612 research outputs found

    Wieden+Kennedy: Dan Wieden

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    The Nature of Law and Legality in the Byzantine Canonical Collections 381-883

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    The present work seeks to explore the nature of law and legality in the Byzantine canonical tradition through a careful reading of the central texts of the Byzantine canonical corpus. The principal topics to be considered include the shape and growth of the corpus as a whole, the content and themes of the traditional prologues, the language, genre and style of the canons themselves, and the traditional thematic rearrangements of the canonical corpus. As a cultural-historical exploration of law, this work has as its goal throughout to trace the fundamental contours of how the tradition conceives, frames and "imagines" itself as a legal system: central themes and concepts, basic presuppositions, recurring patterns, and prominent contextualizations. Drawing on categories of modern legal theory and legal anthropology, this work is particularly interested in the nature of legal norms and their relationship to other normative systems, the place and role of technical rule-discourse, and mechanisms of change, development and interpretation. The relationship of the canons to the secular law will also be taken into account. The central argument of this work is that the picture of law that emerges from the Byzantine material is fundamentally at odds with many formalist/positivist expectations of modern western legal culture. This dissonance had traditionally made it very easy to dismiss Byzantine canon law as "primitive" or "decadent". If approached more sympathetically, however, this strange legal world can be read as constituting a surprisingly coherent and rich legal system that is characterized by 1) a deep investment in embedding itself in broader value-narratives; 2) the centrality of the idea of law as a sacred (and relatively inviolable) tradition; and 3) a strong orientation towards the realization of substantive justice, not formal consistency. If taken seriously, this picture of law has a number of important implications for contemporary Orthodox canonical legal theory, the broader history of church law, and the study of late antique and Byzantine law generally

    Movement of yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus Block 1790) and black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci Poey 1860) in the northern Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary as determined by acoustic telemetry

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    We tagged a total of 14 yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus Bloch 1790) and black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci Poey 1860) inside the Conch Reef Research Only Area (a no-take marine reserve) in the northern Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary in November 2001. Both species are heavily exploited in the region. Our objective was to characterize site fidelity and movement behavior along the reef tract to the north and south of the release point. Fishes were collected by baited hook and line from the surface, surgically-tagged with coded-acoustic transmitters, and returned to the reef by snorkelers. Tracking of fish movement behavior was conducted by five acoustic receivers deployed on the seafloor from Davis Reef in the south to Pickles Reef in the north. Fishes were tracked for up to eight months. Results indicated that the majority of signal detections for individual fish from both species were recorded at the two Conch Reef receivers. Limited movement from Conch Reef to Davis Reef was recorded, but no signal detections were recorded at the two sites to the north of Conch Reef. These results suggest that both species show site fidelity to Conch Reef. Future studies will seek to characterize this site fidelity with increased temporal and spatial resolution at Conch Reef. (PDF contains 25 pages.

    Tracking Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in the northeastern Pacific with an automated algorithm that estimates latitude by matching sea-surface-temperature data from satellites with temperature data from tags on fish

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    Data recovered from 11 popup satellite archival tags and 3 surgically implanted archival tags were used to analyze the movement patterns of juvenile northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in the eastern Pacific. The light sensors on archival and pop-up satellite transmitting archival tags (PSATs) provide data on the time of sunrise and sunset, allowing the calculation of an approximate geographic position of the animal. Light-based estimates of longitude are relatively robust but latitude estimates are prone to large degrees of error, particularly near the times of the equinoxes and when the tag is at low latitudes. Estimating latitude remains a problem for researchers using light-based geolocation algorithms and it has been suggested that sea surface temperature data from satellites may be a useful tool for refining latitude estimates. Tag data from bluefin tuna were subjected to a newly developed algorithm, called “PSAT Tracker,” which automatically matches sea surface temperature data from the tags with sea surface temperatures recorded by satellites. The results of this algorithm compared favorably to the estimates of latitude calculated with the lightbased algorithms and allowed for estimation of fish positions during times of the year when the lightbased algorithms failed. Three near one-year tracks produced by PSAT tracker showed that the fish range from the California−Oregon border to southern Baja California, Mexico, and that the majority of time is spent off the coast of central Baja Mexico. A seasonal movement pattern was evident; the fish spend winter and spring off central Baja California, and summer through fall is spent moving northward to Oregon and returning to Baja California

    Academia / Industry Collaborations towards the Functionalization of Aryl Azoles

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    Aryl azoles can be found in numerous active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Milvexian is a Factor Xia inhibitor currently in phase III for the treatment of thrombotic events containing an ortho-substituted 1-aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazole moiety. During the process development of Milvexian, we assessed multiple approaches for the preparation of 4-chloro-1,2,3-triazole, intermediate 1. In this review article, we will detail how we initiated several academic collaborations to speed up the selection of the best synthesis for commercial manufacturing. Ultimately, those results not only helped us to achieve our goal but yielded general methodologies for the functionalization of azoles that extended even beyond our initial scope

    Space Propagation of Instabilities in Zakharov Equations

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    In this paper we study an initial boundary value problem for Zakharov's equations, describing the space propagation of a laser beam entering in a plasma. We prove a strong instability result and prove that the mathematical problem is ill-posed in Sobolev spaces. We also show that it is well posed in spaces of analytic functions. Several consequences for the physical consistency of the model are discussed.Comment: 39

    Der Einfluß der Direktdemokratie auf die Sozialpolitik

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    Obwohl es keine reinen direktdemokratischen politischen Systeme gibt, weisen doch einige politische Gemeinwesen mehr direktdemokratische Elemente in ihrer Verfassung auf als andere, wie etwa die Schweiz und Kalifornien. Auf der Basis der sozialpolitischen und fiskalwirksamen Volksabstimmungen in diesen beiden Ländern wird untersucht, welchen Einfluß die Direktdemokratie auf die Staatstätigkeit, insbesondere auf die Sozialpolitik ausübt. Den Ausgangspunkt bilden dabei Überlegungen zum Niveau der Staatstätigkeit in der repräsentativen und der direkten Demokratie. Die zentrale Hypothese lautet dabei, daß die Direktdemokratie ein niedrigeres Niveau staatlicher Leistungserstellung hervorbringt. Diese theoretische Argumentation wird durch die empirischen Daten gestützt, wobei außerdem noch Zeitverzögerungs- und Struktureffekte in der Sozialpolitik identifiziert werden. Ferner können den unterschiedlichen direktdemokratischen Instrumenten auch unterschiedliche Wirkungen zugeschrieben werden, was besonders am Fall der Schweiz deutlich wird. --

    Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im internationalen Vergleich

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    Dieser Aufsatz untersucht sozioökonomische und politisch-institutionelle Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im OECD-Vergleich. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen die Einführungszeitpunkte zentraler Sozialschutzprogramme vor 1945 sowie die Entwicklung der Sozialleistungsquote nach 1960. Bezüglich der Determinanten der Sozialleistungsquote finden wir anstelle eines raum- und zeitübgreifend gültigen Zusammenhangs periodenspezifische Wirkungszusammenhänge mit politisch-institutionellen Faktoren. Demgegenüber scheint eine ganz bestimmte politisch-institutionelle Faktorenkonstellation den take-off des Wohlfahrtsstaates vor 1945 verzögert zu haben

    Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im internationalen Vergleich

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    Dieser Aufsatz untersucht sozioökonomische und politisch-institutionelle Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im OECD-Vergleich. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen die Einführungszeitpunkte zentraler Sozialschutzprogramme vor 1945 sowie die Entwicklung der Sozialleistungsquote nach 1960. Bezüglich der Determinanten der Sozialleistungsquote finden wir anstelle eines raum- und zeitübgreifend gültigen Zusammenhangs periodenspezifische Wirkungszusammenhänge mit politisch-institutionellen Faktoren. Demgegenüber scheint eine ganz bestimmte politisch-institutionelle Faktorenkonstellation den take-off des Wohlfahrtsstaates vor 1945 verzögert zu haben. --