12 research outputs found

    EPrints und das DINI-Zertifikat 2010

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    EPrints and the DINI certificat 201

    EPrints und das DINI-Zertifikat 2010

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    EPrints and the DINI certificat 201

    Реляційна база даних електронної бібліотеки в Semantic Web. Представлення метаданих у вигляді зв'язаних даних

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    В статье описано представления реляционной базы данных, на которую накладываются определенные ограничения, в виде возможности публикации соответственно концепции связанных данных. В качестве сервера для публикации используется D2R Server.The article describes the representation of a relational database, which imposed certain restrictions, as the possibility of publishing the concept of linked data, respectively. As a server for publishing using D2R Server

    Islamic values on ISO 9001-2000 certified companies in Malaysia

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    ISO 9001: 2000 is the level of quality that all organizations or companies should have. This level of quality has been setup by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9001:2000 is an international standard containing requirements for establishing and maintaining company’s quality management system. This quality management system is set up by a company to establish a quality policy and quality objectives, and to establish the means to achieve those objectives. This standard is very general and universal. It can be applied from product manufacturers to service providers. This ISO 9001 is divided into four main sections; (i) management responsibility, (ii) resource management, (iii) product realization, and (iv) measurement, analysis and improvement. Although ISO has underlined a clauses that must be fulfilled to achieve the ISO 9001:2000 certification, we felt that ISO certification is not sufficient in developing and establishing values. We could say that the certification of the ISO 9001:2000 is somehow neglecting and lack of moral and spiritual values. This is because through this certification people tend to work on the bases of producing and supplying the customer the best quality products and at the same time neglecting the values that one must have. In recent years, there are numerous of management theories, techniques, approaches or styles which have been claimed to contribute towards “improved quality”, “excellence”, “creating a difference”, “creating a niche”, “increasing competitiveness”, etc. which are all aimed at having the competitive edge over the competitors to survive or to be ahead of them. The problems are, with such of these values, people tend to ignored one another, people tend not to be with their families for quite a long time, people tend to be insincere with each other and most of all, people tend to work hard and ignored their Creator. In short, by working hard, people tend to forget about themselves and much, they forget their moral and spiritual values. This is because societies have affective regard for certain values for some reason which may only be contemporary in nature. Recently research has witnessed the demise of Communism in Europe with consequential economic backwardness, political instability and social disorder. Even though Japan has succeeded as the most developed country in Asia, statistic showed that their people tend to commit suicide each day due to the pressure of working. Times are witnessing the gradual decline of the U.S and Japanese economies which are still mimicking industrialization, modernization and secularization of the west. These declines are due to the moral decadence of modern societies

    Desarrollo de un envoltorio del api-rest de mendeley con Graphql

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    Desarrollar un envoltorio del API-REST del gestor bibliográfico Mendeley utilizando el lenguaje de consultas GraphQL y validado con un marco de trabajo de calidad en uso basado en el estándar ISO/IEC 25000La creación de sistemas ha experimentado cambios en su proceso de construcción, la separación del servidor y cliente ha impulsado la innovación tecnológica por medio de la creación de tecnologías más útiles y eficientes. La integración entre el cliente y servidor normalmente es realizada por una API, comúnmente usando tecnología REST la cual es muy aceptada en la comunidad de desarrollo de software, aunque es muy aceptada también presenta inconvenientes como la complejidad que presenta su consumo lo que hace necesario la creación y utilización de alternativas, una de estas alternativas es GraphQL que es un lenguaje de consultas para las APIs y que pretende ser más eficiente y mejorar circunstancialmente la experiencia de desarrollo del lado del cliente. El presente trabajo describe la creación de una API que envuelve la tecnología API-REST y la convierte en tecnología GraphQL (envoltorio), se tomó a la API-REST de Mendeley como caso de desarrollo. Para la creación del envoltorio se definió una base teórica que permitió conocer conceptos que involucra crear el envoltorio. El desarrollo del producto se lo hizo siguiendo la metodología ágil Scrum que comprende ciclos interactivos llamados Sprints. Para validar la usabilidad del software, se usó un taller práctico y una encuesta que fueron validadas estadísticamente y que permitieron recolectar datos los cuales fueron usados para evaluar la calidad en uso con un marco de trabajo basado en el estándar ISO/IEC 25000, por lo cual se obtuvo resultados satisfactorios.Ingenierí

    Comportamiento informacional de los estudiantes posgraduados en la Facultad de Educación de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    Màster Universitari de Gestió i Direcció de Biblioteques i Serveis d'Informacó. Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2019-2020. Tutores: Carina Rey Martín i Candela Ollé Castella.El análisis del comportamiento informacional permite investigar la conducta de los usuarios en el proceso de búsqueda de información. De este modo es posible valorar las necesidades, usos e impresiones de la comunidad. El objetivo es proponer mejoras para aumentar la satisfacción en los recursos, herramientas y servicios. En este estudio se combinan dos metodologías para llevar a cabo ese análisis centrado en los estudiantes posgraduados de la Facultad de Educación de la UB: por un lado, la metodología cuantitativa basada en los datos de la conexión COUNTER a los recursos digitales de la UB; por otro, la metodología cualitativa a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a los estudiantes. En los resultados se comprueban tanto los patrones de conducta enunciados por el especialista David Nicholas, como se exponen aquéllos que son propios a los miembros de la UB. Las entrevistas a los posgraduados se desarrollan en base a las 6 W: por qué y cuándo buscan información, dónde la buscan, qué documentos utilizan, cómo los obtienen, quién los asesora (tutores, coordinadores, bibliotecarios, etc.), qué opinan de la biblioteca y cómo podría mejorar. Entre las conclusiones destaca la importancia de la colaboración entre docentes y bibliotecarios para el desarrollo de las competencias informaciones mediante actividades formativas. Éstas permiten el conocimiento y explotación eficiente de las herramientas y de los recursos que ofrece la biblioteca, a la vez que evidencian rol del profesional bibliotecario como experto informacional

    ‘Not my kind of food’: Dietary polarisation on the transition towards sustainable diets

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    Across 3 pre-registered projects, we analysed the relationship between food representations and dietary behaviour to better understand why shifting towards sustainable diets is so difficult. Specifically, we investigated how polarised omnivores and vegans cognitively represent and publicly present meat and plant-based foods. For each project, food descriptions were coded according to whether they contained features about consuming and enjoying food (e.g. ‘rich’, ‘indulgent’, ‘treat’), or to aspects independent of the consumption situation (e.g. ‘healthy’, ‘protein’, ‘eco-friendly’). In Project 1 (NStudy1 = 852; NStudy2 = 3104), Instagram posts about meat foods were described in hashtags with more rewarding consumption language than posts about plant-based foods, which were instead described with more situation independent language – especially identity-focused discourse (e.g. ‘vegan community’). In Project 2 (NExp. 1 = 220; NExp. 2 = 843), participants described ingroup foods (meat dishes for omnivores; plant-based dishes for vegans) with more rewarding consumption features than outgroup foods (plant-based dishes for omnivores; meat dishes for vegans). In contrast, omnivores used more situation independent features for outgroup foods, and vegans more social and political context language (e.g. ‘animal abuse’). In Project 3 (NExp. 1 = 82; NExp. 2 = 913), when trying to make a plant-based dish appealing to omnivores in a hypothetical social media setting, participants used more rewarding consumption language than when appealing to vegans. Despite people thinking about in-group foods in terms of rewarding consumption, plant-based foods are not publicly described in this way, even by vegans. As reward expectations drive food choices, this typical presentation of plant-based foods can hinder mainstream consumer transitions towards sustainable food choices and strengthen dietary group polarisation

    Um repositório aberto de conteúdos museológicos, arquivísticos e bibliográficos no Museu da Presidência da República: o caso Mus@

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    In regard of current state of public funding, the return to the community of investments made becomes paramount, especially in institutions dedicated to culture, R&D and education. These organizations also seek ways to manage the information they hold in order to adapt to their user needs and to the potentialities of the available technology. The implementation project of an open repository capable of managing and disseminating the Presidential Museum’s technical and scientific production emerged upon these assumptions. The initial phase of the project ascertained important aspects such as: appropriate procedures for planning and building an institutional repository; strategies, initiatives and tools advised by the Open Access movement in order to extend its potential to the spreading of significant materials held by Museum; the dimensions a digital repository can adopt, namely the technology, the use and the management of such a system; and the identification of good practices in presidential or monarchy museums that run open digital libraries or repositories responsible for the diffusion of archival, bibliographical or museological contents. The implementation phase of the prototype, Mus@, was characterized by: firstly, the establishment of existing information needs of the Presidential Museum and the users, both internal and external; essential system points, like policies, organization, functions, contents and metadata, where specified; the selection, installation and customization of the prototype’s software, EPrints, was described, as well as the loading of selected digital objects and the producing of associated metadata; finally, some considerations about the institutional repository’s evaluation and future consolidation process were made. An original technological artifact was produced, capable of providing, on the one hand, powerful information management functionalities to Museum’s collaborators and, on the other hand, free and universal access to the organization’s technical and scientific outputs. It was made clear that the developed system is not only ready to meet the community’s information and utilization needs but also to testify innovations on the way museums could face the dissemination of the unique and plentiful information resources they hold