236,363 research outputs found

    Peran CSR Dalam Mempengaruhi Pembelian Impulsif di Masa Pandemik

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    Data collection from world meters shows 6 months after announcement of the corona pandemic, several countries began to experience handling of corona cases which began to decline, however this was not the same as the results for several other countries, some countries showed cases that were increasing from day to day. data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of 2020 was minus to 5.32 percent. On a quarterly basis, the economy contracted 4.19 percent and cumulatively contracted 1.26 percent. Because of this, many companies are looking for ways to increase purchases. Scrutinized the data, the increase in the use of CSR has soared, proactively many companies have begun to engage in various CSR activities. One of the companies that are aggressively implementing CSR programs in helping others is online transportation providers; gojek. By providing the option of providing food to ojol partners (online motorcycle taxis) several options are offered to provide assistance. The sampling technique used in this study is to use a non-probability sampling method, which is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities for each member of the population to selected to be the sample. Measurement of data in this study was carried out using a Likert scale. The development of this instrument contains a total of 16 attributes developed from each variable as a measurement basis for data collection with the sample used in this study being consumers who have the Gojek application. The data collected will be processed with SPSS software for data analysis in testing the validity, reliability, classical assumptions as verification of the strength of the research

    Subject benchmark statement : business and management : February 2015

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    Keberadaan komunitas di tengah para pelaku ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu subyek penting yang patut dipertimbangkan dalam inovasi dan pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen yang berkelanjutan. Berawal karena keterdesakan ekonomi maupun keinginan menaikkan ekonomi keluarga, individu-individu masyarakat membangun usaha-usaha di berbagai bidang sesuai dengan keterampilan, minat, atau peluang yang dimiliki. Tujuan dari penelitian/penulisan artikel ini adalah menjelaskan korelasi antara keberadaan komunitas (intermediary side) terhadap inovasi pelaku ekonomi kreatif (supply side) dan pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen (demand side). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan korelasional yang menguji hubungan antar variabel. Analisis yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis data kualitatif, yaitu untuk mengukur inovasi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan tingkat kesiapan inovasi (Katsinov) yang terdapat dalam Permendikti No. 29 Tahun 2019 ; dan inovasi yang berjalan tersebut atas peran dari komunitas ; serta pada akhirnya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan atau kepuasan konsumen. Pendampingan yang dilakukan Komunitas bisnis bagi para pelaku ekonomi kreatif kuliner secara langsung maupun tidak langsung memang berkorelasi terhadap lahirnya inovasi para pelaku ekonomi kreatif dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas produksi-nya guna memenuhi kepuasan konsumennya


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    This study aimed to measure the effect of authentic leadership on employee performance of the part-time employee of a manufacturing company in Tangerang which is mediated by readiness for change mentality. Data collection was done by simple random sampling technique and the returned and valid questionnaire results were 109 samples. Data processing was used SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study concluded that authentic leadership has a significant effect on readiness for change and employee performance. This study conclude also that readiness for change have a positive and significant effect on the relationship between authentic leadership and employee performance. Readiness for change as a mediator. This new research proposed a model for building employee performance among the part-time employee of the manufacturing industry in Tangerang through enhancing authentic leadership practice with readiness for change as a mediator. This research could pave the way to improve employee readiness in facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0

    Strategi Diferensiasi dan Harga Sebagai Alat Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Konsumen Klinik Auraku Bandung

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     Consumer Loyalty is a strongly held commitment to buy or re-subscribe to certain products or services in the future despite the influence of the situation and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause behavior change. This study aims to examine the influence of differentiation and price strategies in increasing consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. The data analysis technique used descriptive verification method. The results showed that the differentiation strategy has a positive and significant effect in increasing consumer loyalty, price has a positive and insignificant effect in increasing consumer loyalty. Simultaneously the differentiation strategy and price together have a significant effect on consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. Based on this research, Auraku Bandung clinic should continue to maintain and improve its differentiation strategy. The dimensions that must be improved in a differentiation strategy are product, service, and image. By having superior products, excellent services and a good corporate image, the company will be able to provide prices according to the quality they provide. This is done in order to continue to provide satisfaction to consumers and so that consumers return in the future

    Pengaruh Pengalaman Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja pada PT. Tip Top Ciputat

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the effect of work experience on work productivity, to know and analyze the effect of work motivation on work productivity, and to know and analyze the effect of work experience and work motivation together on employee productivity PT. Tip Top Wholesale Ciputat. The research method used by the author is a quantitative descriptive method that aims to determine the effect of two or more variables, where this approach provides a description of the problem to look for the influence between variable X1 (Work Experience) and variable X2 (Work Motivation) with variable Y (Work Productivity ) then hypothesis testing is performed to determine whether the proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected using multiple linear regression analysis. The test used 3wqato test the research instrument is a validity test and a reliability test. Hypothesis testing using the t test (partial), F test (simultaneous), multiple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficients and determination with the help of SPSS 21 Software for Windows.From the results of the multiple regression test the constant value of 13.465 states that if there is an increase in the variable Work Experience (X1) and Work Motivation (X2) the value is 0, then the Work Productivity (Y) value is 13,465. Correlation coefficient value 0.861 means that there is a very strong relationship, the value of determination is 74.2%. Work Experience Variable partially influences and significantly affects Work Productivity with a tcount of 6.442> t table 1.664, this shows that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. Work Motivation Variable is partially influential and significant, this is indicated by the value of tcount 5.890> t table 1.664 with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. This shows that Ho is rejected and H2 is accepted, meaning that the Work Motivation variable partially influences Work Productivity. So, if the value of the variable Work Motivation rises, Work Productivity will increase. Work Experience and Work Motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on Work Productivity. Based on the statistical test F (simultaneous), it can be seen that the value of Fcount 110.483> Ftable 3.09 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H3 is accepted, this means that Work Experience and Work Motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on Work productivity


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    Website is a collection of pages that contain information, videos, audio, images and the like that are interconnected with one another and can be accessed today by using a browser that is connected to the internet. Usability is the ability of an application or website that can be used easily to achieve the goals of the user itself. Why usability is important if an application or website has good usability, the user will be able to easily use it, besides easy to use usability must also be easy to learn by the new user and of course the application or website must run according to its function and no errors occur when the user uses it. Surely this usability has become standard at ISO 9241-11: 2018. Every website has its own usability level, the higher its usability value, the better the usability value means that the application or website is easily understood by its users and its users can find what they are looking for in a short time, and errors that occur are very minimal. This study aims to find out whether the website has been able to meet the needs of its users or not and whether the user experiences complications when using it or not. In Indonesia there are also many platforms that provide distribution or fundraising online and can be monitored for movement, such as example bookisa.com , this platform has been around since 2013 but it is still a social movement and it was only in 2014 that the book was switched to focus on online donations and in 2018 the book was able to channel more than 500 billion to those in need. This research uses the webuse method. The study analysed by sampling 20 people and the results of Good on the four variables, with the highest variable being Content, Organization, and Readability variable which got score 0.77, as well as the lowest variable is design user interface score of 0.70


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    Many companies and organizations are increasingly focusing on human capital as a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment. To achieve business success, companies are expecting their employees to perform at higher levels, to be more customer-responsive, more process-oriented, more involved in shared leadership and more responsible for creating the knowledge that adds value to an organization’s distinguishing capabilities. When embarking on the path of selecting and defining competencies, an organization needs to pause for an introspective review. Linking competencies to the organization’s purpose, goals and values is the key to positively affect the organization’s direction and bottom line. Competencies can be categorized into one of four groups, organization-based, individual-based, technical and behavioral. From a strategic direction approach, the organization that knows and understands its core competencies and capabilities can use them to attain a strategic advantage. In addition, the organization understands that there is a diverse cross section of organizational competencies that are necessary for fulfilling its mission. Successful application of competencies lies in how they are defined. Simplicity and measurability are keys for competencies to be accepted and measured throughout an organization.Keywords: competencies, core competencies, organizational competencies, simplicity and measurabilit