2,648 research outputs found

    Curated Databases

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    Curated databases are databases that are populated and updated with a great deal of human effort. Most reference works that one traditionally found on the reference shelves of libraries – dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazetteers etc. – are now curated databases. Since it is now easy to publish databases on the web, there has been an explosion in the number of new curated databases used in scientific research. The value of curated databases lies in the organization and the quality of the data they contain. Like the paper reference works they have replaced, they usually represent the efforts of a dedicated group of people to produce a definitive description of some subject area. Curated databases present a number of challenges for database research. The topics of annotation, provenance, and citation are central, because curated databases are heavily cross-referenced with, and include data from, other databases, and much of the work of a curator is annotating existing data. Evolution of structure is important because these databases often evolve from semistructured representations, and because they have to accommodate new scientific discoveries. Much of the work in these areas is in its infancy, but it is beginning to provide suggest new research for both theory and practice. We discuss some of this research and emphasize the need to find appropriate models of the processes associated with curated databases

    Archiving and maintaining curated databases

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    Curated databases represent a substantial amount of effort by a dedicated group of people to produce a definitive description of some subject area. The value of curated databases lies in the quality of the data that has been manually collected, corrected, and annotated by human curators. Many curated databases are continuously modified and new releases being published on the Web. Given that curated databases act as publications, archiving them becomes a necessity to enable retrieval of particular database versions. A system trying to archive evolving databases on the Web faces several challenges. First and foremost, the systems needs to be able to effciently maintain and query multiple snapshots of ever growing databases. Second, the system needs to be flexible enough to account for changes to the database structure and to handle data of varying quality. Third, the system needs to be robust and invulnerable to local failure to allow reliable long-term preservation of archived information. Our archive management system XArch addresses the first challenge by providing the functionality to maintain, populate, and query archives of database snapshots in hierarchical format. This presentation intends to give an overview of our ongoing efforts of improving XArch regarding (i) archiving evolving databases, (ii) supporting distributed archives, and (iii) using our archives and XArch as the basis of a system to create, maintain, and publish curated databases

    How to cite curated databases and how to make them citable

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    Closing the circle : current state and perspectives of circular RNA databases

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed RNA molecules that have been linked to various diseases, including cancer. However, a precise function and working mechanism are lacking for the larger majority. Following many different experimental and computational approaches to identify circRNAs, multiple circRNA databases were developed as well. Unfortunately, there are several major issues with the current circRNA databases, which substantially hamper progression in the field. First, as the overlap in content is limited, a true reference set of circRNAs is lacking. This results from the low abundance and highly specific expression of circRNAs, and varying sequencing methods, data-analysis pipelines, and circRNA detection tools. A second major issue is the use of ambiguous nomenclature. Thus, redundant or even conflicting names for circRNAs across different databases contribute to the reproducibility crisis. Third, circRNA databases, in essence, rely on the position of the circRNA back-splice junction, whereas alternative splicing could result in circRNAs with different length and sequence. To uniquely identify a circRNA molecule, the full circular sequence is required. Fourth, circRNA databases annotate circRNAs' microRNA binding and protein-coding potential, but these annotations are generally based on presumed circRNA sequences. Finally, several databases are not regularly updated, contain incomplete data or suffer from connectivity issues. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of the current circRNA databases and their content, features, and usability. In addition to discussing the current issues regarding circRNA databases, we come with important suggestions to streamline further research in this growing field

    Integration of curated databases to identify genotype-phenotype associations

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    BACKGROUND: The ability to rapidly characterize an unknown microorganism is critical in both responding to infectious disease and biodefense. To do this, we need some way of anticipating an organism's phenotype based on the molecules encoded by its genome. However, the link between molecular composition (i.e. genotype) and phenotype for microbes is not obvious. While there have been several studies that address this challenge, none have yet proposed a large-scale method integrating curated biological information. Here we utilize a systematic approach to discover genotype-phenotype associations that combines phenotypic information from a biomedical informatics database, GIDEON, with the molecular information contained in National Center for Biotechnology Information's Clusters of Orthologous Groups database (NCBI COGs). RESULTS: Integrating the information in the two databases, we are able to correlate the presence or absence of a given protein in a microbe with its phenotype as measured by certain morphological characteristics or survival in a particular growth media. With a 0.8 correlation score threshold, 66% of the associations found were confirmed by the literature and at a 0.9 correlation threshold, 86% were positively verified. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest possible phenotypic manifestations for proteins biochemically associated with sugar metabolism and electron transport. Moreover, we believe our approach can be extended to linking pathogenic phenotypes with functionally related proteins

    Provenance management in curated databases

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    Curated databases in bioinformatics and other disciplines are the result of a great deal of manual annotation, correction and transfer of data from other sources. Provenance information concerning the creation, attribution, or version history of such data is crucial for assessing its integrity and scientific value. General purpose database systems provide little support for tracking provenance, especially when data moves among databases. This paper investigates general-purpose techniques for recording provenance for data that is copied among databases. We describe an approach in which we track the user’s actions while browsing source databases and copying data into a curated database, in order to record the user’s actions in a convenient, queryable form. We present an implementation of this technique and use it to evaluate the feasibility of database support for provenance management. Our experiments show that although the overhead of a naïve approach is fairly high, it can be decreased to an acceptable level using simple optimizations. 1

    Using Links to prototype a Database Wiki

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    Both relational databases and wikis have strengths that make them attractive for use in collaborative applications. In the last decade, database-backed Web applications have been used extensively to develop valuable shared biological references called curated databases. Databases offer many advantages such as scalability, query optimization and concurrency control, but are not easy to use and lack other features needed for collaboration. Wikis have become very popular for early-stage biocuration projects because they are easy to use, encourage sharing and collaboration, and provide built-in support for archiving, history-tracking and annotation. However, curation projects often outgrow the limited capabilities of wikis for structuring and efficiently querying data at scale, necessitating a painful phase transition to a database-backed Web application. We perceive a need for a new class of general-purpose system, which we call a Database Wiki, that combines flexible wiki-like support for collaboration with robust database-like capabilities for structuring and querying data. This paper presents DBWiki, a design prototype for such a system written in the Web programming language Links. We present the architecture, typical use, and wiki markup language design for DBWiki and discuss features of Links that provided unique advantages for rapid Web/database application prototyping

    Cross-tier web programming for curated databases: a case study

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    Curated databases have become important sources of information across several scientific disciplines, and as the result of manual work of experts, often become important reference works. Features such as provenance tracking, archiving, and data citation are widely regarded as important features for the curated databases, but implementing such features is challenging, and small database projects often lack the resources to do so. A scientific database application is not just the relational database itself, but also an ecosystem of web applications to display the data, and applications which allow data curation. Supporting advanced curation features requires changing all of these components, and there is currently no way to provide such capabilities in a reusable way. Cross-tier programming languages have been proposed to simplify the creation of web applications, where developers can write an application in a single, uniform language. Consequently, database queries and updates can be written in the same language as the rest of the program, and at least in principle, it should be possible to provide curation features reusably via program transformations. As a first step towards this goal, it is important to establish that realistic curated databases can be implemented in a cross-tier programming language. In this paper, we describe such a case study: reimplementing the web front end of a real world scientific database, the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology (GtoPdb), in the Links cross-tier programming language. We show how programming language features such as language-integrated query simplify the development process, and rule out common errors. Through a comparative performance evaluation, we show that the Links implementation performs fewer database queries, while the time needed to handle the queries is comparable to the Java version. Furthermore, while there is some overhead to using Links because of its comparative immaturity compared to Java, the Links version is usable as a proof-of-concept case study of cross-tier programming for curated databases. [ This paper is a conference pre-print presented at IDCC 2020 after lightweight peer review. The most up-to-date version of the paper can be found on arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.03845

    How Digital Cultural Heritage Resources can Lead to New Understandings in the Humanities: Future Challenges for Digital Libraries and Archives (Invited Paper)

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    This paper reports on the presentation made during the panel on "Digital Libraries and Digital Archives: Problems and Challenges for AI Approaches" of the 1st Workshop on Intelligent Techniques At LIbraries and Archives (ITALIA 2015) co-located with the XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 22 September 2015, Ferrara, Italy