1,491 research outputs found

    Calculation and Visualization of Flexion and Skewness

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    Nedavnom studijom o kartografskim projekcijama uvedene su dvije nove mjere distorzije: fleksija i asimetrija. Međutim, uvedena je samo za jediničnu sferu. U ovom su redu izvedene formule za rotacijski elipsoid i pokazuje se da tim mjerama distorzije odgovaraju mjerne jedinice. Opisana je nova metoda vizualizacije s pomoću koje se te veličine mogu prikazati na izražajan način.A recent study on map projections expanded two new measures of distortion, namely flexion and skewness. However, it introduced them only for the unit sphere. The present paper derives formulas for the rotational ellipsoid and demonstrates that these kinds of distortion always have a unit of measurement. A new method of illustration is described, by which these quantities can be visualized in an expressive way

    Calibration of a digital camera on a test field

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    The principal tools of photogrammetry are professional cameras with calibrated parameters of inner orientation and stable construction. However, due to increased quality and lower prices, the use of amateur digital cameras, where the parameters of inner orientation are determined during calibration, for certain photogrammetric purposes is growing. For the aim of this diploma thesis, the calibration of Nikon D70 digital camera was performed at the test area in the basement facilities of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana. The area consists of spatially located and properly identified points with spatial coordinates previously determined via the classic measurement method. The initial aim was to determine the parameters of inner orientation through the method of self-calibration within the compensation of aerotriangulation. During data analysis certain problems with the chosen software package AeroSys became evident, so the practical implementation was adjusted to the software capabilities (the parameters of inner orientation were determined by direct linear transformation). The results have shown that by using the described procedure and equipment, the accuracy to within several centimetres of photogrammetrically determined spatial coordinates can be achieved, which is acceptable for certain less demanding tasks of close-range photogrammetry

    Distortion of ring type parts during fine-blanking

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    Distortion control is one of the most important concerns of the metal processing industry, which also includes the fine-blanking technology. Fine-blanking of sheet metal involves metal flow and shearing, which result in complex deformation. Distortion occurs during the removal of parts from the tool due to the relaxation of internal stresses. Internal stresses that are generated during fine-blanking have an important effect on the shape and size of parts after fine-blanking. The distortion of ring type products during fine-blanking was analyzed by using dimension measurements, microscopic observation and numerical simulation

    Distorzija vrijednosti: ekonomija i etički redukcionizam

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    While the economy plays a necessary role in the function and maintenance of social value, and the delivery of vital goods, contemporary society suffers systematic distortion inasmuch as monetary value has become the default, or normative, standard for all aspects of human existence. This reduction of value seriously affects the possibilities of all human development, inasmuch as those projects that promote growth and development are evaluated primarily in terms of economic potential. Further, the dysfunctional understandings of economies continue to support political and social ideologies that encourage economic benefits at the expense of human lives. The lack of a historical perspective that this reductive perspective creates negatively affects the abilities of people to recognize necessary and constitutional values that would enable all persons to make deliberate and meaningful choices with their lives, choices that are required if society is interested in promoting cultural and transcendent values, precisely those choices which make meaning the focus of human endeavour.Dok ekonomija igra nužnu ulogu u funkcioniranju i održavanju socijalne vrijednosti te u opskrbi životnim potrepÅ”tinama, suvremeno druÅ”tvo pati od sistemske distorzije utoliko Å”to je monetarna vrijednost postala zadani ili normativni standard za sve aspekte ljudske egzistencije. Ovo reduciranje vrijednosti ozbiljno utječe na mogućnosti ljudskog razvoja u cjelini jer se ti projekti koji promiču rast i razvoj vrednuju prvenstveno s obzirom na ekonomski potencijal. Osim toga, disfunkcionalno shvaćanje ekonomije i dalje podržava one političke i druÅ”tvene ideologije koje potiču ekonomsku korist nauÅ”trb ljudskih života. Manjak povijesne perspektive koji stvara ova redukcionistička perspektiva negativno utječe na sposobnost ljudi da prepoznaju nužne i konstitutivne vrijednosti koje bi omogućile svim osobama da donose promiÅ”ljene i smislene odluke o svojim životima, da čine izbore koji su poželjni ako je druÅ”tvo zainteresirano za promicanje kulturnih i transcendentnih vrijednosti, upravo one izbore koji smisao čine srediÅ”tem ljudskih nastojanja

    PogreŔka ili distorzija

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    The word error comes from the Latin errare which means to be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake. Synonyms of the verb to err are be wrong, be in error, be mistaken, mistake, make a blunder, blunder, be incorrect, be inaccurate, misjudge, miscalculate, get things/something/it wrong, bark up the wrong tree, get the wrong end of the stick, be wide of the mark. It is not difficult to see that the word has many meanings but always with a negative connotation.Riječ pogreŔka označava netočnu ili loŔu ideju ili miŔljenje, ono Ŕto je napravljeno loŔe, netočno ili nekorektno. Riječi istog ili sličnog značenja su greŔka, zabluda, zabuna, nesporazum, propust, gubitak, promaŔaj, gaf, omaŔka, previd. Nije teŔko uočiti da riječ pogreŔka ima viŔe značenja, no uvijek s negativnom konotacijom

    The Algorithm for the Precise Elimination of Lens Distortion Influence on Digital Cameras

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    U ovom je radu izložen algoritam za preciznu eliminaciju utjecaja distorzije objektiva digitalnih kamera. Detaljno je objaÅ”njena teorijska osnova te matematički model na kojem se temelji algoritam. S razvojem fotogrametrijskih alata unazad nekoliko godina doÅ”lo je do popularizacije fotogrametrije i njezinih produkata. Riječ je prije svega o algoritmima za automatsku korelaciju i produkciju oblaka gustih točaka koji su temelj za proizvodnju fotorealističnih 3D modela. Kao fotogrametrijski proizvod, fotorealistični 3D model danas je najzanimljiviji Å”iroj publici, kako u vizualizacijske tako i u mjerne svrhe. S obzirom na veliki broj različitih fotogrametrijskih alata postoji problem kvalitetnog modeliranja elemenata unutarnje orijentacije kamere. Mnogi softveri imaju kvalitetne i optimirane algoritme za automatsku korelaciju, no krajnji su rezultati često limitirani svojom točnoŔću zbog nedovoljno kvalitetnih matematičkih modela za modeliranje distorzije i ostalih geometrijskih pogreÅ”aka prilikom nastanka snimke. Takav algoritam omogućuje da se kalibracijskim parametrima kamere, koji se temelje na primjerenim i visokopreciznim matematičkim modelima za modeliranje distorzije uz proveden postupak kalibracije, izvorna snimka transformira u idealiziranu snimku s koje je uklonjena većina geometrijskih pogreÅ”aka kamere. Takva idealizirana snimka može biti koriÅ”tena u najrazličitijim fotogrametrijskim alatima.In this paper the algorithm for precise elimination of the impact of lens distortion in digital camera will be shown. The paper explains in detail the theoretical basis and mathematical model on which the algorithm is based on. The development of photogrammetric tools in the past years increased interest in photogrammetry and its products. Those are primarily the algorithms for automatic correlation and producing thick clouds of points which are the basis for the production of photo-realistic 3D models. As photogrammetric product, photo-realistic 3D model is today the most interesting product to a wider audience, both in the visualization and the measurement purposes. Given the large number of photogrammetric tools there is a problem of quality of modelling elements of internal orientation of the camera. A lot of software has quality and optimized algorithms for automatic correlation but however the end results are often limited by their accuracy because of the insufficient quality of mathematical models for modelling of distortion and other geometric errors of the image. This algorithm allows that by the calibration parameters of the camera based on appropriate and highly precise mathematical models for modelling of distortion, conducted by the calibration process, the original footage is transformed into an idealized image from which most of the geometric errors of the camera are removed. Such idealized image can be used in a variety of photogrammetric tools


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    Distorzija je postupak govornog isticanja dijelova iskaza. Ističu se dijelovi koji su odvojeni od svoje logičke, sintaktičke cjeline. U KaÅ”telanovu pjesniÅ”tvu distorzija se potvrđuje i kao jasni pjesnički postupak. Ona je svojim govornim ostvarenjem jednaka opkoračenju, dakle postupku koji proizlazi iz zajedničkog djelovanja sintaktičkog i versi.fikacijskog ustroja. Distorziju kao pjesnički postupak potvrđuje i njezino često preklapanje s izrazitim pjesničkim postupcima, poput glasovnih podudaranja (aliteracije, asonance, pjesnički homofoni) ili ploÅ”nih podudaranja (zrcalne strukture)

    Gambling characteristics of Zagrebian students

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    U ovom istraživanju bavili smo se ispitivanjem nekih čimbenika rizičnosti kockanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stav o kockanju te rizičnost kockanja kod studenata u Zagrebu te utvrditi postoje li razlike u navedenim varijablama s obzirom na spol, tip fakulteta i uspjeÅ”nost u studiju. Također smo željeli ispitati doprinos samopoÅ”tovanja (samosviđanja i samokompetentnosti), samokontrole i kognitivnih distorzija (iluzije i praznovjerje/poznavanje vjerojatnosti) stavu o kockanju. Istraživanje je provedeno na 202 studenata, koji su ispunili upitnik sa sociodemografskim pitanjima, skalu samosviđanja i samokompetentnosti, skalu samokontrole, stav o kockanju te skalu rizičnosti kockanja. Rezultati su pokazali da smo ispitivanje proveli na izrazito ne-rizičnoj skupini studenata. Ipak, pokazale su se razlike u rizičnosti kockanja s obzirom na spol, u smjeru da studenti rizičnije kockaju nego studentice. Također se pokazalo da studenti Filozofskog fakulteta bolje poimaju vjerojatnost nego ispitanici sa Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje, te u skladu s time manje rizično kockaju od studenata Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje. Rezultati su također pokazali da ispitanici sa nižom uspjeÅ”nosti u studiju pokazuju veću rizičnost kockanja, pozitivniji stav prema kockanju, manju samokompetentnost i nižu samokontrolu, za razliku od ispitanika sa viÅ”om uspjeÅ”nosti u studiju. Studenti sa viÅ”om samokontrolom imaju negativniji stav o kockanju i manje rizično kockaju. Slična je stvar i sa stavom o kockanju, povezan je sa svim varijablama osim samosviđanjem i samokompetentnosti. Studenti sa izraženijim iluzijama i praznovjerjem/ nepoimanjem vjerojatnosti, imaju pozitivniji stav o kockanju. Nije se pokazalo da ispitanici sa većim rezultatom na skali samosviđanja i samokompetentnosti, većim samopoÅ”tovanjem, imaju negativniji stav o kockanju.The aim of this research was to examine the gambling characteristics of risky gambling (in terms of consequences) in Zagrebian students and to determine wheter there are differences regarding some sociodemographic data like gender, type of university and performance success. We also wanted to explore the relationship of cognitive distortions (illusions and auspicious beliefs) and the level of self-respect in regards to gambling habits. We included a self-liking, self-competence and a self-control scale. We also included a scale of their attitude towards gambling and the risk that it poses. The study included 202 respondents. The results showed that the students we included in our research were unordinarily non risky in terms of gambling consequences. Still, differences were shown in terms of gender, male students gamble more risky than female participants. There was also a difference between the type of university, where the students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture gambled more risky than students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Zagreb. There was a difference regarding performance success as well. Students with a lower performance success gambled more risky and had a more positive attitude towards gambling than those with a higher performance success. Regarding self-control, those with higher self-control had a more negative attitude towards gambling and gambled less risky than those with lower self-control. Students with more cognitive distortions had a more positive attitude towards gambling than those with less. There was no differnece in attitude towards gambling shown in regards to self-respect
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