31,862 research outputs found

    LIFT: 21st century health care centres

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    Purpose To examine the processes used to procure and develop new primary health care premises in the United Kingdom and in particular the use of the private finance initiative and related methods. Design/methodology/approach An in-depth study of two local improvement finance trust schemes to procure new primary health care premises. These are contrasted against the ad-hoc arrangements for the traditional procurement of general practice doctor's surgery premises. Interviews were undertaken with key participants on both sides of the negotiations. Findings The process can be an unequal struggle between large consortia and small, inexperienced clients that may result in a wasted opportunity to obtain the optimum design and price. Research limitations/implications The research is limited to early use of the local improvement finance trust process and procedures; client bodies, such as primary care trusts, may benefit from the experience of earlier projects. The method of procurement will evolve and be refined and will become more widely used, not only for health but also in the education sector. Further examination of the procurement of education buildings using similar methods would be beneficial. Originality/value This method of procuring buildings is relatively new, and therefore, largely untried

    A Multi-channel Application Framework for Customer Care Service Using Best-First Search Technique

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    It has become imperative to find a solution to the dissatisfaction in response by mobile service providers when interacting with their customer care centres. Problems faced with Human to Human Interaction (H2H) between customer care centres and their customers include delayed response time, inconsistent solutions to questions or enquires and lack of dedicated access channels for interaction with customer care centres in some cases. This paper presents a framework and development techniques for a multi-channel application providing Human to System (H2S) interaction for customer care centre of a mobile telecommunication provider. The proposed solution is called Interactive Customer Service Agent (ICSA). Based on single-authoring, it will provide three media of interaction with the customer care centre of a mobile telecommunication operator: voice, phone and web browsing. A mathematical search technique called Best-First Search to generate accurate results in a search environmen

    Access and utilisation of primary health care services comparing urban and rural areas of Riyadh Providence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has seen an increase in chronic diseases. International evidence suggests that early intervention is the best approach to reduce the burden of chronic disease. However, the limited research available suggests that health care access remains unequal, with rural populations having the poorest access to and utilisation of primary health care centres and, consequently, the poorest health outcomes. This study aimed to examine the factors influencing the access to and utilisation of primary health care centres in urban and rural areas of Riyadh province of the KSA

    Health Care Facilities Mapping And Database Creation Using GIS In Chikun Local Government, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the spatial distribution of health care centres in Chikun local government area of Kaduna state Nigeria with a view to use Geographic Information Systems GIS technique in health care management planning The study used the administrative map of the study area collected from the local government as the base map Information on the number and addresses of the health care centres in the study area were collected from the local government while the coordinates of the health care centres were obtained in the field using Global Positioning System GPS These data were incorporated into GIS environment and analysed using Arc Map 9 2 software The study reveals that there were 41 health care centres in the study area with 23 56 1 been private health care centres and 18 43 9 been public health care centres The study also reveals the pattern of distribution of the heath care centres within the study area The study also used World Health Organisation criteria for the location of health care centres in developing countries to propose 9 new sites for the location of new health care centres to adequately cover the health needs of the people of the study are

    The factors influence safety assurance level among child care centre in Perak

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    It is essential to value parent perceptions concerning child care centres safety assurance level since there are numerous child care centres has been evolved at the moment. This paper reviews the most current literature on parents' perceptions regarding child care centres safety. The literature reviewed in this paper recommends caregiver expertise and attitude; physical facilities, environment and food safety are amongst the topmost commonly expressed characteristics that parents believe as crucial in favor of understanding and assessing child care centres safety assurance level. Along with the rising concern for the safety of children, this research is intended to distinguish factors that influence safety practices for injury prevention amongst children in authorized day-care centers in Malaysia

    Effect of environmental uncertainties on the relationship of entrepreneurial orientation and business success: child care centres in Malaysia

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the moderating role of environmental uncertainties on the relationships between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and business success of child care centres in Malaysia. Data were collected from a sample of child care centres operating in the whole Malaysia using a quantitative survey design. The study adopted a cluster sampling approach. The respondents were the owners of the child care centre selected from the population of 3.490 child care centres in Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed through the postal method and online survey method. A total of 117 usable questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 29.7%. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLSSEM) was used to test the study hypotheses. The findings revealed that entrepreneurial orientations are important strategic orientations for the business success of child care centres in Malaysia. It further shows that innovati veness and pro-acti veness positi vely influence the business success of the child care centre. However. there is no relationship between risk-taking and the business success of the child care center. For the moderating effect, perceived environmental uncertainties were found to moderate the relationship between innovativeness and business success, but does not moderate the relationship between risk-taking, pro-activeness and the business success of child care centre. The findings of this study provide important insights to owner/managers of child care centres in Malaysia, policy makers and researchers to further understand the effects of EO on performance of child care centres in Malaysia. Owner in the child care centres in Malaysia should also be encouraged to i111prove their entrepreneur orientation which may increase their performances. Finally, the studys implications, limitations as well suggestions for future research are discussed

    Teamwork in primary health care centres

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    Teamwork is one of the latest buzzwords in the delivery of healthcare. Rightly 50 as when we consider team working from any perspective, be it administrative or clinical, it has been shown that "The whole of the effort is greater than the sum of the individual contribution" R. B. Reich.peer-reviewe

    Poor infant feeding practices and high prevalence of malnutrition in urban slum child care centres in nairobi: a pilot study

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    Little is known about the style and quality of feeding and care provided in child day-care centres in slum areas. This study purposively sampled five day-care centres in Nairobi, Kenya, where anthropometric measurements were collected among 33 children aged 6–24 months. Mealtime interactions were further observed in 11 children from four centres, using a standardized data collection sheet. We recorded the child actions, such as mood, interest in food, distraction level, as well as caregiver actions, such as encouragement to eat, level of distraction and presence of neutral actions. Of the 33 children assessed, with a mean age of 15.9 ± 4.9 months, 14 (42%) were female. Undernutrition was found in 13 (39%) children with at least one Z score <−2 or oedema (2): height for age <−2 (11), weight for age <−2 (11), body mass index for age <−2 (4). Rates of undernutrition were highest (9 of 13; 69%) in children aged 18–24 months. Hand-washing before the meal was lacking in all centres. Caregivers were often distracted and rarely encouraged children to feed, with most children eating less than half of their served meal. Poor hygiene coupled with non-responsive care practices observed in the centres is a threat to child health, growth and development

    Assessment of food safety hazards among day care centres in Mbombela, Republic of South Africa

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    Abstract: Day care centres have become an integral part of today’s society and while they provide necessary and important services, they may also serve as a focal point for certain foodborne diseases. Food provided in these centres has an important role to play in the growth and development of children and in the developments of future eating habits. However microbial hazards are considered to be a challenge to food safety in day care centres due to potentially harmful microorganisms that have the capability to multiply from extremely small amounts in food or in the human body after consumption. Each day millions of children eat food prepared and served in day care cantres. Young children are at risk of foodborne diseases because of their less developed immune systems, lower weight and limited control over food risks. Children in day care centres may further be exposed to pathogens through secondary sources such as ill classmates and contaminated food. Literature has shown that children who attend day care centres are three times more at risk of food borne diseases than children who are not attending day care centres.The aim of the study was to assess food safety hazards in day care centres in Mbombela. Evaluation of food handlers’ knowledge and behaviour at day care centres was conducted using a questionnaire; a literature review was conducted on common microbial hazards and health risk associated with the identified hazards. An inspection checklist was also used to observe hygiene practices and cleaning procedures used in the food preparation areas, and lastly experimental studies were conducted by taking microbial swabs from food preparation areas which were later analysed for bacterial presence by means of graphs and numerical techniques. Although food handlers had adequate knowledge of food safety, they have not received any food safety training and their knowledge concerning aspects of food safety such as food poisoning and types of microorganisms is poor and this has a negative impact on their behaviour regarding to food safety. This lack of knowledge contributes to unhygienic behaviours. 73% of Mbombela day care centres’ food preparation areas do not comply with minimum requirements of the regulations for kitchen compliance, personal hygiene compliance and storage compliance. Not complying with the requirements of the regulations poses a health threat to the children. Streptococcus (29.2%), micrococcus (9.2%), S.aureus (38.4%), GNB (41.5%) and GPB (63%), E. coli (17%), salmonella (3%), S. aureus(4.6%), E. coli (64.60%), Salmonella (44.60%), shigella (15.3%), and Compalobacter Jejuni was present in the food preparation areas of Mbombela day care centres. This study highlighted the need for food handlers’ training on food safety and the importance of compliance.M.Tech. (Environmental Health