379,198 research outputs found

    Module failure isolation circuit for paralleled inverters

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    A module failure isolation circuit is described which senses and averages the collector current of each paralled inverter power transistor and compares the collector current of each power transistor the average collector current of all power transistors to determine when the sensed collector current of a power transistor in any one inverter falls below a predetermined ratio of the average collector current. The module associated with any transistor that fails to maintain a current level above the predetermined radio of the average collector current is then shut off. A separate circuit detects when there is no load, or a light load, to inhibit operation of the isolation circuit during no load or light load conditions

    Circuit for automatic load sharing in parallel converter modules

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    A nondissipative circuit for automatic load sharing in parallel converter modules having push-pull power transistors is presented. Each transistor has a separate current-sensing transformer and an impedance-adjusting transformer in series with its collector. The impedance-adjusting transformer functions as a current-controlled variable impedance that is responsive to the difference between the peak collector current of the transistor and the average peak current of all collector currents of power transistors in all modules, thereby to control the collector currents of all power transistors with reference to the average peak collector current

    Gyrotron transmitting tube

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    An RF transmitting tube for the 20 GHz to 500 GHz range comprises a gyrotron and a multistage depressed collector. A winding provides a magnetic field which acts on spent, spinning or orbiting electrons changing their motion to substantially forward linear motion in a downstream direction. The spent electrons then pass through a focusser into the collector. Nearly all of the electrons injected into the collector will remain within an imaginary envelope as they travel forward toward the end collector plate. The apertures in the collector plates are at least as large in diameter as the envelope at any particular axial position

    An effective simulation model to predict and optimize the performance of single and double glaze flat-plate solar collector designs

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    This paper outlines and formulates a compact and effective simulation model, which predicts the performance of single and double glaze flat-plate collector. The model uses an elaborated iterative simulation algorithm and provides the collector top losses, the glass covers temperatures, the collector absorber temperature, the collector fluid outlet temperature, the system efficiency, and the thermal gain for any operational and environmental conditions. It is a numerical approach based on simultaneous guesses for the three temperatures, Tp plate collector temperature and the temperatures of the two glass covers Tg1, Tg2. A set of energy balance equations is developed which allows for structured iteration modes whose results converge very fast and provide the values of any quantity which concerns the steady state performance profile of any flat-plate collector design. Comparison of the results obtained by this model for flat-plate collectors, single or double glaze, with those obtained by using the Klein formula, as well as the results provided by other researchers, is presented

    Status of the NASA-Lewis flat-plate collector tests with a solar simulator

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    Simulator test results of 15 collector types are presented. Collectors are given performance ratings according to their use for pool heating, hot water, absorption A/C or heating, and solar Rankine machines. Collectors found to be good performers in the above categories, except for pool heating, were a black nickel coated, 2 glass collector, and a black paint 2 glass collector containing a mylar honeycomb. For pool heating, a black paint, one glass collector was found to be the best performer. Collector performance parameters of 5 collector types were determined to aid in explaining the factors that govern performance. The two factors that had the greatest effect on collector performance were the collector heat loss and the coating absorptivity

    Experimental and computational investigation of a new solar integrated collector storage system

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    The paper discusses a combined experimental-numerical analysis of an innovative solar thermal device to be used as an Integrated Collector Storage (ICS) system providing domestic hot water. In this equipment the collector acts also as a storage unit, without requiring an external vessel. Due to its simple configuration, the ICS device was successfully used in several circumstances, especially in extreme situations such as in post-earthquake tent cities or to reach remote users in Africa. In order to assess the efficiency of this collector, the draw-off process was investigated measuring the value of the mean temperature of the water discharging from the tap as cold water filled the collector. In the present configuration the draw-off is not completely optimised and a detailed analysis was carried out in order to investigate the mixing of cold and hot water in the solar collector during the discharge phase. A series of thermocouples was placed in selected positions around the shield of the collector to investigate the evolution of the near wall temperature. Furthermore, a numerical analysis based on Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of the mixing process inside the collector was carried out using an open source, in-house, finite-volume computational code. Even if some restrictive hypotheses were made on the thermal boundary conditions and the absence of stratification, the LES results gave interesting findings to improve the collector performance

    Optimum design criteria for solar hot water systems

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    This paper is concerned with the optimisation of some design criteria of SHW systems intended for residential and hotel applications. For this purpose, a system model based on TRNSYS programme has been used to correlate the performance and cost effectiveness of the system with a number of key design criteria which include the Collector to Consumer Factor (FCC) expressed in m 2 of collector per consumer and the Collector to Load Factor (FCL) expressed in m 2 of collector per annual GJ of thermal load

    Collector Failures on 350 MHz, 1.2 MW CW Klystrons at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)

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    We are currently operating the front end of the accelerator production of tritium (APT) accelerator, a 7 MeV radio frequency quadrapole (RFQ) using three, 1.2 MW CW klystrons. These klystrons are required and designed to dissipate the full beam power in the collector. The klystrons have less than 1500 operational hours. One collector has failed and all collectors are damaged. This paper will discuss the damage and the difficulties in diagnosing the cause. The collector did not critically fail. Tube operation was still possible and the klystron operated up to 70% of full beam power with excellent vacuum. The indication that finally led us to the collector failure was variable emission. This information will be discussed. A hydrophonic system was implemented to diagnose collector heating. The collectors are designed to allow for mixed-phase cooling and with the hydrophonic test equipment we are able to observe: normal, single-phase cooling, mixed-phase cooling, and a hard boil. These data will be presented. The worst case beam profile from a collector heating standpoint is presented. The paper will also discuss the steps taken to halt the collector damage on the remaining 350 MHz klystrons and design changes that are being implemented to correct the problem.Comment: LINAC2000 conference paper THE1

    The Shenandoah concentrator

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    A 7 meter diameter, parabolic dish solar collector was designed and developed for first application at Shenandoah, Georgia. Key features and requirements for the collector are outlined. Performance test results for collector testing at Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque are summarized. The key features, requirements and performance of the solar collector subassemblies/subsystems are discussed: mount and drives, reflector, receiver, and collector control unit. Problems experienced during collector testing in Albuquerque are identified and solutions described

    Design optimisation of multistage depressed collectors for high efficiency travelling wave tubes using genetic algorithm.

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    The design of a symmetric and an asymmetric collector has been optimised using the genetic algorithm. The improvement in collector efficiency in both cases is remarkable