54 research outputs found

    Research on the relationship between Jiangnan Gardens and Literati in Late Ming Dynasty

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    园林是中国社会中别具文化意义的空间形式,是集合了建筑、山水和花木的立体艺术品。其中的文人园林,自其出现之日起,就与传统知识阶层有着密切的关联。它不仅仅是供人居住的建筑空间,还是反映社交生活以及财富身份的社会空间,更是主人用自己的生命意识努力经营的胜地。文人们亲身参与造园,并通过命名、题咏和雅集等活动赋予园林空间丰富的文化和精神特质,园林主人亦从造园以及园林书写等活动中,获得了短暂的安居感以及审美上的自由。然而,园林形式以及文人心态在不同的时代有着具体的区别,二者之间的关系并不是一成不变的。对于身处世变之际的晚明文人来说,极为重要的不是求仙成道,逍遥世外,而是如何在现世中经营一个可游可居的空间。...Gardens are special forms of space in Chinese culture. They are not just architectures, materialized symbols of the owners, or space which could reflect the era, social life and wealth status. From the time being, they have already had close relationships with literati. The literati took part in gardening, and through naming, writing and social activities, the gardens had special symbolic and cult...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:人文学院_艺术学学号:1022014115238


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    A Research on Application and Limitation of Evolutionary Interpretation

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    进化解释,是指随着时间的经过,当缔约时的法律、政治、社会环境等情况发生变化,使得条约的内容不能适应现时的变化时,应在不改变条约本来性质和目的的基础上,对条约内容做出符合现时变化的解释。它与根据订约当时的环境而对条约所做的当时意义解释相对应。 晚近的国际法案例表明,进化解释已然成为了条约解释中的一个新趋势。在时间经过、情事发生变更时,法官会根据条约的具体情形而适用进化解释。然而,对条约的解释是一个灵活的过程,由于进化解释目前还没有形成习惯规则,缺乏统一的规则制约,在适用这一解释方法的过程中,极易导致法官自由裁量权的滥用。要想在适用过程中避免这种自由裁量权的滥用,一是要以缔约方的意图为基础,探求...With the passage of time, a treaty may not adapt to the situation when it was first concluded. Permissible modifications to a treaty that take into account the passing of time thus often require a new interpretation of its terms. To this end, a judge is often requested to redefine the meaning of a treaty without altering its nature. Such a manner of interpreting treaties is called evolutionary int...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:1362011115017

    Applications of Project Schedule Management in Supplier Collaborative Product Development

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    在全球化合作大背景下,国外众多企业选择把供应链的生产制造环节转移到中国,生产环境的不同使得一些企业需要进行调整,要重新建立起合适的产品开发生产流程和管理体系,这其中包括根据供应商的能力和水平进行产品的适应性开发,这就要求供应商参与其中或者由供应商参与完成协同开发。 在由供应商协同完成产品开发的过程中,首先需要做的是建立起供应商参与产品开发的范围和流程,分析各项活动所需要的时间和资源,制定产品开发的进度计划,然后在实施过程中控制其按照进度完成具备完整功能要求的产品。这是一个典型的项目进度管理的过程。 项目进度管理的重点是如何利用有限的资源,最大程度地按照计划进度完成项目需求。在供应商协同参与...Global cooperation make some foreign manufacturers choose to move the souring and manufacturing divisions to China, they have also made some adjustments to fit different production environments, they need to rebuild up suitable system for product development, production management, etc., and they need to consider supplier’s capacity and capability, and think how to cooperate and control suppliers ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_项目管理学号:X200515302

    Advance in the Research of Marine Algicidal Functional Bacteria and Their Algicidal Mechanism

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    作者简介: 李东( 1986-) ,男,福建宁德人,硕士研究生,主要从事应用与环境微生物研究.E-mail: [email protected] 通讯作者: 郑天凌( 1955-),男,福建莆田人,教授,主要从事应用与环境微生物研究.E-mail: microzh@ xmu.edu.cn[中文文摘]基于"菌—藻关系"的理念,深入探讨海洋溶藻功能细菌作为潜在的有效防治有害藻华的微生物,已成为学者们的研究热点。但大多的研究主要涉及菌株的分离、鉴定及功能活性物质的纯化,溶藻机理的研究鲜有报道。主要概述了当前国内外海洋环境中溶藻功能细菌溶藻机理的研究进展,并探讨分析了利用海洋溶藻功能细菌防治有害藻华的未来发展方向,提出了该领域今后的重点研究任务。[英文文摘]Based on the relationship between bacteria and algae, the marine algicidal bacteria as a potential microorganisms to effectively eliminate the impact of harmful algae blooms,has become the research hot topic. But most researches are mainly involves in the algicidal bacteria isolation,identification and the algicidal substances purification.However,the mechanisms of bacteria lysing algae are rarely reported.Here.the latest development of algicidal mechanisms is briefly reviewed,and the future development prospects and trends are also discussed.国家自然科学基金重点项目“我国近海海洋细菌的生态过程及关键菌群影响赤潮生消的机理”(编号:40930847);国家自然科学基金面上项目“一株海洋高效抑藻活性肽产生菌的研究”(编号:31070442);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金优先发展领域“一株新分离的特殊、高效溶藻微生物的作用机理与生态过程研究”(编号:20120121130001)资

    抑藻菌株Bacillus sp.hsn03分离鉴定及其对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效果与特征

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    【背景】蓝藻常形成水华,严重破坏水生环境及威胁水生生物。微生物能够专一性地抑制蓝藻的生长,从而可以被用于蓝藻水华的控制。【目的】分离筛选一株对有害水华藻——铜绿微囊藻(Microcystisaeruginosa)7806有高效抑藻能力的菌株,对其进行生理生化和分子鉴定,并研究其抑藻效果与特征。【方法】通过API试剂条确定其生理生化特征,对细菌的16SrRNA基因进行测序并构建系统进化树,通过探究细菌菌体、上清、发酵液的抑藻效果确定该菌的抑藻方式,通过测定不同温度、pH、蛋白酶K、有机溶剂萃取和透析条件下的抑藻效果及傅里叶红外光谱来确定胞外抑藻物质的性质。【结果】菌株hsn03与芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)的Bacillus sonorensis NBRC101234有最高相似性,达99.59%;通过分泌胞外抑藻物质对铜绿微囊藻生长表现出抑制效果,且最佳抑藻添加量为7.0%(体积比);胞外抑藻物质为一类分子量大于500 Da且小于1 kD,耐高温,耐酸碱,含有叁键和累积双键,非蛋白、多糖类的小分子物质。【结论】抑藻菌株的挖掘与鉴定对于丰富有害藻华藻的抑藻菌质资源有非常大的促进作用,通过对抑藻方式、效果和特征的研究为进一步将抑藻菌应用于铜绿微囊藻的治理奠定基础。国家自然科学基金(51008119,41576109);;河南师范大学国家级科研项目培育基金(5101049170805)~


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    Bacterial Survival Modes and Community Characteristics in Natural Environment

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    细菌在环境中是以群落的形式存在的,群落中的细菌有多种生存方式.当处于适宜的环境中,细菌通过互作而快速生长,而营养物质的消耗又造成细菌之间的竞争.不同细菌通过复杂的作用形成的群落容易受到外界环境的影响,并且特殊的功能基因也改变了原有的群落结构.细菌群落在环境中有着重要的生态功能及理论与应用价值.本文介绍了细菌的生存方式,结合作者相关研究阐述了细菌群落结构及其生态功能,并予以展望,旨在为细菌群落的深入研究、开发和应用提供参考.Bacteria in the environment live in communities with multiple survival modes.Bacteria in a suitable environment grow rapidly through cooperation,whereas nutrient consumption cause competition.Bacterial communities are vulnerable to the impact of the external environment,and the special functional gene can also change the community structure.Bacterial communities have important ecological functions in the environment and they are both complex and valuable.This paper,by combining the work of our group with literature,tried to elaborate on bacterial survival modes as well as the formation and ecological function of bacterial communities,to provide a reference for the study of bacterial community and to look into the future direction of this field of research.国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目(40930847;31070442); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2012J01150); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305016;201305041;201305022)资助~

    The physico-chemical properties of the algicidal pigment deinoxanthin and the development of algicidal agent

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    塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)是一种有毒甲藻,常引发赤潮,对海洋环境及人类健康造成极大的威胁.前期研究发现,耐辐射球菌属的一株细菌Y35能够通过分泌杀藻化合物Deinoxanthin达到控制塔玛亚历山大藻生长的效果.为了加强Deinoxanthin的应用效果,对其在不同条件下的稳定性进行了研究.结果表明,杀藻化合物Deinoxanthin有较高的热稳定性,且在中性和碱性条件下稳定,在光照和紫外线辐射下易分解.而通过壳聚糖和海藻酸钠对Deinoxanthin进行包埋固定化,从而构建缓释微球提高了Deinoxanthin的稳定性.杀藻制剂能够高效地表现出杀藻效果,杀藻制剂的研发为杀藻细菌色素应用于藻华治理奠定了基础.Alexandrium tamarense is a toxic dinoflagellate,capable of forming harmful algal blooms( HABs),and poses a substantial threat to both the marine environment and human health. Our previous research found Deinococcus sp. Y35 could secret algicidal pigment deinoxanthin which showed efficient algicidal effect on A. tamarense,resulting in controlling the growth of A. tamarense. In order to enhance the algicidal effect of deinoxanthin,the stability of deinoxanthin under different conditions was investigated. The results show that the thermal stability of deinoxanthin was high and remained stable under neutral and alkaline conditions,yet was prone to decompose in the light and ultraviolet radiation. The stability of deinoxanthin was improved after immobilization by chitosan and sodium alginate. The algicidal agent could exhibit high algicidal effect on A. tamarense,laying the foundation for the application in the control of HABs.国家自然科学基金(No.41576109,31400318);; 河南师范大学博士科研启动基金(No.5101049170160)~

    Flocculation effect of Shinella sp. xn-1 on Microcystis aeruginosa

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    【目的】研究絮凝功能细菌xn-1对有害水华藻--铜绿微囊藻的絮凝效果,以期为有害水华的治理提供新的选择。【方法】采用涂布划线法从藻际分离纯化絮凝; 功能微生物;基于16S; rRNA基因序列确定进化地位;通过不同金属离子确定絮凝机制;梯度醇沉法获得絮凝物质;以酶标仪测定絮凝效率。【结果】菌株xn-1确定属于申氏杆菌属; (Shinella),且命名为Shinella sp.; xn-1。在添加Ca~(2+)作为促凝剂的条件下对铜绿微囊藻表现出高效的絮凝效果,其絮凝效果主要来源于胞外上清,而表现出高效的絮凝效果所需要的胞; 外上清添加量为3.0%。从胞外上清中获得的絮凝物质以0.5; g/L的添加量作用于藻细胞后表现出高效的絮凝效果,且随着处理时间增加,絮凝团的体积增大。【结论】Shinella sp.; xn-1通过分泌胞外絮凝物质对铜绿微囊藻表现出高效的絮凝效果,在絮凝作用下藻细胞聚集在一起形成大体积的絮凝团,该研究有利于治理有害水华。[Objective] To study the flocculation effect of bacterial strain xn-1 on; water bloom causing species-Microcystis aeruginosa, to control water; bloom. [Methods] Flocculation bacterium was isolated from phycosphere; based on plate spread and streak technique; 16S rRNA gene was applied to; determine the evolutionary status. Flocculation mechanism was confirmed; by addition of different metal ions as coagulants. Bioflocculant was; obtained by gradient alcohol precipitation. Microplate reader was used; to study flocculation activity. [Results] Strain xn-1 was determined as; a species of the genus Shinella, designated as Shinella sp. xn-1. Strain; xn-1 exhibited high flocculation activity on M. aeruginosa with adding; Ca~(2+) as coagulants, and the flocculation activity was originated from; extracellular supernatant, showing high flocculation efficiency with the; concentration of 3.0%. Bioflocculant isolated from extracellular; supernatant could exhibit high flocculation effect with the addition of; 0.5 g/L, and the algal flocs became huger with the increase of; processing time. [Conclusion] Shinella sp. xn-1 shows high flocculation; activity on M. aeruginosa through secreting extracellular bioflocculant,; and the flocs with large volume are formed under the flocculation; effect. This study is a useful option to control water blooms in the; future.国家自然科学基金项目; 河南师范大学博士科研启动基金项