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    There is an epidemic happening in the United States. It is highly visible, yet it is still largely ignored. It affects women ninety percent of the time but can also affect men, and has been seen recently in younger and younger people (Hesse-Biber et al., 2006). It is an epidemic of eating disorders, and anyone who has lived through the past few decades can see that it has gotten worse. This paper will discuss several ways in which our society has contributed to the increase in eating disorders, namely in the use of visual portrayals of extremely thin women, the proliferation of weight-loss advertising, and the effect of these on one’s immediate socio-cultural network in continuing the obsession with weight. I will focus on women in this paper, though that is not to discount the men who are afflicted with eating disorders. In fact, eating disorders are increasingly affecting men and it is a very serious issue. It is a topic that deserves much more research and comparison with women’s experiences. I will conclude this paper by discussing ways in which we might reverse this epidemic and what is already being done to prevent and eventually end eating disorders

    Online Intervention to Identify Students with Untreated Symptoms of Eating Disorders and Promote Mental Health Treatment: Winter/Spring 2015 (Pilot Study)

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    Disordered eating and body image dissatisfaction are common on college and university campuses, yet relative to other mental health problems common in student populations (e.g., depression and anxiety), considerably less is known about clinical and sub-clinical eating disorders. The Healthy Bodies Study (HBS) takes a public health approach by assessing a range of eating and body image measures at the population-level. HBS encompasses a number of related projects that seek to explore and address the prevalence and correlates of disordered eating and body image dissatisfaction and the help-seeking habits and attitudes of students with apparent need. The undergraduate years coincide with age of onset for eating disorders (19-25 years), presenting unique opportunities for early intervention on college campuses. Unfortunately, this opportunity is largely missed. The treatment gap -- the proportion of affected students not receiving treatment -- is wide: 80% of students with clinically significant symptoms do not receive care. Left untreated, eating disorders typically become more severe and refractory to treatment. In response to this, the HBS team developed and implemented a 12-week online intervention to identify students with untreated symptoms of eating disorders and promote help-seeking.The pilot study was conducted during the winter/spring 2015 semester on four college and university campuses. To ensure feasibility, the study was limited to four campuses while making every effort to ensure that these sites represented a diverse set of schools. The sites were: Appalachian State University, Bard College, Mercyhurst University, and University of Michigan
