412,208 research outputs found

    Glutamate, Ornithine, Arginine, Proline, and Polyamine Metabolic Interactions: The Pathway Is Regulated at the Post-Transcriptional Level

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    The metabolism of glutamate into ornithine, arginine, proline, and polyamines is a major network of nitrogen-metabolizing pathways in plants, which also produces intermediates like nitric oxide, and Ī³-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that play critical roles in plant development and stress. While the accumulations of intermediates and the products of this network depend primarily on nitrogen assimilation, the overall regulation of the interacting sub-pathways is not well understood. We tested the hypothesis that diversion of ornithine into polyamine biosynthesis (by transgenic approach) not only plays a role in regulating its own biosynthesis from glutamate but also affects arginine and proline biosynthesis. Using two high putrescine producing lines of Arabidopsis thaliana (containing a transgenic mouse ornithine decarboxylase gene), we studied the: (1) effects of exogenous supply of carbon and nitrogen on polyamines and pools of soluble amino acids; and, (2) expression of genes encoding key enzymes in the interactive pathways of arginine, proline and GABA biosynthesis as well as the catabolism of polyamines. Our findings suggest that: (1) the overall conversion of glutamate to arginine and polyamines is enhanced by increased utilization of ornithine for polyamine biosynthesis by the transgene product; (2) proline and arginine biosynthesis are regulated independently of polyamines and GABA biosynthesis; (3) the expression of most genes (28 that were studied) that encode enzymes of the interacting sub-pathways of arginine and GABA biosynthesis does not change even though overall biosynthesis of Orn from glutamate is increased several fold; and (4) increased polyamine biosynthesis results in increased assimilation of both nitrogen and carbon by the cells

    Biosynthesis of Ī±-Tocopherol and Plastoquinone-9 in spinach chloroplasts

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    Prenylation and methylation reaction in al biosynthesis is localized in the envelope membranes of the chloroplasts, while PQ-9 biosynthesis takes place in the envelope membranes and also in the thylakoid membranes. The sequence in a-T biosynthesis in spinach is (see also Figure 1): Homogentisate + Phytyl-PP ā€”> Me-6-PQH?ā€”> 2,3-Me2PQH?ā€”>Ī³ J ->a T ; for the PQ-9 biosynthesis it is: Homogentisate + Solanesyf-PP4-> Me-6-SQH2ā€”> PQH2

    Aspergillus westerdijkiae polyketide synthase gene ā€œaoks1ā€ is involved in the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A

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    OchratoxinA (OTA) is a potential nephrotoxic, teratogenic, immunogenic, hepatotoxic and carcinogenic mycotoxin, produced by Aspergillus westerdijkiae NRRL 3174. Herein we describe the characterization of a putative OTA-polyketide synthasegene ā€œaoks1ā€, cloned by using gene walking approach. The predicted amino acid sequence of the 2 kb clone display 34ā€“60% similarities to different polyketide synthasegenes including lovastatine biosynthesis gene ā€œlovbā€ in A. terreus, compactin biosynthesis gene ā€œmlcAā€ in Penicillium citrinum and OTA biosynthesis gene ā€œotapksPNā€ in P. nordicum. Based on the reverse transcription PCR and kinetic secondary metabolites production studies, aoks1 expression was found to be associated with OTA biosynthesis. Further a mutant, in which the aoks1gene was inactivated by Escherichia coli hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene, lost the capacity to produce OTA, but still producing mellein. To our knowledge this report describes for the first time characterization of a gene involved in OTA biosynthesis, with the information about mellein which was proposed in the literature to be an intermediate OTA. This study also suggests that aoks1 may be the second polyketide synthase gene required for OTA biosynthesis in A. westerdijkiae NRRL 3174

    Limits of aerobic metabolism in cancer cells

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    Cancer cells exhibit high rates of glycolysis and glutaminolysis. Glycolysis can provide energy and glutaminolysis can provide carbon for anaplerosis and reductive carboxylation to citrate. However, all these metabolic requirements could be in principle satisfied from glucose. Here we investigate why cancer cells do not satisfy their metabolic demands using aerobic biosynthesis from glucose. Based on the typical composition of a mammalian cell we quantify the energy demand and the OxPhos burden of cell biosynthesis from glucose. Our calculation demonstrates that aerobic growth from glucose is feasible up to a minimum doubling time that is proportional to the OxPhos burden and inversely proportional to the mitochondria OxPhos capacity. To grow faster cancer cells must activate aerobic glycolysis for energy generation and uncouple NADH generation from biosynthesis. To uncouple biosynthesis from NADH generation cancer cells can synthesize lipids from carbon sources that do not produce NADH in their catabolism, including acetate and the amino acids glutamate, glutamine, phenylalanine and tyrosine. Finally, we show that cancer cell lines have an OxPhos capacity that is insufficient to support aerobic biosynthesis from glucose. We conclude that selection for high rate of biosynthesis implies a selection for aerobic glycolysis and uncoupling biosynthesis from NADH generation

    Maritime pine PpMYB8 directly co-regulates secondary cell wall architecture and the associated Phe-biosynthesis pathway

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    Plants rely on the biosynthesis of L-Phenylalanine as building block for the synthesis of proteins but also as precursor for a tremendous range of plant-derived compounds essential for its grown, development and defense. Polymerization of secondary cell wall in trees involves the massive biosynthesis, among others, of the Phe-derived compound lignin. Thus, these plants require an accurate metabolic coordination between Phe and lignin biosynthesis to ensure its normal development. We have here identified that the pine arogenate dehydratase, whose enzyme activity limits the biosynthesis of Phe in plants, is transcriptionally regulated through direct interaction with PpMyb8. We have also shown that this transcription factor is directly involve in secondary cell wall biogenesis and cell death processes. Together these results indicate that a single transcription factor coordinates lignin accumulation and the proper biosynthesis of its essential precursor L-Phe.Universidad de MƔlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucƭa Tech

    Gene-to-metabolite network for biosynthesis of lignans in MeJA-elicited Isatis indigotica hairy root cultures.

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    Root and leaf tissue of Isatis indigotica shows notable anti-viral efficacy, and are widely used as "Banlangen" and "Daqingye" in traditional Chinese medicine. The plants' pharmacological activity is attributed to phenylpropanoids, especially a group of lignan metabolites. However, the biosynthesis of lignans in I. indigotica remains opaque. This study describes the discovery and analysis of biosynthetic genes and AP2/ERF-type transcription factors involved in lignan biosynthesis in I. indigotica. MeJA treatment revealed differential expression of three genes involved in phenylpropanoid backbone biosynthesis (IiPAL, IiC4H, Ii4CL), five genes involved in lignan biosynthesis (IiCAD, IiC3H, IiCCR, IiDIR, and IiPLR), and 112 putative AP2/ERF transcription factors. In addition, four intermediates of lariciresinol biosynthesis were found to be induced. Based on these results, a canonical correlation analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient was performed to construct gene-to-metabolite networks and identify putative key genes and rate-limiting reactions in lignan biosynthesis. Over-expression of IiC3H, identified as a key pathway gene, was used for metabolic engineering of I. indigotica hairy roots, and resulted in an increase in lariciresinol production. These findings illustrate the utility of canonical correlation analysis for the discovery and metabolic engineering of key metabolic genes in plants

    Further characterization of Dothistromin genes in the fungal forest pathogen Dothistroma septosporum : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Molecular Genetics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Dothistroma septosporum is a forest pathogen that causes a disease called Dothistroma needle blight. The symptoms are thought to be due to the accumulation of dothistromin toxin produced by D. septosporum. Dothistromin is characterized as a difuranoanthraquinone and shows remarkable similarity to the aflatoxin (AF) and sterigmatocystin (ST) precursor versicolorin B. The similar structure to AF/ST suggests that dothistromin biosynthesis shares biosynthetic steps with the AF/ST pathway. The AF gene cluster in Aspergillus parasiticus and ST gene cluster in A. nidulans have been well characterized. Nine putative dothistromin biosynthetic genes have been identified. One of them, dotA was previously characterized by gene disruption and shown to have a similar function to homologous genes in AF/ST biosynthesis. Two additional putative dothistromin biosynthetic genes, pksA and epoA, were characterized by gene disruption in this study. The inability of the pksA mutants to produce dothistromin indicated that the pksA is a key gene in dothistromin biosynthesis. The feeding of intermediates confirmed that pksA gene product is required for a very early step of dothistromin biosynthesis. The pksA mutants also showed reduced sporulation compared to wildtype, suggesting a relationship between dothistromin production and sporulation. The epoA gene replacements were also obtained successfully by homologous recombination. Both Southern blot and northern hybridization confirmed that the epoA gene was disrupted. However, the epoA mutants did not show any difference to the wild type in three analyses (growth rate, sporulation rate, dothistromin biosynthesis). However it was not possible to rule out a role for EpoA at a very late stage of dothistromin biosynthesis. RACE analysis of the nine identified dothistromin genes characterized the transcription start and stop sites of the genes. Analyzing the putative regulatory protein binding motifs in the untranscribed region of the genes provided clues about the regulation of dothistromin biosynthesis and suggested there might be an aflR-like gene that governs dothistromin biosynthesis. Both the pksA gene disruption and the RACE results suggested that the dothistromin biosynthetic pathway is homologous to that of AF/ST biosynthesis. Further work on the dothistromin gene cluster will help us to understand the evolution of fungal toxin gene clusters

    A Green Chemical Approach for the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles: Characterization and Mechanistic Aspect

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    This IRCSET-EMPOWER (Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology Postdoctoral Research Grant) project aims to improve current methodology for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles (NPs). The development of efficient methodology for metal nanomaterials synthesis is an economical and environmental challenge. While the current methods for NPs synthesis are often energy-intensive and involve toxic chemicals, NPs biosynthesis can be carried on at circumneutral pH and mild temperature, resulting in low cost and environmental impact. Nanomaterial biosynthesis has been already observed in magnetotactic bacteria, diatoms, and S-layer bacteria, however, controlled NPs biosynthesis is a relatively new area of research with considerable potential for development. A thorough understanding of the biochemical mechanism involved in NPs biosynthesis is needed, before biosynthetic methods can be economically competitive. The analysis and identification of active species in the nucleation and growth of metal NPs is a daunting task, due to the complexity of the microbial system. This project work focuses on the controlled biosynthesis of gold NPs by fungal microorganisms and aims to determine the biochemical mechanism involved in nucleation and growth of the particles
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