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    Evaluations on Recreational Benefits of Global Positioning Navigation System and Its Application on Marketing Strategy

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    中文摘要 近年來新興科技大量運用於旅遊資訊產品的創造與改善,其中GPS導航系統便是一項重要應用,這些旅遊資訊產品有效提昇遊客福利。本研究針對使用導航系統對遊客所產生之各項主要效益進行評估。希運用旅行成本法,推估旅客旅行時間之機會成本,並藉由對旅行時間之價值推估,用以評估使用導航系統所節省旅行交通時間之效益,透過條件評估法推估使用導航系統之遊憩效益。除此,考量消費者面對廠商可能實施不同促銷策略,其願付價格可能將隨不同促銷策略、通路、產品而有所差異,因此藉由本研究推估消費者不同行銷策略下之願付價格,並檢定其是否存在顯著差異。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、就遊憩效益之解釋變數而言,研究發現符號表現大致與預期符號相符,當產品具有加值功能或豪華功能之GPS,受訪者願付機率會較高;其願付機率將隨所面對出價金額增加而降低;受訪民眾以戶外活動為主要休閒活動者、受訪民眾迷路機率高者、受訪民眾接受新產品傾向高者、受訪民眾為高收入者其願付機率均較高。 二、就使用者與潛在使用者分群而言,使用者之平均願付價格為11,456元,潛在使用者之平均願付價格為11,600元,兩者在基本功能產品之願付價格上,於10%顯著水準下有明顯差距,但在加值功能與豪華功能方面,使用者與潛在使用者而言,兩者並無明顯差距。換言之,當廠商要開拓新客源時,針對基本功能GPS將可透過差別定價方式吸引新客戶。 三、就降價策略、延長保固策略與舊機換新機策略三種行銷策略而論,當受訪者在面對三種不同行銷策略時,若是基本功能及豪華功能GPS導航系統購買者,並不會因三種行銷策略而有不同出價,但若是加值功能GPS導航系統購買者,則會因三種策略而有不同出價,由平均願付價格相關數據研判,分別為11,860元、11,544元及11,457元。降價策略出價最高,舊機換新機策略次之,延長保固策略最低,亦即廠商要促銷加值功能GPS時,優先採用之策略應以降價策略優先考慮。 四、就國內品牌與國外品牌分群而言,其平均願付價格分別為10,813元及12,054元,基本、加值及豪華功能均在5%顯著水準下存在顯著差異。意謂,受訪者對於國內品牌與國外品牌之基本、加值及豪華功能之GPS,其出價行為會因國內品牌與國外品牌而有顯著差異。因此,國內GPS廠商在進行產品定價時,需將國外相關競爭品價格納入考量。 五、就公司貨及水貨而言,其願付價格分別為11,645元及11,358元,公司貨略高於水貨平均願付價格。基本功能與豪華功能並無顯著差異,但加值功能在5%顯著水準下,公司貨之平均願付價格將明顯高於水貨平均價值。意謂消費者對於公司貨及水貨中價位GPS導航系統在願付價格上有顯著差異,因此,對於由不同通路進貨之店家而言,可考慮在中價位GPS導航系統產品上進行價格區隔。 六、就嵌入式車機、手持式純GPS與GPS PDA、手機而言,其願付價格分別為11,165元、11,896元及10,667元。經由檢定,三者平均願付價格在1%顯著水準下,存在顯著差異。意謂受訪者在面對此三種GPS導航系統產品時,會有顯著不同之願付價格。就三者平均願付價格檢定,除基本功能無顯著差異外,其他加值功能及豪華功能分別於1%及5%顯著水準下存在顯著差異。換言之,當廠商銷售具有加值功能及豪華功能之嵌入式車機、手持式純GPS及GPS PDA、手機時,則可依照產品型式不同,給予不同之定價。In recent years, new technologies have been massively used in the creation and improvement of travel information product, among them, GPS is one of the important applications, and these travel information products have effectively enhanced tourist's welfare. In this study, the major benefits generated on the tourists because of the use of the GPS will be evaluated. Through the use of travel cost method, the opportunity cost of the travel time of the tourist is estimated; meanwhile, through the value estimation of the travel time, the benefits of the saving of the transportation time for a trip through the use of the GPS is evaluated, and the recreational benefits through the use of GPS is evaluated through contingent valuation method. In addition, since consumer's willingness to pay might be different depending on different promotional strategy, marketing channel and products; therefore, through this study, the consumer's willingness to pay at different promotional strategy will be estimated and whether obvious significantly different will be tested. The major results of this research are as in the followings: 1. In the explanation variable of the recreational benefits, it is found in the research that the symbol performance roughly matches the expected symbol; when the GPS product is supplied with value-added function or luxury function, the person under interview would have a higher chance to pay; meanwhile, the chance the person under interview would like to pay will get reduced as the price of the GPS product is increased; the person under interview would have a higher chance to pay when the person has outdoor activity as his/her major hobby, or when the person has a higher chance to get lost, or the person has a higher tendency to accept new product, or the person has a higher income. 2. In the group division between the user and the potential user, the average price that the user would be willing to pay is about 11,456 NT dollars and the average price the potential user would be willing to pay is about 11,600 NT dollars; in the willingness to pay for a GPS with only the basic functions, the difference between both type of users have a statistical difference of below 10% significant level; however, in the value-added function and luxury function aspect, there is no significant difference between the user and the potential user. In other words, when the supplier is about to open new customer sources, the supplier can use different pricing method to attract new customers to buying GPS with only the basic functions. 3. In the three different marketing strategies of: the price reduction strategy, the warranty extension strategy and the old equipment exchange for new strategy, the reactions from the persons under interview when facing with these three strategies are investigated. For the purchasers of GPS with only the basic functions and the purchasers of GPS with luxury functions, they do not tend to offer different prices in face of the three different marketing strategies; however, for the purchasers of the value-added GPS, they will tend to offer different prices in face of the three different strategies; From the average willingness to pay and related data, the prices that the purchasers of GPS with only the basic functions, the purchasers of GPS with luxury functions and the purchasers of the value-added GPS are respectively 11,860, 11,544 and 11,457 NT dollars. It can be seen that the price reduction strategy receives the highest price offer, the old equipment exchange for new strategy receives the next highest price offer and the warranty extension strategy receives the lowest price offer; that is, when the supplier is to promote the GPS with value-added function, the strategy to be adopted in first priority should be the price reduction strategy. 4. In the aspect of group division between domestic brand and foreign brand, the average willingness to pay are respectively 10,813 and 12,054 NT dollars, and there is no significant difference among GPS with basic, value-added and luxury functions of below 5% significant level. That is to say, in view of the basic, value-added and luxury functions of domestic and foreign brand GPS, and the price offering behavior of persons under interview will have obvious difference according to domestic or foreign brand. Therefore, when domestic GPS suppliers are fixing prices, the price of foreign related competitive products should be taken into account. 5. For the products acquired from the brand company and products acquired from parallel import, the willingness to pay are respectively 11,645 and 11,358 NT dollars, that is, the price of product acquired from the brand company is a little bit higher than the price of the product acquired from parallel import. For GPS with basic functions and luxury functions, there is no obvious difference in the willingness to pay, but the average willingness to pay for the product acquired from the brand company is obviously higher than the price of the product acquired from parallel import, with a statistical difference of below 5% significant level. This means that there is an obvious difference between the willingness to pay by the consumer on the medium price GPS acquired from the brand company from the product acquired from parallel import. Therefore, for the companies that have product coming in from different distribution channels, they can consider to put price partition on medium price GPS. 6. For embedded type automobile GPS, pure handheld GPS and GPS PDA or mobile, the willingness to pay is respectively 11,165, 11,896 and 10,667 NT dollars. From inspection, it can be seen that an obvious difference exists among the average willingness to pay of these three types of GPS of below 1% significant level. This means that person under interview will have an obviously different willingness to pay when facing these three types of GPS product. If we inspect the average willingness to pay of these three types of GPS, except that there is no obvious difference in GPS with the basic function, there are obvious differences for GPS with value-added function and GPS with luxury function of below 1% and 5% significant levels respectively. In other words, when the supplier sells embedded type automobile equipment with value-added function and luxury function, pure handheld GPS, GPS PDA or mobile, the product can be given different prices according to the differences in the product types.第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與資料來源 5 第三節 研究範圍與步驟 6 第二章 文獻回顧 8 第一節 遊憩效益 8 第二節 旅行成本法相關文獻 11 第三節 條件評估法相關文獻 15 第三章 GPS導航系統概況 20 第一節 GPS發展源由及發展歷程 20 第二節 GPS運作原理及系統組成 22 第三節 GPS產品概況 25 第四章 GPS導航系統之遊憩效益評估之理論基礎與評估方法 27 第一節 GPS導航系統所節省旅行交通時間價值之理論基礎及評估方法 27 第二節 GPS導航系統改善遊憩品質效益之理論基礎及評估方法 31 第五章 問卷調查與資料分析 38 第一節 問卷內容 38 第二節 調查方式 42 第三節 資料分析 44 第六章 遊憩效益實證模型 59 第一節 遊憩效益實證模型及相關變數說明 59 第二節 旅行時間價值之實證推估結果 66 第三節 GPS導航系統改善遊憩效益之實證推估結果 69 第四節 GPS導航系統之定價及行銷策略 96 第七章 結論與建議 103 第一節 結論 103 第二節 建議 106 參考文獻 109 附錄一 問卷 118 附錄二 出價金額 128 附錄三 問卷分配統計 12

    Using two-phase dynamics simulation for the Electric Arc Furnace of steel-making process:Dephosphorization formation with different recycling slag ingredient formulation

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    隨著工業技術的蓬勃發展,鋼鐵已成為各項基礎建設不可或缺的材料,對於鋼鐵品質要求也越來越嚴格。由於目前對鋼鐵清潔度和低成本需求的增加,煉鋼廠面臨節約資源與保護環境等議題。實際上在節約資源及降低渣量排放是可將精煉渣之再活化,進行多次循環使用,並搭配電弧爐快速粗煉鋼的技術,可達到減渣與碳排放目的。本文研究電弧爐再利用精煉渣六組脫磷劑配方進行模擬分析,研究精煉渣在脫磷期間磷含量的影響,並可將50%精煉渣再利用,在粗煉20 min後,具有60%以上脫磷效率。 本文則利用兩相動力學模擬分析,使用不同再利用精煉渣製作之脫磷配方。建構電弧爐三維模型,進行鋼液脫磷效率模擬分析,探討再利用精煉渣的脫磷效率最佳配方,降低鋼材內的磷含量來提升品質。Steel making industry is an indispensable processes for modern infrastructures and industrial technology. The quality requirements for steel are becoming more and more important. In addition, due to the current increase in steel purity and low cost requirements, the steel industry are face to the issues such as resource conservation and environmental protection. In fact, in terms of saving resources and reducing slag discharge, it is possible to reactivate the refining slag through the implementation of multiple recycles and the cooperation with the EAF to rapidly crude steel technology, in which it can achieve the purpose of reducing slag and carbon emissions. In this thesis, there are six sets of dephosphorization agent formulation of the EAF reuse refining slag process and all sets were studied for their performance using computer simulation to find out the best of them. In the simulation, we used two-phase dynamics simulation analysis of ANYSYS CFD software. The dephosphorization formulation that made by different used refining slag formulations were compared with the actual experimental processes. The study build 3D models of the EAF to implement steel liquid dephosphorization processes and studying to find the best formulation of dephosphorization efficiency when using refining slag. The results of the study proof the effect of refining slag on phosphorus content during dephosphorization and show it could reuse 50% of refining slag. Accordingly, it has more than 60% efficiency on dephosphorization after 20 minutes of crude.第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1-2 電弧爐發展概況 3 1-3煉鋼脫磷基本理論 5 1.3.1煉鋼脫磷簡介 5 1.3.2脫磷劑配方對脫磷反應之關係 6 1-4 文獻回顧 8 1-5 研究動機 9 1-6 論文架構 11 第二章 相關基礎與化學反應模型理論介紹 13 2.1流場統御方程式 13 2.2標準k-ε紊流模式 15 2.3流體壁面函數模型 16 2.4熱傳分析方程式 18 2.5化學反應模型理論 19 第三章 計算軟體與數值分析法 22 3.1計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamic) 22 3.2前處理(Pre-process) 22 3.2.1有限體積法及網格對計算之影響 22 3.2.2有限體積法網格切割 23 3.3計算求解(Solver) 24 3.4後處理(Post-process) 24 3.5計算流體力學模組(Fluent) 24 第四章 電弧爐幾何模型建構與數值分析 27 4.1電弧爐模型建構 27 4.2網格劃分 28 4.2.1分析元素 28 4.2.2網格最佳化 29 4.3流場模擬分析參數與邊界條件設定 32 4.4脫磷化學反應模擬分析參數設定 33 4.5材料參數 34 第五章 數值模擬分析結果與討論 37 5.1電弧爐溫度分佈與鋼液流速分析 37 5.2動力學分析探討不同配方比例下於煉鋼脫磷之效益分析 38 5.2.1動力學分析探討先進再利用方法於煉鋼脫磷之統計分析 51 第六章 結論與未來展望 55 6.1.結論 55 6.2.未來展望 56 參考文獻 5


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    本論文共分八章:第一章 引論,探討保定軍官學校的成立背景,即對中國近代史上的建軍過程做一剖析,藉以明瞭保定校在我國近代史上的意義和地位。第二章 保定軍官學校的創辦,分三節,包括該校成立的經過以及學校的組織和經費。第三章 兩次風潮及其影響,對保定軍校發生於民國元年,民國二年的兩次風潮,分別就其發生原因、經過和影響予以探討。第四章 課程與訓練,分二節,包括課程的介紹、變動以及學生在校內的起居作息狀況,並敘述入伍生之訓練情形。第五章 師資與學生,分五節,師資方面敘述歷任校長之建樹及一般教員之出身情形,學生方面則敘述各期學生的來源、各兵科學生藉貫的分佈狀況。第六章 保定軍官學校的興革,分四節,以袁世凱、段祺瑞各該校的關係為背景,探討該校與模範團的關係和從陸軍部軍學司改隸於陸軍訓練總監的經過,並論民國七年五月該校改招文中學畢業生的時代背景。第七章 畢業生的出路與影響,分四節,檢討畢業生分發見習的制度,並述畢業生與黃埔軍校的關係和北閥的關係。第八章 結論,綜論保定軍校的成就與得失。#2810109#281010

    Study on using basement to facilitate flood control for urban buildings

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    [[abstract]]以往我們對於洪水一直採取築牆、築堤等措施將洪水阻隔在外,以免受災,亦廣設抽水站以將內水往外抽,避免水勢宣洩不及造成淹水。但隨著堤防、擋水牆、防洪閘門逐年加高,抽水站越設越多,面臨洪水侵襲時,防洪能力卻始終顯得異常不足。國內外近來一直宣導及推廣,藉由雨水貯集措施與滯洪池的「入滲」及「滯蓄」等功能,延緩地表逕流排出時間、減低洪峰流量並改善都市開發增加逕流現象、減緩都市洪患,日本亦有將學校之地下室充當滯洪池使用的實例;由此可見,在高度發展的都市中,增設滯洪設施以減緩洪患是可行的。   本研究將透過堰流公式推導及FLO-2D軟體模擬的方式,探討建築物利用地下室權充滯洪池的措施之可行性外,並嘗試估算額外爭取到的防洪應變時間,以了解可緊急動員搶救的黃金時間。也希望透過本研究能提供作為工程實務界於設計建造建築物時的參考依據。   本研究的章節安排如下: 第一章-緒論。說明本研究之研究動機與目的、概念架構及研究方法。 第二章-文獻回顧。就與本研究相關之都市洪災發生原因、如何利用堰流公式估算流量、以往對於堰流公式之應用及FLO-2D模擬軟體之應用的相關文獻資料,加以整理及彙整。 第三章-研究區域概況。說明本研究之研究案例所在位置的地理概況、建築物概況及納莉颱風當日雨量及受災狀況,以提供後續公式推導及軟體模擬時之流量、洪水進出口所在位置之依據。 第四章-模擬方法與結果。本章主要分為兩大重點,一為堰流公式的推導與估算、一為FLO-2D軟體模擬與估算,在本研究之研究案例中,利用地下室權充滯洪池可以為我們額外爭取的防洪應變時間有多少?另外,並將兩者估算出之防洪應變時間做一探討比較。 第五章-結論與建議。總結本研究之發現,並提出筆者個人對於工程實務界的一些建議與看法。[[abstract]]We used to take measures such as building walls and embankments to cut off flood and to avoid further disaster. Meanwhile, we also established pumping stations to pump water out and keep flooding from happening in case water cannot drain in time. With increasing of the height of embankment, retained walls and flood-controlled gates year by year and the growth of pumping station, flood prevention capacity is always extremely inadequate, however. In recent years, it was kept promoted domestically and overseas the ideas of "infiltration" and "detention" etc., by measures of rainwater collection and storage and detention ponds, expecting to suspend runoff time upon the surface of the earth and to reduce peak flow volume. And improve urban development by increasing runoff phenomenon with the hope to reduce urban flooding. There are some examples in Japan serving school basements as the function of the detention ponds. This showed that adding detention facilities to mitigate flood is feasible in highly-developed cities. This research, inferred through weir formula and simulated with FLO-2D software, will confer the feasibility of taking basements as detention ponds. And we will try to estimate the additional emergency response time for flood prevention that will help us to understand the urgent mobilization prime time. We also hope that through this research it will provide references for the practical engineering for building design.[[note]]碩