34,797 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: 50% gastritis disebabkan infeksi H. pylori. Dibutuhkan diagnosis cepat deteksi H. pylori pada biopsi jaringan lambung. Immunohistokimia (IHC) merupakan gold standard yang digunakan untuk deteksi keberadaan H. pylori. Metode ini mahal dan membutuhkan waktu cukup lama. Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RS Dr. Moewardi Surakarta menggunakan 3 pewarnaan yakni Diff-kwik, Giemsa, dan Rapid ST Reagensia (RST) untuk mendeteksi H. pylori pada jaringan biopsi lambung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas pewarnaan H. pylori antara Giemsa, Rapid ST Reagensia, dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan gold standard IHC. Metode Penelitian: Sampel berupa sediaan jaringan biopsi gastritis kronis dari tahun 2014-2015 dan dipilih dengan metode consecutive random sampling. Data berjumlah 10 preparat dan 1 preparat kontrol positif. Uji efektivitas pewarnaan dilakukan dengan uji Fisher, kemudian diuji kesesuaiannya menggunakan uji Kappa. Hasil Penelitian: Didapatkan 5 preparat negatif (45,5%) dan 6 preparat positif (54,5%) pada pewarnaan Giemsa, 5 preparat negatif (45,5%) dan 6 preparat positif (54,5%) pada pewarnaan Rapid ST Reagensia, dan 6 preparat negatif (54,5%) dan 5 preparat positif (45,5%). Uji kappa antara IHC-Giemsa dan IHC-RST) sebesar 0,820 dan nilai kappa 1,000 pada Giemsa-RST Simpulan Penelitian: Terdapat perbedaan antara pewarnaan Immunohistokimia-Rapid ST Reagensia dan Immunohistokimia-Giemsa, dan tidak didapatkan perbedaan antara pewarnaan Giemsa-Rapid ST Reagensia. Efektivitas ketiga pewarnaan memiliki hasil yang signifikan sehingga ketiga pewarnaan tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai diagnosis rutin pemeriksaan histopatologis H. pylori pada biopsi lambung. Kata Kunci : H. pylori, pewarnaan histopatologi, biopsi gastritis kroni

    Initial Public Offerings in the Hospitality Industry: Underpricing and Overperformance

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    Underwriters may view the primary issue of most hotel and casino stocks as more risky than stocks of new companies generally. Still, newly issued stocks of hospitality companies have generally outperformed the market in their first year

    Good News for Buyers and Sellers: Acquisitions in the Lodging Industry

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    [Excerpt] In the last two decades of the twentieth century the lodging industry experienced an unprecedented level of consolidation. In particular, mergers and acquisitions among lodging companies took place at record levels in the late 1990s. From 1982 through 2000 the industry saw a total of 57 acquisitions with an aggregate market value in the target companies’ stocks of over 53billiondollars.Exhibit1(overleaf)reportstheannualnumberandannualmarketvalueoftargetstocksforalllodgingacquisitionscompletedduringthat19822000period.Thesample,suppliedbySecuritiesDataCorporation(SDC),includesmergersofbothpublicandprivatecompaniesinwhichatleastoneofthecompaniesinvolvedoperatesinthelodgingindustry.Anoticeabletrendinthedataisthatthevalueoflodgingmergersincreaseddramaticallysince1993.In1993theindustrysawtwomergersvaluedat53 billion dollars. Exhibit 1 (overleaf) reports the annual number and annual market value of target stocks for all lodging acquisitions completed during that 1982–2000 period. The sample, supplied by Securities Data Corporation (SDC), includes mergers of both public and private companies in which at least one of the companies involved operates in the lodging industry. A noticeable trend in the data is that the value of lodging mergers increased dramatically since 1993. In 1993 the industry saw two mergers valued at 29.7 million, while in 1998 a total of 11 mergers were valued at $25 billion. That is, the value of acquisitions in the lodging industry was almost 1,000 times greater in 1998 than in 1993

    Determination Methods of Food Fibers Characteristics in Milk Mixtures with the Modified Fat Composition

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    The article presents main determination methods of technological parameters of food fibers in milk mixtures of the modified fat composition.The methods of studying the ability of food fibers to water and fat-absorption are offered. The values that characterize swelling parameters of vegetable ingredients in experimental mixtures are obtained.The effectiveness of the method of IR-spectroscopy for indentifying and comparing water-binding forms in mixtures of food fibers with water and butterdish is proved.The indices of thermal stability and degree of liquid fat outflow for mixtures with the modified fat composition with the maximal replacement of cream butter by 25 % of oil are obtained. The research results indicate objective possibilities for the effective use of food fibers Vicetal for stabilizing the structure and preventing consistence defects of products with the modified fat composition

    Wild edible plants as potential antioxidant or nutritional supplements for beverages minimally processed

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    Wild edible plants (WEP) with high antioxidant capacity, Rosa canina fruits, Quercus ballota acorns and Sanguisorba minor (young leaves and stems), were added to orange and kiwifruit juices for increase the nutritional properties. The addition of WEP to orange juice (OJ) and kiwifruit cremogenate (KC) does not affect, or it can even improve, some parameters of consumer's acceptance, although the mixtures increasing sweetness and intensifying the matrix colour without changing the tone are the best valued. The beverages minimally processed with higher TSS were the matrices fortified with Q. ballota, the same that were considered sweetest by the judges. The addition of WEP to OJ did not significantly change the levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid plus dehydroascorbic acid). The addition of R. canina and S. minor increased the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in both matrices (OJ and KC) in more than 30%. Beverages with a high interest for consumers and with high antioxidant properties have been obtained

    Biological Control of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Argentina: Releases of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Fruit-Producing Semi-Arid Areas of San Juan

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is one of the major pests of fruit crops in Argentina and it is a phytosanitary barrier to the export of fresh fruits. In the Province of San Juan, located in the central-eastern region of Argentina known as Cuyo, control strategies against Medfly in fruit-producing irrigated-valleys have been implemented by the National Fruit Fly Control and Eradication Program (ProCEM) jointly with the provincial government and the producers. This program uses an area-wide integrated pest management approach that includes the use of environment-friendly strategies to suppress or eradicate Medfly, such as the useof the sterile insect technique and the application of new-generation bait sprays, and more recently the release of the Indo-Pacific parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). This exotic larval-prepupal endoparasitoid is being mass-reared on larvae of Vienna 8 TSL C. capitata strain at the BioPlanta San Juan facility. In this respect, the objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of laboratory-reared D. longicaudata females in order to find and successfully parasitize Medfly larvae in different host fruit species once released under semi-arid environmental conditions in ecologically isolated fruit-growing valleys of San Juan. Ground releases were used to disperse parasitoids in 6 fruit-producing valleys. In total, 40,000 adult parasitoids were released at places with various Medfly host plants bearing fruits and in which no insecticides were regularly applied, such as backyards and small orchards. 119 D. longicaudata adults were recovered from 6 Medfly-infested fruit species that were collected in 5 release sites (Pocito, Zonda, Santa Lucía, Caucete, and Rivadavia). The highest number of parasitoids was recovered from fig, followed by grape, rose, orange, tangerine, and persimmon. Data provided from this study open up the possibility of implementing a parasitoid mass-release program in San Juan.Fil: Suárez, Lorena. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Murúa Bruna, Albérico Fernando. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Lara, Natalia. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Escobar, Jorge. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Tareti, Gustavo. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Rubio, Jose Luis. Provincia de San Juan. Ministerio de Producción y Desarrollo Economico. Secretaria de Agric., Ganaderia y Agroindustria. Programa de Control y Erradicación de Mosca de Los Frutos; ArgentinaFil: Van Nieuwenhove, Guido Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; ArgentinaFil: Bezdjian, Laura Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; ArgentinaFil: Schliserman, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; ArgentinaFil: Ovruski Alderete, Sergio Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; Argentin

    Wild edible plants as potential antioxidants in vegetables oils

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    The effect of the addition of fruits of Rosa canina and Quercus ballota and leaves of Sanguisorba minor to sunflower, seed, and olive oils on lipid oxidation during the frying process was analyzed.The three underutilised edible plants increased the oxidative stability of the sunflower oil, since the malondialdehyde (MDA) content was significantly decreased with respect to values of the control sunflower oil after the heating process. However, in olive oil, the effect of these edible plants on decreasing the lipid peroxidation was only evident for the highest concentration, while in seed oil the addition of the edible plant showed a prooxidant effect.Thus, these wild edible plants could be used to enrich vegetable oils with low content of natural antioxidant, such as sunflower oil, and avoid or decrease the use of synthetic antioxidant


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    During the nineteenth century, the scientific context of rabies treatment was weak due to the lack of the literature on specific nosology of the rabies disease, and unspecific and ineffective therapy approaches. Electrotherapy already represented an important therapeutic approach for nervous system diseases, although not specifically for rabies. In the present paper, the authors discuss the use of electrotherapy in the treatment of humans affected by rabies in an experimental study conducted at the Maggiore Hospital of Milan, with the aim of establishing the discovery of a possible specific therapy. By analyzing the printed scientific sources available in the Braidense Library of Milan, the authors describe four experiments conducted on patients of different ages. Symptoms and effects both during and after the electrotherapy are also highlighted. The experiments demonstrated that electricity is not an effective therapy in the treatment of rabies, being rather able to cause serious functional and organic alterations in all the patients. Analyzing the Milanese experiments, the authors reported specific Italian history of a scientific and medical approach to rabies at the end of the 18th century, which led to the promotion of health education, reinforced prevention strategies and opened the way to the vaccination era

    Understanding First-day Returns of Hospitality Initial Public Offerings

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    [Excerpt] The decision for a company to issue shares publicly for the first time is not to be taken lightly. The manager-owner of a private firm must carefully weigh the benefits of an initial public offering (IPO) against the costs. Potential benefits include the ability to raise capital in the public markets on more attractive terms than in private circles; increased liquidity for managers and other insiders who wish to sell ownership stakes; and increased recognition and credibility with customers, employees, and suppliers. These benefits, however, come at considerable direct and indirect costs. For U.S. firms, the direct costs, such as investment banking commissions, average about 11 percent of IPO proceeds.1 Less obvious, but sometimes more painful for issuing firms, is an additional indirect cost commonly referred to as “IPO underpricing.

    Antimicrobial effects of folk medicinal plants from the North of Iran against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Background: Medicinal plants have been used traditionally in Golestan province (north of Iran), against Mycobacterium tuberculosis or the clinical signs of tuberculosis (TB). Objectives: This study aimed to define the inhibitory effects of ethanolic extracts of six of these medicinal plants against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Materials and Methods: Peganum harmala (seed extract), Punica granatum (peel extract), Digitalis sp. (leaf extract), fruit extract of Citrus lemon, Rosa canina and Berberis vulgaris were extracted in ethanol and their activity against M. tuberculosis isolates were determined by the agar diffusion method. The zone of inhibition (at 200 to 1.6 mg/mL) was measured and the results were compared with isoniazid and rifampin as standard positive controls. Also the concentration of vitamin C of each the extracts was evaluated. Results: The ethanolic extract of Peganum harmala seed and Punica granatum peel exhibited potential activity against all M. tuberculosis isolates with mean inhibitory zone of 18.7 and 18.8 mm, at 200 mg/mL concentration. The mean inhibitory zone around isoniazid and rifampinwere 19.2 and 18.8 mm. Ethanolic extract of Citrus lemon showed moderate inhibitory activity only against sensitive (non MDR; non multi drug resistant) strains of M. tuberculosis, and Digitalis sp. showed inhibitory effects on five isolates. Ascorbic acid content was 43.3 mg/dL in Punica granatum and Digitalis sp. and only 9.1 mg/dL in ethanolic extract of Peganum harmala. Conclusions: The highest content of vitamin C was observed in the extract of Punica granatum, which was observed to be highly active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while the P. harmala must have contained other phytochemical constituents that contributed to the anti-tuberculosis effects of this plant. Our findings showed that ethanolic extracts of P. granatum and P. harmala had anti-TB effects comparable to isoniazid and rifampin and can be good candidates for novel and safe natural products against tuberculosis. © 2015, Pediatric Infections Research Center