31 research outputs found

    Construction of lifelong education system in society that emphasized study

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    终身教育作为20世纪最重要的教育理念之一,已经为越来越多的国家所认识,同时也是人类教育所追求的终极目标。高等教育在终身教育体系中具有非常重要的地位,在构建终身教育体系和学习化社会的进程中,高等教育应做到观念、开放程度、以及在实现多样化进行调整及转变,以发挥其应有的作用。As one of the most important educational ideas in the 20th century,lifelong learning is accepted by more and more countries in the world and it's the ultimate aim of education.Higher education which plays a very important role in lifelong learning system,in the processing of approaching the learning society,must ideas must be adfusted

    Research on American For-Profit Higher Education Institutions

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    20世纪末期,随着高等教育市场化改革的进行,存在多年但却寂寂无名的营利性高等教育机构在美国重新兴起,在一些发展中国家如菲律宾、巴西等也相继出现了营利性的高等教育机构,引起社会各界的瞩目。本文拟把美国营利性高等教育机构(for-profitdegree-grantinghighereducationinstitutions)作为研究对象,通过考察美国营利性高等教育机构的历史和现状,考察联邦政府、州政府和认证机构对其进行的管理和规范,同时对其内部运行机制方面的一些问题如日常的行政管理、课程设置、教学、师资及学生进行研究,并将其与传统高等教育机构进行对比,来揭示这一新兴高等教育机构的独有特性。概括起...With the higher education becoming a diverse market, the long-existed however barely noticed for-profit degree-granting higher education institutes evolved in the United States and some developing countries. These institutions have attracted attention from the public since the late twentieth century. This dissertation is focused on the study of management, codes, course set-up, teaching, faculty...学位:教育学博士院系专业:高等教育科学研究所_高等教育学学号:B20021701


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    American Private Higher Education:History,Features and Prospects——The Rise of For-Profit Higher Education

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    近年来,美国盈利性高等教育机构迅速崛起,考察其发端、发展的过程,有助于我们更好地理解今天的盈利性教育机构。The for-profit higher education institutions emerged in recent years has a long history.Investigating its start and development will make us to view the history of American higher education with a brand new perspective,and have better understanding of today's for-profit higher education

    On the Market-oriented of Higher Education

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    随着世界范围内高等教育经费开支的逐渐增大并呈继续增长之势 ,很多国家都感到政府无力独自承担如此庞大的开支 ,高等教育市场化作为解决问题的方式被各国所采纳。本译文在介绍高等教育市场化产生的背景的基础上重点分析了高等教育市场化的实现形式。Privatization is a way to solve the problem of high and increasing cost of higher education. The paper introduces the historical background, the benefit and costs, and the form of privatization. Some examples are also mentioned in the paper


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    高等教育投资体制改革是我国高等教育体制改革的重要组成部分 ,近年来虽取得重大进展 ,但仍存在问题。本文在列举出改革成效及问题的同时 ,提出了相应的体制性、政策性对策

    On State-owned Private Independent Colleges

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    独立学院是近年来在中国发展迅速的一种办学形式,但在其发展过程中存在着各种问题。如何对其进行规范以利于整个中国高等教育的发展,是我们应探讨的问题。Independent college is a new form of school rapidly developed in China in recent years and has a lot of problems to be solved in the process of its development. It is a considerate matter that how to regulate its school running activities to ensure a good development for China higher education


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    本文在对教育私营化进行界定的基础上 ,对世界高等教育的私营化趋势及形式进行了简要的归纳和分析

    Apollo Group, Inc. : A Typical Case for the Study of American For-profit Higher Education Institutions

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    创建于1976年的阿波罗集团在短短的20年间,发展成为美国最大的盈利性高等教育系统。介绍 了阿波罗集团的发展轨迹,分析了它不同于传统高等教育机构的特点,并对阿波罗集团的产生和发展提出了 一些思考。Apollo Group, Inc. , established in 1976, has become the biggest for-profit higher education system in the USA within 20 years. The paper tracks its rapid development and unique features. The reason of its establishment and development is also included