8,785 research outputs found

    Treatment of Paper Wastewater Using Combination of Coagulation Flocculation and Membrane Methods

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    The previous research has been conducted to find out the potential of non-wood fibers as an alternative for paper-making raw material. The non-wood fibers used are combination of rice straw and used paper. It was processed by using soda pulping method.The paper waste contains dissolved lignin component and other organic compounds in high pH condition can produce wastewater with high chemical oxygen demand(COD). In this research pulp or paper wastewater wast treated through combination of coagulation flocculation and membrane method to achieve a permitted level of COD. It was also determined the optimal condition which can reduce the COD value to fulfill the requirement for water disposal.The initial conditions of paper wastewatear are pH: 14, COD in the range of 3,000 - 11,000 ppm. The coagulation-flocculation process was conducted by using Poly Aluminium Chloride( PAC) as coagulant and anionic flocculant. The experiment is conducted by two steps. firstly determined the optimum coagulation flocculation (coagulant dose)for soluble organic material removal and then followed by micro-or ultrafiltration process. To produce asymmetric asymmetric membrane for filtration process. it was synthesized cellulose acetate membrane through phase inversion technique. The pore size of the membrane was modified by varying the composition of cellulose acetate in the range of 15-18 % w/w. The COD value of wastewater was analyzed before and after treatment to find out the effectivity of coagulation and the membrane process by studying its flux and rejection.The result showed that COD reduction less than 200 ppm can be reached through the treatment of combination of coagulation - flocculation and micro-or ultrafiltration process. The result also indicated that with initial COD 6,063 ppm. 10.000 ppm of coagulant, 1 ppm of flocculant and l8% w/w of cellulose acetate membrane. COD can be reduced up to 96.87

    Current progress on removal of recalcitrance coloured particles from anaerobically treated effluent using coagulation–flocculation

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    The palm oil industry is the most important agro industries in Malaysia and most of the mills adopt anaerobic digestion as their primary treatment for palm oil mill effluent (POME). Due to the public concern, decolourisation of anaerobically treated POME (AnPOME) is becoming a great concern. Presence of recalcitrant-coloured particles hinders biological processes and coagulation–flocculation may able to remove these coloured particles. Several types of inorganic and polymers-based coagulant/flocculant aids for coagulation–flocculation of AnPOME have been reviewed. Researchers are currently interested in using natural coagulant and flocculant aids. Modification of the properties of natural coagulant and flocculant aids enhanced coagulation–flocculation performance. Modelling and optimization of the coagulation–flocculation process have also been reviewed. Chemical sludge has the potential for plant growth that can be evaluated through pot trials and phytotoxicity test

    Landfill leachate treatment by combination of electro - fenton and sequencing batch reactor method

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    Landfill leachate contains a large amount of organic, inorganic and heavy metal contents. Untreated leachate is a potential source to effect of soil, surface and groundwater. The combined treatment offers an alternative technique in dealing to leachate treatment. This research is to determine the effectiveness of combined electro-Fenton and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) method on the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N. The experimental involved three major parts were coagulation-flocculation, electro-Fenton and SBR method. This process could be operated independently in a batch mode and optimum conditions for each treatment were identified. In the combined process, leachate was first fed to coagulation-flocculation for pre-treatment. Then, the effluent from that process was oxidized in electro-Fenton process. The final process is the effluent of leachate was fed to a SBR method. The combined treatment was operated under the optimum conditions for all the processes. The result of coagulation-flocculation shown PAC is more effective at 2500 mg/L of optimum dosage. After coagulation-flocculation process, the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 80%, 77%, 61% and 35% respectively. The result of electro-Fenton shown Al-Al is more effective at 200 A/m2 of optimum current density, 25 minutes of optimum reaction time, 4 of optimum pH, 800 mg/L of optimum H2O2 dosage and 1000 mg/L of optimum FeSO4•7H2O dosage. After electro-Fenton process, the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 87%, 95%, 82% and 65% respectively. The final process of SBR effluent was approaching neutral pH at 6.90 at 2800 mg/L of optimum MLSS and 6 h of optimum reaction time. The overall performance of combined treatment on the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 84%, 82%, 87% and 78% respectively. Thus, this combined treatment offers as an alternative technique for landfill leachate treatment on the removal of pollutants

    Analysis of infrared optical polishing effluents and reduction of COD and TSS levels by ultrafiltration and coagulation/flocculation

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    Samples of polishing effluent produced during infrared optics manufacture were analyzed. Their particle size, composition, Zeta potential, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and settleable solids were determined. Feasibility of treatment methods such as ultrafiltration (UF) and coagulation/flocculation was investigated to reduce both COD and TSS. It was found that effluents consisted of a suspension of micro- and nanoparticles. Effluent particle size distribution reflected the removal rate of the originating polishing process. Their composition was primarily germanium and other polished substrates as well as polishing abrasives. The effluent Zeta potential was highly negative and prevented particle settling. COD of all specimens was very high, which prevented sewage discharge. Laboratory-scale trials using UF showed substantial COD abatement of up to 74.1%. TSS was reduced to zero after UF. Comparable coagulation/flocculation COD abatement was demonstrated for the highest COD sample

    Removal of COD and Colour from Sanitary Landfill Leachate by using Coagulation – Fenton’s Process

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    This study investigated two methods for the removal of COD and colour fromsanitary landfill leachates. The first method involved the use of  coagulation/flocculation process using FeCl3 as a conventional coagulant and Ca(OH)2 as base-precipitant. The second method involved integration of Fenton’s reagent into the coagulation/flocculation process. Concentration of FeCl3 that reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD), and color by 37 and62% is 1000mg/l. Fenton-coagulation flocculation process reduced the COD and color of the leachates by 88 and 98% respectively. The optimum conditions for the effectiveness of Fenton’s reagent, namely temperature, pH, H2O2 and coagulant dose were studied. @JASE

    Biopolymer of Chitosan from Fish Scales as Natural Coagulant for Iron–Contaminated Groundwater Treatment

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    Chitosan, the de-acetylated chitin derivative, was evaluated for its ability to be used as a natural coagulant for Martapura groundwater treatment. This study is used chitosan derived from original fish scales of Kalimantan called Papuyu (Anabas testudineus) for the treatment of iron ion-containing Martapura groundwater through coagulation-flocculation method. The reduction efficiency of iron ion removed by coagulation-flocculation processes using chitosan from Papuyu fish scales is the primary evaluating parameter. The obtained chitosan have been characterized and analyzed by Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Fluroscence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Using of the chitosan from Papuyu fish scales as coagulant at neutral pH and room temperature led to decreasing the groundwater iron concentration become 3.43 mg/L (around 71% removal). The result was then compare to the coagulation-flocculation treatment using the commercial chitosan from shrimps shell (93% deacetylated). Moreover, its found the coagulation-flocculation treatment using the chitosan from fish scales as coagulant more favor than the commercial one
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