130 research outputs found

    How are you Feeling? Inferring Emotions through Movements in the Metaverse

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    Metaverses are immersive virtual worlds in which people interact as avatars. There is emerging interest in understanding how metaverse users behave and perceive activities and tasks. Our understanding of users’ behavior within metaverses is limited. This study examines the role of emotions in the movement of individuals. We therefore implement a metaverse setting using virtual reality technology and development tools. In our study, we manipulated negative emotions and tracked the movements of our participants. We show how negative emotion influences movements in a metaverse setting. Based on a literature review, we select and calculate movement features to train a support vector machine. As our result, we present a novel way to infer the negative emotions of metaverse users which will help create more engaging and immersive experiences that cater to user’s emotions and behaviors. Our study provides preliminary evidence for the potential utilization of movement data in the metaverse

    Sleep-Deprivation Regulates α-2 Adrenergic Responses of Rat Hypocretin/Orexin Neurons

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    We recently demonstrated, in rat brain slices, that the usual excitation by noradrenaline (NA) of hypocretin/orexin (hcrt/orx) neurons was changed to an inhibition following sleep deprivation (SD). Here we describe that in control condition (CC), i.e. following 2 hours of natural sleep in the morning, the α2-adrenergic receptor (α2-AR) agonist, clonidine, had no effect on hcrt/orx neurons, whereas following 2 hours of SD (SDC), it hyperpolarized the neurons by activating G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels. Since concentrations of clonidine up to a thousand times (100 µM) higher than those effective in SDC (100 nM), were completely ineffective in CC, a change in the availability of G-proteins is unlikely to explain the difference between the two conditions. To test whether the absence of effect of clonidine in CC could be due to a down-regulation of GIRK channels, we applied baclofen, a GABAB agonist known to also activate GIRK channels, and found that it hyperpolarized hcrt/orx neurons in that condition. Moreover, baclofen occluded the response to clonidine in SDC, indicating that absence of effect of clonidine in CC could not be attributed to down-regulation of GIRK channels. We finally tested whether α2-ARs were still available at the membrane in CC and found that clonidine could reduce calcium currents, indicating that α2-ARs associated with calcium channels remain available in that condition. Taken together, these results suggest that a pool of α2-ARs associated with GIRK channels is normally down-regulated (or desensitized) in hcrt/orx neurons to only become available for their inhibition following sleep deprivation

    Paraonis Grube, 1872 (Polychaeta, Paraonidae): Proposed suppression under the Plenary Powers in favour of Paraonis Cerruti, 1909. Z.N.(S.) 1993

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    Volume: 29Start Page: 209End Page: 21

    Plasma-chemical synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles for doping of high-temperature superconductors

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    Abstract Ferrite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) have been produced by the direct low-pressure plasma-chemical synthesis. X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), vibration magnetometry (VSM), and Mössbauer spectroscopy (NGR) were used for measurements, showing that the produced nanoparticles have an average size of 9.4 nm, a crystalline phase of magnetite, possess a property of superparamagnetism at room temperature, and have a blocking temperature of 89 K. The peculiarities of nanoparticle behavior in the magnetic field, related to a large specific surface area, are discussed


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    A cardinal solution to the problem of ensuring the quality of electrical energy is to change the structure of the power supply system for own needs and backup power supply by using in its composition a developed unit for uninterruptible power supply using the combination of a reserve source function with the function of setting a guaranteed power supply.The developed design methodology takes into account the features of the combined electric machines and allows to determine the parameters of the magnetic circuit, calculate the total electromagnetic loads, select the winding connection, calculate the magnetic circuit, calculate the parameters of the combined machine, calculate the electrodynamic forces and check for the possibility of vibrations, and select the inertial constant.When developing the design methodology for autonomous power supply systems, the similarity theory methods were used, based on the use of similarity theorems and elements of dimensional theory. In addition, when developing the design methodology of the converter, methods for solving optimization problems and elements of the theory of automatic control were used.The design method differs from the known ones in that it provides for the optimization of electromagnetic and linear loads of electrical machines, their verification for vibration, and also provides recommendations on the choice of voltage regulators for the motor and generator of the converter operating in synchronous-synchronous mode.Кардинальное решение задачи обеспечения качества электрической энергии состоит в изменении структуры системы питания собственных нужд и резервного электроснабжения путем использования в ее составе разработанного агрегата бесперебойного питания, использующего совмещение функции резервного источника с функцией установки гарантированного питания. Разработанная методика проектирования учитывает особенности совмещенных электрических машин и позволяет определить параметры магнитопровода, рассчитать суммарные электромагнитные нагрузки, выбрать схему соединения обмоток, рассчитать магнитную цепь, рассчитать параметры совмещенной машины, провести расчет электродинамических усилий и проверку на возможность возникновения вибраций, а также выбрать инерционную постоянную.Полученные законы работы разработанного регулятора напряжения в двигательном и генераторном режимах работы обеспечивают стабилизацию напряжения на шинах гарантированного питания.Кардинальне вирішення завдання забезпечення якості електричної енергії полягає у зміні структури системи живлення власних потреб і резервного електропостачання шляхом використання в її складі розробленого агрегату безперебійного живлення, що використовує поєднання функції резервного джерела з функцією установки гарантованого живлення.Розроблена методика проектування враховує особливості суміщених електричних машин і дозволяє визначити параметри магнітопроводу, розрахувати сумарні електромагнітні навантаження, вибрати схему з'єднання обмоток, розрахувати магнітний ланцюг, розрахувати параметри суміщеної машини, провести розрахунок електродинамічних зусиль і перевірку на можливість виникнення вібрацій, а також вибрати інерційну постійну.Отримані закони роботи розробленого регулятора напруги у двигунному і генераторному режимах роботи забезпечують стабілізацію напруги на шинах гарантованого живлення

    The effect of tobacco Hawkmoth caterpillar extract (Manduca sexta) on the growth and stress resistance of young animals

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    Article deals with the problem of reducing the level of stress and improving the growth and development of young animals during weaning from a nursing female. For this purpose, it is proposed to use an extract of larvae of tobacco hawkmoth (Manduca sexta), containing ecdysone and juvenile hormone. We studied the anxiety of animals in the experimental setup of the light-dark test. Authors conclude that the extract of tobacco hawk moth caterpillars reduces the anxiety of animals. This is manifested by an increase in the latency of entering the dark compartment of the light-dark dough, an increase in the time spent in the light compartment and a decrease in the number of boluses of the litter. It is possible to explain the large increase in body weight of experimental animals in comparison with the animals of the control group by reducing the level of stress and the anabolic effect of caterpillar extract

    Plasma-chemical synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles for doping of high-temperature superconductors

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    Abstract Ferrite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) have been produced by the direct low-pressure plasma-chemical synthesis. X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), vibration magnetometry (VSM), and Mössbauer spectroscopy (NGR) were used for measurements, showing that the produced nanoparticles have an average size of 9.4 nm, a crystalline phase of magnetite, possess a property of superparamagnetism at room temperature, and have a blocking temperature of 89 K. The peculiarities of nanoparticle behavior in the magnetic field, related to a large specific surface area, are discussed

    The median preoptic nucleus: Front and centre for the regulation of body fluid, sodium, temperature, sleep and cardiovascular homeostasis

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    Located in the midline anterior wall of the third cerebral ventricle (i.e. the lamina terminalis), the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) receives a unique set of afferent neural inputs from fore-, mid- and hindbrain. These afferent connections enable it to receive neural signals related to several important aspects of homeostasis. Included in these afferent projections are (i) neural inputs from two adjacent circumventricular organs, the subfornical organ and organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, that respond to hypertonicity, circulating angiotensin II or other humoural factors, (ii) signals from cutaneous warm and cold receptors that are relayed to MnPO, respectively, via different subnuclei in the lateral parabrachial nucleus and (iii) input from the medulla associated with baroreceptor and vagal afferents. These afferent signals reach appropriate neurones within the MnPO that enable relevant neural outputs, both excitatory and inhibitory, to be activated or inhibited. The efferent neural pathways that proceed from the MnPO terminate on (i) neuroendocrine cells in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei to regulate vasopressin release, while polysynaptic pathways from MnPO to cortical sites may drive thirst and water intake, (ii) thermoregulatory pathways to the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and medullary raph\ue9 to regulate shivering, brown adipose tissue and skin vasoconstriction, (iii) parvocellular neurones in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus that drive autonomic pathways influencing cardiovascular function. As well, (iv) other efferent pathways from the MnPO to sites in the ventrolateral pre-optic nucleus, perifornical region of the lateral hypothalamic area and midbrain influence sleep mechanisms