260,710 research outputs found

    The Constructive method for query containment checking (extended version)

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    We present a new method that checks Query Containment for queries with negated derived atoms and/or integrity constraints. Existing methods for Query Containment checking that deal with these cases do not check actually containment but another related property called uniform containment, which is a sufficient but not necessary condition for containment. Our method can be seen as an extension of the canonical databases approach beyond the class of conjunctive queries.Postprint (published version

    Cost Containment Task Force, Final Report submitted 3/21/11

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    In December 2010, UNM executive leadership convened the UNM Cost Containment Task Force, consisting of representatives from faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and administrators to help craft a UNM budget proposal for FY 2011-2012

    Rotor burst protection program: Experimentation to provide guidelines for the design of turbine rotor burst fragment containment rings

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    Empirical guidelines for the design of minimum weight turbine rotor disk fragment containment rings made from a monolithic metal were generated by experimentally establishing the relationship between a variable that provides a measure of containment ring capability and several other variables that both characterized the configurational aspects of the rotor fragments and containment ring, and had been found from exploratory testing to have had significant influence on the containment process. Test methodology and data analysis techniques are described. Results are presented in graphs and tables

    Urban Containment Policies and Physical Activity A Time–Series Analysis of Metropolitan Areas, 1990–2002

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    Background: Urban containment policies attempt to manage the location, character, and timing of growth to support a variety of goals such as compact development, preservation of greenspace, and efficient use of infrastructure. Despite prior research evaluating the effects of urban containment policies on land use, housing, and transportation outcomes, the public health implications of these policies remain unexplored. This ecologic study examines relationships among urban containment policies, state adoption of growthmanagement legislation, and population levels of leisure and transportation-related physical activity in 63 large metropolitan statistical areas from 1990 to 2002. Methods: Multiple data sources were combined, including surveys of urban containment policies, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the U.S. Census of Population, the National Resources Inventory, and the Texas Transportation Institute Urban Mobility Study. Mixed models were used to examine whether urban containment policies and state adoption of growth-management legislation were associated with population levels of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and walking/bicycling to work over time. Results: Strong urban containment policies were associated with higher population levels of LTPA and walking/bicycling to work during the study period. Additionally, residents of states with legislation mandating urban growth boundaries reported significantly more minutes of LTPA/week compared to residents of states without such policies. Weak urban containment policies showed inconsistent relationships with physical activity. Conclusions: This study provides preliminary evidence that strong urban containment policies are associated with higher population levels of LTPA and active commuting. Future research should examine potential synergies among state, metropolitan, and local policy processes that may strengthen these relationship

    George F. Kennan’s strategy of Containment: an assessment of Kennan’s coherence and consistency

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    This thesis examines George F. Kennan’s coherence and consistency when he formulated the strategy of containment. Kennan’s work went through different stages which depended on the political context it was set in as circumstances evolved and the position he held. The aim is not to criticise Kennan but understand whether he remained consistent and coherent and why changes occurred. When Kennan sent the Long Telegram and delivered lectures at the National War College, the strategy had not been structured. In 1946 and early 1947, containment was not a strategy, it was still an idea. The Long Telegram provided him with the opportunity to move to the National War College to develop and structure a strategy. The invitation in 1947 to enter the official bureaucracy as the Director of the Policy Planning Staff did not demand that Kennan create a strategy but he was able to use it as an opportunity to build the strategy he had been advocating which was to contain Soviet expansion through the economic rehabilitation of Western Europe, Germany and Japan. Kennan remained consistent with his recommendations for a political-economic containment, specifically avoiding any military intervention. Kennan became trapped by the X article, as it distorted his views, making it appear that he was contradicting his original approach to containment. Kennan attempted to fight back against the misunderstanding of this article by focusing on political-economic policies, but it became clear that he was losing his influence and struggling to implement a coherent strategy. The extension of the containment strategy beyond strategic areas, the rejection of Program A, along with the continued division of Europe and the more militarized tone of the containment strategy stopped Kennan from implementing a coherent containment strategy. By 1953, Kennan and his containment strategy had been defeated

    Query Containment for Highly Expressive Datalog Fragments

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    The containment problem of Datalog queries is well known to be undecidable. There are, however, several Datalog fragments for which containment is known to be decidable, most notably monadic Datalog and several "regular" query languages on graphs. Monadically Defined Queries (MQs) have been introduced recently as a joint generalization of these query languages. In this paper, we study a wide range of Datalog fragments with decidable query containment and determine exact complexity results for this problem. We generalize MQs to (Frontier-)Guarded Queries (GQs), and show that the containment problem is 3ExpTime-complete in either case, even if we allow arbitrary Datalog in the sub-query. If we focus on graph query languages, i.e., fragments of linear Datalog, then this complexity is reduced to 2ExpSpace. We also consider nested queries, which gain further expressivity by using predicates that are defined by inner queries. We show that nesting leads to an exponentially increasing hierarchy for the complexity of query containment, both in the linear and in the general case. Our results settle open problems for (nested) MQs, and they paint a comprehensive picture of the state of the art in Datalog query containment.Comment: 20 page
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