226,922 research outputs found


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    The development of open and long-distance learning – within universities but also withingeographically distributed enterprises –has led to the development of researches focusing on modeling onsemantic bases the learning organizational memory of an e-learning type. This paper reviews the literaturein the field, focusing on defining a generic template of semantic modeling of the content of the learningorganizational memory of the e-learning type, by proposing a study case of semantic representation oflearning objects applied to the economic-financial analysis. The research is both theoretic and applied-deductive in character, starting from a general background regarding learning in general and reachingparticularity by providing an ontology specific to the economic-financial analysis.learning organizational memory, learning object, ontology, metadata, indexing, e-learning,modeling standards, economical and financial analysis.

    An Integrated Approach for Automatic\ud Aggregation of Learning Knowledge Objects

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    This paper presents the Knowledge Puzzle, an ontology-based platform designed to facilitate domain\ud knowledge acquisition from textual documents for knowledge-based systems. First, the\ud Knowledge Puzzle Platform performs an automatic generation of a domain ontology from documents’\ud content through natural language processing and machine learning technologies. Second,\ud it employs a new content model, the Knowledge Puzzle Content Model, which aims to model\ud learning material from annotated content. Annotations are performed semi-automatically based\ud on IBM’s Unstructured Information Management Architecture and are stored in an Organizational\ud memory (OM) as knowledge fragments. The organizational memory is used as a knowledge\ud base for a training environment (an Intelligent Tutoring System or an e-Learning environment).\ud The main objective of these annotations is to enable the automatic aggregation of Learning\ud Knowledge Objects (LKOs) guided by instructional strategies, which are provided through\ud SWRL rules. Finally, a methodology is proposed to generate SCORM-compliant learning objects\ud from these LKOs

    An Approach of Business Decision Making based on E-Learning and Knowledge Management

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    Today's, companies have increasingly been faced with many pressures related to competition and competitiveness. Understanding and influencing these changes requires effective management of human knowledge, including decision-making. This paper examines an experience of implementing knowledge management within organizations. We propose an approach based on E-Learning and its components to establish an organizational memory of documents, processes and Decision-making knowledge. We have been particularly interested in training in decision-making and we have accompanied the entity studied in a process of explicitation of knowledge and conduct of the change

    Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) approach In efficiency transport manufacturing industry in Malaysia

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    The objective of this study was to measure of technical efficiency, transport manufacturing industry in Malaysia score using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) from 2005 to 2010. The efficiency score analysis used only two inputs, i.e., capital and labor and one output i.e., total of sales. The results shown that the average efficiency score of the Banker, Charnes, Cooper - Variable Returns to Scale (BCC-VRS) model is higher than the Charnes, Cooper, Rhodes - Constant Return to Scale (CCR-CRS) model. Based on the BCC-VRS model, the average efficiency score was at a moderate level and only four sub-industry that recorded an average efficiency score more than 0.50 percent during the period study. The implication of this result suggests that the transport manufacturing industry needs to increase investment, especially in human capital such as employee training, increase communication expenses such as ICT and carry out joint ventures as well as research and development activities to enhance industry efficiency

    Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology

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    Blockchain is a new security system which group many data into a block or so called classifying the data into a block. The block can have many types and each of them content data and security code. By using a decentralize mechanism, one security code protect all the data. That could happen at the server. In this research, a network of wireless sensor technology is proposed. The transmission of sensor data is via the Internet of things (Internet of Thing) technology. As many data transmitted, they have to classified and group them into a block. All the blocks are then send to the central processing unit, like a microcontroller. The block of data is then processed, identified and encrypted before send over the internet network. At the receiver, a GUI or Apps is developed to open and view the data. The Apps or GUI have an encrypted data or security code. User must key in the password before they can view the data. The password used by the end user at the Apps or GUI must be equivalent to the one encrypted at the sensor nodes. This is to satisfy the decentralized concept used in the Blockchain. To demonstrate the Blockchain technology applied to the wireless sensor network, a MATLAB Simulink function is used. The expected results should show a number of block of data in cryptography manner and chain together. The two set of data. Both have the data encrypted using hash. The black dots indicate the data has been encrypted whereas the white dot indicate indicates the data is not encrypted. The half white and half black indicates the data is in progress of encrypted. All this data should arrange in cryptography order and chain together in a vertical line. A protocol called block and chain group the data into the block and then chain then. The data appears in the blocks and send over the network. As seen in the simulation results, the yellow color represents the user data. This data has a default amplitude as 1 or 5. The data is chained and blocked to produce the Blockchain waveform Keywords: Blockchain, Internet of things, Wireless Sensor Network and MATLAB Simulin

    Learning from Semantic Inconsistencies as the Origin of Dynamic Capabilities in MNCs: Evidence from Pharmaceutical MNCs

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    This paper focuses on origins of dynamic capabilities in multinational corporations (MNCs). Building on literature in the area of organizational memory and organizational learning, we investigate factors that contribute to subsidiaries of MNCs ability to detach themselves from obsolete knowledge and practices. To construct the theoretical framework, 11 extensive interviews with marketing and sales executives from three pharmaceutical MNCs operated in Iran were conducted. We test our hypotheses using statistical quantitative analysis of data related to 459 observations from subsidiaries of 51 pharmaceutical MNCs during years 2005-2009. We examine the quality of corrective actions taken by subsidiaries of pharmaceutical MNCs subsequent to subsidiaries failing to meet expected performance objectives. Our findings confirm a moderating role for internationalization, span, and the composition of human resources on the quality of corrective actions pursued

    Team Learning: A Theoretical Integration and Review

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    With the increasing emphasis on work teams as the primary architecture of organizational structure, scholars have begun to focus attention on team learning, the processes that support it, and the important outcomes that depend on it. Although the literature addressing learning in teams is broad, it is also messy and fraught with conceptual confusion. This chapter presents a theoretical integration and review. The goal is to organize theory and research on team learning, identify actionable frameworks and findings, and emphasize promising targets for future research. We emphasize three theoretical foci in our examination of team learning, treating it as multilevel (individual and team, not individual or team), dynamic (iterative and progressive; a process not an outcome), and emergent (outcomes of team learning can manifest in different ways over time). The integrative theoretical heuristic distinguishes team learning process theories, supporting emergent states, team knowledge representations, and respective influences on team performance and effectiveness. Promising directions for theory development and research are discussed

    The important and effect of transfer of employees

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    The transfer of employees is a procedure of level development of individuals starting with one position to another position and without involving significant changes in their obligations, skills needed, or remuneration. It is a type of interior versatility, where the worker is moved starting with one occupation them onto the next generally at an alternate unit, area and division. This can likewise be defined as an alteration in the activity inside the organization where the new position or occupation is considerably equivalent to the old as far as pay, responsibilities, and status (Abomeh, & Mohammed, 2016). The employee transfer can be brief or permanent one, and it is started by any of the two such as employer or worker

    Organizational learning and innovation influence on organizational performance of companies in the wine sector

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a influência da aprendizagem organizacional e da inovação no desempenho organizacional de empresas do setor vinícola. A aprendizagem organizacional foi verificada por meio da aquisição do conhecimento, distribuição da informação, interpretação da informação e memória organizacional. Já a inovação foi dividida em administrativa, de produto e de processo. Estudos anteriores sugerem a interação da aprendizagem organizacional, da inovação e do desempenho organizacional.  A pesquisa foi quantitativa, descritiva e causal, com método survey com corte transversal. O tratamento dos dados deu-se por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais. A amostra foi de 54 respondentes. Os resultados do modelo proposto mostraram a dimensão que melhor explicou a aprendizagem organizacional foi distribuição da informação; e, para a inovação, foi a de produto. Por último, percebeu-se que a aprendizagem organizacional influencia a inovação e que a inovação influencia o desempenho organizacional; no entanto, não foi encontrada a influência direta da aprendizagem organizacional sobre o desempenho organizacional. This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational learning and innovation on organizational performance of wine companies. Organizational learning has been verified through the acquisition of knowledge, distribution of information, interpretation of information and organizational memory. Innovation approach involved administrative, procedural and production divisions. Previous studies suggest that there is an interaction among organizational learning, innovation and organizational performance. This research is quantitative, descriptive and causal, with cross section method of survey. The data controller was analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. The sample counted with 54 respondents. The results of the proposed model showed that the dimension that best explained the organizational learning was distribution of information; and, for innovation was explained by production. Finally, we found that the organizational learning influences innovation and that innovation influences organizational performance. However, we did not find a direct influence of organizational learning on organizational performance