28 research outputs found

    Морфологическая изменчивость в популяциях некоторых видов рода Thalassiosira Cl. (Bacillariophyta) урбанизированных водоемов Украины

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    Проведено электронно-микроскопические исследование морфологии центрических диатомовых водорослей Thalassiosira faurii (Gasse) Hasle emend. Genkal и Th. weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle emend. Genkal et Kulikovskiy из некоторых урбанизированных водоемов Киева и Житомира. .This electron microscopy study of the morphology of centric diatoms Thalassiosira faurii (Gasse) Hasle emend. Genkal and Th. weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle emend. Genkal et Kulikovskiy from some urban waterbodies of Ukraine (Kiev and Zhitomir

    Таксономическая структура фитопланктона нижнего участка реки Южный Буг (Украина)

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    Исследован фитопланктон нижнего участка р. Южный Буг (2013–2014 гг.). Найдено 210 видов, представленных 219 внутривидовыми таксонами (ввт), включая номенклатурный тип вида. Установлено, что основу таксономической структуры фитопланктона формируют представители отделов Chlorophyta (42,4 %), Bacillariophyta (32,9 %), Cyanoprokaryota (10,5 %) и Euglenophyta (5,7 %). Ведущими родами являются Desmodesmus, Navicula, Euglena, Nitzschia, Coelastrum, Phacus, Acutodesmus, Monoraphidium, Oocystis и Cyclotella.Investigations for the study of phytoplankton on the lower portion of the Southern Bug river were conducted in 2013-2014. According to the results of original studies, species richness in this section of the river is 210 species, represented by 219 taxa (infraspecific taxa). The basis of the phytoplankton taxonomic structure are formed by representatives of divisions Chlorophyta (42.4 %), Bacillariophyta (32.9 %), Cyanoprokaryota (10.5 %) and Euglenophyta (5.7 %). Main genera are Desmodesmus, Navicula, Euglena, Nitzschia, Coelastrum, Phacus, Acutodesmus, Monoraphidium, Oocystis and Cyclotella

    Центрические диатомовые водоросли (Centrophyceae) нижней части р. Южный Буг (Украина)

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    В результате изучения фитобентоса нижней части р. Южный Буг с помощью сканирующей электронной микроскопии выявлено 16 представителей диатомовых водорослей класса Centrophyceae из 8 родов. Список центрических диатомовых водорослей расширен за счет таксонов видового (10) и родового (Conticribra, Thalassiosira) рангов.The study of the Southern Bug River lower part of the phytobenthos by scanning electron microscopy revealed 16 representatives of diatoms Centrophyceae class of 8 genera, wherein the species composition of centric diatoms significantly expanded by taxa of species (10) and genera (Conticribra, Thalassiosira) rank

    Magyarország Centrales fajainak florisztikai felmérése összefüggésben a természetvédelemmel = Floristical studies on centric diatoms in Hungary concerning the nature conservation

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    A pályázat során Magyarország keleti területén közel 200 álló- és folyóvízből több mint 300 mintát vizsgáltunk, valamint vízkémiai változókat is mértünk mind a helyszínen, mind a laboratóriumban. A mintákat pásztázó elektronmikroszkóppal vizsgáltuk. Minden fajról elterjedési térképet is készítettünk. 41 Centrales taxont találtunk. Legfajgazdagabb a Duna volt, legfajszegényebbek a kis vizek. A taxonómiai és elterjedési vizsgálatokon túlmenően adataink számos ökológiai aspektusú elemzésre is lehetőséget nyújtottak. A taxonszám összefüggést mutatott a folyók méretével, mivel a beömlő mellékfolyók, ill. a velük kapcsolatban lévő tavak, tározók fajai is a befogadó folyóvíz fitoplanktonját gazdagítják. Nem véletlen, hogy Magyarország legnagyobb folyója a Duna Centrales közössége a legfajgazdagabb, hiszen hatalmas terület vizei kapcsolódnak hozzá és a tavi környezetre jellemző fajok a Duna lassan áramló vizében sokáig túlélnek, közülük számos szaporodni is képes benne. Állóvizek esetében a fajtelítési görbék azt mutatták, hogy a növényi tápanyagban gazdag halastavak a legfajgazdagabbak és a nagy vezetőképességű szikesek a legfajszegényebbek. A kutatás lehetőséget teremtett arra, hogy néhány taxon esetében részletes morfológiai vizsgálatot végezzünk és tisztázzuk taxonómiai helyzetüket is. | In the framework of the project 300 samples were investigated from 200 stagnant and fluvial water bodies in the eastern part of Hungary. Water chemical parameters were also measured on site, and in the laboratory. Samples were investigated by scanning electronmicroscopy. Occurrence maps were constructed for each species. Altogether 41 Centrales species were detected. The highest species number was found in the River Danube, while the lowest ones in small water bodies. Besides taxonomical and occurrence investigations, the data could be used for different other ecological analyses. The taxon number correlated with the size of the rivers, as the tributaries, and the connected lakes and reservoirs increase further the species richness of the receptive rivers. This explains the highest species richness of the largest Hungarian river, the River Danube. It has a huge catchment area with several tributaries, and standing water species survive for a long time in the slowly flowing river, many of them find favourable conditions even for reproduction. In standing waters, species accumulation curves revealed that nutrient rich fish ponds are the richest in species, and high conductivity soda lakes are the poorest. As a part of the research detailed morphological investigations could be performed in some species to understand and clarify their taxonomic position

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 14

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatom algae Cyclostephanos invisitatus, Cyclotella meduanae, and Stephanodiscus lacustris, mycorrhizal fungi Alessioporus ichnusanus and Amanita mairei, saprotrophic fungi Diaporthe oncostoma, Stropharia albonitens and Pseudomassaria chondrospora, lichenised fungus Acrocordia subglobosa, stonewort Chara connivens, mosses Buxbaumia viridis, Tortella fasciculata and Tortula protobryoides, monocots Epipactis pontica Gymnadenia frivaldii, and Orchis italica and dicots Callitriche brutia, Callitriche platycarpa and Epilobium nutans are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Diatomáceas em corpos d'água da região noroeste do Estado do Ceará : Mediophyceae, Coscinodiscophyceae e Bacillariophyceae (Eunotiales e Cymbellales)

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Thelma Alvim Veiga LudwigCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Kaoli Pereira CavalcanteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/01/2021Inclui referênciasResumo: A Caatinga é a maior região de floresta tropical seca da América do Sul e abriga uma diversidade biológica impressionante. Porém, ainda há grandes lacunas em relação aos estudos de diversos grupos de organismos, principalmente os aquáticos, se comparados a outras regiões brasileiras. A flora de diatomáceas é praticamente desconhecida no estado do Ceará que se destaca pela grande concentração de águas superficiais no semiárido. Realizou-se um estudo taxonômico pioneiro sobre as diatomáceas das classes Coscinodiscophyceae, Mediophyceae e Bacillariophyceae (Cymbellales e Eunotiales), documentando-se a variação morfológica das espécies encontradas, ampliando-se a distribuição geográfica e revisando aspectos taxonômicos e nomenclaturais, quando relevantes. Amostras planctônicas e perifíticas foram coletadas em quatro bacias hidrográficas localizadas na região noroeste do Ceará, nordeste do Brasil. Um total de 81 táxons infragenéricos foram identificados, descritos e ilustrados usando microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Setenta e quatro dos táxons (92%) registrados são citações pioneiras para o Ceará e 51 táxons são registros pioneiros para a região Nordeste. Doze táxons específicos e um infraespecífico foram reportados pela primeira vez para o Brasil, Discostella woltereckii, Eunotia corsica, E. julma, E. macedonica, E. novaisiae, Encyonema javanicum, E. jemtlandicum, E. neogracile var. tenuipunctatum, Placoneis symmetrica, P. rhombelliptica, Gomphonema acidoclinatum, G. camburnii, G. hebridense. As espécies com maior frequência de ocorrência entre os pontos de amostragem foram Cyclotella meneghiniana (61%, constante), C. cryptica (36%, comum), Eunotia aff. yberai (29%, esporádica), Encyonema silesiacum (29%) e Encyonema sp. 1 (29%). O uso da microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi fundamental para a determinação taxonômica de espécies como Cyclotella cryptica, C. marina, Eunotia yanomami e Gomphonema brasiliense. Destaca-se Terpsinoë musica, cuja análise populacional mostrou ampla plasticidade fenotípica para a espécie. O presente estudo evidenciou a subestimada diversidade de diatomáceas na região semiárida cearense e a necessidade de ampliação de amostragem em regiões pouco exploradas para o conhecimento mais preciso da diatomoflora e de sua distribuição em ambientes aquáticos no país e no semiárido. Palavras-chave: Caatinga. Nordeste. Semiárido. Taxonomia.Abstract: The Caatinga is the largest dry tropical forest region in South America and is home to an impressive biological diversity. However, there are still great gaps in relation to the studies of several groups of organisms, especially aquatic ones, when compared to other Brazilian regions. The diatom flora is practically unknown in the state of Ceará, which stands out for its high concentration of surface waters in the semiarid region. A pioneering taxonomic study was carried out on the diatoms of the classes Coscinodiscophyceae, Mediophyceae and Bacillariophyceae (Cymbellales and Eunotiales), documenting the morphological variation of the species found, expanding the geographic distribution and reviewing taxonomic and nomenclatural aspects, when relevant. Planktonic and periphytic samples were collected in four hydrographic basins located in northwestern Ceará, northeastern Brazil. A total of 81 infra-generic taxa were identified, described and illustrated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Seventy-four of the taxa (92%) registered are pioneer citations for Ceará and 51 taxa are pioneer registrations for the Northeast region. Twelve specific taxa and one infraspecific were first reported to Brazil, Discostella woltereckii, Eunotia corsica, E. julma, E. macedonica, E. novaisiae, Encyonema javanicum, E. jemtlandicum, E. neogracile var. tenuipunctatum, Placoneis symmetrica, P. rhombelliptica, Gomphonema acidoclinatum, G. camburnii, G. hebridense. The species with the highest frequency of occurrence among the sampling points were Cyclotella meneghiniana (61%, constant), C. cryptica (36%, common), Eunotia aff. yberai (29%, sporadic), Encyonema silesiacum (29%) and Encyonema sp. 1 (29%). The use of scanning electron microscopy was fundamental for the taxonomic determination of species such as Cyclotella cryptica, C. marina, Eunotia yanomami and Gomphonema brasiliense. Terpsinoë musica stands out, whose population analysis showed ample phenotypic plasticity for the species. The present study showed the underestimated diversity of diatoms in the semi-arid region of Ceará and the need to expand sampling in regions little explored for more accurate knowledge of diatomoflora and its distribution in aquatic environments in the country and in the semiarid. Keywords: Caatinga. Northeast. Semiarid. Taxonom

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    Comparación de la productividad primaria con aplicaciones de lombriabono y fertilizante comercial, en cultivos de camarones blancos (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    The phytoplankton is the first link in the food chain of any aquatic organism, it constitutes indispensable fertilization, as a promoter of primary productivity, and the use of fertilizers becomes the second most expensive input in aquaculture production, for this reason the urgency to search for alternate fertilizations that reduce the cost of this input and, therefore, the total production cost, this led to the trial using the worm fertilizer (solid extract of the earthworm Eisenia foetida), as an organic alternative and friendly with the environment. This study was conducted at the Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA) of UNAN-León, located 22 km from the municipality of León (Las Peñitas Community). The statistical analysis was done through the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test. The purpose was to evaluate its promoter effect in phytoplankton in contrast to the effects of commercial fertilizer, applying doses of 100lb / Ha. of each fertilizer for each treatment, being T1: commercial Fertilizer and T2: The worm fertilizer, during the period of experimentation, obtaining results of physical-chemical variables (oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity and turbidity) for both treatments without relevant variations, with the presence of the Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta groups in greater quantity and Cianophyta in smaller quantity, likewise species such as C. meduanae, C. atomus, N. tripunctata, Reverse Nitzschia, Cosmarium Contractum, Volvox aureus, D. tertiolectaEl fitoplancton es el primer eslabón en la cadena alimenticia de todo organismo acuático, constituye fertilización indispensable, como promotor de la productividad primaria, y el uso de fertilizantes se convierte en el segundo insumo de mayor costo en la producción acuícola, por esta razón nace la urgencia de búsqueda de fertilizaciones alternas que reduzcan el costo de este insumo y por ende, el costo total de la producción, esto conllevo a la realización del ensayo utilizando el Lombriabono (extracto sólido del humus de la lombriz Eisenia foetida), como una alternativa orgánica y amigable con el ambiente. Este estudio se realizó en el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Marinas y Acuícolas (LIMA) de la UNAN- León, ubicado a 22 km del municipio de León (comunidad Las Peñitas). El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorov Smirnov. El propósito fue evaluar su efecto promotor en el fitoplancton en contraste con los efectos del fertilizante comercial, aplicando dosis de 100lb/Ha. de cada fertilizante para cada tratamiento, siendo el T1: Fertilizante comercial y el T2: Fertilizante de Lombriabono, durante el período de experimentación, logrando resultados de variables físico-químicas (oxígeno, pH, temperatura, salinidad y turbidez) para ambos tratamientos sin variaciones relevantes, con la presencia de los grupos de Bacillariophyta y Chlorophyta en mayor cantidad y Cianophyta en menor cantidad, así mismo se encontraron especies como C. meduanae, C. atomus, N. tripunctata, Nitzschia reversa, Cosmarium Contractum, Volvox aureus, D. tertiolecta

    Comparación de la productividad primaria con aplicaciones de lombriabono y fertilizante comercial, en cultivos de camarones blancos (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    El fitoplancton es el primer eslabón en la cadena alimenticia de todo organismo acuático, constituye fertilización indispensable, como promotor de la productividad primaria, y el uso de fertilizantes se convierte en el segundo insumo de mayor costo en la producción acuícola, por esta razón nace la urgencia de búsqueda de fertilizaciones alternas que reduzcan el costo de este insumo y por ende, el costo total de la producción, esto conllevo a la realización del ensayo utilizando el Lombriabono (extracto sólido del humus de la lombriz Eisenia foetida), como una alternativa orgánica y amigable con el ambiente. Este estudio se realizó en el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Marinas y Acuícolas (LIMA) de la UNAN- León, ubicado a 22 km del municipio de León (comunidad Las Peñitas). El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorov Smirnov. El propósito fue evaluar su efecto promotor en el fitoplancton en contraste con los efectos del fertilizante comercial, aplicando dosis de 100lb/Ha. de cada fertilizante para cada tratamiento, siendo el T1: Fertilizante comercial y el T2: Fertilizante de Lombriabono, durante el período de experimentación, logrando resultados de variables físico-químicas (oxígeno, pH, temperatura, salinidad y turbidez) para ambos tratamientos sin variaciones relevantes, con la presencia d

    Phytoplankton diversity from the Southern Coastal Fringe of the Río de la Plata

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    Diversity of phytoplankton from the Southern Coastal Fringe of the Rio de la Plata between 58°32' and 57°41' W, up to 10 km from the coast line was analized. The present study show the results of the sampling carried outside peces between 1993-1997. The species identified were illustrated and a brief ecological and meristic description was done for each taxon. A total of 211 samples were analysed and 172 taxa were found. The phytoplankton structure showed the predominance of few species and the highest diversity was located near the coast. The green algae and the diatoms were frequents and sometime the most abundant groups. Suspend solids carried by the river, stational and climatic changes and antropic disturbance are the most important factors in phytoplankton development. A few brachish-water or marine species have been found in the zone studied. According to ecological features the phytoplankton analysed was eutrophic, oligohalophilous and mesosaprobic.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA