70 research outputs found

    Multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems: an extendible framework with example cooperation strategies

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    This paper proposes the use of multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems through the introduction of a new multiagent environment, MANGO. The strength of the environment lays in itsflexible structure based on communicating software agents that attempt to solve a problem cooperatively. This structure allows the execution of a wide range of global optimization algorithms described as a set of interacting operations. At one extreme, MANGO welcomes an individual non-cooperating agent, which is basically the traditional way of solving a global optimization problem. At the other extreme, autonomous agents existing in the environment cooperate as they see fit during run time. We explain the development and communication tools provided in the environment as well as examples of agent realizations and cooperation scenarios. We also show how the multiagent structure is more effective than having a single nonlinear optimization algorithm with randomly selected initial points

    Attractiveness and Learnability to Support Operability in Web Applications

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    One of software quality criteria that is vital to determine the success of a software system is usability (ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001), also known as operability (ISO/IEC 25010:2011). There are a few sub-criteria that support operability and two of them are attractiveness and learnability. There is still lack of systematic review with regard to usability or operability with the focus on attractiveness and learnability mainly in Web applications. As more software systems nowadays are webbased, studying these quality factors are indeed essential. This study adopts a systematic literature review method to investigate existing works on the two sub-criteria besides exploring the works in both usability and operability in Web applications in general. The results specifically examine the issues, strengths and weaknesses that also conclude the gaps in existing works on attractiveness and learnability in Web applications besides the focus on existing frameworks

    Indicators for Improved Fisheries Management in the ASEAN Region

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    Success Story Pengawas Sekolah SMP

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    AI-enabled Automation for Completeness Checking of Privacy Policies

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    Technological advances in information sharing have raised concerns about data protection. Privacy policies contain privacy-related requirements about how the personal data of individuals will be handled by an organization or a software system (e.g., a web service or an app). In Europe, privacy policies are subject to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A prerequisite for GDPR compliance checking is to verify whether the content of a privacy policy is complete according to the provisions of GDPR. Incomplete privacy policies might result in large fines on violating organization as well as incomplete privacy-related software specifications. Manual completeness checking is both time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we propose AI-based automation for the completeness checking of privacy policies. Through systematic qualitative methods, we first build two artifacts to characterize the privacy-related provisions of GDPR, namely a conceptual model and a set of completeness criteria. Then, we develop an automated solution on top of these artifacts by leveraging a combination of natural language processing and supervised machine learning. Specifically, we identify the GDPR-relevant information content in privacy policies and subsequently check them against the completeness criteria. To evaluate our approach, we collected 234 real privacy policies from the fund industry. Over a set of 48 unseen privacy policies, our approach detected 300 of the total of 334 violations of some completeness criteria correctly, while producing 23 false positives. The approach thus has a precision of 92.9% and recall of 89.8%. Compared to a baseline that applies keyword search only, our approach results in an improvement of 24.5% in precision and 38% in recall

    Penciptaan budaya religius yang islami dalam sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan

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    ABSTRAK Fullday school dalam dunia pendidikan adalah salah satu bentuk tuntutan dari masyarakat perkotaan yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang sangat tinggi. Pertemuan orang tua dan anak semakin jarang sehingga orang tua jarang memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang lebih. Lingkungan perkotaan yang serba modern memberikan dampak terhadap perilaku negatif maupun positif. Jika orang tua tidak mengawasi anaknya maka anak tersebut dikhawatirkan terjerumus ke dalam hal-hal yang negatif. Maka dari latar belakang ini dapat disusun rumusan masalah sebagai berikut:(1) Bagaimana Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan. (2) Bagaimana evaluasi program Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan dan mendeskripsikan evaluasi Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah termasuk dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dan dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk analisisnya, penulis menggunakan tehnik analisis deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu berupa kata-kata, gambaran, bukan berupa angka-angka. Terkait dengan penelitian ini yang menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Madrasah, Waka Kurikulum, Waka Penjamin mutu, Guru mapel Fiqh, Ketua OSIS, Ketua Sekbid Keagamaan, dan beberapa siswa MAN Lamongan. Dari rancangan penelitian sebagaimana dijelaskan, peneliti memperoleh kesimpulan diantaranya: (1) Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan, yang meliputi (a) mempraktekkan motto SSIIPSS (Salam, Senyum, Infaq, Iqro’, Puasa, Sholat dan Silaturrahmi) yang mana salam senyum pada saat berjabat tangan, infaq pada hari senin, iqro’ pada saat tadarus dan pembacaan asmaul khusnah, puasa hari senin dan kamis, sholat dzuhur dan sholat jum’at secara berjamaah, dan silaturrahmi kepada wali murid, 5R di wujudkan dengan diadakannya lomba kerbersihan kelas dan kantin serta penataan taman bunga serta setiap hari pak bon secara rutin membersihkan lingkungan madrasah, TASSA, TAKBeR dalam keseharian di lingkungan madrasah. (b) terlaksananya program ekstrakulikuler baik wajib seperti Muhadhoroh maupun sunah selain itu melalui program kerja Sekbid Keagamaan yang meliputi (Peringatan Hari Besar Islam (PHBI) seperti 1 Muharam, Isro’ Mi’raj, Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan Istiqosah. (2) evaluasi program Penciptaan Budaya Religius yang Islami dalam Sistem Fullday School di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lamongan, yang meliputi: (a) kegiatan evaluasi secara keseluruhan berpedoman pada ISO 9001: 2008 dengan mengadakan audit internal tiap bagian oleh bagian Penjamin Mutu madrasah setiap satu semester sekali dan audit eksternal setiap satu periode sekali oleh tim asesor. (b) untuk kegiatan pembelajaran evaluasinya meliputi ulangan harian, ujian tengah semester, ujian semester, UAM, UNAS. ABSTRACT Fullday school is one of the demand in urban communities which have very high level of mobility. Children rarely meet their parents which cause they got less attention and affection. Modern environment has impact strength on negative and positive behaviors. If parents do not supervise their children, it is feared will cause they can do some negative things. From this background, the problems of the study can be formulated, as follows: (1) How is the Creation of Islamic Religious Culture in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan. (2) How is the Creation of Islamic Religious Culture’s program evaluation in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan. The purposes of this study are to describe the Creation of the Islamic Religious Culture in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan and to describe the Creation of Islamic Religious Culture’s program evaluation in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data are collected by observation, interview and documentation. For the analysis, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative because the data in the forms of words and images that cannot be statistical analyzed. In this research, the researcher also gets the informants; they are the Principal, Curriculum Division, Quality Assurance Division, Fiqh Teacher, the leader of OSIS, the leader of Religious Division and some of students in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan. The results of this study are: (1) The Creation of Islamic Religious Culture in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan, include (a) practice the motto SSIIPSS (Salam, Senyum, Infaq, Iqro’, Puasa, Sholat dan Silaturrahmi) which regards smile when shaking hand, infaq on Monday, Iqro 'when reading Asmaul Khusnah and Holy Qur’an, fasting on Monday and Thursday, Dzuhur and Friday prayers in gathering, silaturrahmi on students guardian, 5R have formed by organize cleaning class, cafeteria, and flower garden every day, TASSA, TAKBeR in full day environment. (b) The implementation of extracurricular programs such as, Muhadhoroh, and through (PHBI) program such as, 1 Muharram, Isro 'Mi'raj, Maulid Prophet Muhammad SAW, and Istiqosah. (2) The program evaluation of the Creation Islamic Religious Culture in Fullday School System in Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Lamongan, include: (a) all the activity based on the ISO 9001: 2008 internal audit conducted by Quality Assurance Division each semester and external audits once per period by Assessor Team. (b) For the evaluation of learning activities include daily tests, midterms, final exams, UAM, and National Examination

    The development of an effective energy management framework for energy efficient buildings

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    Energy management in government office buildings is to ensure continuous energy efficiency over a long period of time by applying the methods that suit the needs and the budget. Effective energy management is not only to achieve and maintain optimum energy consumption and to minimize energy costs, but also to ensure that its performance will not affect the performance and quality as well as to maintain the energy efficiency levels that has been achieved. The achievement of energy efficiency is continuous through the involvement of various parties concerned. Therefore, effective energy management programs could improve energy efficiency in the government office buildings with several criteria and practices, establishing good cooperation between top management, employees, energy management committee and various teams. This research aims to develop a framework for improving the energy efficiency practices for a more effective energy management environment. The thesis begins with a review of the literature on energy management concepts, issues, advantages and the importance of increasing the consideration of energy efficiency measures in the office building. Existing references and interviews show how common practices do not involve the relationship between top management, employees and energy management committees in ensuring the implementation of energy efficiency practices more effective and sustainable. A framework of working practices for improving the energy management program is based from three case studies as well as analysis of literatures and insights from the experts. The results from analysis of the case studies show that energy efficiency programs and activities can be implemented well through the involvement and cooperation of many parties with the guidance on energy management planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation that help them to improve building performance. Therefore, the framework developed within the research, provides team leaders or energy managers with a holistic and structured approach for achieving energy efficient buildings through the appropriate practices of the effective energy management program. Recommendation for future work may focus studies on a larger scale to investigate other government-owned buildings and taking into account as well the technical aspects of technology so that the approach of the study becomes more comprehensive, integrated and systematic

    The Bison: 1998

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    This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.https://dh.howard.edu/bison_yearbooks/1167/thumbnail.jp


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