817 research outputs found

    Pomen avtonomije v Ŕolskem sistemu

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    Prispevek obravnava avtonomijo v Ŕolskem sistemu. Predstavljenih je nekaj osnovnih pojmovanj avtonomije in njenega pomena za Ŕolski sistem. V drugem delu je podana Ŕtudija primera, ki na podlagi kvalitativne metodologije raziskuje avtonomijo, kot jo sprejemajo in vidijo ravnatelji, učitelji in minister. Pokaže se, da imajo udeleženci raziskave omejen pogled na avtonomijo v celotnem sistemu. Vidljivost znotraj sistema povezuje, izziva in ločuje. Omejena vidljivost ustvari koncept "plavajoče" in spreminjajoče se avtonomije, ki je blizu postmodernističnemu razumevanju organizacij in s tem sol, ter navidezno predstavlja prehod od kolektivnega in timskega k individualnemu. Pri razumevanju avtonomije je pomembno, da upoŔtevamo razmerje med dano in sprejeto avtonomijo

    posameznik in upravljanje lastnega znanja

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    In our article we examined the characteristics of cooperative learning and support strategies in the kindergarten system. A typical feature of active learning is constant creation of favourable environments that stimulate learning. An encouraging environment is a type of environment where positive social interactions and mutual trust are prevalent. In such environments children develop social skills and competences that significantly influence a childā€™s development. Such conditions in the kindergartens are created by adults who try to identify special interests and skills of individual children and offer them adequate motivation and initiative for cooperative learning. Educators support cooperative learning of children in the kindergarten through special support strategies, such as organizing the space and the environment, establishing an atmosphere of positive social interaction, encouraging childā€™s activities and thinking about and considering their interests and initiatives.U svojem smo radu istražile značajke suradničkog učenja i strategija podrÅ”ke u vrtiću. Tipično svojstvo aktivnog učenja jest konstantno stvaranje pogodnog okruženja koje potiče učenje. Stimulirajuće okružje jest okružje u kojem prevladavaju pozitivne druÅ”tvene interakcije i međusobno povjerenje. U takvom okruženju djeca razvijaju socijalne vjeÅ”tine i kompetencije, Å”to znatno utječe na njihov razvoj. Takve uvjete u vrtiću stvaraju odrasli ljudi koji teže prepoznati specifične interese i vjeÅ”tine svakog djeteta, te im pružaju odgovarajući poticaj i inicijativu za suradničko učenje. Odgajatelji podržavaju suradničko učenje djece kroz posebne strategije podrÅ”ke, npr. uređujući prostor i okružje, uspostavljajući ozračje pozitivne socijalne interakcije, ohrabrujući dječje aktivnosti te razmatrajući njihove interese i inicijative i promiÅ”ljajući o istima

    Bologna process after 2010 or the end of the beginning

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    The Recognition of the Authocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Churchā€“Archdiocese of Ohrid and Reflections by the Public: A Twitter Analysis

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    The long-awaited recognition of the Macedonian Orthodox Church ā€“ Archdiocese of Ohrid (MOC-OA), initially by the Ecumenical Patriarchate (EP), and later by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), caused numerous reactions in the public. At the same time, the process itself, from the very beginning, was accompanied by ambiguities that resulted from the insufficiently clarified decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate regarding the Church canons, as well as the confusion regarding the final name under which the Macedonian Orthodox Church will be recognized. All this was accompanied by the frequent use of terms such as Tomos, autocephaly, and the like, the meaning of which are insufficiently known and clear to the general public. The purpose of this paper is to present the reactions of the public regarding the process of recognition of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. The enormous popularity and increasing availability have enabled social media platforms to increasingly dominate the space for public debate. Hence, in order to fulfil the objectives of this paper, we collected data from a popular social media, namely Twitter, where users\u27 opinions were obtained from their posts. In doing so, a qualitative analysis was applied, that is a thematic analysis of the selected data from the twitter platform, particularly the tweets posted in the period following the announcement of the recognition of the MOC-OA by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Based on this analysis, in addition to the initial state of joy and excitement after the announcement of the news of the recognition of the MOC-OA by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, there was evident mistrust and doubt in the final outcome of this process. Such skepticism subsided after the recognition of the MOC-OA by the SOC, but uncertainty and confusion remain over the final name under which the MOC will be recognized. In addition to such attitudes of the public, also noticeable was the highlighting of the political dimension of the process of recognition of the MOC-OA, that is, the imposition of the inevitable political context of this process

    Avtonomija migracij in vladnost plastičnih meja

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    Inspired by the autonomy of migration approach, we analyse borders as sites of control and violence but also as migrant praxis, as strategies of escape and rupture. We explore the idea of ā€œbodily bordersā€, emphasizing that borders shape subjects on the move and are themselves shaped by the embodied experiences of border-crossers. Drawing on Foucaultā€™s concept of governmentality and Malabouā€™s analysis of the concept of plasticity, we argue that migrations are governed through ā€œplastic bordersā€ that are formed as direct responses to migrant mobilities, using the empirical example of the externalization of borders as an EU policy of migration management.Avtorica na podlagi avtonomije migracij meje analizira kot mesta nadzora in nasiljater hkrati kot migrantski praxis, kot strategije bega in ruptur. Pojasnjuje idejo o Ā»uteleÅ”enih mejahĀ«, da bi pokazala, kako meje na poti oblikujejo ljudi in so obenem same oblikovane prek uteleÅ”enih izkuÅ”enj tistih, ki meje prestopajo. Z uporabo Foucaultovega koncepta 'vladnosti' (gouvernementalitĆ©) in koncepta 'plastičnosti' (plasticity), kot ga analizira Malabou, postavi tezo, da danaÅ”nje upravljanje migracij uporablja mehanizem Ā»plastičnih mejaĀ«, ki so oblikovane kot neposredni odziv na mobilnost migrantov, kar pokaže tudi na empiričnem primeru eksternalizacije meje kot evropske politike upravljanja z migracijami
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