Research on the relationship between Jiangnan Gardens and Literati in Late Ming Dynasty


园林是中国社会中别具文化意义的空间形式,是集合了建筑、山水和花木的立体艺术品。其中的文人园林,自其出现之日起,就与传统知识阶层有着密切的关联。它不仅仅是供人居住的建筑空间,还是反映社交生活以及财富身份的社会空间,更是主人用自己的生命意识努力经营的胜地。文人们亲身参与造园,并通过命名、题咏和雅集等活动赋予园林空间丰富的文化和精神特质,园林主人亦从造园以及园林书写等活动中,获得了短暂的安居感以及审美上的自由。然而,园林形式以及文人心态在不同的时代有着具体的区别,二者之间的关系并不是一成不变的。对于身处世变之际的晚明文人来说,极为重要的不是求仙成道,逍遥世外,而是如何在现世中经营一个可游可居的空间。...Gardens are special forms of space in Chinese culture. They are not just architectures, materialized symbols of the owners, or space which could reflect the era, social life and wealth status. From the time being, they have already had close relationships with literati. The literati took part in gardening, and through naming, writing and social activities, the gardens had special symbolic and cult...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:人文学院_艺术学学号:1022014115238

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