6,745 research outputs found

    Competition Strategy of China UnionPay Mobile Payment

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    二十一世纪以来,科技水平的飞速发展,将人们带入了移动互联网时代,引起社会各行各业发生创新性的巨大变革。支付作为传统金融领域的一部分,与人们的生活紧密相联。在移动互联网兴起的浪潮中,支付也在不断地进行创新性的变革。移动支付以其随时、随地、安全、便捷等优点,继互联网支付之后,开始走进人们的视线,并呈现出巨大的发展潜力,深刻影响社会生活的各个领域。广阔的市场前景,使得越来越多的机构和企业参与其中,加大对移动支付领域的投入,这其中既有传统的金融机构、互联网背景的第三方支付公司,也有智能终端厂商以及其它一些公司。 在移动互联网时代,中国银联以及银联体系下的各公司,作为中国银行卡标准的制定者、银行卡受理...In the 21st century, the rapid development of science and technologybrings people into the mobile Internet era and causes innovative changes in the social life. The payment as a part of the traditional financial sector closely links with people's lives.It also continues to make innovative changes. After the internet payment, the mobile payment with its safety and convenience makes a great impact o...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115093

    NaBARF-Catalyzed Intermolecular Oxidative Cyclization of Dialkynes

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    二炔化合物是有机合成中重要的中间体,近几年其参与的反应受到科学家们 的广泛关注,其中在Lewis酸催化二炔的氧化环化反应中取得了一定的进展。本 论文主要通过NaBARF来催化二炔的双氧化及二炔的分子间氧化串联环化反应。 内容分为以下两个部分: 论文第一部分研究了NaBARF催化二炔的双氧化反应合成各种不同的吡咯 酮及哌啶酮衍生物。传统二炔的双氧化反应都由铑,金等贵金属催化来实现,然 而我们仅用NaBARF就很好地催化了1,5-二炔的双氧化反应,而且把该二炔化 合物拓展到1,6-二炔,同样得到较好的结果。这一过程的实现为二炔的双氧化研 究提供了一种新的实用的途径。 第二部分研究...Dialkyne compound is an important intermediate in organic synthesis, in recent years, scientists have paid more and more attention to the reaction which contains dialkynes, and some progress has been made in the cascade oxidation reaction of dialkynes catalyzed by Lewis acid. In this thesis, we mainly use NaBARF salt as a catalyst to catalyze the double oxidation reactions of dialkynes and the...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052014115155

    Preliminary study on the Oncolytic Activity of Newcastle Disease Virus strain F48E9

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    恶性肿瘤已成为当前影响人类健康的头号杀手。虽然手术、放化疗等治疗方法已经显著提高了肿瘤患者的生存率,但仍存在副作用大,对中晚期、远端转移或放化疗不敏感的肿瘤患者疗效差等不足,因此有必要探寻新的更有效的肿瘤治疗手段。近年来,溶瘤病毒因其具有杀伤效率高、特异性好、安全性高、副作用小等特点,已逐渐成为极具潜力的恶性肿瘤治疗手段。 新城疫病毒(Newcastlediseasevirus,NDV)是一种对禽类高致病、高致死性的单股负链RNA病毒,属副黏病毒科、副黏病毒亚科中的禽副黏病毒属。自20世纪50年代首次发现NDV能够抑制晚期胃癌转移以来,许多研究已经证实NDV具有特异性杀伤肿瘤细胞的潜力,同时...Cancer has been the first leading cause of death in the world. The overall survival rate of cancer patients has been significantly improved by surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, for patients with advanced cancer and distant metastasis, there is still lack of effective treatment measures. Therefore, it is necessary to explore more effective methods for tumor therapy. Oncolytic virus i...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162014115256


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    目的探究胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)的CT影像学征象和病变危险度分级。方法方便选择2011年4月—2017年4月该院GIST患者80例,均采取多层螺旋CT横断位扫描,对其影像学征象、病变危险度分级展开回顾性分析。结果46例低度危险,23例中度危险,11例高度危险;不同危险程度的患者其肿瘤生长方式、平扫密度、最大径等指标对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 CT影像学应用在GIST诊断中能通过分析其征象判定病变危险度,进而提高治愈率

    中国株式市場の形成と発展のロジックを考える : 「移行経済型市場」の形成を中心に

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    The Chinese stock market was established in 1990. It has experienced a growth in market capitalization from nearly zero to over 37 trillion yuan (RMB) at the end of 2014 and has become the second-largest market in the world now. Not only does it play an essential role in raising capital, but it also changes the ownership structure of state-owned enterprises into the stock market. These points have helped in the establishment of China’s modern enterprise system and have given the Chinese stock market a crucial role in the transition economy.This paper introduces some of the processes in the evolution of the Chinese stock market. It reveals some of the Chinese characteristics in decision making and provides an analysis of the ownership structure and the corporate governance of the listed companies. This study also discusses the adoption of the corporation system, the role of individual investors and the creation of the stock market.Finally, this article explains the concept of the “Sanpo Yoshi”, which brings benefit to all three parties such as listed companies, investors, and government, and how the idea is helpful for the Chinese stock market, and describe why the government policy and the reform of state-owned enterprises have had such a strong impact on the development of the Chinese stock market

    High expression of COUP - TF2 in bladder cancer and its role in tumor microenvironment

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    目的 血管在肿瘤的发生和发展中扮演着必不可少的重要角色。目前在胰腺癌、乳腺癌等多种动物模型当中,都发现鸡卵清蛋白上游启动子转录因子2(ChickenOvalbuminUpstreamPromoterTranscriptionFactor2,COUP-TF2)表现出促进肿瘤的发展和转移,并促进肿瘤中血管的生成。但是在膀胱癌中还没有研究。因此,我们这个研究的目的是分析COUP-TF2蛋白在人膀胱癌组织中的表达,并评估其与肿瘤临床病理特征的关系,以及研究肿瘤微环境对于血管内皮细胞的影响。希望为膀胱癌的诊断和治疗提供新理论和新靶点。 方法 首先,我们收集了35例临床膀胱组织石蜡标本,包括27例膀...Objection Blood vessels play an indispensable role in the development and progression of tumors.At present, Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter Transcription Factor 2 (COUP-TF2) has been shown to promote the development and metastasis of tumor in various animal models such as pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. The formation of blood vessels in the tumor. But in bladder cancer has not been stu...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452014115354


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    近25 a 银川市城市化进程中热力景观格局演变分析

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    Abstract: Based on the Landsat images and statistical data,in this paper the urbanization process and thermal landscape dynamics of Yinchuan City were analyzed. The objectives of this study were as follows: ① To analyze the spatial and dynamic characteristics of urban thermal landscapes based on the landscape pattern index; ② To assess the influence of the urbanization process on the thermal landscapes; ③ To understand the relationship between the land use pattern and the land surface temperature ( LST) based on the distribution index. The results showed that there was a significant heat-island effect in Yinchuan City,and the high temperature area was consistent with the built-up area and the unused land. LST declined from the downtown to the suburbs,and an obvious difference of the dynamic characters of the thermal landscapes could be identified at the different stages of urbanization. LST for various land use had obvious discrepancies,the mean LST for the land use types was in a descending order of unused land,construction land,green land and water body. Different land use types had different thermal distribution at different stages of urbanization. The land use pattern influenced the urban thermal environment,especially the spatial distribution of green land and unused land affected LST more significantly

    Research on the Difficulties and Countermeasures in Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement ——Based on Sanming City

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    城管执法改善了城市市容市貌,维护了城市正常秩序。城管执法在给市容环境卫生带来很大的改善的同时,由于其手段粗暴、态度恶劣等原因也让城管饱受争议。城管执法水平的高低也直接影响着社会的民主法治与公平正义,影响着人民群众对政府的印象。因此,对城管执法问题的研究意义重大。实践中,城管执法还有很大的局限性,光靠城管部门自身是无法解决城市管理中的各种问题的。那么,该如何进行改革和完善,才能使城管执法更为高效、更容易获得认同呢?如何解决城管执法中存在的各种问题,使城管部门在更好的为人民服务的同时,不再成为人民非议的对象呢?这不仅是当前学术界热烈讨论的话题,也是本文的研究目的所在。 本文以三明市为例,从城管执...Law enforcement of urban management is the important security to keep city a good outlook, the normal order, and sustainable development . It’s greatly related to people's livelihood. The level of law enforcement will directly affect the social democratic rule and fair justice, also will affect people’s impression on the government. Therefore, the research about law enforcement of urban management...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115037