5,412 research outputs found

    Available Energy for Life on a Planet, with or without Stellar Radiation

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    The quest for life in the Universe is often affected by the free use of extrapolations of our phenomenological geocentric knowledge. We point out that the existence of a living organism, and a population of organisms, requires the existence of available energy or, more precisely, available power per unit volume (Sect. 1). This is not a geocentric concept, but a principle that belongs to the foundations of thermodynamics. A quest about availability in the Universe is justified. We discuss the case in which power comes from mining (Sect. 2), and from thermal disequilibrium (Sect. 3). Thermal disequilibrium may show up in two ways: on planets without a star (Sect. 4), and on planets where the surface thermal disequilibrium is dominated by the incoming photon flux from the nearest star (Sect. 6). In the first case we study the availability by simulating the structure of the planet with a simple model that contains the general features of the problem. For the first case we show that the availability is in general very small (Sect. 5). In the second case we show that the availability is in general large; the order of magnitude depends first of all on the star's temperature and the planet's orbit, but is also controlled by the greenhouse gases present on the planet.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Nuovo Cimento

    Molecular Detectability in Exoplanetary Emission Spectra

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    Of the many recently discovered worlds orbiting distant stars, very little is yet known of their chemical composition. With the arrival of new transit spectroscopy and direct imaging facilities, the question of molecular detectability as a function of signal-to-noise (SNR), spectral resolving power and type of planets has become critical. In this paper, we study the detectability of key molecules in the atmospheres of a range of planet types, and report on the minimum detectable abundances at fixed spectral resolving power and SNR. The planet types considered - hot Jupiters, hot super-Earths, warm Neptunes, temperate Jupiters and temperate super-Earths - cover most of the exoplanets characterisable today or in the near future. We focus on key atmospheric molecules, such as CH4, CO, CO2, NH3, H2O, C2H2, C2H6, HCN, H2S and PH3. We use two methods to assess the detectability of these molecules: a simple measurement of the deviation of the signal from the continuum, and an estimate of the level of confidence of a detection through the use of the likelihood ratio test over the whole spectrum (from 1 to 16μm\mu m). We find that for most planetary cases, SNR=5 at resolution R=300 (λ<5μm\lambda < 5\mu m) and R=30 (λ>5μm\lambda > 5\mu m) is enough to detect the very strongest spectral features for the most abundant molecules, whereas an SNR comprised between 10 and 20 can reveal most molecules with abundances 10^-6 or lower, often at multiple wavelengths. We test the robustness of our results by exploring sensitivity to parameters such as vertical thermal profile, mean molecular weight of the atmosphere and relative water abundances. We find that our main conclusions remain valid except for the most extreme cases. Our analysis shows that the detectability of key molecules in the atmospheres of a variety of exoplanet cases is within realistic reach, even with low SNR and spectral resolving power.Comment: ICARUS Accepte

    Primary transit of the planet HD189733b at 3.6 and 5.8 microns

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    The hot Jupiter HD 189733b was observed during its primary transit using the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The transit depths were measured simultaneously at 3.6 and 5.8 microns. Our analysis yields values of 2.356 +- 0.019 % and 2.436 +- 0.020$ % at 3.6 and 5.8 microns respectively, for a uniform source. We estimated the contribution of the limb-darkening and star-spot effects on the final results. We concluded that although the limb darkening increases by ~0.02-0.03 % the transit depths, and the differential effects between the two IRAC bands is even smaller, 0.01 %. Furthermore, the host star is known to be an active spotted K star with observed photometric modulation. If we adopt an extreme model of 20 % coverage with spots 1000K cooler of the star surface, it will make the observed transits shallower by 0.19 and 0.18 %. The difference between the two bands will be only of 0.01 %, in the opposite direction to the limb darkening correction. If the transit depth is affected by limb darkening and spots, the differential effects between the 3.6 and 5.8 microns bands are very small. The differential transit depths at 3.6 and 5.8 microns and the recent one published by Knutson et al.(2007) at 8 microns are in agreement with the presence of water vapour in the upper atmosphere of the planet. This is the companion paper to Tinetti et al. (2007b), where the detailed atmosphere models are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Astrophysical Journal 675. Accepted Nov 21, 20007, to appear on March 10, 200

    Nightside Pollution of Exoplanet Transit Depths

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    Out of the known transiting extrasolar planets, the majority are gas giants orbiting their host star at close proximity. Both theoretical and observational studies support the hypothesis that such bodies emit significant amounts of flux relative to the host star, increasing towards infrared wavelengths. For the dayside of the exoplanet, this phenomenon typically permits detectable secondary eclipses at such wavelengths, which may be used to infer atmospheric composition. In this paper, we explore the effects of emission from the nightside of the exoplanet on the primary transit lightcurve, which is essentially a self-blend. Allowing for nightside emission, an exoplanet's transit depth is no longer exclusively a function of the ratio-of-radii. The nightside of an exoplanet is emitting flux and the contrast to the star's emission is of the order of ~10^(-3) for hot-Jupiters. Consequently, we show that the transit depth in the mid-infrared will be attenuated due to flux contribution from the nightside emission by ~10^(-4). We show how this effect can be compensated for in the case where exoplanet phase curves have been measured, in particular for HD 189733b. For other systems, it may be possible to make a first-order correction by using temperature estimates of the planet. Unless the effect is accounted for, transmission spectra will also be polluted by nightside emission and we estimate that a Spitzer broadband spectrum on a bright target is altered at the 1-sigma level. Using archived Spitzer measurements, we show that the effect respectively increases the 8.0um and 24.0um transit depths by 1-sigma and 0.5-sigma per transit for HD 189733b. Consequently, we estimate that this would be 5-10 sigma effect for near-future JWST observations.Comment: Accepted in MNRA

    The extrasolar planet atmosphere and exosphere: Emission and transmission spectroscopy

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    We have entered the phase of extrasolar planets characterization, probing their atmospheres for molecules, constraining their horizontal and vertical temperature profiles and estimating the contribution of clouds and hazes. We report here a short review of the current situation using ground based and space based observations, and present the transmission spectra of HD189733b in the spectral range 0.5-24 microns.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, invited talk at IAU Symposium 253, Transiting planet, Boston May 2008. Pont F., Queloz D., Sasselov., Torres M. and Holman M. editor

    An Updated Study of Potential Targets for Ariel

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    Ariel has been selected as ESA's M4 mission for launch in 2028 and is designed for the characterisation of a large and diverse population of exoplanetary atmospheres to provide insights into planetary formation and evolution within our Galaxy. Here we present a study of Ariel's capability to observe currently-known exoplanets and predicted TESS discoveries. We use the Ariel Radiometric model (ArielRad) to simulate the instrument performance and find that ~2000 of these planets have atmospheric signals which could be characterised by Ariel. This list of potential planets contains a diverse range of planetary and stellar parameters. From these we select an example Mission Reference Sample (MRS), comprised of 1000 diverse planets to be completed within the primary mission life, which is consistent with previous studies. We also explore the mission capability to perform an in-depth survey into the atmospheres of smaller planets, which may be enriched or secondary. Earth-sized planets and Super-Earths with atmospheres heavier than H/He will be more challenging to observe spectroscopically. However, by studying the time required to observe ~110 Earth-sized/Super-Earths, we find that Ariel could have substantial capability for providing in-depth observations of smaller planets. Trade-offs between the number and type of planets observed will form a key part of the selection process and this list of planets will continually evolve with new exoplanet discoveries replacing predicted detections. The Ariel target list will be constantly updated and the MRS re-selected to ensure maximum diversity in the population of planets studied during the primary mission life

    Principles of distributed database systems, third edition

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    We could consider this book as a classical one from many points of view. To start with, the book is the third in a series of editions since the first one more than 20 years ago, thus containing the evolution in the field of distributed databases as well as the basic concepts which are not strongly affected by technology evolution. The thorough review of relational databases as well as a discussion of several aspects of distributed systems (as computer networks) in Chapter 2 makes the book highly self-contained, enhancing reading and understanding underlying principles. The book covers all the problems expected to be encountered in distributed databases.\n\n(Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)</i

    Performance of scientific processing in networks of workstations: matrix multiplication example

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    Parallel computing on networks of workstations are intensively used in some application areas such as linear algebra operations. Topics such as processing as well as communication hardware heterogeneity are considered solved by the use of parallel processing libraries, but experimentation about performance under these circumstances seems to be necessary. Also, installed networks of workstations are specially attractive due to its extremely low cost for parallel processing as well as its great availability given the number of installed local area networks. The performance of such networks of workstations is fully analyzed by means of a simple application: matrix multiplication. A parallel algorithm is proposed for matrix multiplication derived from two main sources: a) previous proposed algorithms for this task in traditional parallel computers, and b) the bus based interconnection network of workstations. This parallel algorithm is analyzed experimentally in terms of workstations workload and data communication, two main factors in overall parallel computing performance