73,487 research outputs found

    Using Whole-Group Metabolic Rate and Behaviour to Assess the Energetics of Courtship in Red-Sided Garter Snakes

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    Reproductive effort is an important aspect of life history as reproductive success is arguably the most important component of fitness. Males tend to compete for access to females and, in the process, expend their energetic capital on mate searching, maleemale competition and courtship rather than directly on offspring. Red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, are an exceptional model for studying energetic costs of courtship and mating as they fast during the spring mating season, which segregates the cost of energy acquisition from the cost of courtship and mating. However, measuring an individual male\u27s metabolic rate during courtship is complicated by the fact that male courtship behaviour in redsided garter snakes is dependent on both the detection of a female sexual attractiveness pheromone and on facilitated courtship (i.e. vigorous courtship is only exhibited in the presence of other males). Thus, traditional techniques of placing a mask over the head of individuals would prevent male courtship behaviour, and single animals placed in a flow-through chamber would not yield ecologically realistic levels of courtship, which are only seen in the context of a mating aggregation in this species. Because of these difficulties, we placed groups of males in a flow-through metabolic chamber together with a single female whose respiratory gases were vented outside the chamber to yield a whole-group metabolic rate during competitive courtship. We also measured the standard metabolic rates (SMR) of the males individually for comparison with active metabolic rates. Conservative estimates of peak group metabolic rates during courtship are 10e20 times higher than resting group metabolic rate, which was 1.88 times higher than SMR. These measurements, coupled with the fact that these males are aphagous during the breeding, indicates that costs of courtship may be high for males and has implications for the male mating tactics in this system

    The PSI-U1 snRNP interaction regulates male mating behavior in Drosophila

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    Alternative pre-mRNA splicing (AS) is a critical regulatory mechanism that operates extensively in the nervous system to produce diverse protein isoforms. Fruitless AS isoforms have been shown to influence male courtship behavior, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Using genome-wide approaches and quantitative behavioral assays, we show that the P-element somatic inhibitor (PSI) and its interaction with the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex (snRNP) control male courtship behavior. PSI mutants lacking the U1 snRNP-interacting domain (PSIΔAB mutant) exhibit extended but futile mating attempts. The PSIΔAB mutant results in significant changes in the AS patterns of ∼1,200 genes in the Drosophila brain, many of which have been implicated in the regulation of male courtship behavior. PSI directly regulates the AS of at least one-third of these transcripts, suggesting that PSI-U1 snRNP interactions coordinate the behavioral network underlying courtship behavior. Importantly, one of these direct targets is fruitless, the master regulator of courtship. Thus, PSI imposes a specific mode of regulatory control within the neuronal circuit controlling courtship, even though it is broadly expressed in the fly nervous system. This study reinforces the importance of AS in the control of gene activity in neurons and integrated neuronal circuits, and provides a surprising link between a pleiotropic pre-mRNA splicing pathway and the precise control of successful male mating behavior

    Gαi and GƔ30A act downstream of Tre1 in Drosophila courtship

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    The role of genes in morphological development is well understood for a variety of model organisms, but there remains a gap in our understanding of how genetics mediate behavior. Are there master genes that regulate behavior? Answering this question will lead to a better understanding of the development and function of the central nervous system, eventually allowing us to map out the pathways that regulate specific behaviors. We are using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism and the male courtship ritual as the behavior of interest to study the relationships between genes, neural development, and behavior. Trapped in endoderm 1 (Tre1), a gene encoding an orphan G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), is required for normal courtship behavior in fruit flies, but how this receptor regulates behavior is not yet understood. Here, we characterize the signaling cascade downstream of Tre1 by testing mutations in the Drosophila G-proteins for courtship defects similar to those seen in Tre1. Our results demonstrate that Gαi is a candidate downstream effector for Tre1, while also implicating Gγ30A in courtship behavior. Future goals include completing the characterization of the G-protein mutations and conducting experiments to explore the complex interaction between G-protein signaling and courtship initiation

    Evolutionary Relationships of Courtship Songs in the Parasitic Wasp Genus, Cotesia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

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    Acoustic signals play an important role in premating isolation based on sexual selection within many taxa. Many male parasitic wasps produce characteristic courtship songs used by females in mate selection. In Cotesia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae), courtship songs are generated by wing fanning with repetitive pulses in stereotypical patterns. Our objectives were to sample the diversity of courtship songs within Cotesia and to identify underlying patterns of differentiation. We compared songs among 12 of ca. 80 Cotesia species in North America, including ten species that have not been recorded previously. For Cotesia congregata, we compared songs of wasps originating from six different host-foodplant sources, two of which are considered incipient species. Songs of emergent males from wild caterpillar hosts in five different families were recorded, and pattern, frequency, and duration of song elements analyzed. Principal component analysis converted the seven elements characterized into four uncorrelated components used in a hierarchical cluster analysis and grouped species by similarity of song structure. Species songs varied significantly in duration of repeating pulse and buzz elements and/or in fundamental frequency. Cluster analysis resolved similar species groups in agreement with the most recent molecular phylogeny for Cotesia spp., indicating the potential for using courtship songs as a predictor of genetic relatedness. Courtship song analysis may aid in identifying closely related cryptic species that overlap spatially, and provide insight into the evolution of this highly diverse and agriculturally important taxon

    Not Even Cold in Her Grave: How Postbereavement Remarried Couples Perceive Family Acceptance

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    Following the interviews of 24 participants concerning the death of their spouse and subsequent remarriage, a pattern of unsolicited responses concerning perceived acceptance of family emerged. Through grounded theory qualitative analysis, a continuum of acceptance was developed ranging from welcoming acceptance to active disapproval. Themes that influenced the perceived level of acceptance were (a) the length of time between death and courtship; (b) the length of the courtship itself; and (c) the level of family involvement in the courtship. Findings support and enhance current literature on remarital adjustment, suggesting it is critical to not only include children, but also the extended family in which the family resides. Provisional hypotheses and clinical implications are provided to help clinicians navigate these complex family dynamics and potentially increase family support

    Patterns of the electric organ discharge during courtship and spawning in the mormyrid fish, Pollimyrus isidori

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    Pollimyrus isidori's electric organ discharge (EOD) is of the pulse type. Patterns of EOD intervals were investigated prior to, during and following spawning behaviors as related with overt behaviors, and with the sound production by the nestbuilding male. Prior to the time of reproduction, isolated and socially interacting fish (n=15) showed characteristic discharge interval patterns for resting, swimming, probing, hovering and hiding activities. Males (n=8) and females (n=6) did not differ in their mean EOD repetition rates during resting (11.6±2.5 Hz), nor Short Bursts/min (less than 20 intervals of 8–13 ms). In interacting fish Long Bursts (greater than 20 intervals of 8–13 ms, lasting for more than 300 ms) were observed only during the attack and bite sequence. A pursuing fish displayed a rapid alternation of Long Bursts with Discharge Breaks (300–1000 ms silence) during the chase behavior. Avoidance behavior which followed from several attacks was correlated with a Medium Uniform Rate (8–12 Hz) normally lasting for 20 to 60 s, or a Discharge Arrest (silence greater than 1 s) in the submissive fish. The nocturnal courtship behavior began soon after dark (1900 h). Spawning typically started 2 to 5 h after dark, continuing for 2 to 6 h until about 0200 h. During courtship and spawning the female's brief visits (15–25 s) to the male's territory recurred every 30–60 s. At all other times the female was aggressively excluded from the nest region. Courtship and spawning behaviors are described along with the electrical displays identified from 19 spawnings in three fish pairs (from a total of 37 spawnings in 4 males and 4 females). Just prior to the onset of courtship behavior, with male territorial aggression beginning to decline, females switched from a Medium Sporadic Rate pattern (resting and hiding patterns; 13 Hz) to a Medium Uniform Rate pattern (6–8 Hz) while still in their hiding area. Females continued to display this uniform rate throughout the courship and spawning period, including the courtship and spawning bouts when Discharge Breaks or Arrests also occurred. This persistance distinguishes the courtship pattern from the similar avoidance pattern (see above). The male courtship and spawning EOD pattern was similar to the female's and unique for a territorial male. He switched from a High Sporadic Rate (swimming EOD pattern; about 18 Hz) to a regularized Medium Uniform Rate (about 9 to 11 Hz) only during courtship and spawning bouts, including 1–3 EOD Breaks during Vent-to-Vent coupling (average interval: 272±71 ms, n=37). No sooner had the female left the spawning site than he resumed displaying a High Sporadic Rate. This temporal correlation of reproductive behaviors with electrical displays suggests their instrumental role in mutual acceptance of mates. Males showed their sex-specific type of EOD phase-locking, the Preferred Latency Response, only during the first few hours of entry of a fish in their tank. Two females with EOD waveform features more typical of males also spawned repeatedly; waveform does not appear to be critical. Males stopped their nocturnal sound production for the later part of courtship and the whole spawning period. Except for infrequent attacks on the female between spawning bouts, the male did not resume singing until the end of spawning when all eggs were shed (around 0200 h); from this time on the male sang until dawn. The sequencing of the three acoustic elements (moans, grunts, growls) are described. A catalogue of discharge patterns correlated with overt behaviors (Tables 1, 2), and an integrated summary time table of P. isidori's complex reproductive behavior are presented

    The role of the male produced pheromone in the reproduction behaviour of the southern armyworm Pseudaletia separata (Wlk.) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Zoology.

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    Detailed courtship patterns have been described for few species of Lepidoptera. Most of the descriptive work in the literature is fragmentary or lacking in experimental or statistical analysis. Brower, Brower, and Cranston (1965) working on wild populations of the queen butterfly Danaus gilippus berenice have statistically analysed the probability of each movement in the sequence and have given a reliable and detailed account of mating in this species. Tinbergen (1958) by the presentation of models of varying size and colouration, and examining the affect of removal of structures suspected to be important in courtship has produced a good experimental account of mating in Satyrus semele the grayling butterfly. Because of the greater difficulties of observing complete mating sequences of nocturnal insects in the wild, most moth studies have been carried out with small caged populations. Again detailed expermental work is rare. The studies of Shorey (1964) on the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni and Birch (1970) on the angleshades moth Phlogophora meticulosa possess good experimental detail suggesting that chemical cues are much more important in the courtship of moths than in butterflies. Development of more definitive techniques has allowed the investigation of insect courtship to move from subjective descriptions of the movement sequence to precise studies of the visual, tactile and chemical cues. In particular the availability of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques capable of detecting the very small amounts of material produced by insects, has revolutionised the study of the chemicals, or pheromones, that are used in intra- specific communication.[FROM INTRODUCTION
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