38 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Arctic SDI: An Assessment of the Foundations needed for Success

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    The Arctic encompasses eight countries and has a population of over four million people. With datasets produced by private and public stakeholders all over the world and noted gaps in data for many parts of the region, there is an opportunity to collaborate and create a unified Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the Arctic. This research identified a set of criteria for evaluating the long-term efficacy of the Arctic SDI from an organizational perspective and not from a user’s perspective. Through the external assessment, half of the countries were found to be strong contributors - almost equally contributing in terms of deliverables, resources and leadership to the Arctic SDI. These three themes developed based on a critical evaluation of the existing SDI literature. While the other half countries contributed noticeably less - due to a lack of deliverables, less participation in working groups or little or no resource contributions. Complementing theses (external) assessments, also internal reviews were conducted via semi-structured interviews, which obtained the participants’ view of the Arctic SDI collaboration potential successes and shortcomings. The interviewees identified opportunities, limitations and risks as they perceived them. Most of the issues associated with the opportunities, limitations and risks could be cross-validated with the external assessment criteria. However, the importance of communication was strongly emphasized in the interviews and was not represented by the external assessment criteria. The completion of both the external and internal assessments led to the multi-view framework that can be used to assess the long-term potential of the Arctic SDI. This evaluation tool can also be used for defining tasks and clarifying responsibilities for the next 5-year Memorandum of Understanding (2019-2024) or to assess the Arctic SDI to identify challenges and mitigation measures that would assist in its longevity. This tool can also be used for other regional SDIs to define MoUs and assess the potential for success

    The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022) Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens June 15-17, 2022

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    The 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research theme is “Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens”. Data and computational algorithms make systems smarter, but should result in smarter government and citizens. Intelligence and smartness affect all kinds of public values - such as fairness, inclusion, equity, transparency, privacy, security, trust, etc., and is not well-understood. These technologies provide immense opportunities and should be used in the light of public values. Society and technology co-evolve and we are looking for new ways to balance between them. Specifically, the conference aims to advance research and practice in this field. The keynotes, presentations, posters and workshops show that the conference theme is very well-chosen and more actual than ever. The challenges posed by new technology have underscored the need to grasp the potential. Digital government brings into focus the realization of public values to improve our society at all levels of government. The conference again shows the importance of the digital government society, which brings together scholars in this field. Dg.o 2022 is fully online and enables to connect to scholars and practitioners around the globe and facilitate global conversations and exchanges via the use of digital technologies. This conference is primarily a live conference for full engagement, keynotes, presentations of research papers, workshops, panels and posters and provides engaging exchange throughout the entire duration of the conference

    Taking Ontario Mobile: Research-based recommendations for how mobile technologies are part of the financially responsible solution to providing better access to services for Ontarians

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    Executive Summary: Taking Ontario Mobile examines the benefits of mobile technologies for Ontarians as they work, learn, play, shop, seek care and interact with others. The report considers the disruptive nature of technologies and provides guidance and support for implementing mobile solutions, in order to enhance services for Ontarians as well as to improve their access to them. We have extrapolated from the province's capacity and potential and the desires of Ontarians we surveyed to create a comprehensive vision for a mobile Ontario. Our recommendations suggest the possibilities of enhanced access to services, heightened productivity, increased social inclusion and the creation of jobs. We address current challenges and propose an action plan, accompanied by a road map that provides three-month, six-month, one-year, three-year and five-year deliverables against which to benchmark. Given the potential for mobility to provide low-cost services across many government ministries, a mobility plan for Ontario needs to include the vast majority of the province's residents. At the same time, Ontario cannot wait for 100 per cent coverage or ubiquitous broadband before beginning to move toward mobile capacity

    Is South Africa ready for a national Electronic Health Record (EHR)?

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    Bibliography: leaves 94-100eHealth Strategies in countries have shown a trend that countries are moving to Electronic Health Records(EHR). EHR implementation is expected to produce benefits for patients, professionals, organisations, and the population as a whole. The use of some format of an Electronic Health Record is used by many countries and others are in the implementation or planning phases. South Africa has kicked of the project to implement a national EHR as part of the national eHealth Strategy. This study aims to analyse the key success factors from other EHR implementation projects and evaluate if South Africa is ready to implement an EHR.Graduate School of Business LeadershipMB

    Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law

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    La question du droit dans la transformation numérique des administrations publiques

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    Avec la volontĂ© affichĂ©e d’offrir des services publics entiĂšrement numĂ©riques, les autoritĂ©s veulent mener Ă  terme une Ă©volution amorcĂ©e il y a plus de vingt ans. Le contexte a toutefois changĂ© depuis la crĂ©ation du premier « gouvernement en ligne ». Le cadre administratif et juridique n’est plus le mĂȘme compte tenu des enjeux liĂ©s Ă  la protection des donnĂ©es, Ă  la crĂ©ation d’une identitĂ© numĂ©rique, au recours Ă  l’infonuagique publique, Ă  l’utilisation de donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques ainsi qu’à l’usage grandissant des algorithmes dans des procĂ©dures administratives automatisĂ©es. Si ce sont surtout les dimensions techniques et administratives qui retiennent l’attention, le cadre juridique de cette transition numĂ©rique offre un net contraste pour le choix des instruments d’intervention. Les solutions retenues montrent l’attrait d’un modĂšle de gouvernance publique fondĂ© sur des instruments de gestion et du droit souple au dĂ©triment de la lĂ©gislation. Compte tenu des impĂ©ratifs grandissants de protection du public, le cadre lĂ©gislatif est nĂ©anmoins en pleine Ă©volution, bien qu’il prĂ©sente encore plusieurs lacunes, faute d’une vĂ©ritable loi-cadre pour la transition numĂ©rique des administrations publiques.Abstract: The current reforms in public administration are intended to be the culmination of the move to implement digital government. Those reforms were already informing the implementation process some twenty years ago. However, since the first «e-government», the context has undergone significant changes. The use of clouds, biometric data, as well as the increasing use of algorithms in automated procedures all raise the issue of data protection, both public and private. While the focus is on the technical and administrative dimensions of these changes, their legal framework remains problematic. The choice of legal instruments reveals a preference for soft law as a regulatory tool in preference to legislation. While this preference is standard in the field of public policy, it warrants nonetheless the enhanced protection of citizens’ rights and makes the case for the use of robust legislation in the place of administrative instruments. Despite the increasing use of legislation, the absence of a framework law leaves many issues unresolved from a legal perspective

    PLPR - Book of abstracts

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    Revue de droit. Université de Sherbrooke. Volume 49 - Numéros 2-3

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    NumĂ©ro complet.La question du droit dans la transformation numĂ©rique des administrations publiques / Daniel Mockle -- Le pouvoir de redevance rĂ©glementaire des municipalitĂ©s du QuĂ©bec : un outil propice au dĂ©veloppement urbain durable et Ă  l’équitĂ© fiscale / Marie-Claude PrĂ©mont et Fanny Tremblay-Racicot -- L’adaptation du droit aux changements climatiques en matiĂšre d’érosion des zones cĂŽtiĂšres / Catherine Choquette, Charles Gauthier, Marie-Pier Goyette NoĂ«l et Julia Santos Silva -- La pandĂ©mie de COVID-19 et le droit europĂ©en des droits de la personne : rĂ©flexions sur l’application de la Convention europĂ©enne des droits de l’homme Ă  l’ùre du confinement et des masques obligatoires / Anne-Françoise Debruche -- La mise en oeuvre du Programme de mesures de rechange gĂ©nĂ©ral pour adultes au QuĂ©bec : premiers rĂ©sultats aprĂšs 19 mois d’implantation du projet pilote / Catherine Rossi, Julie Desrosiers, Xavier Lyonnais, Vicky Brassard, Laurence Marceau et Alexandre BĂ©land Ouellette -- Chronique sectorielle. Le postulat d’inĂ©vitabilitĂ© de la notion d’atteinte initiale Ă  la base de l’arrĂȘt MontrĂ©al (Ville) c. Dorval de la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada / Patrick Forget

    Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook

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    The purpose of the Sourcebook is to act as a guide for practitioners and technical staff in addressing gender issues and integrating gender-responsive actions in the design and implementation of agricultural projects and programs. It speaks not with gender specialists on how to improve their skills but rather reaches out to technical experts to guide them in thinking through how to integrate gender dimensions into their operations. The Sourcebook aims to deliver practical advice, guidelines, principles, and descriptions and illustrations of approaches that have worked so far to achieve the goal of effective gender mainstreaming in the agricultural operations of development agencies. It captures and expands the main messages of the World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development and is considered an important tool to facilitate the operationalization and implementation of the report's key principles on gender equality and women's empowerment